Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Physics Artifacts and Quality Control Considerations

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Imaging Physics
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis:
Physics, Artifacts, and Quality
Control Considerations
Nikki Tirada, MD
Guang Li, PhD As digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) becomes widely used, radi-
David Dreizin, MD ologists must understand the basic principles of (a) image acquisi-
Luke Robinson, MD tion, (b) artifacts, and (c) quality control (QC) that are specific to
Gauri Khorjekar, MBBS DBT. Standard acquisition parameters common to both full-field
Sergio Dromi, MD digital mammography (FFDM) and DBT are combinations of
Thomas Ernst, PhD x-ray tube voltage, current exposure time, and anode target and
filter combinations. Image acquisition parameters specific to DBT
Abbreviations: ACR = American College of include tube motion, sweep angle, and number of projections.
Radiology, DBT = digital breast tomosynthesis,
FBP = filtered back projection, FDA = U.S. Food
Continuous tube motion or x-ray emission decreases imaging time
and Drug Administration, FFDM = full-field but leads to focal spot blurring when compared with step-and-
digital mammography, MQSA = Mammography shoot techniques. The sweep angle and number of projections de-
Quality Standards Act, QC = quality control,
3D = three dimensional, 2D = two dimensional termines resolution. Wider sweep angles allow greater out-of-plane
(z-axis) resolution, improving visualization of masses and architec-
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:0000–0000
ture distortion. A greater number of projections increases in-plane
or x-y axis resolution, improving visualization of microcalcifications.
Content Codes: Artifacts related to DBT include blurring-ripple, truncation, and
From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology loss of skin and superficial tissue resolution. Motion artifacts are
and Nuclear Medicine, University of Mary- difficult to recognize because of inherent out-of-plane blurring.
land School of Medicine, 22 S Greene St, Bal-
timore, MD 21201. Presented as an education To maintain optimal image quality and an “as low as reasonably
exhibit at the 2017 RSNA Annual Meeting. achievable” (ALARA) radiation dose, regular QC must be per-
Received March 5, 2018; revision requested
April 18 and received June 18; accepted June
formed. DBT is considered a new imaging modality; therefore,
25. For this journal-based SA-CME activity, breast imaging facilities are required to obtain a separate certifica-
the authors N.T. and D.D. have provided dis- tion in addition to that in FFDM, and all personnel (radiologists,
closures (see end of article); all other authors,
the editor, and the reviewers have disclosed no technologists, and medical physicists) are mandated to complete
relevant relationships. Address correspon- initial DBT training and maintain appropriate continuing medical
dence to N.T. (e-mail:
education credits.
RSNA, 2019
RSNA, 2019 •

SA-CME Learning Objectives

After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to: Introduction
■■Describe DBT image acquisition Mammography gained widespread acceptance as a screening tool for
parameters and their effect on image
breast cancer detection in the 1970s, after it was shown to reduce
mortality by 25%–52% in randomized controlled trials (1,2). Since
■■Discuss artifacts specific to DBT, why
they occur, and how they can be mini- then, technological advancements have driven the evolution from an-
mized. alog film mammography to full-field digital mammography (FFDM)
■■Understand QC tasks specific to DBT. and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). The potential benefits
See of using tomosynthesis in breast imaging were recognized in the
mid-1990s, but its use was not practical owing to the poor quantum
efficiency and slow readout times of solid-state image receptors and
limitations in computer processing (3–9). Improvements in flat-panel
detectors from a solid-state design to amorphous selenium (Se) and
amorphous silicon (Si) and cesium (Cs)–iodine (I) detectors and
major advances in computing power led to the first commercially
available DBT unit, Selenia Dimensions (Hologic, Bedford, Mass),
which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) in 2011 (10,11). Subsequently, other DBT units received
FDA approval, including (in chronological order) SenoClaire (GE
414  March-April 2019

