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Economic Design Optimization of Foundations

Yu Wang, M.ASCE1; and Fred H. Kulhawy, Dist.M.ASCE2

Abstract: A geotechnical foundation design should address at least three basic requirements: ultimate limit state 共ULS兲, serviceability
limit state 共SLS兲, and economics. Most conventional design approaches focus on ULS and/or SLS optimization, with economics being
evaluated afterwards. As an alternative, this paper develops a design approach that explicitly considers the construction economics and
results in a foundation that has the minimum construction cost. This design approach is expressed as an optimization process, in which the
objective is to minimize construction cost, with the design parameters and design requirements as the optimization variables and
constraints, respectively. This design approach is illustrated using a spread footing example. Because construction costs vary by locale, the
economically optimized designs differ regionally. Sensitivity studies on soil properties and design requirements show that, for typical
spread footing designs in cohesionless soils, Young’s modulus 共E兲 and the effective friction angle 共␾⬘兲 are the key parameters. A
quantitative assessment illustrates the importance of soil property variability on cost. It is also found that, for typical spread footing
designs, a relatively stringent ULS requirement generally ensures fulfillment of the SLS requirement.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2008兲134:8共1097兲
CE Database subject headings: Economic factors; Cost estimates; Optimization; Spread foundations; Limit states; Serviceability.

Introduction permits explicit consideration of ULS, SLS, and economics re-

quirements in a consistent manner. Instead, the ULS and SLS
A foundation design should address at least three basic require- requirements usually are addressed using a trial-and-error ap-
ments: ultimate limit state 共ULS兲, serviceability limit state 共SLS兲, proach, in which a trial design is proposed and is checked against
and economics. The designed foundation must be safe from fail- the ULS and SLS requirements, which is followed by revision of
ure of its structural components and the surrounding geomaterial the trial design, if necessary. Economic considerations usually
共i.e., ULS兲, and it must not result in objectionable deformation follow the technical and carry a lesser weight. Generally speak-
that could impair its usefulness or that of the supported structure ing, multiple designs could satisfy both the ULS and SLS require-
共i.e., SLS兲. It is mandatory that designs should satisfy both the ments and, ideally, the final design should be the one with
ULS and SLS requirements and, indeed, fulfillment of these re- minimum construction cost. However, if the economics are not
quirements separates acceptable designs from unacceptable ones. considered explicitly in the design, there is no guarantee that the
However, as pointed out by Wellington 共1887兲, the Father of En- final design is optimized economically.
gineering Economy, the essentials of good engineering designs This paper presents an approach that explicitly accounts for
hinge on the third requirement, economics. His poignant quote is the ULS, SLS, and economics requirements within a consistent
given below: framework and ensures an economically optimized design. The
geotechnical design process is framed as an optimization process,
“To define it rudely but not inaptly, engineering is the art in which the optimization variables are the design parameters, the
of doing that well with one dollar which any bungler can optimization objective is to minimize the construction costs, and
do with two after a fashion.” the ULS and SLS requirements are treated as design constraints.
The significance of economics in geotechnical engineering de- This approach leads to an economically optimized design that
signs is well recognized and is discussed in various textbooks satisfies both the ULS and SLS requirements. In this paper, the
共e.g., Lambe and Whitman 1969; Sowers 1979; and Coduto optimization framework is developed first, followed by a review
1994兲. However, most of the discussions are at the conceptual of relevant construction cost estimates. Then, an example is de-
level. We are not aware of any general analysis framework that scribed that applies the framework to a spread footing design,
arguably the simplest design in geotechnical engineering. Finally,
1 sensitivity studies are performed to explore the effects of design
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Building and Construction, City Univ.
locale, soil properties, and ULS and SLS design requirements.
of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong 共corresponding
author兲. E-mail:
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hollister
Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853-3501. E-mail: Conceptual Framework
Note. Discussion open until January 1, 2009. Separate discussions
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
Design is a process of determining a set of parameters that de-
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
scribe and specify a product that satisfies a series of performance
sible publication on January 26, 2007; approved on October 29, 2007. requirements measured by their respective performance indices.
This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental In geotechnical engineering design, the product is a geo-structure,
Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 8, August 1, 2008. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090- and the design needs to specify the type of geo-structure 共e.g.,
0241/2008/8-1097–1105/$25.00. spread footing or pile兲 and its associated details, such as dimen-


