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a- Biology

1. The embryo becomes fetus in the 3rd month.

2. The number of pharyngeal (branchial) arches 5, & they develop at 4th week IU, &
Mandible originates from 1st arch.
3. Tooth formation start in fetus: between 5th and 6th week. (In Bell's Stage)
The oral epithelium is stratified squamous will thickened & give dental lamina, bud
stage at 8 week IUL.
4. 1st sign of calcification occurs 14 weeks Intra uterine while first formation of tooth
bud is 6 weeks intra uterine.
5. Pt. come to you suffering of palatal cleft in which age will that happen: in 8th weeks.
6. Pt with wide cleft lip and palate lip adhesion or nasoalveolar molding planned: Third
to sixth.
7. Smoking is dangerous during which period of pregnancy: 3-8 week.
8. Neonatal teeth: 0-30 days , while Natal teeth: before birth.
9. Cell life cycle phases:4 .
10. The ratio of inorganic material in bone 65 %.
11. The ratio of inorganic material in enamel 90 %.
12. The ratio of inorganic material in dentin 75%.
13. There exists a normal variation in the relationship of the cementum and the enamel
the cementoenamel junction. In about 60–65% of teeth, the cementum overlaps the
enamel at the CEJ, 30% of teeth, the cementum and enamel abut each other with no
overlap. 5–10% of teeth, there is a space between the enamel and the cementum at
which the underlying dentin is exposed.
14. The normal pulp pressure (8 – 15) = 10 mm hg, the intrapulpal, arterioles diameter is
50 micrometers.
15. Maxillary sinus volume is 15 ml.
16. Muscles of the tongue are: 17.
17. How many cusp ridges: 4.
18. Dentinal tubules: near pulp they are 2-5 micrometers and count is 45 to 60
thousands / square millimeters, while away at the DEJ they are 0.2 to 0.5
micrometers diameter and count is 15 to 20 thousands / square millimeters.
19. The time between the first onset of HIV & appearance of acute symptoms
(incubation period) 10 years.
20. Autoclaving: 121ºc for 15-20 min. , or 134ºc for 3-5 minutes.
21. The dry oven 2 h at 160º, or 1h at 170º.
22. The cranial nerves:-
i. Olfactory -------- smell (sensory)
ii. Optic---------------vision(sensory)
iii. Occulomotor--------eye movement(motor)
iv. Trochlear-------------eye movement(motor)
v. Trigeminal------------(sensory) for face , sinuses ,& teeth
---------- (motor) muscles of mastication.
vi. Abducent------------eye movement(motor)
vii. Facial -----------------muscles of face(motor)
viii. Vestibulocochlear—hearing & balance(sensory)
ix. Glossopharyngeal--- (sensory) post. Part of tongue &taste, tonsil
, &pharynx.------ (Motor) pharyngeal muscles
x. Vagus ---------(sensory & motor) heart , lungs, bronchi , GIT
xi. Accessory----sternocleidomastoid & trapezius Ms.(motor)
xii. Hypoglossal—muscles of tongue (motor)

23. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC): more 15000neutrophil /mm3.

24. The compression / relaxation cycle of external cardiac compression should be
repeated: 100 times / minute.
25. The growth spurt ‫ قفزة النموس‬between boys & girls is ,OR Difference in puberty
between boy and girl: 2 years .( Girls = 11-15 - Boys= 12-16)
26. Chromosome cause mongolims: trismoy21.
27. 1st cervical vertebrae >>atlas
2nd >>axis
3rd>>> longus colli
4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th >>> prominens.
28. After heavy force application pain is normally felt after 3-5 sec.
29. Saliva contain Ig A, while in allergic reaction Ig E.