oblique and craniocaudal). Mediolateral oblique

Teaching Points images can be obtained with both FFDM and
■■ Standard acquisition parameters common to both FFDM and DBT, while only FFDM is used to acquire the
DBT are x-ray tube voltage, current exposure time, anode
target or filter combinations, and degree of compression.
craniocaudal view. This method has been shown
Parameters that are specific to DBT include tube motion, to be noninferior for cancer detection at screen-
sweep angle, and number of projections. ing examinations. These concerns were further
■■ Image resolution at DBT can be defined as in-plane or out-of- addressed when the FDA approved synthesized
plane resolution. The in-plane, or x-y axis resolution, of DBT is two-dimensional (2D) mammography from DBT
approximately 100–280 μm, which is comparable to that of datasets to replace FFDM, namely C-View for
FFDM. Higher in-plane resolution allows better visualization of
Hologic Selenia Dimensions and V-Preview for
small findings such as microcalcifications. Higher out-of-plane
(z-axis) resolution increases depth separation, which improves GE SenoClaire. Synthesized mammography sim-
visualization of findings with inherently low contrast to sur- ply refers to reconstructions that mimic FFDM.
rounding fibroglandular tissue such as masses and architec- A 2016 survey (21) of physician members of
tural distortion. the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) showed that
■■ Commercially available tomosynthesis units currently employ 89% already offered DBT in their practice, and
FBP and iterative reconstruction. among respondents who do not have DBT, 62%
■■ Artifacts specific to DBT include blurring-ripple artifacts, trun- were planning to acquire it in the future. How-
cation artifacts, and artifacts from loss of skin and superficial
ever, this might be an overestimation, because
tissue resolution. Grid artifacts and patient motion artifacts
seen at FFDM also can be present at DBT but rarely are appre- DBT is less prevalent in nonacademic settings
ciated because of the masking effect of out-of-plane blurring. and smaller practices. The American College of
■■ All personnel including radiologists, technologists, and medi- Radiology (ACR) estimated that approximately
cal physicists are mandated to complete 8 hours of initial DBT 30% of facilities in the United States offered
training and 15 hours of category 1 continuing medical edu- DBT in 2017 (22). Because substantial increases
cation credits in mammography, with at least 6 hours related in use are expected in the coming years, it is
to DBT every 3 years to maintain accreditation. For medical
physicists, the 15 hours of continuing medical education
important to understand how tomosynthesis
should include training related to each mammographic mo- images are obtained, recognize artifacts specific
dality under the physicist’s quality assurance oversight. to tomosynthesis, and understand how tomosyn-
thesis quality control (QC) is different from QC
for FFDM. Examples illustrated in this article are
cases from our practice, and images were ob-
Healthcare, Waukesha, Wis) in 2014, Mammomat tained with Hologic Selenia Dimensions units.
Inspiration (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen,
Germany) in 2015, Aspire Cristalle (Fujifilm Physical Principles of DBT
Medical, Tokyo, Japan) in 2017, and Senographe In a single view, a technologist can obtain im-
Pristina (GE Healthcare) in 2017 (11). ages in different modes including DBT only, a
DBT produces quasi–three-dimensional (3D) combination of DBT and FFDM, a combination
images of the breast, which are reconstructed in of DBT and synthesized mammography, or all
thin sections that allow reduction of anatomic three. Standard acquisition parameters common
noise or overlap of fibroglandular tissue. Mul- to both FFDM and DBT are x-ray tube voltage,
tiple large comparative effectiveness studies have current exposure time, anode target and filter
shown that the combination of screening FFDM combinations, and degree of compression (23).
and DBT is superior for cancer detection to the Parameters that are specific to DBT include tube
use of FFDM alone, with an increase in detec- motion, sweep angle, and number of projections
tion rates of 40%–53%, and a reduction in recall (23). Manufacturer-dependent differences in
rates of 15%–37% (12–17). FFDM with DBT in DBT, such as x-ray tubes, flat-panel detectors,
the combination mode allows for better detection acquisition parameters, and reconstruction algo-
of microcalcification and better comparison with rithms, are described in full detail in Table 1.
images from prior examinations. Improvement in Image resolution at DBT can be defined as
visibility of masses and architectural distortion re- in-plane or out-of-plane resolution. The in-plane,
duces the need for supplemental imaging such as or x-y axis resolution, of DBT is approximately
spot compression views or US as part of the diag- 100–280 μm, which is comparable to that of
nostic examination (18–20). However, combined FFDM (24). Higher in-plane resolution allows
acquisition of FFDM and DBT has the drawback better visualization of small findings such as
of approximately doubling the radiation dose and microcalcifications. Higher out-of-plane (z-axis)
increasing image acquisition time. GE Health- resolution increases depth separation, which
care offers a solution to minimize the radiation improves visualization of findings with inher-
dose by not requiring acquisition of both DBT ently low contrast to surrounding fibroglandular
and FFDM for each projection (mediolateral tissue such as masses and architectural distortion
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 2 Tirada et al  415

