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Would you think positive even if you knew it had no power to manifest outside?
u/allismind ● 238d

I had so many great manifestations that I couldn't even count or remember them all but no manifestation could
make me happier than my mastery over my thoughts, feelings and beliefs. That "mastery" is above everything,
even having the great love, being on billboards, being a model, being able to buy anything, etc. I can create ectasy
just because I decide to! I can feel loved as a living king, or god, whatever. I can feel wealthy, I can feel powerful
beyond anything. I feel so free to be able to decide which thoughs and feelings will I cultivate and which mental
state will I inhabit. At the end I feel like I don't even need the physical manifestation. Yet it happens! It is Law. But I
would still decide to feel loved, happy and wealthy even if it could never be possible! And that attitude is the key!
I have so many questions from people here and I notice one thing: they feel loved for 3 days and they see that it
had no effect yet, or they see something completly opposite to their feeling and they abandon everything. Others
think "money" for a week and then ask where it is? They go back to they miserable state and say "this is the reality,
this is my true feeling". So they give up, even if those positive feelings gave them so much power and happiness,
they abandon them because to them it feels fake. Most of you are attached to your old states, you don't want to
change and that is a problem.
But I have to tell you that when you really think that you are loved or that you have all the money or that you are
BACK TO YOUR OLD MENTALITY! IT feels so good, you don't even care about the result anymore. I mean deep
down within you, you want it but you're so happy generating your wanted mind state that in itself it is already a
When you decide which mental state you want to inhabit and when you say to yourself I will never go back to
something less than that no matter what the reality is, then you are beyond powerful!
As I already said many times in my posts, the true manifestation is the change of your true feelings! THE OUTSIDE
IS IRREVELANT. Most people practice techniques to change the world or something outside, because they don't
understand that the outside world is quite a shadow of their inner world. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CHANGE
OUTSIDE. The Law is all about your feelings. The world doesnt make you, you make it.
Just weeks before I became a male model, I had no friends, had big problems, was bullied on a daily basis, had
nothing yet I begun to feel like a king in my mind, I imagined my face being very requested by modeling agencies
and designers etc... I was so happy living in my mental state that all that negativity was nothing for me, because
my positive belief was so strong, no outside event could separate me from it, and so after few weeks all the
negativity became just an old, weak memory.
My advice is: NEVER STAY IN A VICTIM STATE OF MIND NEVER! Chose to generate the greatest feelings you can
when it comes to your beliefs about you or your life! See big. Be big, accept it and accept nothing else as true!
Because what you accept as truth makes your life, so chose wisely.

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iamqueen0604 238d 
Brilliant post as always !! I really wait to be inspired by ur posts and I see a lot of good changes in me Cos ur
Posts hit hard about what the real and simple core as opposed to struggling with the methods and how’s and
why’s etc !! Love it

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freeconstant 234d 
I am just curious. What is your self talk like? SHARE LINK

allismind  :illuminati: 234d 

In what area of my life ? Relationships?

freeconstant 234d 
Life in general. Yes also relationships

allismind  :illuminati: 234d 

Lol basically I say to myself that I'm blessed, that my life is blessed etc. I feel like a living god
and every thought or feeling I have goes around that kind of mentality. Its all about high self
love/self esteem and self confidence. When I have some victim/negative thought I recognize
it immediatly because I see how different is from my basic thoughts :D


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nocrustpizza 237d 
Brilliant, never thought about this, but yeah, wow, totally right

white_jasmine 238d 
right down to the point <3

vitorpaguiar14 237d 
I think you’re right. But you say to keep feeling good, even you don’t get what you desire. So, even if you
believe and feel good, is there a possibility of not having what you want?

allismind  :illuminati: 237d 

allismind  :illuminati: 237d 
Its impossible to not get what corresponds to your feelings. Your life always reflects
APPstate of mind.


repair_with_gold 237d 
Some eastern scriptures and mystics talk about past lives karma. Are we not conditioned by this at

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allismind  :illuminati: 237d 
All your past karma is your present beliefs so it is all now and you change all now. You are not
a slave of some past because all times are now

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vitorpaguiar14 237d 
Yea, but you said: “But I would still decide to feel love, even if it never could be possible”

Many_Blessings 236d 
How did you consistently maintain the positive state? How did you deal with negative thoughts?

allismind  :illuminati: 236d 

Can you give an example to answer your question more precisely ?

Many_Blessings 235d 
You have written that weeks before you became a model, you were unpopular, bullied and sad. This
was the result of your past thinking. But you turned your life around after that by thinking positive.
How did you manage to break out of your negative thinking loop? And how did you sustain your
newly developed positive thinking and beliefs?

allismind  :illuminati: 235d 

I just understood that my past thoughts made my misery. I saw it, I understood it very deeply
in the same way I touched the fire the first time and got burned. I knew I had no reason to
burn myself again :) Then Because of that understanding I just created the best mind I could
and it was not difficult because I understood that in the in the same way my negative
thoughts and feelings made my misery, my new positivity will create its own results. You only
can’t think positive when you don’t understand that it matters. I sustained it because of
curiosity and fun to see what would happen I had nothing to lose.


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iamblessed_always 158d
I cannot thank you enough AIM. Appreciate your post. GOD bless you.

allismind  :illuminati: 158d 

Thank you :D Blessings

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[deleted] 90d 
I vibe with your post all the way allismind SHARE LINK
One of the things that gives me so much exhilaration (Like you said, regardless of whether it has or hasn't
manifested) is living/enjoying the imaginary version. Even if there was no such thing as manifestation. I.e. it's
so powerful that no matter how good or bad life is on the outside you don't need to wait for manifestations
you can ALREADY enjoy the complete thing in your imagination NOW. On hand 24/7.
This is especially helpful when you are having serious doubts e.g. a manifestation that initially feels
impossible (for me the tough belief to overcome was growing my height despite genes/past growing age-
feeling 6"2' from 5"5' haha. But now I'm in the state completely now!). But no matter what, you can enjoy the
imaginal/day dream anytime anywhere. And inevitably it will manifest but you are already "satisfied and
elated" with the version in your mind!
I, like you, find that incredibly powerful. No matter who or where or what circumstances everyone has an

glo9878 67d 
you're saying very wise things, thank you.

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