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0 Method and Procedure

3.1 3 Games Challenge to Reveal the History of Circle

3.1.1 Steps to Prepare the Games

Spinning Wheel Game:

Materials: Cardboard, coloured paper, needle, cutter knife, glue,

adhesive tape, pencil, scissor, and ruler.


1) Draw the circle on the cardboard and cut it.

2) Divide the cardboard into six sectors and stick with the red, blue
and green colored paper.
3) Draw an arrow using colored paper and insert it with the needle
into the center of the circle.
4) Cut the cardboard with measuring 11.5cm x 11.5cm and stick it
with the circle cardboard by using the needle.
5) Finish by bend the needle behind the cardboard and stick adhesive
tape on the needle.

Maze Board Game:

Materials: Cardboard, marble, glue, cutter knife, pencil, ruler,

coloured paper and ribbon.


1) Cut the cardboard to the size 18cm x 17cm and draw a simple
labyrinth design.
2) Next, cut 4 strips cardboard with measuring 17cm x 2cm and glue
it together to become square box.
3) Then, paste 1 cm wide cardboard pieces on the labyrinth line
4) Label the board with start and with the blue, red and green colored
5) Finish the edges of the box by decorating with ribbons.
Word Search:

Materials: Cardboard, coloured paper, cutter knife, pencil, ruler

and glue.


1) Firstly, go to the web http://www.word-search- to create word
2) Print the word search from the web.
3) Then, cut the cardboard with the size 12cm x 12cm and stick the
board with colored paper.
4) Finally, paste the word search on the cardboard.

3.1.2 How to Play the Games

This game will be play with the total of 4-5 persons in a group. This
game must be completed within 1 hour. The winner of the game will
be rated based on the total number of questions that have being answer
and the times for the group to solve the game.

Maze Board Game

1) Each group members will takes turns playing the game.

2) The first person from each group will start the game by placing the
ball at the upper part of the board.
3) There are 3 colours at the lower part of the board (red, blue, green).
4) A ball will move to the either one of the colour part at the lower
part of the board.
5) If the ball has reached the either one of the colour, the group have
to remember the colour of the ball to match with the second game.
Figure 1: Maze Board Game

Spin the Wheel Game

1) Each group member that has get the color at the maze board game,
will continue with the spin the wheel game.
2) In this game, each group member must target the same color in
what she/he get from the first game.
3) There also three choices of colors on the surface of the wheel.
4) The wheel must be spin at the fast speed.
5) After the wheel has stopped spinning, look at where the arrow has
6) The arrow on the spin wheel game must point the same color with
the first game to continue with the last game.
7) If the person gets the wrong color, the person has to spin the wheel
again until she/he gets the match color.
8) The Maze Board Game and Spin the Wheel Game will play again
to answer each of the questions given.
Figure 2: Spin the Wheel Game

Word Search Game

1) Read the questions carefully and answer all the 10 questions given
by highlight or circle the correct answers.
2) The entire question is related to the history of the circle in
Mathematics book chapter 5 from 2.
3) Each group are given 30 minutes to complete the game. Hint will
be given to facilitate the game.
4) The more the number of questions being answer by each of the
group the higher the chances for the group will win the game.

Figure 3: Word Search Game

10 questions for word search

1) Who is the inventor of geometry?

2) The word circle derives from the _________.
3) Who the first record mathematician to study the problem of finding
a square with the same area as a given circle?
4) The first theorems relating to circles are attributed to _________
around 650 B.C.
5) What is the name of mathematician that the first to study circles?
6) Euclid also known as the father of _________ because of his
7) Scribe Ahmes is the author of __________ has found the rule to
determining the area of a circle which corresponds to 256/81 or
approximately 3.16.
8) Who showed effectively that the bipolar equation r=kr’ represents a
system of coaxial circles as k varies?
9) The distance between any of the points and the center is called?
10) A _________ is the same as 360°.

1) E _ _ _ t _ _ _ s
2) _ r _ e _k
3) _ _ a x a _ _ _ _ s
4) T _ a l _ _
5) _ _ _ l i d
6) _ e o _ _ t _ y
7) R _ _ n d _ a _ _ r u _
8) _ _ o l l o _ _ _ _
9) R a _ _ _ _
10) _ i _ _ l e
3.2 History of Circle’s Module
3.2.1 Steps to Create the Module
1) Find information about activities that fit the circle’s title.
2) Find information on the history of circle discoveries and the
mathematical figures involved.
3) Adapt the planned activity to the history of the discovery of the
circle and the mathematical figures involved.
4) Starts building questions.

3.2.2 How to Answer the Module

1) Answer the following questions given in the module.
2) For the fill in the blanks question, you need to fill in the blank
with the correct answers.
3) For the match the right answer question, you need to match the
correct statements with the figures of Mathematics.
4) For the final questions which is to answer the following
question given, you need to answer the following question
creatively and there is no correct or wrong answer for the

3.3 Flashcard
3.3.1 Steps to Create the Flashcard
1) Find information about the history of circle.
2) Then, create the flashcard.
3) The front of the flashcard is the questions or some statements
about history of circle.
4) The back of the flashcard is the answer of the questions asked
or the statement given.
5) To create the flashcard, you need to type it in Microsoft Word.
6) Print it out, cut it according to the usual size of flashcard and
paste it onto the cardboard which is also cut into the size of the
flashcard. And you’re done.
3.3.2 How to Use the Flashcard
1) You can use it for the process of memorizing and remembering
by trying to answer the question on the card without looking at
the answer behind it. After answering, check your answer on
the back of the card.
2) To make it more fun, you can play it with your friend. Put the
flashcard on your forehead by using the headband provided.
Your friend will ask the question on your forehead, and you
need to answer it correctly. If wrong, your friend may punish
you or dare you to do something. This varies with the
conditions that you want for the game.

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