Table 1: Currently FDA-approved DBT Systems

Hologic Selenia GE Siemens Fujifilm GE

Parameter Dimensions SenoClaire Mammomat Aspire Senographe
X-ray tube
  Anode target W Mo/Rh W W Mo/Rh
 Filter* Al (700 μm) Mo (30 μm)/Rh Rh (50 μm) Al (700 μm)/Rh Mo (30 μm)/
(25 μm) Rh (30 μm)
  Tube motion Continuous Step and shoot Continuous Continuous Step and shoot
Flat-panel detector
 Detector Amorphous Se Amorphous Si/ Amorphous Se Amorphous Se Amorphous Si/
  Pixel size (μm) 140 (2 3 2 100 85 150 (ST binned 100
binned) 2 3 1), 100
 Grid No Yes No No Yes
  Tube motion Continuous Step and shoot Continuous Continuous Step and shoot
  Sweep angle (degrees) 15 25 50 15 (ST), 40 (HR) 25
  No. of projections 15 9 25 15 9
  Scanning time (sec) 3.7 10 25 9 (HR), 7 (ST) 7
Reconstruction algorithm FBP FBP/ASiR FBP FBP FBP/ASiR
Note.—Al = aluminum, ASiR = adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction, CsI = cesium iodide, FBP = filtered
back projection, HR = high resolution, Rh = rhodium, Mo = molybdenum, Se = selenium, Si = silicone, ST =
standard mode, W = tungsten.
* Some systems use combinations of targets and filters that are specific to DBT and not used for FFDM.

(23,25). Unlike FFDM, DBT provides some turer. The x-ray tube moves in a symmetric arch
depth information, which improves the conspicu- in both a positive and a negative direction around
ity of lesions and breast tissue, but its out-of-plane the center of the detector. For example, with a
resolution is inferior to that of CT (7,24,26). sweep angle of 50°, the x-ray source or gantry in a
Siemens Mammomat Inspiration unit moves from
Tube Motion −25° to +25° (28). Given the same radiation dose
DBT tube motion refers to the mode of x-ray tube and number of projections, a smaller sweep angle
emission with respect to motion of the gantry, with offers better in-plane resolution and visualization
the use of either a continuous or step-and-shoot of microcalcifications, and a larger sweep angle
technique. With continuous x-ray tube emission allows better out-of-plane resolution for larger
during gantry rotation, acquisition is partitioned objects such as masses that occupy multiple planes
into a limited number of projections to decrease (12). Another consideration for determining the
noise and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Con- sweep angle is the effect on the field of view. With
tinuous motion has faster imaging times compared wider sweep angles, parts of the breast projection
with those of step-and-shoot techniques but has can exceed the field of view of a stationary detec-
the disadvantage of focal spot motion blur. Con- tor, particularly in women with larger breasts (12).
versely, step-and-shoot techniques minimize focal Most DBT units have stationary detectors,
spot blur, but total acquisition times are longer be- with the exception of the Hologic Selenia Dimen-
cause the gantry must come to a complete stop to sions unit, in which the detectors tilt 5° around
avoid motion blur from vibration. The trade-off of the center of rotation. Given the stationary posi-
a longer examination time is artifact from patient tion or nonconcentric movement of the x-ray
motion (10,27). tube and detector, truly isotropic geometry is not
achieved at DBT.
Sweep Angle
Similar to CT images, tomosynthesis images are Number of Projections
obtained with a moving x-ray source. However, In general, a higher number of projections leads to
tomosynthesis images are obtained over a limited better image quality from increased in-plane reso-
angular range, or sweep angle. The sweep angle lution, decreased out-of-plane blurring for low-
for DBT is 15°–50°, depending on the manufac- contrast structures, and reduced blurring-ripple
416  March-April 2019

