3.20 Quizlet Vocabulary Practice - Promotion - Coursera

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1/10/2020 3.

20 Quizlet Vocabulary Practice: Promotion | Coursera

The Challenge

Communication Lessons Please join our class so you can play games,
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Language Lessons
tests and quizzes.

Reading: 3.13 Nuts & Bolts

~ What is a Tagline?
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10 min https://quizlet.com/_2oq8xc

Discussion Prompt: 3.14

Let's Discuss:
Unintentionally Funny
5 min 1. branding (v.) The marketing practice of creating
a name, symbol or design that identi es and
Reading: 3.15 Creating your
Personal Tagline Worksheet
di erentiates a product from other products
10 min
2. di erentiate a brand (v.) To cause a brand to
Reading: 3.16 Creating Your stand out uniquely in comparison to its competitors
Personal Tagline EXAMPLE
3. competitors (n.) Rival, challenger, opponent
10 min

Practice Peer-graded
4. shut someone down (v.) To interrupt someone
Assignment: 3.17 Apply or not allow them to nish their thoughts
Your Knowledge What's
Your Tagline? (optional) 5. derail the conversation (v.) To deviate from the
2h course of action or goal during a conversation

Video: 3.18 Week 3 Review

6. impede progress (v.) To slow down, hinder
10 min
moving forward
Quiz: 3.19 Week 3 Test
8 questions 7. social media marketing (n.) A form of Internet
marketing that utilizes social networking websites
Reading: 3.20 Quizlet as a marketing tool
Vocabulary Practice:
8. concise (adj.) Giving a lot of information clearly
10 min
and in a few words

9. abbreviated (v.) To shorten a word or a phrase

10. call for action (n.) A request to get someone to

do something

11. active voice (n.) When the subject of a

sentence is doing the action

https://www.coursera.org/learn/marketing-sales-english/supplement/3GnvN 1/1

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