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Chapter 21


Conceptual Questions
3. The current in an ac circuit oscillates between a maximum value +I and a minimum value –I. The amplitude of
oscillation I is the peak current. For a sinusoidal current, all of the charge moving in one direction over the first
half of a period passes in the opposite direction during the second half and therefore yields zero average current.
The rms (root-mean-squared) current Irms is the value of the dc current that would dissipate energy in a resistor at
the same average rate as an ac current of amplitude I.

4. The principal advantage of using a standard household voltage of 120 V rms is that it is “safer” in that less current
would flow through a person if they were to touch a live wire. However, the use of 120 V rms means that a greater
current must be supplied to an appliance to deliver the same amount of power, thereby increasing the power loss
to resistive heating in the wires.

9. The 500 W reported on the appliance is the average power consumption, given by Pav I rmsVrms cos I . The
power factor cos I = R/Z depends on the capacitance, inductance, and resistance of the circuit. Only if the power
factor is one, or R = Z, would the average power consumption be 600 W.

11. The second component is a capacitor. As the frequency decreases the capacitive reactance increases causing the
current to decrease.

12. An ac voltage with amplitude of 170 V has an rms value of about 120 V. For a lightbulb, which is essentially just
a resistor, the power factor is one and the consumed power is given by Vrms2/R. If connected instead to a 170-V dc
power supply, the bulb would consume a power of V2/R, burn a lot brighter, and maybe even burn out. A dc
voltage equal to the rms ac voltage, or about 120 V, would consume the same power and cause the bulb to burn
with the same brightness.

13. Inserting a coil of wire with a soft iron core into the circuit in series with a light bulb would add inductance and
increase the overall impedance of the circuit. The amplitude of the current in the circuit would be reduced and the
bulb would be dimmed. Moving the soft-iron core in and out of the coil would vary the amount of dimming by
changing the inductance of the coil.

14. With two sinusoidal waves, the difference in the argument of the sinusoidal functions is the phase difference. It
tells us in a sense how far the waves are from having maxima or minima at the same time—i.e., from being in
phase. For a phase difference of S/2 rad, one wave is at maximum when the other is at zero. The figure below
shows a sketch of i(t) and vC (t ) given that the current leads the voltage by S/2 rad.


The current leads the voltage by π / 2 rad.

17. Since the power dissipated in a light bulb is given by Pav = Vrms2/R, the bulb would consume considerably less
power with an rms voltage of 120 V (in fact 1/4 as much) and would burn less brightly.

Chapter 21: Alternating Current College Physics

3. Strategy 1500 W is the average power dissipated by the heater and Pav I rmsVrms .

Solution Calculate I, the peak current.

§ P · § 1500 W ·
I 2 I rms 2 ¨ av ¸ 2¨ ¸ 18 A
© Vrms ¹ © 120 V ¹

7. (a) Strategy 4200 W is the average power drawn by the heater.

Solution Compute the rms current.

Pav 4200 W
I rms 35 A
Vrms 120 V

(b) Strategy Since P V 2 R and R2 R1 , P v V 2 . Form a proportion.

Solution Calculate P2 .
2 2
P2 § V2 · § 105 ·
¨ ¸ , so P2 ¨ ¸ (4200 W) 3.2 kW .
P1 © V1 ¹ © 120 ¹

9. Strategy Use the definition of rms.

Solution Compute the amplitude.

%m 2 %rms 2(4.0 V) 5.7 V
The instantaneous sinusoidal emf oscillates between 5.7 V and 5.7 V .

10. (a) Strategy Pav 1200 W and Vrms 120 V. Use Eq. (21-4).

Solution Calculate R.
Vrms (120 V)2
R 12 :
Pav 1200 W

(b) Strategy Use Ohm’s law.

Solution Compute the rms current.

Vrms 120 V
I rms 10 A
R 12 :

(c) Strategy The maximum power is twice the average power.

Solution Compute the maximum instantaneous power.

Pmax 2 Pav 2(1200 W) 2.4 kW

15. Strategy The reactance is X C 1 (ZC ) where Z 2S f .


College Physics Chapter 21: Alternating Current

(a) Solve for f.