artifacts from high-density objects (discussed in tion. Back projection is a conventional algorithm
a subsequent section) (12,28). However, DBT is in which each pixel is created from measured pro-
constrained by radiation dose, which must be kept jections being projected back across the acquisi-
in the same low range as that for FFDM. Increas- tion angle to create an image. FBP involves the ap-
ing the number of projections increases the total plication of a convolution filter to each projection
radiation dose if the dose per projection is kept (34). High-pass filters may be applied to improve
constant; or alternatively results in a lower dose sharpness. Iterative reconstruction improves the
per projection, which leads to increased image image quality by iteratively comparing differences
noise and a poor contrast-to-noise ratio (4,23) if between the collected data and the current image
the total dose is held constant. Each manufacturer estimate and generating new image estimates on
uses a fixed number of projections, optimized on the basis of the differences. Iterative reconstruc-
the basis of sweep angle, radiation dose, and other tion is more computationally expensive, requiring
acquisition parameters (Table 1) (23). more advanced computing power and more time,
but its use can greatly reduce noise, or quantum
Radiation Dose mottle, while preserving sharpness (35). FBP is
DBT has lower anatomic noise than does FFDM computed rapidly but produces grainy images and
because of decreased tissue overlap, and affords is prone to streak artifacts from surgical or biopsy
the use of higher mean photon energy while clips (33,35).
preserving tissue contrast. Most DBT units use a Reconstructed DBT images are viewed as
tungsten (W) anode target with a rhodium (Rh) multiple thin (0.5–1 mm) sections parallel to the
or aluminum (Al) filter. The GE SenoClaire and detector plane. Unlike CT, tomosynthesis section
Senographe Pristina systems use an Rh anode thickness and reconstruction intervals do not have
target and Rh filter. All of these anode target and a one-to-one correspondence with breast compres-
filter combinations produce x-rays with higher sion thickness. Summation of multiple sections
mean energy, which leads to a lower average into thick-slab images can improve conspicuity
glandular dose compared with that of analog-film of microcalcifications and allow better delinea-
mammography, but an equivocally to slightly tion of microcalcification distributions (ie, diffuse,
higher dose compared with that of FFDM. regional, grouped, linear, or segmental). Subtle
Increased breast compression thickness leads to amorphous calcifications may be better visualized
increased average glandular dose for both FFDM with synthesized mammography (Fig 1a, 1b) and
and DBT, but increased breast density has more thin-section DBT (Fig 1c). Studies (26,36–39)
effect on the dose for FFDM (29). Combined in which the visibility of microcalcifications at
use of FFDM and DBT increases the radiation FFDM and DBT were compared have shown
dose by a factor of 2.25 compared with that for conflicting results. Both Spangler et al (37) and
FFDM-only examinations, but it is still well Poplack et al (36) reported that microcalcifica-
within the Mammography Quality Standards Act tions are more discernible at FFDM than at DBT.
(MQSA) guidelines, which mandate a limit of 3 Kopans et al (38) and Destounis et al (39) showed
mGy per view (12,30). If FFDM is replaced with that the conspicuity of microcalcifications at DBT
synthesized 2D mammography, the radiation is equivalent or slightly superior to that at FFDM
dose can be reduced by 45% (12,31). (26,38,39); however, the authors of these two
studies did not use 2D synthesized mammography
Image Reconstruction for evaluation of the visibility of microcalcifica-
Tomosynthesis imaging data in the Fourier domain tions. The high-pass filter used at synthesized
are incomplete owing to the limited sweep angle mammography makes microcalcifications appear
and small number of projections, and creating ac- more pronounced (Fig 2a) but can also create
curate tomosynthesis image reconstructions is chal- pseudocalcifications that can be verified or dis-
lenging. The nonisotropic geometry degrades z-axis proved at DBT (Fig 2b) and/or spot magnification
image resolution, which is derived from the Fourier FFDM (Fig 2c) (12). Studies (31,40,41) have
domain rather than directly acquired (25,32). The shown that synthesized mammography with DBT
z-axis resolution is improved by increasing the is noninferior to FFDM alone or combined with
range of the sweep angle. However, given dose con- DBT for evaluating microcalcifications. Therefore,
straints, there is an optimal number of projections radiologists should use all images at their dis-
for a certain sweep-angle range beyond which the posal to search for or exclude microcalcifications.
in-plane image quality decreases with the number Thin-section DBT may allow better visualization
of projections without any further improvement of of amorphous microcalcifications compared with
the z-axis resolution (33). synthesized mammography; however, synthesized
Commercially available tomosynthesis units mammography allows a global visual assessment
currently employ FBP and iterative reconstruc- of the whole breast.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 2 Tirada et al  417

Figure 1.  Amorphous microcalcifications in a 55-year-old woman. (a) Mediolateral spot magnification view shows that the amor-
phous microcalcifications are difficult to see. (b, c) Two-dimensional synthesized mammogram (b) and DBT image (c) acquired with
the use of a high-pass filter show improved visibility of microcalcifications.

Figure 2.  Amorphous microcalcifications in a 43-year-old woman. (a) Two-dimensional synthesized mammogram shows a group
of round and amorphous calcifications in the right breast. (b, c) DBT image (b) and FFDM spot magnification view (c) show two
microcalcifications (oval). These findings are 2D synthesized mammography–related pseudocalcification artifacts..