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sions and materials used. The performance requirements include, There are several different levels 共or types兲 of cost estimates,
but are not limited to, safety and reliability or, more specifically, each of which has a different purpose and place in the construc-
the ULS and SLS requirements, which are given by multiple per- tion estimating process. Means 共1990兲 divides cost estimates into
formance indices, such as factor of safety, reliability index, and four different levels: 共1兲 order of magnitude estimates; 共2兲 square
allowable deformation. Successful designs must satisfy all perfor- foot and cubic foot estimates 共or SI equivalents兲; 共3兲 assembly
mance criteria. estimates; and 共4兲 unit price estimates. The order of magnitude
Every product 共or geo-structure兲 has a cost, which varies as the estimate could be described loosely as an educated guess and can
design parameters 共e.g., materials and dimensions兲 change. The be completed when only minimal information is available. One
economics requirement of foundation design is to satisfy the man- important purpose of this type of estimate is to provide informa-
datory performance requirements with minimum construction tion to an owner or client so that a budget-level decision can be
cost, and it can be addressed explicitly in design by optimization, made to proceed with the project.
in which minimizing the construction cost 共Z兲 of the foundation The square foot and cubic foot estimate is an advanced pre-
is the optimization objective. Note that Z is a function of liminary estimate based on historical data. It is effective when
the design parameters 共x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn兲 and other constants features of the proposed project are known, but not yet designed
共c1 , c2 , c3 , . . . , cn兲 that define the unit costs of construction mate- 共i.e., type of building or facility and proposed number of square
rials, labor, and so on. The design parameters 共x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn兲 feet or cubic feet兲.
are considered to be optimization variables, and the perfor- The assembly estimate is an intermediate one prepared during
mance requirements, measured by performance indices the early stage of project design. An assembly refers to a collec-
共PI1 , PI2 , PI3 , . . . , PIn兲, are treated as optimization constraints. tion of the individual tasks required to construct a composite
The optimization is to obtain a set of design parameters work item. For example, consider a spread footing assembly,
共x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn兲 that result in a set of performance values which usually includes five tasks: excavation, formwork, rein-
共PI1 , PI2 , PI3 , . . . , PIn兲 that are equal to or exceed the required forcement, concrete, and compacted backfill. In these estimates,
performance indices 共PI1r , PI2r , PI3r , . . . , PInr兲 and also give the an assembly is treated as a cost unit, and the total cost is the
minimum Z. The optimization process can be expressed in a product of the assembly unit cost and number of assemblies in the
standard nonlinear programming format 共Castillo et al. 2002兲 as project.
follows: The fourth level is the unit price estimate, in which the work is
Objective divided into the smallest possible work items, and a unit price is
estimated for each item. The unit price then is multiplied by the
Minimize cost Z = f共x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xn,c1,c2,c3, . . . ,cn兲
quantity required to obtain the cost for the items, and the esti-
Constraints mated cost is the sum of the costs for all items. The result is the
most accurate and detailed estimate. All decisions regarding the
Performance Index 1, PI1共x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xn兲, is equal to or exceeds PI1r construction materials and methods must have been made before
Performance Index 2, PI2共x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xn兲, is equal to or exceeds PI2r the unit price estimates, because detailed working drawings,
Performance Index 3, PI3共x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xn兲, is equal to or exceeds PI3r specifications, details on construction equipment, and productiv-
] ity data are needed for determining the quantities of materials,
Performance Index n, PIn共x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xn兲, is equal to or exceeds PInr
equipment, and labor.
Clearly, each estimate level requires different amounts of time
Practical Constraints, xil 艋 xi 艋 xiu,i = 1,2,3, . . . ,n
to complete and has different levels of accuracy. As the estimates
in which xil and xiu⫽lower and upper bounds, respectively, for progress from the least to the most accurate 共i.e., from 1 to 4兲, the
design parameter xi and define the practical ranges of the design time needed for a modest building project might increase signifi-
parameters. For example, consider a design parameter that defines cantly from several minutes to several weeks. The required input
the dimensions of a spread footing. These dimensions must be data also vary significantly with estimate level. The estimator’s
greater than zero, and therefore xil must be greater than zero. experience on similar previous projects might be the major input
The economically optimized design then can be obtained by data for the order of magnitude estimates, as opposed to the other
solving the optimization problem described above. There is sub- three levels of estimates, which more frequently use published,
stantial literature available on optimization, and well-established annually updated, unit cost data, such as Means Square Foot
methodologies are applied widely for solving optimizations in Costs 共Means 2006c兲, Means Assemblies Cost Data 共Means
various disciplines. Optimization software and toolkits also have 2006a兲, and Means Building Construction Cost Data 共Means
been developed, such as the “Solver” function in Microsoft Excel. 2006b兲. Note that unit cost data are location dependent and vary
Background information on optimization is beyond the scope of from region to region. Costs for the same materials vary from
this paper, and the reader is referred to Pedregal 共2003兲 and region to region, or even from city to city, and labor rates and
Castillo et al. 共2002兲 for details. productivity also vary geographically. Therefore, it is not surpris-
ing to find that the unit costs in major cities 共e.g., New York City兲
are much higher than those in rural areas.
Cost Estimates For the best optimization, it would be desirable to adopt the
level of cost estimates that are the most accurate, i.e., the unit
A key component in the optimization is calculating Z 共cost esti- price estimates. However, it is difficult to apply these estimates
mate兲, which consists of two basic tasks: 共1兲 determining material directly because they require detailed working drawings, specifi-
quantities and construction labor required 共i.e., quantity takeoff兲; cations, details on construction equipment, and productivity data,
and 共2兲 estimating reasonable costs for them 共Means 1990兲. Es- none of which obviously are available during design. In this
sentials of cost estimates are reviewed in this section, while the paper, a simplified unit price estimate is developed that uses the
reader is referred to Bledsoe 共1992兲, Means 共1990兲, and Waier unit prices developed for assembly cost data 共Means 2006a兲.
共1993兲 for details. Table 1 shows an assembly example for constructing a