1 1 1
XC , so f 60.0 Hz .
2S fC 2S X CC 2S (6.63 u 10 :)(0.400 u 106 F)

(b) Compute the reactance.

1 1
XC 13.3 k:
Z C 2S (30.0 Hz)(0.400 u 106 F)

16. (a) Strategy The reactance is X C 1 (ZC ) where Z 2S f .

Solution Compute the reactance.

1 1
XC 12.7 k:
Z C 2S (50.0 Hz)(0.250 u 106 F)

(b) Strategy The rms current is related to the reactance by Vrms I rms X C .

Solution Solve for I rms .

I rms Z CVrms 2S (50.0 Hz)(0.250 u 106 F)(220 V) 17 mA

17. Strategy Vrms I rms X C where X C 1 (ZC ).

Solution Solve for the capacitance, C. C

I rms I rms 2.3 u 10 A
Vrms I rms X C , so C 53 nF .
ZC 2S f Vrms 2S (60.0 Hz)(115 V)

21. Strategy Use Eqs. (18-15), (21-6), and (21-7).


(a) Find I. C1 C2 C3
V 2S f V 2S (6300 Hz)(12.0 V)
I ZCeqV 1  1  1 1 1 1
0.475 A
X Ceq C C C 6
1 2 3 2.0u10 F 3.0u10 F 6.0u10 F
Find V as a function of C.
I 0.475 A
ZC 2S (6300 Hz)C
The table below gives the results for each capacitor.

C (PF) V (V)
2.0 6.0
3.0 4.0
6.0 2.0

(b) From part (a), I 0.48 A .

Chapter 21: Alternating Current College Physics

27. Strategy Vrms I rms X L where X L Z L 2S fL.

Solution Solve for f. 4.00 mH

Vrms I rms X L I rms (2S fL), so
Vrms 151.0 V
f 7.33 kHz .
2S I rms L 2S (0.820 A)(4.00 u 103 H)

28. Strategy Use Eqs. (21-9) and (21-10).


(a) Form a proportion. 0.10 H 0.50 H

V 2S fILi Li Li
V IX L IZ L 2S fIL, so i . Thus,
V 2S fILeq Leq L1  L2 5.0 V

Li Li § 25 ·
Vi V (5.0 V) ¨ V H ¸ Li is the peak
L1  L2 0.10 H  0.50 H © 3.0 ¹
voltage across inductor i.
The peak voltages are given in the table below.

L (H) V (V)
0.10 0.83
0.50 4.2

(b) Compute the peak current.

V V V 5.0 V
I 11 mA
X L Z Leq 2S f ( L1  L2 ) 2S (126 Hz)(0.10 H  0.50 H)

33. Strategy %rms I rms Z and Z R 2  X L2 . Only the resistance dissipates power, so use Pav 2
I rms R.

Solution Find I rms . 25.0 mH

2 Pav 25.0 Ω
Pav I rms R, so I rms .
Find f . 110 V

College Physics Chapter 21: Alternating Current

%rms I rms Z I rms R 2  X L2 I rms R 2  Z 2 L2

%rms 2
R 2  Z 2 L2
I rms 2
%rms 2
Z 2 L2 2
I rms
1 § %rms · 2
Z ¨ ¸ R
L © I rms ¹
1 § % · 1 %rms 2 R 1 (110 V)2 (25.0 :)
f ¨ rms ¸  R 2  R2  (25.0 :)2
2S L ¨© Pav R ¸¹ 2S L Pav 2S (0.0250 H) 50.0 W
470 Hz

34. Strategy Z R 2  X L2 30.0 : where X L Z L 2S fL.

Solution Find L.
Z 2  R2 (30.0 :) 2  (20.0 :) 2
R 2  X L2 R 2  Z 2 L2 R 2  (2S f ) 2 L2 Z 2 , so L 71.2 mH .
2S f 2S (50.0 Hz)

39. Strategy Use Eq. (21-14b) with X L 0, and Eq. (21-7).

Solution Find the impedance. 300.0 Ω 2.5 µF

1 1
Z R 2  X C2 R2  2 2 (300.0 :) 2  500 :
Z C 4S (159 Hz) (2.5 u 106 F) 2
2 2

44. Strategy Pav I rms %rms cos I is the average power.

Solution Find the power factor and the phase difference.