b- Operative

1. The PH of Ca (OH)2 = 12.5

2. The most common immediate ttt. Reported for fractured teeth was 25%.
3. Ultra-Sonic. Devices: magnet. : 25000-40000 RPM
, but piezo speed is: 60000 – 80000 RPM.
4. The percentage of simple caries located in the outer wall of the dentin (proximal
sides of the tooth) which left without cavitations is around: 60%.
5. The ideal amount of dentin required between an amalgam restoration and the pulp
for insulation is: 2.0 mm.
6. Carat gold foil used for direct filling restorations: 24.
7. CMCP contains phenol in concentration: Chlorophenol 35%, Camphor 65%.
8. How much subgingivally do you go with the band in class II restorations: 0.5 – 1 mm,
and above occlusal by 1 – 2 mm.
9. The cavity varnish should be applied at least in 2 layers.
10. The thickness of base 1 - 2 mm.
11. The divergence should be mesiodistally for an amalgam restoration: if the remaining
proximal marginal ridge only < 1.6mm.
12. Thickness of luting cement: 12 - 25 micrometer = 12 Micron.
13. Thickness of p phosphate for cementation 25 – 40 um.
14. Zinc phosphate cement & polycarboxylic cement both have 90% zinc oxide.
15. Silicate cement contains 15 % fluoride.
16. The age for the amalgam restoration 2 decades (= 20 years) “15 – 20 years “.
17. Amount of daily wear of amalgam ingested in the body: 1-3 μgs/day of mercury ."μgs
= micrograms"
18. The thickness of amalgam 1.5 – 2 mm.
19. The cavo-surface angle of preparation for amalgam restoration = 90º.
20. The width of cavity preparation = 3 intercuspal distance.
21. The maximum time elapsed before condensation of amalgam 3 min.
22. The copper ratio that eliminate gamma phase 2 = 13 %.
23. Polishing amalgam after 24 hours.
24. Thickness of amalgam in complex amalgam restoration in cusp tip area 2 - 3 mm.
25. The length of pin must be equal both in tooth & restoration = 2 mm, 1 pin per cusp, &
1 mm away from very close to line angle to provide a minimum of 0.5 mm
around pin for adequate condensation of amalgam, & Parallel to the outer wall.
26. For amalgam Restoration of weakened cusp you should reduce cusp by 2mm on a flat
base for more resistance.
27. The conditioning time of dentin 15 sec by 37 % orthophosphoric or phosphoric acid
for 20 seconds on enamel. While GI by 10% polyacrylic Acid for 10 seconds.
28. The time of curing dentin 20 sec.
29. The polishing carbide bur has more than 12 blades.
30. ph of saliva 6.5 .
31. Critical PH at which enamel start to demineralization is: 5.
32. The pH the enamel make complete remineralization: 5.5 or above.
33. Complete remineralization occur after 24 hours.
34. The optimum water fluoridation 1 PPM = 1 mg per liter.
35. Acidulated phosphate fluoride contains 1.23% fluoride.
36. Fluoridation dose required:
i. 0.25 mg 6m - 3 y
ii. 0.5 mg 3y - 6y
iii. 1 mg 6y - 12 years.
37. Best effect of fluoride it should apply every 6 month.
38. Fluorosis occurs at 3PPM, but lethal dosage of fluoride is at 5-10 g which is 32-64mg/
39. Mesiodistal width of gingival seats of class 2 amalgam restoration is 1.5 mm.
40. The strength of bonding enamel 25 MP, while bonding dentin 35 MP.
41. After bleaching a tooth, we want to restore the tooth with composite resin, we don’t
want to compromise the bonding, and we wait for: 1 -2 week.
42. Dentist provided bleaching which also known as (home bleaching) ( night guard vita
Bleaching) contain: 5 - 22 % carbamide peroxide.
43. For give black classification study what the number represents in the instrument
Formula: (one for width, one for length and one for angulation).
1st: Width of blade
2nd: Length of the blade and
3rd: Angle of blade and angle of Cutting edge
4th: when cutting edge at an angle other than right.
44. age of pits & fissures sealnt:
3 – 4 y for 1ry molars
6 – 7 y for 1st permenant molar
11 – 13 y for 2nd permenant molar & premolars.