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Table 1. Calculation of Spread Footing Assembly Unit Price 共after Means 2006a兲
Cost per assembly
United States dollars 共USD兲
Spread footing Unit price
共0.91 m ⫻ 0.91 m ⫻ 0.30 m deep兲 Quantity Units Material Labor Total 共USD兲
Excavation 0.451 m3 N/Aa 11.35 11.35 25.16
Formwork 1.115 m2 7.80 50.16 57.96 51.97
Reinforcement 5.443 kg 5.61 6.15 11.76 2.16
Concrete 0.253 m3 37.62 6.27 43.89 173.96
Compacted backfill 0.199 m3 N/Aa 0.79 0.79 3.97
Total N/A N/Aa 51.03 74.72 125.75 N/Aa
Note: Cost data represent United States national average for 2007.
N/A⫽not applicable.

0.91 m ⫻ 0.91 m ⫻ 0.30 m deep spread footing. The first column ULS and SLS Designs
contains the five individual tasks cited previously. The second and
The ULS and SLS requirements for the spread footing are given
third columns show the quantities and associated units for these
by the required factor of safety 共FSr兲 against soil failure and the
tasks. The United States national average costs for materials and
allowable settlement 共␦r兲, respectively. In this example, FSr = 3
labor are given in the fourth and fifth columns, respectively, and
and ␦r = 25 mm are used as the design criteria. In addition, the
the sixth column shows the total costs. The unit prices are calcu-
foundation depth 共D兲 should be greater than a minimum depth
lated by dividing the sixth column by the second. The quantities
共D1兲 = 0.5 m to prevent frost damage and should be limited to a
of the five individual tasks are functions of the design parameters
maximum depth 共Du兲 = 2.0 m to minimize disturbance to adjacent
共e.g., dimensions兲 and can be estimated. The following example
illustrates this process for a spread footing.
The ultimate bearing capacity 共qult兲 of a footing on a cohesion-
less, horizontal, sand deposit can be calculated from Eq. 共1兲, for
general shear and a concentrically applied vertical load 共Vesic
Spread Footing Design 1975兲

Spreading footing design is arguably among the simplest in geo- qult = 0.5B␥⬘N␥␨␥s␨␥d + q⬘Nq␨qs␨qd 共1兲
technical engineering, and therefore it is used to illustrate the
in which ␥⬘⫽effective unit weight of soil below footing;
optimization framework.
q⬘⫽effective overburden stress at foundation level; N␥ and
Nq⫽bearing capacity factors, and ␨␥s, ␨␥d, ␨qs, ␨qd⫽shape and
Design Example depth factors, as given below
Fig. 1 illustrates a spread footing in dry sand with a unit weight N␥ ⬇ 2共Nq + 1兲tan ␾⬘ 共2兲
共␥兲 = 18.5 kN/ m3 and an effective friction angle 共␾⬘兲 = 35°. The
sand has a Young’s modulus 共E兲 = 50 MPa and a Poisson’s ratio
共␯兲 = 0.3. The groundwater is at considerable depth, so the spread Nq = 共e␲ tan ␾⬘兲tan2共45 + ␾⬘/2兲 共3兲
footing is not affected by groundwater. The footing is designed to
support a column that transfers a vertical load 共F兲 = 3,000 kN to ␨␥s = 1 − 0.4共B/L兲 共4兲
the footing. Three key design parameters for the spread footing
are the depth 共D兲, width 共B兲, and length 共L兲, as shown in Fig. 1. ␨␥d = 1 共5兲

