LogiQ Question Paper Round-3

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JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad


Round-3 LOGIQ Time-20 min
Name: ______________________CLG/Branch:_______________________

1. The number of letters skipped between adjacent letters in series decreases from 5 to 1. Which
one of the following series does not observe this rule ?
2. A man owes Rs.12,500 @ 20% C.I. At the end of every year he pays Rs. 2000 as part of
repayment. How much does he still owe after such 3 installments?

a. 12,000 b. 12864 c. 15600 d. None of these

3. When is “Jan Aushadhi Day” celebrated in India?

a. March 6 th b. March 10 th c. March 14th d. March 7th

4. “Just Do It” is the slogan of which of the famous sportswear brands here?

a. Fila b. Arena c. Under Armor d. No Fear

5. How many zeros are there at the end of number obtained from “999!”?

a. 246 b. 247 c. 248 d. 249

6. The standardized version of S.I. unit of Kg which is recently redefined will be enforced from?

a. March 21st ,2019 b. April 20th ,2019 c. May 20th ,2019 d. March 15th ,2019

7. Pick a word which is most nearly opposite to the word “RECALCITRANT”?

a. feckless b. yielding c. somber d. polishing

8. If there is a code as follows: 13-INC-2; 6-ORG-7; 4-DOM-8; 7-SUI-7; 8-AD*-2. What is ‘*’ here?

a. S b. K c. I d. J

9. Who is the first woman Fight Engineer of IAF?

a. Naina Jaiswal b. Rehana Malik c. Uma Chand d. P V Sindhu

10. The famous Madhu Bani paintings of India, originated from which region?

a. Awadh b. Mithila c. Bengal d. Magadha

11. If PROCESSOR is coded as D4F3C5C1E1S1S1E3C6, then QUADRANT can be written as

a. Q1C7A1B2F6A1B7E4 b. Q1D6A1B2F3A1B7E4

c. Q1C7A1B2F3A1B7E4 d. Q1C7A1D2C6A1B7E5

12. How many degrees does hour-hand lag behind minute hand in a span of 42 min, if thy start at
same position initially?
a. 233 b. 211 c. 231 d. None of these

13. The GWADAR port which is strategical in South Asian economic relations is a joint venture of?

a. India-Afghanistan b. Pakistan-Iran c. India-Iran d. China-Pakistan

14. The method of growing plants, without soil by using nutrient solutions in water is called?

a. Hydroconics b. Aquaponics c. Hydropneumatics d. Hydroponics

15. Given a number with 1998 digits is divisible by 9. Let x be sum of its digits, y be sum of digits

of x; z be sum of digits of y. Find ‘Z’

a. 9 b. 27 c. 1998 d. None of these

16. The Assault rifle factory inaugurated by Prime minister Narendra Modi in recent past is of

a. AK - 203 b. AK - 47 c. Ak -56 d. Ak -12

17. 2 Liquids in the vessels A&B are in ratio 2:5&9:7. In what ratio the liquids in both vessels are

mixed to obtain new liquid in vessel C, containing half of each?

a. 3:10 b. 7:10 c. 7:8 d. 5:8

18. Which country unveiled a statue remembering role of Indian soldiers in World War 1 recently?

a. Britain b. Germany c. France d. Italy

19. What is the theme of 2019 Women’s Day worldwide?

a. Women in Changing world of work b. Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for change

c. Equality for Women is Progress for all d. Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality

20. 7 liters of milk was taken from a container and water of same amount was added to it. This

procedure was adopted for 3 more times. The ratio of quantity of milk and water is obtained

to be 81/47 at end. What was original quantity of water in the container?

a. 19 liters b. 28 liters c. 35 liters d. 42 liters

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