1. The placement of RD 4 contacts, 2 at lingual surface & 2 at buccal surface to prevent
the rocking.
2. Formacrisol should be one fifth saturated.
3. The GP contain mainly 66 % zinc oxide, & 23 % GP material.
4. CMCP= Camphorated MonoChloroPhenol used as RCT disinfection
contain: phenol 35%-Chlorophenol 35%, Camphor 65%.
5. Increase in taper is 0.02/ mm so along the 16 mm of active cutting part the increase
in diameter is 0.02 x 16 = 0.32 mm.
6. The standaradized length of root canal 16 mm.
7. An example is file 50 means at the tip the diameter is 0.50 mm.
8. To get file size 24, the following length should be cut from file size 20:2 mm.
9. The different between file and another is 0.05 mm from file 10 to 60
and 0.1 between files 60- 140.
10. Instrument with same length and color: 25 red.
11. The three length of files and reamers that you work by them: 21-25-31.
12. The root obturated at 0.5 – 1 mm short from the radiographic apex, 1.5 mm short
with bone resorption, but no root resorption, and 2 mm short with bone and root
13. For post preparation we should leave 4 – 5 mm of GP.
14. Gutta percha reaches the alpha temp at 42 - 48˚C.
15. Gate Glidden is 6 files only.
Diameter start from 0.5mm to 1.5 mm
T the full file length is 32mm
T the shank length is 19mm
16. Avulsed tooth should splint for 1 – 2 week to avoid ankylosis.
17. Avulsed tooth remain for 60 min what should do put in NaCl then 2 % sodium
fluoride solution for 20 min .
1. The degree of the crown taper during preparation 6º.
2. The degree of the inclination of an abutment, which can be used 15 – 25 º.
3. Etching porcelain veneer by 9.6 % hydrofluoric acid .
4. For onlays preparation reduction of functional cusp 1.5 mm.
5. The amount of reduction in all ceramic crown 1 – 1.5 mm.
6. The amount of reduction in PFM crown 1.5 – 2 mm.
7. The incisal reduction for a metal ceramic restoration should be 2 mm.
8. The amount of reduction in metallic crown 0.5 mm.
9. The amount of reduction in veneer 0.3 – 0.5 mm.
10. Setting expansion of the casting investment material 0.1-0.5%.
11. Poecelain shrinkage after firing at 1400 º C 10 – 20 % (20 – 50 ) (30 – 40 ).
12. The ideal post drill for most posterior teeth is: peeso drill size 2-3.
13. crown to root ratio:
a. ideal 1-2
b. Optimum 2-3
c. normal 1-1.5
d. acceptable 1-1.
14. Instrument used for wax grooving for a die in FPD: * Instrument we use to make
ggroove in the wax is: PKT no3.
15. Percentage of epinephrine in gingival retraction cord 8%.

e- Pedo
1. Ugly duckling stage 9-11 years old.
2. The eruption of permenant teeth occur when 3 root is formed.
3. Root completed in primary teeth after the eruption by 1 -1.5 years.
4. Root completed in permanent teeth after the eruption by 3 years.
5. Female teeth eruption before the male by: 5 months.
6. The most age of child trauma: 2-3 yrs.
7. Premature loss of primary teeth to effect the occlusion should be: 5-6 yrs.
8. The space of prematurely lost teeth usually change in the following:
6 months period, sometime a decrease in space may occur within days or weeks.
9. Child suffering from habit thumb sucking
What time by month need to treat this habit 6 months.
Maximum dose for child of anaesthesia in xylitol 4.4 mg / kg.
10. The maximum cartridges can you give for a child: (lidocaine):2 carpules, while the
adult (13) carpule equal 477mg.
11. When you give sedative inhalation for patient to prevent hypoxia u give:
100% oxygen and zero nitrous oxide.
12. Oxygen flow rate of (L/min) in children: 5-9.

Tooth Time of eruption

6 -7 m

12 m
14 m

16 m
18 m

20 m
24 m

1. Mg in cart = mg /cc x 1.8 cc
a. 2%=20 mg/ml
b. 20 * 1.8=36 mg
c. Epin 1:100 000 =0.01 mg
d. * 1.8 = 0.018 mg epi/ car
2. Max. dose per kg = 4.4 mg/kg
a. Max. dose for patient = weight * 4.4
b. The carpule contain 36mg
c. No. of carpules = max. dose of pt. / 36
3. The amount of LA in 2% lidocine with 100000 adrenaline = 36 mg.
4. The amount of adrenaline in 1.8 cc of 2% xylcine = 0.018 mg.
5. When injecting without vasoconstrictor, the maximum safe dose of 2% lignocaine
solution for 70Kg adult is: 22ml.
6. Pt need exo, he takes Antidepressant, amount of epinephrine on anesthesia: 0.02.
7. Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:100,000 Red.
a. Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:50,000 Green.
b. Lidocaine Plain Light Blue.
c. Mepivacaine 2% with Levonordefrin 1:20,000 Brown.
d. Mepivacaine 3% Plain Tan.
e. Prilocaine 4% with Epinephrine 1:200,000 Yellow .
f. Prilocaine 4% Plain Black.
g. Bupivacaine 0.5% with Epinephrine1:200,000 Blue.
h. Articaine 4% with Epinephrine 1:100,00 Gold.
i. Articaine 4% with Epinephrine 1:200,000 Silver.