␨qs = 1 + 共B/L兲tan ␾⬘ 共6兲

␨qd = 1 + 2 tan ␾⬘共1 − sin ␾⬘兲2关共␲/180兲tan−1共D/B兲兴 共7兲

Then, the factor of safety 共FS兲 can be calculated as

FS = 共8兲
For this example, the settlement 共␦兲 is calculated using the
following elastic solution 共Poulos and Davis 1974兲

F共1 − ␯2兲
␦= 共9兲
in which ␤z⫽shape factor given in Fig. 2 共Whitman and Richart
1967兲. Although this example uses an elastic solution to calculate
Fig. 1. Spread footing design example ␦, the economically optimized design framework is independent


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the concrete volume 共Qc兲 in cost estimates. Qr can be expressed
Qr = kQc 共13兲
in which k⫽proportionality coefficient that is taken as
29.67 kg/ m3 共Means 1990兲 herein. Compacted backfill is mea-
sured by its volume, and this quantity 共Qb兲 is the difference be-
tween Qe and Qc, expressed as
Qb = Qe − Qc 共14兲
Then the construction cost 共Z兲 of the spread footing can be
estimated as
Z = Q ec e + Q f c f + Q cc c + Q rc r + Q bc b 共15兲
in which ce, c f , cc, cr, and cb⫽unit prices for excavation, form-
Fig. 2. Shape factor ␤z
work, concrete, reinforcement, and compacted backfill, respec-
tively, as summarized in the last column of Table 1.

of the calculation model used for ␦, and alternate nonelastic so-

lutions can be used. Economically Optimized Design
Conventional design begins with an initial assumption, fol- The economics requirement is considered explicitly in the spread
lowed by calculations, and then comparison of the calculated FS footing design using the optimization framework, in which the
with FSr and the calculated ␦ with ␦r. For example, a trial design optimization objective is to minimize Z, with the optimization
with D = 0.6 m and B = L = 2.6 m is acceptable, because the calcu- variables B, L, and D. Both the ULS and SLS requirements are
lated FS and ␦ are 3.1 and 20 mm, respectively, which satisfy the considered as optimization constraints and are reflected by FS and
design requirements of FSr = 3 and ␦r = 25 mm. In general, many ␦. In addition, B, L, and D are subjected to some practical con-
designs can be acceptable that satisfy both design requirements. straints, i.e., B and L should be greater than zero, and D should be
For instance, another design with D = 2.0 m, B = 1.7 m, and L between 0.5 and 2.0 m to prevent frost damage or disturbance to
= 2.4 m gives FS= 3.8 and ␦ = 25 mm. Judgment and experience adjacent structures. The optimization process can be expressed in
frequently are used to select a final design that reflects the eco- a standard nonlinear programming format, as follows:
nomics issue. However, because economics are not addressed di- Objective
rectly, there is no guarantee that the selected design yields the
minimum construction cost. Minimize cost Z = f共B,L,D,H,B0,L0,k,ce,c f ,cc,cr,cb兲
Construction Cost Estimates
ULS requirement, FS 艌 3
The cost of a spread footing can be estimated using the simplified
unit price estimates, which require unit prices and quantities for SLS requirement, ␦ 艋 25 mm
each individual task. The quantities of the five tasks are a function
of the design parameters and can be calculated explicitly. Exca- B ⬎ 0, L ⬎ 0, and 2.0 m 艌 D 艌 0.5 m
vation is measured by its volume, and this quantity 共Qe兲 can be
calculated from Fig. 1 as Then Z, FS, and ␦ are calculated using Eqs. 共15兲, 共8兲, and 共9兲,
respectively. To calculate ␤z in Eq. 共9兲, the ␤z versus L / B rela-
Qe = 共B + B0兲共L + L0兲D 共10兲 tionship in Fig. 2 is approximated by the following second-order
polynomial function:
in which B0 and L0⫽overexcavation distances along the width
and length directions, respectively. In foundation construc- ␤z = − 0.0017共L/B兲2 + 0.0597共L/B兲 + 0.9843 共16兲
tion, overexcavation is necessary to facilitate placement of
formwork and concreting. The overexcavation distances fre- The optimization model is set up in a Microsoft Excel spread-
quently are assumed as 0.3 m in cost estimates 共Bledsoe 1992兲, sheet and is solved using the Excel function Solver. Details are
so B0 = L0 = 0.3 m is assumed herein. given in the Appendix. The minimum Z is USD 1,086, which
Formwork is measured by its area, and this quantity 共Q f 兲 can occurs when D = 1.38 m, B = 1.86 m, and L = 2.30 m. Table 2 sum-
be calculated as marizes details of the optimized design and comparison with two
other design alternates described previously in the section “ULS
Q f = 2H共B + L兲 共11兲 and SLS Designs.” Although the three designs satisfy both the
ULS and SLS requirements, they have different values of B, L,
Concrete is measured by its volume, and this quantity 共Qc兲 can be and D, which results in different construction costs. Since the
calculated as economics are not considered explicitly in conventional designs,
the construction cost of the conventional footing might be signifi-
Qc = BLH 共12兲
cantly higher than the cost of the optimized design. Table 2 shows
in which H⫽height of footing. In this paper, H = 0.6 m, which is that the cost of example 1 is 31% higher than the optimized
typical for a spread footing resisting a concentric 3,000 kN verti- design. In contrast, the optimization process includes the con-
cal load. Reinforcement of spread footings is measured by its struction cost estimates and ensures that the final design can be
mass, and the quantity 共Qr兲 frequently is assumed proportional to optimized with minimum construction cost.