Pav 240 W
(a) cos I 0.71
I rms %rms (2.80 A)(120 V)

Pav 240 W
(b) I cos 1 cos 1 44q
I rms %rms (2.80 A)(120 V)

45. Strategy The average power is given by Pav I rms %rms cos I where I rms %rms Z and cos I R Z.

Solution Find the average power dissipated.

220 Ω

0.15 mH

8.0 µF

Chapter 21: Alternating Current College Physics

%rms R § %rms · (% 2)2 R
Pav I rms %rms cos I %rms ¨ Z ¸ R

Z Z 2
© ¹ R 2  Z L  Z1C
(12 V)2 (220 :)
0.33 W
°­ º °½
2 ®(220 :)2  « 2S (2500 Hz)(0.15 u 103 H)  1
¬ 2S (2500 Hz)(8.0u106 F) »¼
¯° ¿°

50. Strategy Use Eqs. (21-14b) and (21-16).

Solution Find the impedance.

12.5 Ω
2 2 2 § 1 ·
Z R  (X L  XC) R  ¨ZL 
© Z C ¸¹ !
3.60 mH
ª º
(12.5 :) 2  « 2S (1590 Hz)(3.60 u 103 H)  1 5.00 µF
20.3 :
¬ 2S (1590 Hz)(5.00u106 F) »¼
Find the power factor.
R 12.5 :
cos I 0.617
Z 20.26 :
Find the phase difference.
R 12.5 :
I cos 1 cos 1 51.9q
Z 20.26 :

55. (a) Strategy Use Eq. (21-18).

Solution Compute the resonant frequency.
0.300 H
1 1
Z0 745 rad s
LC (0.300 H)(6.00 u 106 F) 6.00 µF

(b) Strategy At resonance, X L X C . Use Eq. (21-14a).

Solution Compute the resistance.

%m 440 V
R Z 790 :
I 0.560 A

(c) Strategy At resonance, the voltages across the capacitor and inductor are 180q out of phase and equal in
magnitude, so they cancel.

Solution The peak voltage across the resistor is VR %m 440 V .

Across the inductor, the peak voltage is
IL L 0.300 H
VL IX L I Z0 L I (0.560 A) 125 V .
LC C 6.00 u 106 F
Since X L X C , VC VL 125 V .

57. Strategy Use Eq. (21-18).

College Physics Chapter 21: Alternating Current

Solution Find the resonant frequency.

1 1 Z0
Z0 3
22.4 rad s , or f0 3.56 Hz .
LC (40.0 u 10 H)(0.0500 F) 2S

69. Strategy Use Eqs. (20-10) and (21-4).


(a) Calculate the turns ratio.

N 2 %2 240 u 103 V
N1 %1 420 V

(b) Calculate the rms current using the turns ratio.

I1 I 2 570(60.0 u 103 A) 34 A

(c) Calculate the average power.

Pav I rmsVrms (0.0600 A)(240,000 V) 14 kW

70. (a) Strategy Model the coil as an RL series circuit. Use Eq. (21-14b) with X C 0.

Solution Calculate the impedance.

Z R 2  X L2 R 2  Z 2 L2 (120 :)2  4S 2 (60.0 Hz)2 (12.0 H) 2 4.53 k:

(b) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14a).

Solution Calculate the current.

%rms 110 V
I rms 24 mA
Z 4530 :

72. Strategy Use Eqs. (21-6) and (21-7).

Solution Compute the rms current.

I rms ZC %rms 2S (60.0 Hz)(0.025 u 106 F)(110 V) 1.0 mA

73. Strategy Use Eq. (21-7).

Solution Find the capacitance.

1 1 1
XC , so C 49 PF .
ZC Z X C 2S (520 Hz)(6.20 :)

76. Strategy The maximum current flows at the resonance frequency. Use Eq. (21-18).

Solution Compute the resonant frequency.

