IHC SC-150 - Details and Specifications (Complete)

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IHC SC-150 (Year: 2003)

1. Power Pack: IHC P-460

Weight = 7.4 Tons

H = 2225mm

L = 4030mm

W = 1545mm
2. Hammer Only: IHC SC-150

W = 1139 mm

Weight = 19 Tons

L = 6315mm
3. Sleeves:

As per Invoice, we have 2 Sleeves purchased (48” and 64”):

A. 48” Sleeve:

W = 1665 mm

Weight = 7.585 Tons

H = 2550mm

W = 1220mm
B. 64” Sleeve:

Weight = 10.395 Tons

H = 2595mm

Wout = 1810 mm

Win = 1640 mm
C. Sleeve Made by Archirodon – Jubail (1650mm Sleeve):

Wout = 1820 mm

H = 1820mm
Win = 1660 mm

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