8. Vazikonin Akinosi technique (bercher's): 25 gauge with long needle, while

aspiration by 19 gauge.
9. Percentage of maxillary fracture75%.
10. COPD Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease pt. for extraction of multiple teeth
need 2.5oxygen.
11. Root most commonly pushed in max. Sinus: Palatal of 6.
12. The incidence of nerve damage after 3rd molar surgery 5% or less.
i. Minimal cortical thickness around neck of implant 1mm.
ii. Minimum Distance btw implant - tooth 1.5 mm
iii. Minimum distance btw implant -implant 3 mm
iv. Minimum distance btw implant and max sinus 1mm
v. Minimum distance implant and IAC 2 mm
13. Type of bone for best successful implant: type2.
14. Acceptable amount of resorption around implant 1-1.5ml.
15. Dry socket happens after 3 – 5 days.
16. Scalpel is universally used for oral surgical procedures Bard Parker Number 15.
17. When extracting all maxillary teeth the correct order is 87542163.
18. Electro surgery rate: 1.5 – 7.5 million cycle per seconds.
19. When resection the tip of root in apicectomy, the cut should be: acute 45 – 60 º.
20. Temperature that damages the bone during implant procedure if temperature is
raised in the bone to 47C for more than 1 minute.
21. the recommended numbers of implants for complete edentouls patients:
Maxilla 8 mandibular 6, while maxilla 6 mandibular 4 >> this is a minimum.
22. Fracture of angle of mandible which view is best to see if its favorable or
330 degree lateral oblique.
23. For mandibular fracture to detect if its favorable or not
If he asking vertically u will choose periapical view
If it’s horizontal u go for 30 degree oblique.
24. The CT scan cut for zygomatic fracture (Oblique Parasagittal View for orbital
fractures) 1-1.5mm.
25. Patient has in symphysis area and need maxillofacial surgery, What is the wire:
6 feet …26 gauge.

1. Power brush date1939.
2. For the right handed dentist seated to the right of the patient, the operator zone is
between: 8 and 11 o'clock.
3. For right handed dentist, the static zone is between: 11 - 2 o'clock.
4. For right handed dentist, the assistant's zone is between: 2 - 4 o'clock.
5. For right handed dentist, the transfer zone is between: 4 - 8 o'clock.
6. The index age for diseases 5 years for primary & 12 – 15, 35 – 44, 65 – 74 for
7. Biological width of gingiva: 2 mm, while Biological depth: Crestal bone to gingival
8. Critical width for scaling 2.9.
9. To have a true periodontal pocket, a probing measurement should be 4 mm, or
more .
a. Normal gingival depth is 1 - 3 mm. 0 to 3 mm.
10. 2 hours is the time needed after aggressive brushing for plaque to form again.
11. Dental plaque is formed after: 6 hours.
12. Chlorohexidine used in mouth wash in conc. Of 0.1 – 0.2 %.
13. TTT. Of dentin sensitivity by 10 % strontium or potassium chloride, or 5 % potassium
14. Acyclovir dose for ttt. Of herpes 200 mg / 5 times a day for 7 days.
15. For a patient that is on a corticosteroid therapy, upon oral surgery, the patient is
g given: 100 - 200 mg hydrocortisone.
16. The right corticosteroid daily dose for pemphigus vulgaris is: 50-100mg
hydrocortisone. (Max. is 120mg. daily prednisone) 1-2 mg/kg/daily. (( 100 ‫وتعادل تقريبا‬
‫ مجم من الهيدروكورتيزون ن‬120 ‫الى‬ (max. is 120 mg. daily prednisone).
17. Complete epithelialization occurs after 7-14 days, but complete maturation needs 6
months after periosurgery.
18. Duration of GTR (barrier membrane): 3 month.
19. Membrane removal: if - resorbable membrane then 9-12 Weeks
i. Non- resorbable: 3-6 W.
20. The universal currete 90º not offset, gracy 60º offset.
21. Gracey 5/6 for anterior, gracey 7/8 for wide posterior no contact, gracy 11/12 for
mesial posterior, and gracy 13/14 for distal posterior.
22. Sharpening the curette and sickle, the cutting edge should be at angle: 70-80.
23. Scaling for Facial should be angle: - 70 – 80.
24. In order to activation of periodontal instruments the blade should make angle with
facial surface of the tooth 45:90.
25. Sharpening of curatte,u put its cutting edge at 100-110 to stone.
26. Universal scaller angle: 90 to 100.
27. Bard parker (surgical blades no 11 and 12):- used for gingival contouring
a. (Gingivectomy)
28. Proxy brush with which type of furcation: Furcation Grade III.
29. Needle use for biopsy for aspiration: 19 gauge or 18 gauge with 5ml syringe.
30. Stage of squamous cell carcinoma T2 N0 M0.
31. Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor of salivary glands, (80%
parotid affection).
32. The maximum dose of x-ray exposure dose for radiographic technique:
a. 100 milli roentgens per week = (0.1 Rem per week).
33. Person who works near radiation can be exposed in one year to a maximum dose of 5
34. Vertical angulation for a bitewing radiograph is: 10 degree downward.
35. Dentulous adult x-ray survey: - 18, 20, or more images.
a. 4 bitewings
b. 16 Periapical (6 or 8 anterior).
36. Edentulous adult x-ray survey 14 or 16 Periapical.
37. Primary x-ray survey 8 images:-
a. -max. Central (1)
i. Right & left 1ry molars (2)

