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3/5/2020 Price Elasticity of Demand

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Price Elasticity of Demand

An important aspect of a product's demand curve is how much the quantity demanded
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changes when the price changes. The economic measure of this response is the price
elasticity of demand.
Price elasticity of demand is calculated by dividing the proportionate change in
quantity demanded by the proportionate change in price. Proportionate (or
percentage) changes are used so that the elasticity is a unit-less value and does not
depend of on
Usethe types of measures used (e.g. kilograms, pounds, etc).

As an example, if a 2% increase in price resulted in a 1% decrease in quantity

demanded, the price elasticity of demand would be equal to approximately 0.5. It is
not exactly 0.5 because of the specific definition for elasticity uses the average of the
initial and final values when calculating percentage change. When the elasticity is
calculated over a certain arc or section of the demand curve, it is referred to as the
arc elasticity and is defined as the magnitude (absolute value) of the following:

Q2 - Q1

( Q1 + Q2 ) / 2

P2 - P1

( P1 + P2 ) / 2


Q1 = Initial quantity
Q2 = Final quantity
P1 = Initial price
P2 = Final price

The average values for quantity and price are used so that the elasticity will be the
same whether calculated going from lower price to higher price or from higher price to
lower price. For example, going from $8 to $10 is a 25% increase in price, but going
from $10 to $8 is only a 20% decrease in price. This asymmetry is eliminated by using
the average price as the basis for the percentage change in both cases.

For slightly easier calculations, the formula for arc elasticity can be rewritten as:

( Q2 - Q1 ) ( P2 + P1 )
( Q2 + Q1 ) ( P2 - P1 )

To better understand the price elasticity of demand, it is worthwhile to consider

different ranges of values.

Elasticity > 1 1/4
3/5/2020 Price Elasticity of Demand

In this case, the change in quantity demanded is proportionately larger than the
change in price. This means that an increase in price would result in a decrease in
revenue, and a decrease in price would result in an increase in revenue. In the
extreme case of near infinite elasticity, the demand curve would be nearly horizontal,
meaning than the quantity demanded is extremely sensitive to changes in price. The
case of infinite elasticity is described as being perfectly elastic and is illustrated below:

Perfectly Elastic Demand Curve

From this demand curve it is easy to visualize how an extremely small change in price
would result in an infinitely large shift in quantity demanded.

Elasticity < 1

In this case, the change in quantity demanded is proportionately smaller than the
change in price. An increase in price would result in an increase in revenue, and a
decrease in price would result in a decrease in revenue. In the extreme case of
elasticity near 0, the demand curve would be nearly vertical, and the quantity
demanded would be almost independent of price. The case of zero elasticity is
described as being perfectly inelastic.

Perfectly Inelastic Demand Curve

From this demand curve, it is easy to visualize how even a very large change in price
would have no impact on quantity demanded. 2/4
3/5/2020 Price Elasticity of Demand

Elasticity = 1

This case is referred to as unitary elasticity. The change in quantity demanded is in

the same proportion as the change in price. A change in price in either direction
therefore would result in no change in revenue.

Applications of Price Elasticity of Demand

The price elasticity of demand can be applied to a variety of problems in which one
wants to know the expected change in quantity demanded or revenue given a
contemplated change in price.

For example, a state automobile registration authority considers a price hike in

personalized "vanity" license plates. The current annual price is $35 per year, and the
registration office is considering increasing the price to $40 per year in an effort to
increase revenue. Suppose that the registration office knows that the price elasticity
of demand from $35 to $40 is 1.3.

Because the elasticity is greater than one over the price range of interest, we know
that an increase in price actually would decrease the revenue collected by the
automobile registration authority, so the price hike would be unwise.

Factors Influencing the Price Elasticity of Demand

The price elasticity of demand for a particular demand curve is influenced by the
following factors:

Availability of substitutes: the greater the number of substitute products, the

greater the elasticity.

Degree of necessity or luxury: luxury products tend to have greater elasticity

than necessities. Some products that initially have a low degree of necessity are
habit forming and can become "necessities" to some consumers.

Proportion of income required by the item: products requiring a larger portion of

the consumer's income tend to have greater elasticity.

Time period considered: elasticity tends to be greater over the long run because
consumers have more time to adjust their behavoir to price changes.

Permanent or temporary price change: a one-day sale will result in a different

response than a permanent price decrease of the same magnitude.

Price points: decreasing the price from $2.00 to $1.99 may result in greater
increase in quantity demanded than decreasing it from $1.99 to $1.98.

Point Elasticity

It sometimes is useful to calculate the price elasticity of demand at a specific point on

the demand curve instead of over a range of it. This measure of elasticity is called the
point elasticity. Because point elasticity is for an infinitesimally small change in price
and quantity, it is defined using differentials, as follows:


dP 3/4
3/5/2020 Price Elasticity of Demand

and can be written as:

dQ P
dP Q

The point elasticity can be approximated by calculating the arc elasticity for a very
short arc, for example, a 0.01% change in price.

Economics > Price Elasticity of Demand

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