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Table 2. Comparison of Three Spread Footing Designs
Width, B Length, L Depth, D Cost Difference
Design option 共m兲 共m兲 共m兲 共USD兲 共%兲
Optimized 1.86 2.30 1.38 1086 N/Aa
Example 1 2.60 2.60 0.60 1421 31
Example 2 1.70 2.40 2.00 1143 5
N/A⫽not applicable.

It should be noted that the construction cost also is affected cludes the unit prices for Beijing, the capital of China, which are
by other factors, such as constructability, construction schedule, extracted from construction cost data in China 共DLS 2006; CMC
local contractor’s preference, and availability of standard or local 1995兲.
materials 共e.g., formwork sizes兲. Although these factors are The comparable, economically optimized designs of spread
not included in this example, the optimization framework can be footings for the United States average, New York City, and
extended readily to incorporate these factors as optimization Beijing are summarized in Table 5. The optimized design for New
constraints. York City is a square footing with B = L = 2.10 m and D = 1.25 m.
This design is slightly different from the one for the United States
national average, with shallower depth 共1.25 m versus 1.38 m兲,
Sensitivity Study slightly larger footprint 共2.10⫻ 2.10= 4.41 m2 versus 1.86⫻ 2.30
= 4.28 m2兲, and a construction cost that is about 1.4 times higher
than the United States national average cost. The optimized de-
Effect of Locale
sign for Beijing has B = 1.18 m, L = 3.15 m, and D = 2.00 m, which
Construction costs vary from region to region, or even from city is significantly different from the one for the United States na-
to city, as materials costs, labor rates, and productivity vary geo- tional average. The depth 共D = 2.00 m兲 is the upper bound value
graphically. Because the construction costs are considered explic- and is significantly larger than the depth 共D = 1.38 m兲 for the
itly in the design, the location of the designed geo-structures and United States national average. On the other hand, the footprint
the geographic variation of construction costs can result in differ- 共1.18⫻ 3.15= 3.72 m2兲 is smaller than that for the United States
ent optimized designs. national average 共1.86⫻ 2.30= 4.28 m2兲.
In cost estimates, the location effect is addressed using the city All designs result in FS= 3 and ␦ = 25 mm and reflect different
cost index. This index for the United States national average is strategies in fulfilling the design requirements. The footing might
taken as 100, and the indices for 316 major cities throughout the be either relatively shallow with a relatively large size or rela-
United States and Canada are given by Means 共2006a兲. For ex- tively deep with a relatively small size. The variation of founda-
ample, consider the cost indices for New York City, which are tion depth leads to different quantities of excavation and backfill,
110.5 and 164.1 for materials and labor for foundation work, the construction costs of which are dominated by labor costs, as
respectively. The materials and labor unit prices in New York City shown in Tables 1 and 3. In contrast, the variation of footing size
are adjusted by multiplying the ratio of the city cost indices results in different quantities of formwork, concrete, and rein-
共1.105 and 1.641兲 to the national average unit prices, such as the forcement, the construction costs of which are much more af-
data in Table 1. Table 3 summarizes the calculation of spread fected by materials costs, as shown in Tables 1 and 3. Since
footing unit prices in New York City. The fourth and fifth col- construction cost is a product of quantity and unit price, the eco-
umns in Table 3 are obtained from the comparable columns in nomically optimized deign, which explicitly considers the con-
Table 1 and the city cost index ratios 共1.105 and 1.641兲. The sixth struction cost, depends on the unit price of each individual work
column shows the total costs, and the seventh column summarizes task and, particularly, the relative ratios between them. As the
the unit prices. Table 4 summarizes the unit prices of spread foot- relative ratio changes, the economically optimized design might
ings for the United States national average and New York City, also change. Examination of Table 4 shows that, although all unit
which shows higher prices in New York City. Table 4 also in- prices in Beijing are substantially smaller than those for the