b. -mand. Central (1)

i. Right & left 1ry molars (2)
c. -Bite wing right & left 1ry molars (2)
38. Mixed dentition survey (6 -9 years) 12 images:-
i. -Max. Central (1)
ii. Right & left laterals & canines (2)
iii. Right & left 1ry / permenant molars (2)
ii. Mand. Central (1)
i. Right & left laterals & canines (2)
ii. Right & left 1ry / permenant molars (2)
iii. Bitewing right & left 1ry / permenant molars (2)
39. Thromboplastin and prothrombin deficiency caused by a lack of factor No: 5.
40. Deficiency in factor VIII (8) Hemophilia A, while deficiency in factor IX (9) hemophilia
B = Christmas disease.
41. Factor present by decrease in prothrombin time(PT) and partial prothrombin
time(PTT): X ( 10 ).
42. Prolong CT, BT, increase capillary fragility & +ve tourniquet test thrombocytopenia.
43. Paralleling tech (long cone) 16 inch, while bisecting angle (short cone) 8 inches.
44. When take x-ray we should stand (dentist): 6 feets away in 90 - 135 angles.
45. When pt. taking cephalometric x-ray should away by 5feets 150cm.
46. Normal platelets count is 200000 – 500000 cells/mm3.
47. PT = 12-14 sec ‫زمن تخثر الدم‬, PTT = 30 -40 sec, Bleeding T = > 8 min ‫زمن توقف النزف‬
a. Hemophilia A or B
b. (Unaffected PT, prolonged PPT).
c. B. thrombocytopenia. ‫قلة الصفيحات الدموية‬
d. (Unaffected PT, prolonged bleeding time).
e. c. Vit deficiency.
f. (Prolonged PT, trauma & excessive bleeding).
49. Heparin is an anticoagulant agent: give in every 6 hrs. And work on PTT.
a. Heparin: ↑ PTT، affects the intrinsic pathway and ↓ fibrinogen levels; safe in
b. Warfarin: ↑ PT, affects the extrinsic pathway, and ↓ vitamin K; teratogeni,
51. INR = PT (of pt.) / normal PT ….. so the normal range is from 1-2
52. Pt. taking aspirin or any drug affect platelets >>>coagulation test
53. Patient with warfarin treatment and you want to do surgery, you can do When PT are
2 – 2.5 INR on the same day.
54. 10 yrs. old child, who is unable to differentiate the colors, and can’t tell his name or
address. He is acting like: 3 years old.
55. Dental plaque is formed after 6 hours.
56. Patient had anaphylactic shock due to penicillin injection, what's the most
a. Important in the emergency treatment to do: adrenaline of 1/1000
Place pt. In supine with legs raised if possible
b. B-Give him 0.5ml of 1:1000 adrenaline IM or SC (subcutaneous), Repeat after
15 mins until improved.
c. Do not give IV in this concentration as it will induce ventricular fibrillation
1. Up to 500 mg of hydrocortisone IV
2. Up to 20 mg of chlorpheniramine slowly IV (if available O2 by
57. Patient has adrenal insufficiency come to your clinic and start developing signs of
adrenal crisis you would administer: 2 ml. (100 mg.) hydrocortisone (IV) .
58. Trigeminal neuralgia treated by carbamazepine, the dose per day divided in
doses is: 600-1200 mg …At least once every 3 months
a. Initial: On the 1st day, 100 mg b.i.d. for a total daily dose of 200 mg. may
increase to
i. 200 mg/day
b. Maintenance: Control of pain can be in most patients with 400 to 800 mg daily.
c. However, 1200 mg daily. At least once every 3 months.
59. Pt. with renal dialysis the best time of dental ttt. Is: 1 day after dialysis.
60. Pt. taken heparin he should do surgery after: 6 Hrs.
61. Minimum duration for antibiotic in days: (Antibiotic course) 3days.
62. The radioactive therapy to treat the hot tumor: yttrium-90.
1. The shrinkage of Co – Cr alloy 2.3 %, while in gold 1.7 %.
2. Alginate contains calcium sulfate is a reactor in concentration of: 12 %. (8 – 16 %),