Artifacts crease with an increasing number of projections,

Artifacts specific to DBT include blurring-ripple disappearing when the number of projections
artifacts, truncation artifacts, and artifacts from matches the number of reconstruction sections
loss of skin and superficial tissue resolution. Grid (28,42,43). However, as previously discussed, the
artifacts and patient motion artifacts seen at number of projections is limited by the trade-off
FFDM also can be present at DBT but rarely are between the radiation dose and the contrast-to-
appreciated because of the masking effect of out- noise ratio. These artifacts are less noticeable with
of-plane blurring. iterative reconstruction than with FBP (44).
When the reconstructed DBT section is in
Blurring-Ripple Artifacts plane with high-density objects such as biopsy
Blurring-ripple artifacts are related to the small clips or coarse calcifications, no blurring-ripple
number of projections acquired at DBT, which artifacts are seen. Blurring-ripple artifacts are
limits suppression of anatomic noise from imag- two-stage phenomena, in which the margins of
ing planes outside of the reconstructed section, these high-density structures initially appear less
analogous to volume averaging, and are seen well defined and slightly wider than their true
perpendicular to the x-ray tube sweep direction dimensions when visualized on sections imme-
(27,28). In principle, blurring-ripple artifacts de- diately out of plane (ie, blurring). This causes
418  March-April 2019

Figure 3.  Blurring-ripple artifact

in a 67-year-old woman. Right cra-
niocaudal images obtained in com-
bination DBT (a) and FFDM (b)
mode show a falsely thick skin line
from blurring of the skin in the
DBT image (red arrows in a) and
blurring-ripple artifacts associated
with coarse calcifications (yellow
arrow in a). Both artifacts appear
less prominent with FFDM.

Figure 4.  Blurring-ripple artifact from a metallic biopsy clip in a 52-year-old woman. (a) Synthesized mammogram or C-view me-
diolateral oblique view of the left breast shows a streak artifact along the sweep direction. (b) DBT section 17 of 63 shows a blurring
artifact, with a widening and an indistinct margin. (c) DBT section 40 of 63 shows increased separation of the artifact from blurring
into a ripple or “slinky” artifact.

Figure 5.  Reduction of blurring-

ripple artifact in a 55-year-old
woman (same patient as in Figure
1). Postprocessing metal reduction
software can be applied after im-
age acquisition to reduce blurring-
ripple artifacts. (a) Synthesized
mammogram shows a decrease in
streak artifacts. (b) DBT section 10
of 63 also shows substantial reduc-
tion of blurring-ripple artifacts.

the skin to appear falsely thickened (Fig 3). It projections, there are nine out-of-plane ripple
also produces edge blurring and elongation of artifacts, and each of these will have one-ninth
biopsy or surgical clips (Fig 4a, 4b). As the dis- of the contrast of the original object in each
tance of reconstructed sections from the object reconstructed section, increasing in distance
increases, the artifacts become more and more from one another as the distance from the object
elongated, appearing as a vertical train of ripples increases (28,45). The artifacts are improved
(“slinky” artifact) perpendicular to the sweep with metal reduction postprocessing software
direction, and the ripples are equal in number (Fig 5) (46,47). Skin markers used to localize ar-
to the number of total acquired projections (Fig eas of concern and mole markers also can cause
4c) (12,28,43). In other words, if there are nine blurring-ripple artifacts, which can be mitigated
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 2 Tirada et al  419

Figure 7.  Simplified diagram of DBT acquisition shows how

truncation artifacts occur. The orange area of the breast is not
included in the wide projection field of view but contributes to
image reconstruction, resulting in a bright-edge artifact. The
Figure 6.  Dark streak or halo artifacts in a 61-year-old red area of the breast is located outside the reconstructed vol-
woman. Magnified synthesized mammogram shows ume (indicated by the solid black lines between the compres-
dark streak or halo artifacts surrounding surgical clips. sion paddle and the detector) but contributes to attenuation,
The artifacts are the results of photon starvation. resulting in stair-step artifacts.