Table 3. Unit Prices of Spread Footings in New York City

Cost per assembly
Spread footing Unit price
共0.91 m ⫻ 0.91 m ⫻ 0.30 m deep兲 Quantity Units Material Labor Total 共USD兲
Excavation 0.451 m3 N/Aa 18.63 18.63 41.30
Formwork 1.115 m 8.62 82.31 90.93 81.55
Reinforcement 5.443 kg 6.20 10.09 16.29 2.99
Concrete 0.253 m3 41.57 10.29 51.86 204.98
Compacted backfill 0.199 m3 N/Aa 1.30 1.30 6.51
Total N/Aa N/Aa 56.39 122.62 179.00 N/Aa
Note: Calculated according to Table 1, using city cost indices of 110.5 and 164.1 for materials and labor, respectively.
N/A⫽not applicable.


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Table 4. Summary of Unit Prices of Spread Footings for Three Locations
Cost per unit

United States
national New York City, Beijing,
Work task Units average United States Chinaa
Excavation m3 25.16 41.30 1.38
Formwork m2 51.97 81.55 4.00
Reinforcement kg 2.16 2.99 0.54
Concrete m3 173.96 204.98 47.50
Compacted backfill m3 3.97 6.51 0.22
Extracted from DLS 共2006兲 and CMC 共1995兲, assuming that the
currency exchange rate between USD and Chinese currency, RMB is 1:8.

United States national average, work tasks that are dominated by

labor, such as excavation and backfill, have significantly lower
relative unit prices than those dominated by materials, such as
reinforcement and concrete. Therefore, the optimized design in
Beijing aims to use as much excavation and backfill as possible,
resulting in an upper bound depth of 2 m with a relatively small
footing size. In contrast, optimization of the design for the United
States national average shows that a depth of 1.38 m with a rela-
tively large footing size leads to the minimum construction cost.
Similarly, as indicated by the materials and labor cost indices in
New York City 共110.5 and 164.1, respectively兲, labor cost in-
creases more significantly than materials cost. Therefore, the op-
timized design in New York City aims to use less excavation and
backfill, resulting in a relatively shallow depth of 1.25 m with a
relatively large footing size. Because unit prices are geographi-
cally dependent, the economically optimized designs can vary by
locale. Fig. 3. Sensitivity study on soil properties
Although this paper focuses on the effect of locale, the concept
is equally applicable to time. As time passes, materials cost, labor
rates, and productivity change, resulting in possible alterations of tivity study, and variations of the soil properties are defined in
the economically optimized design over time. accordance with their inherent variability. Phoon and Kulhawy
共1999兲 characterized geotechnical variability and provided typical
Effect of Soil Properties values of coefficient of variation 共COV兲 for various soil param-
eters. The COVs of ␥, ␾⬘, and E are about 9, 5–15, and 15–65%,
Ground conditions and soil properties are key factors that control respectively. In this study, the variations of ␥, ␾⬘, and E are taken
geotechnical engineering designs, and therefore proper site inves- as their baseline values ⫾1 SD, which are taken as 10% of their
tigation is necessary to define the ground conditions and to estab- baseline values for ␥ and ␾⬘ and 50% of its baseline value for E.
lish design input parameters. Furthermore, site investigation Since no data for ␯ are available, its variation is taken as the same
should be conducted in a cost-effective manner. An economically as that for E.
optimized design permits quantitative assessment of the benefits Fig. 3共a兲 shows variations of construction costs for the eco-
of improving soil property characterization by means of a sensi- nomically optimized designs that result from variations of ␥, ␾⬘,
tivity study. E, and ␯, compared to the baseline construction cost 共USD
Soil properties for the spread footing design example include 1,086兲. This figure shows that E has the most significant effect on
the soil unit weight 共␥兲 = 18.5 kN/ m3, effective friction angle the construction costs, followed by ␾⬘. When E decreases to
共␾⬘兲 = 35°, Young’s modulus 共E兲 = 50 MPa, and Poisson’s ratio 25 MPa, the cost increases to about USD 2,300, more than twice
共␯兲 = 0.3. These values are taken as baseline values in the sensi- the baseline value. The effects of ␯ and ␥ are relatively minor, and
the variation of ␥ only leads to a change of construction costs of
about 5%.
Table 5. Summary of Optimized Designs for Three Locations The most important soil parameter controlling the design is E,
United States and therefore, when performing site investigations, attention
national New York City, Beijing, should be directed to E. Note also that although the variation of E
Optimized design average United States China is symmetrical about the baseline value, the corresponding varia-
Width, B 共m兲 1.86 2.10 1.18
tion of construction costs is asymmetric. When E increases by
50% 共to 75 MPa兲, the construction cost decreases by less than
Length, L 共m兲 2.30 2.10 3.15
20%. In contrast, when E decreases by 50% 共to 25 MPa兲, the
Depth, D 共m兲 1.38 1.25 2.00
construction cost increases by more than 100%.
Cost 共USD兲 1,086 1,512 179
Fig. 4 shows the variation of construction cost as a function of