1 1 1
Z0 2S f0 , so f0 11 kHz .
LC 2S LC 2S (0.44 H)(520 u1012 F)

Chapter 21: Alternating Current College Physics

79. (a) Strategy Use Eqs. (21-7) and (21-10). 20.0 Ω 50.0 µF

Solution Find the reactances. 35.0 mH

1 1
XC 20 :
Z C (1.0 u 103 rad s)(50.0 u 106 F) !

XL Z L (1.0 u 103 rad s)(0.0350 H) 35 :

(b) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14b).

Solution Find the impedance.

Z R 2  ( X L  X C )2 (20.0 :) 2  (35 :  20 :) 2 25 :

(c) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14a) with rms values.

Solution Find the rms current.

%rms 100.0 V
I rms 4.0 A
Z 25 :

(d) Strategy Use the definition of rms.

Solution Find the current amplitude (peak current).

I 2 I rms 2(4.0 A) 5.7 A

(e) Strategy Use Eq. (21-16).

Solution Find the phase angle.

R R 20.0 :
cos I , so I cos 1 cos 1 37q .
Z Z 25 :

(f) Strategy Use Eqs. (21-6) and (21-9) and Ohm’s law (using rms values).

Solution Find the rms voltage for each circuit element.

VR rms I rms R (4.0 A)(20.0 :) 80 V , VL rms I rms X L (4.0 A)(35 :) 140 V , and
VC rms I rms X C (4.0 A)(20 :) 80 V .

(g) Strategy and Solution Since X L ! X C , the inductor dominates the capacitor, so the current lags the voltage
since the current through an inductor lags the voltage across it.

(h) Strategy Use the values obtained for the rms voltages in part (f).

Solution Draw the phasor diagram.





College Physics Chapter 21: Alternating Current

81. (a) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14b). 12.0 Ω 0.26 µF

Solution Find the impedance. 15.2 mH

§ 1 ·
Z R 2  ( X L  X C )2 R2  ¨ Z L 
ZC ¸¹
ª 1 º
(12.0 :)  « 2S (2.50 u 103 Hz)(15.2 u 103 H) 
3 6 » 13 :
«¬ 2S (2.50 u 10 Hz)(0.26 u 10 F) »¼

(b) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14a) with rms values.

Solution Find the rms current.

%rms 240 V
I rms 18 A
Z 13.5 :

(c) Strategy Use Eq. (21-16).

Solution Find the phase angle.

R R 12.0 :
cos I , so I cos 1 cos 1 27q .
Z Z 13.5 :

(d) Strategy Use Eqs. (21-7) and (21-10). Form a proportion.

Solution Compare the reactances.

X C 1 (ZC ) 1 1
XL ZL Z LC 4S (2.50 u10 Hz) (0.0152 H)(0.26 u 106 F)
2 2 3 2

Since X C ! X L , the capacitor dominates the inductor, so the current leads the voltage since the current
through a capacitor leads the voltage across it.

(e) Strategy I rms 17.83 A to four significant figures. Use Eqs. (21-6) and (21-9) and Ohm’s law (using rms

Solution Find the rms voltage for each circuit element.

VR rms I rms R (17.83 A)(12.0 :) 210 V
VL rms I rms X L I rmsZ L (17.83 A)2S (2.50 u 103 Hz)(0.0152 H) 4.3 kV
I rms 17.83 A
VC rms I rms X C 4.4 kV
ZC 2S (2.50 u 103 Hz)(0.26 u 106 F)

82. (a) Strategy Model the coil as an RL series circuit. Use Eq. (21-16).

Solution Find the power factor. Electromagnet

R R R 450 :
cos I 0.95 450 Ω 2.47 H
Z R2  X 2 R 2  Z 2 L2 2 2
(450 :)  4S (9.55 Hz) (2.47 H) 2 2

(b) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14b). !

Solution Find the impedance.

Chapter 21: Alternating Current College Physics

Z (450 :)2  4S 2 (9.55 Hz) 2 (2.47 H) 2 470 :

(c) Strategy Use Eq. (21-14a).

Solution Find the peak current.

%m 2.0 u 103 V
I 4.2 A
Z 474 :

(d) Strategy Use Eq. (21-17).

Solution Find the average power.

1 1
Pav I rmsVrms cos I IV cos I (4.2 A)(2.0 u 103 V)(0.95) 4.0 kW
2 2


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