with DBT-specific markers. Blurring-ripple edly oblique angles before reaching the detector
artifacts also are present at synthesized mam- (Fig 9) (25,33,44). Truncation artifacts can be
mography as streak or halo artifacts surrounding minimized with the use of a larger detector size
metallic objects (Fig 6). or with a dynamic detector tilt that is concentric
with the x-ray tube sweep angle.
Truncation Artifacts
Because of the small (less than 180°) sweep angle Loss of Skin and Superficial Tissue
and limited detector size, there is a nonuniform Resolution
contribution to the imaging data from breast Loss of skin and superficial tissue resolution oc-
tissue located at the periphery of the detec- curs in patients with large or dense breasts. At the
tor (Fig 7) (44). Breast tissue captured only by higher radiation doses required, peripheral x-rays
the peripheral-most acquisitions does not fall that traverse only skin and subcutaneous tissue at
within the reconstructed volume. The x-rays at higher energy levels cause saturation of the detec-
the margins of these acquisitions are still inci- tor, resulting in a burn-out effect (Fig 10) (12).
dent on the detector and contribute data to the
reconstruction. This discrepancy results in a Motion Artifacts
“stair-step” effect, which is a type of truncation Motion degrades image quality and dampens the
artifact (Fig 8) (44,48). With progressively more clarity of microcalcifications. Motion artifacts
central tube positions, there is an incremental can occur because of patient movement, inad-
decrease in the contribution to the total data equate compression, overly long exposure, or
from the wide-angle acquisition, resulting in a poor positioning technique (49,50). DBT incor-
step-wise decrease in artifact conspicuity. Stair- porates blurring to reduce anatomic noise from
step artifacts seen on individual DBT images are overlapping breast tissue, and additional blurring
summated on synthesized mammographic images from motion artifacts is not visualized readily.
to produce a single line (Fig 8). A “bright-edge” This may further decrease the conspicuity of
artifact is another form of truncation that results microcalcifications. Without concomitant use of
from overestimation of x-ray attenuation at the FFDM, degradation of DBT images from mo-
margins of the image. Bright edges at the periph- tion blurring may not be apparent. Radiologists
ery of reconstructed images result from x-rays should be vigilant for motion artifacts visible
emitted at wide-angle tube positions that must along the skin line, and the axillary or inframam-
traverse a greater distance in the breast at mark- mary folds. Another useful cue is the presence
420  March-April 2019

Figure 8.  Stair-step artifact in a 47-year-old woman. (a, b) The shoulder falls outside of the field of view of the re-
constructed volume image but appears as a stair-step artifact on a DBT image (a) and as a bright line on a synthesized
mammogram (arrows) (b). (c) The overlying shoulder can be seen on a cine source image.

of motion-related nonlinear wavy ripple artifacts

(Fig 11). Gross movement also can be seen with
the use of the cine mode.

Additional DBT Artifacts

Other DBT artifacts are processing reconstruc-
tion errors that appear as horizontal lines across all
images; dead pixels on the detector, which cause
black or white dots to appear in the same location
in every exposure; and grid lines, which appear on
FFDM images because of misaligned grids and
on DBT images because of failed power supply
to the array, which prevents grid retraction (51).
These artifacts are relatively rare and usually are
identified or corrected during periodic QC and

DBT is considered a new imaging modality by Figure 9.  Bright-edge artifact in a 49-year-
the MQSA. Breast imaging facilities are re- old woman. Bright-edge artifact manifests as
quired to obtain certification in DBT from the falsely increased attenuation in the axilla.
FDA in addition to FFDM accreditation (52).
All personnel including radiologists, technolo-
gists, and medical physicists are mandated to mographic modality under the physicist’s quality
complete 8 hours of initial DBT training and 15 assurance oversight (11,52).
hours of category 1 continuing medical educa- The ACR and the European Reference Or-
tion credits in mammography, with at least 6 ganization for Quality Assured Breast Screening
hours related to DBT every 3 years to maintain and Diagnostic Services (EUREF) have pub-
accreditation (11,52). For medical physicists, lished DBT QC protocols. As an alternative, QC
the 15 hours of continuing medical education can be performed according to specific manufac-
should include training related to each mam- turer guidelines.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 2 Tirada et al  421

Figure 10.  Artifacts in a 63-year-old woman.

(a) Spot compression DBT image of the right
breast shows a jagged appearance of the skin
and loss of detail in the dermal and subcutane-
ous tissues, secondary to saturation of the detec-
tor from a subpectoral dense silicone implant in
the field of view. A stair-step artifact from the
compression paddle and a blur artifact associated
with the biopsy clip are seen. Ripple artifacts are
not seen because metal reduction software was
applied. (b) Synthesized mammogram shows
the same artifacts as on the DBT image (a com-
bination-mode sequence was not performed).
(c) Mediolateral oblique nonimplant-displaced
FFDM view does not show the artifacts.

Figure 11.  Combination DBT/FFDM views of

the right breast show a motion artifact with blur-
ring at FFDM (a) that is not visible on the syn-
thesized mammogram (b). Patient motion was
related to increased examination time for the
double exposure.