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Fig. 5. Effects of design requirements FSr and ␦r
Fig. 4. Effect of Young’s modulus E

ing rate as ␦r increases from 15 to 45 mm, and they appear to

E. The cost decreases nonlinearly, as E increases from 25 to remain constant when ␦r ⬎ 45 mm. When ␦r is relatively small,
60 MPa, and it remains constant thereafter. Since E is related to the effect of ␦r is significant on the design and construction costs.
the design requirement of allowable settlement 关Eq. 共9兲兴, Fig. 4 However, the effect decreases as ␦r increases, and it becomes
also shows the calculated settlement in the economically opti- negligible when ␦r is larger than a threshold value 共e.g., 45 mm
mized design by solid triangles. When E is less than 60 MPa, the for FSr = 1.5兲. The threshold value decreases from 45 to 25 mm as
calculated allowable settlement is 25 mm, which equals ␦r and FSr increases from 1.5 to 4.5. When ␦r is larger than the threshold
indicates that ␦r controls the final design. In this case, change of E value, it has no effect on the design, and therefore it is not a
leads to change of the final design. Additional efforts might be governing design requirement. The increase of the threshold value
warranted for improving the characterization of E. On the other implies that the effect of ␦r diminishes as FSr increases. This
hand, when E is larger than 60 MPa, the calculated settlement is variation suggests that, in spread footing design, a relatively strin-
less than 25 mm. This case indicates that ␦r does not control the gent ULS requirement 共i.e., large FSr兲 generally ensures fulfill-
final design, and therefore the ␦r requirement is automatically ment of the SLS requirement 共i.e., ␦r兲.
satisfied by meeting the FSr requirement 共refer to the next section
for details兲. Accordingly, change of E has no effect on the final
design, and subsequently no additional efforts are warranted to Summary and Conclusions
determine the precise value of E.
The second sensitivity study was performed with a variation In this paper, a design approach was developed that explicitly
of ⫾10% of their baseline values for all four soil parameters. considers construction economics and results in a geo-structure
Fig. 3共b兲 shows the variations of construction costs with the base- with the minimum construction cost. The approach is expressed
line construction cost. The figure also shows that E and ␾⬘ are as an optimization process, in which the optimization objective is
the two parameters that significantly affect the construction costs to minimize construction cost. Design parameters, such as the
and deserve more attention in site investigations. The variations dimensions of the geo-structures, are treated as optimization vari-
of construction costs with soil properties enable a quantitative ables, which vary within the ranges constrained by the design
cost-benefit analysis that can be performed to justify whether ad- requirements, such as ULS and SLS requirements. As the optimi-
ditional investment is warranted for improving soil property char- zation is solved, a set of design parameters is obtained, and the
acterization. geo-structure is specified or designed that not only satisfies all
design requirements, but also results in the minimum construction
Effect of Design Requirements
One key component in the economically optimized design is
Design requirements are paramount, and their variation can result the construction cost estimate, which consists of quantity takeoff
in different designs and consequently different construction costs. and cost estimates using unit prices. A simplified procedure is
Because an economically optimized design incorporates construc- developed to acquire the unit prices needed in the cost estimates,
tion cost estimates, it is possible to explore the effect of design and the procedure is illustrated for an example spread footing.
requirements on the construction costs. Characterization of the Unit prices are developed for the five construction work tasks,
design requirement effect is particularly valuable in performance- including excavation, formwork, reinforcement, concrete, and
based design 共FEMA 1996; Ghobarah 2001兲, in which facility compacted backfill.
owners make the determination, with their engineers, of the de- Comparison of the economically optimized design example
sired performance level of their facility 共i.e., design require- with conventional designs shows that the savings in construction
ments兲. Construction costs are one key concern. cost could be as much as 30%. Furthermore, because the unit
Fig. 5 shows the variation of construction costs as functions of prices and construction costs are geographically dependent, the
both FSr and ␦r. For a given ␦r, the construction costs increase as economically optimized design can vary by locale. For the same
FSr increases from 1.5 to 5.0. FSr affects the economically opti- ground conditions and design requirements, footing designs for
mized design and therefore the construction cost. When FSr the United States national average are different from those in New
= 1.5, the construction costs decrease significantly, with a decreas- York City or Beijing. The design in Beijing makes use of the