a. While tri sodium phosphate is the Retarder in 2 %Control setting time (fast or
3. The peripheries of the custom tray should be under extended to all border and
clearance from the frenum areas: 2 mm, to give enough space for the used
impression materials to allow border molding the tray.
4. The vertical height of the maxillary occlusion rim from the reflection of the cast is
i. 22 mm = (2.2cm).
5. The anterior width of the maxillary occlusion rim is: 5 mm = (0.5 cm).
6. The posterior width of the maxillary occlusion rim: 8 - 10 mm (0.8 - 1 cm).
7. The anterior height of the mandibular occlusion rim is: 16 mm = (1.5 cm).
8. All maxillary posterior teeth touch the occlusal plane EXCEPT: 2nd molar.
9. The incisal edge of the maxillary lateral incisor is……..above and parallel to the
occlusal plane: 1 mm.
10. The posterior height of mandibular occlusion rim is: Equal to the point representing
1/2 of the height of retro molar pad.
11. The width of the lower teeth is: 3/4 of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal jaw
12. The average distance between the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and
buccal surface of the mandibular anterior teeth is :(Horizontal overlap “over jet “ )
a. 1 – 2 mm.
13. The vertical dimension of rest is greater than the vertical dimension of occlusion by
a. 1 – 2 mm.
14. The lateral condylar posts should be set on the articulator at, or the incisal guide
should be set on the articulator at articulator at: Zero degree.
15. The protrusive condylar guidance should be set on the articulator at: 70 º.
16. It is preferable to be the length of the handle of the custom tray: 15 mm = (1.5 cm).
17. The indication of lingual bar that the distance between gingival margin & floor of
mouth 8 mm ,while lingual plate is done if distance ˂ 8 mm.
18. Siebert has classified residual ridge deformities into 3 categories:
a. Class I defects-faciolingual loss of tissue width with normal ridge height
b. Class II defects-loss of ridge height apico-coronal with normal ridge width
c. Class III defects-a combination of loss in both dimensions
d. The high incidence (91%) of residual ridge deformity following Ant. tooth loss
e. the majority of these are Class III defects, Because patients with Class II and III
defects are frequently dissatisfied with the esthetics of their FPDs
f. preprosthetic surgery to augment the residual ridge should be carefully
19. Angle at junction between Major connector and denture base should be <=90
a. degree.
20. One characteristic feature of PD, minor connector is connect with major connector
by 90 degree.
21. Elastic recovery of alginate is: 97.3%.
22. the correct powder water ratio for dental plaster mixing : 100g powder to 40mg

a. High noble alloy (gold – platinum –palladium ) (60% precious metal )

b. Noble alloy ( semi –precious metal = 25% of precious metal)
c. Non-noble alloy (nickel – chromium – gold) non precious metal.
25. lower edentulous arch
a. Best ttt……. CD over 4 implant. Standard …….. CD over 2 implant.

1. Minimal Space needed between primary and permenant dentition IS:
6mm in mandible and 7 mm in maxilla.
2. Leeway space: it is the space deference between the combined mesiodistal width of
the C, D & E teeth and that of their successors (3, 4 and 5)
which is 1.9 mm in maxilla and 3.4 mm in mandible.
3. Orthognathic surgery, you plan to use 2 mm screw the drill size: 1.5 mm.
4. Rapid maxillary expansion activation: Twice per day.

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