The purpose of QC is to ensure consistent and fied before problems arise. Because FFDM and
optimal image quality by maintaining standards DBT share the same components, such as the
for noise, contrast, spatial resolution, and arti- detector and x-ray tube, many DBT QC tests
facts. QC also ensures that DBT radiation doses are similar to those for FFDM and often can
adhere to the “as low as reasonably achievable” be performed at the same time (53). Therefore,
(ALARA) principle (30). By conducting periodic FFDM QC should not be treated as completely
QC and QC testing after major upgrades or re- separate from DBT QC. Problems with detector
pairs such as x-ray tube or detector replacement, and focal spot performance such as those related
any inadvertent changes in settings or issues with to detector nonuniformity, spatial resolution,
the performance of the DBT unit can be identi- signal-to-noise ratio, and contrast-to-noise ratio
422  March-April 2019

Table 2: Typical DBT Quality Control

Testing Interval

Manufacturer and Test Technologist Physicist

Hologic Selenia Dimensions test
  ACR phantom image quality Weekly Annually/MEE
  Flat-field test Weekly Annually/MEE
  Artifact evaluation Weekly Annually/MEE
  Automatic exposure control NA Annually/MEE
  Geometry calibration Semiannually NA
  Breast entrance exposure, automatic exposure con- NA Annually/MEE
  trol reproducibility, and average glandular dose
  System resolution NA Annually/MEE
GE SenoClaire and Senographe Pristina test
  ACR phantom image quality Weekly Annually/MEE
  Flat-field test Weekly Annually/MEE
  Artifact evaluation Weekly Annually/MEE
  Automatic optimization of parameters 3D check Monthly Annually/MEE
  Average glandular dose in 3D NA Annually/MEE
  Volume coverage NA Annually/MEE
Siemens Inspiration test
  ACR phantom image quality Daily Annually/MEE
  Flat-field test Weekly Annually/MEE
  Artifact evaluation Weekly Annually/MEE
  Geometric accuracy in x-y and z-resolution NA Annually/MEE
  Average glandular dose in 3D NA Annually/MEE
Fujifilm Aspire Cristalle test
  ACR phantom image quality Daily Annually/MEE
  Flat-field test Weekly Annually/MEE
  Artifact evaluation Weekly Annually/MEE
  Automatic exposure control performance NA Annually/MEE
  Resolution (x-y plane and z-axis) NA Annually/MEE
  Average glandular dose in 3D NA Annually/MEE
  Short-term reproducibility NA Annually/MEE
Note.—Quality control tests vary by manufacturer, and similar tests may be referred to by
different names. MEE = mammography equipment evaluation performed at installation or
after major modifications (ie, component replacement or system upgrade) that may affect the
performance, NA = not applicable.

can affect the overall performance in both DBT medical physicist. There are two ACR mammog-
and FFDM modes. raphy accreditation phantoms. An older smaller
Table 2 gives an overview of common tests phantom contains six nylon fibers, five microcal-
performed by technologists and physicists on cification groups, five masses, and a 4-mm acrylic
commonly used DBT systems. The recommended disk (as a contrast object for signal-to-noise ratio
tests, the interval between QC assessments, and and contrast-to-noise ratio consistency tests). A
the passing criteria differ for each manufacturer. newer large rectangular phantom (designed for
A general overview of QC tests that are unique to FFDM and screen-film mammography) contains
DBT is presented, but readers should consult QC six nylon fibers, six microcalcification groups,
manuals from each DBT system manufacturer for and six masses and provides coverage of the
details specific to their equipment. entire field of view of the detector evaluation of
artifacts. To save time, images may be acquired in
Phantom Image Quality Testing a combination FFDM-DBT mode for the weekly
A phantom image quality test is performed QC. However, the FFDM and DBT modes
weekly by the technologist and annually by the may need to be calibrated differently than the
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 2 Tirada et al  423