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relatively inexpensive labor for excavation and backfill, resulting Appendix. Optimization Model in Microsoft Excel
in a relatively deep footing with a relatively small size. In con-
trast, the designed footing in New York City is relatively shallow Fig. 6 shows the optimization model for spread footing design in
with a relatively large size. a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is divided into
A sensitivity study was performed: 共1兲 to identify the key soil three zones: 共1兲 an input data zone from Rows 1 to 7; 共2兲 a design
properties that most affect the design and construction costs; and parameter and calculation zone from Rows 9 to 18; and 共3兲 a cost
共2兲 to quantitatively assess the benefit of improving soil property estimate zone starting from Row 20.
characterization. It was found that E and ␾⬘ are the key param- The input data consist of soil properties, design performance
eters that significantly affect the design of spread footings in co- requirements, practical constraints, and unit price data, in this
hensionless soils and therefore deserve specific attention in site case taken from the last column of Table 1. The design parameter
investigation. However, if E is relatively large 共i.e., greater than and calculation zone include three design parameters 共D, B, and
60 MPa in this example兲, then it is no longer a key parameter. In L兲 and two assumed constants of footing design and calculations
addition, sensitivity studies show that, when ␦r is relatively small, for both ULS and SLS designs. Eqs. 共1兲–共8兲 are implemented in
it controls the final design. As ␦r increases, its effect decreases Cells E10–E18 for calculations of bearing capacity factors, shape
and becomes negligible when ␦r is larger than some threshold factors, depth factors, bearing capacity, and FS. The settlement is
value, which decreases as FSr increases. This result suggests that, calculated using Eq. 共9兲 in Cell H12 and Eq. 共16兲 in Cell H11.
for spread footing design, a relatively stringent ULS requirement The cost estimates contain the quantity takeoffs, which are calcu-
共i.e., large FSr兲 generally ensures fulfillment of the SLS require- lated in Cells B22–B26 using Eqs. 共10兲–共14兲, and the total cost
ment 共i.e., ␦r兲. estimate in Cell D22 with Eq. 共15兲.
Finally, it should be noted that the economically optimized The optimization model then is set up using the Excel toolkit
design framework is independent of the calculation models used Solver, which can be launched by going to the drop-down menu
for qult and ␦ and the types of structures under design. of “Tools” and selecting “Solver.” As shown in the lower right
corner of Fig. 6, the Solver parameters window appears that per-
mits definition of the optimization objective, variables, and con-
Acknowledgments straints. The optimization objective is defined by assigning Cell
D22 as the target cell and checking the “Min” button. Cells B10–
The work described in this paper was supported by grants from B12 are the optimization variables. Both design requirements and
City University of Hong Kong 共Project Nos. 7002072 and practical constraints are treated as constraints and implemented as
7200070兲. Cell B10艋 2, Cell B10艌 0.5, Cell B11艌 0, Cell B12艌 0, Cell

Fig. 6. Optimization model in Microsoft Excel


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E18艌 Cell H3, and Cell H12艋 Cell H4. The optimization is ex- ␥⬘ ⫽ effective unit weight of soil below
ecuted by clicking the “Solve” button in the upper right corner, footing;
and the minimum construction cost and the corresponding design ␦ ⫽ calculated settlement;
parameters and calculated FS and ␦ are generated. For the ex- ␦r ⫽ required allowable settlement;
ample shown in Fig. 6, the minimum construction cost is USD ␨␥d , ␨qd ⫽ depth factors in bearing capacity
1,086. equation;
Note that the Solver toolkit may not have been installed by ␨␥s , ␨qs ⫽ shape factors in bearing capacity
default, but it can be activated by going to the drop-down menu of equation;
“Tools,” selecting “Add-Ins . . . ,” and checking the “Solver Add- ␯ ⫽ Poisson’s ratio; and
In” checkbox. ␾⬘ ⫽ effective friction angle.

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