Figure 13.  Line bar phantom. Spatial resolution test-

Figure 12.  Small ACR mammography accreditation
ing is performed with a line bar phantom placed at 45°
phantom. This phantom is made from acrylic and con-
to the x-ray tube anode-cathode axis, on top of a 4-cm
tains a wax insert to simulate a 4.2-cm compressed
homogeneous acrylic block. There is greater than three
breast with 50% adipose and 50% glandular tissue. The
line pairs per millimeter resolution in this DBT image,
wax insert contains three groups of objects: six nylon fi-
which is a passing score for Hologic Selenia Dimensions.
bers, five microcalcification groups, and five masses em-
bedded at different depths, resulting in different focal
points. DBT sections in which each finding is completely
in focus should be used to evaluate for image quality.
phantom that contains three to 10 line pairs per
millimeter. To perform the test on Hologic and
Siemens DBT units per the manufacturers’ QC
combination mode (as with the Hologic Selenia manuals, the bar phantom is placed on top of a
Dimensions). Hence, a DBT unit that passes the 4-cm homogeneous acrylic block at a 45° angle to
image quality test in combination mode may not the x-ray tube anode-cathode axis (59). In addi-
necessarily pass in the DBT mode or vice versa. tion, the bar phantom must be placed 1 cm from
Therefore, the best practice for weekly image the chest wall and centered laterally, because the
quality tests is to use the modes employed by the size of the effective focal spot varies with the posi-
practice. The medical physicist should test all tion in the imaging plane.
modes at annual intervals. The GE Healthcare DBT system uses an auto-
To score DBT with the phantom, image sec- mated procedure with a proprietary image quality
tions are selected that put each finding in focus. phantom called IQST to measure the modula-
Per the manufacturer’s QC manual, passing tion transfer function, which is a more sensitive
scores may be the same or lower for DBT com- test for detecting changes in spatial resolution.
pared with those for FFDM. For example, when For the FFDM mode, the GE Healthcare system
a small phantom is used, the Siemens Mammo- also uses bar patterns to measure the modulation
mat Inspiration and the Hologic Selenia Dimen- transfer function manually. Again, the perfor-
sions require visualization of at least five fibers, mance criteria are dependent on the manufac-
four specks, and four masses. For the Hologic turer; for example, the resolution guideline for
unit, if the signal-to-noise ratio and high contrast the Hologic Selenia Dimensions system is seven
resolution exceed the manufacturer’s minimal line pairs per millimeter for FFDM and three line
requirement, visualization of four and one-half fi- pairs per millimeter for DBT (59) (Fig 13), while
bers, three specks, and three and one-half masses the GE SenoClaire system uses a parallel and
is acceptable for FFDM, and visualization of four perpendicular modulation transfer function at two
fibers, three specks, and three masses is accept- line pairs per millimeter greater than 49% and
able for DBT (Fig 12). The GE SenoClaire re- four line pairs per millimeter greater than 18% for
quirements are the same score for both DBT and both FFDM and DBT modes.
FFDM, with visualization of at least four fibers,
three specks, and three masses (54–59). Testing for Volume Coverage and
Geometric Accuracy
Evaluation of Spatial Resolution This test is performed to ensure that the entire
Spatial resolution or focal spot performance is imaged object is included in the reconstructed
assessed with a thin high-contrast sheet or bar image, with minimal distortion. The procedure
424  March-April 2019

and phantoms used vary according to manu-

facturer. Per the Hologic Selenia Dimensions
QC manual, geometric calibration is checked
semiannually by using automatic validation with
a proprietary geometric phantom containing
embedded beads that should appear in a prede-
termined location on the detector (Fig 14) (59).
Geometric accuracy also can be confirmed while
image quality testing is being performed with the
use of an ACR phantom by recording the consis-
tency of depth along the planes of inserted fibers,
specks, and masses. Per the GE SenoClaire and
GE Senographe Pristina QC manuals, a volume
coverage test is performed to verify that the
object is appropriately reconstructed along the
z-axis. The volume coverage test uses 0.1-mm
aluminum sheets placed above and below a 25-
mm and a 60-mm acrylic plate (57,58). The focal
planes for each aluminum sheet must be within
the reconstructed volume (57,58).

Flat-Field Testing
Figure 14.  Image obtained at 0° projection
The flat-field test is designed to test artifacts with a Hologic Selenia geometry calibration. The
and homogeneity in reconstructed images software automatically evaluates whether the
acquired with a flat-field phantom, which is embedded beads appear in a predetermined lo-
simply an acrylic plate or block. The Hologic cation on the detector.
and Siemens systems require only visual evalu-
ation of the flat-field images for image uni-
formity (Fig 15) (55,59). In addition to the
qualitative visual check, the GE SenoClaire
and GE Senographe Pristina systems provide
quantitative assessment of contrast and signal-
to-noise ratio nonuniformity (55,57–59). Filter
and detector defects are common causes of test
failure (55,57–59).

DBT is a promising modality that has quickly
gained widespread popularity. Radiologists
should understand DBT acquisition parameters,
artifacts, and the steps taken to ensure QC.
Prompt recognition of artifacts and an under-
standing of QC will help to ensure excellence in
imaging quality.
Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest.—N.K. Activities related to the Figure 15.  Image from Hologic Selenia flat-
present article: disclosed no relevant relationships. Activities not field testing performed with a 4-cm radiolucent
related to the present article: expert testimony for Keefe, Keefe, acrylic block without a compression paddle. A
and Unsell. Other activities: disclosed no relevant relationships. homogeneously dark screen indicates acceptable
D.D. Activities related to the present article: disclosed no relevant
uniformity with no artifact.
relationships. Activities not related to the present article: RSNA Re-
search and Education Foundation Research Scholar grant. Other
activities: disclosed no relevant relationships.
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