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Stanza Meaning
My small grandmother is tall there, The persona described her grandmother as tall and
straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt, well-dressed with a kind smile. Her smile comes from
pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun, her eyes. On her deathbed, she held the persona’s
a kind, old smile round her eyes. small black hand in her big white hand. She was not
Her big hand holds mine, afraid to leave the world.
white hand in black hand.
Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.
It was true after all; that look. The persona accepts that her grandmother has passed
My tall grandmother become small. to the other world, as all grandmothers do.
Her back round and hunched. Grandmother, who was of a tall stature became small,
Her soup forgot to boil. hunched and forgetful.
She went to the awful place grandmothers go.
Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.
But there she is still, The persona at the age three had taken a photograph
in the photo with me at three, with grandmother. When she looks at the photograph,
the crinkled smile is still living, breathing. she feels grandmother’s presence. To the persona, her
grandmother is still very much alive and smiling at

1. In stanza 1, what part of her body does grey bun refer to?


2. In stanza 2, which phrase indicates that the grandmother had become forgetful?


3. Why do you think the persona’s grandmother is ‘tall’ in the photo?


4. Do you think “The Living Photograph” is a suitable title for the poem? Provide a reason to support your answer.
Opinion :
Reason :

5. In stanza 1, which line indicates that the grandmother and the persona were of different races?


6. In stanza 3, how old the persona when the photo was taken?


7. She went to the awful place grandmothers go.

Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.
What has happened to the persona’s grandmother?
8. the crinkled smile is still living, breathing.
What can you say about the persona’s feelings towards her grandmother? Provide a reason to support your
Response :.
Reason :

Where does the word ' there' refer to in the poem?


9. Which line indicates that the two people belonged to two different races?
10. __________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Why has the grandmother become small?


13. How does the persona look upon death? Give evidence from the poem to justify your answer.
       Evidence 1:____________________________
       Evidence 2:____________________________

14. From stanza 1, what impression do we get of the poet's grandmother from the following?
       (a) straight-back:___________________ (b) her big hand holds mine

15 From stanza 2, what happened to the grandmother before she died?

16.The poem is titled 'The Living Photograph'. Suggest two reasons why the poet has chosen the this
        Reason 1:__________________________
        Reason 2:__________________________

17. From stanza 1, which line suggests that the grandmother had a determined look?
18. Which words in the poem refer most directly to death?

19 'But there she is still'  What does there refer to?

20. Grandmothers are greatly loved by their grandchildren. Suggest two reasons why the poet loved           her
        Reason 1:______________________
        Reason 2:______________________

21.  In stanza 1, which words tell us that the narrator was an adopted child?

22.  From stanza 2, which word tells us that the grandmother's body was bent?

23. Why do you think her soup forgot to boil?


24 'My small grandmother is tall there', The narrator admires her grandmother for her personal
       qualities. State one personal quality of her grandmother. Support your answer from the evidence
       from the poem.
       Quality : ______________________
        Evidence : ____________________
25.  State two physical attributes of the grandmother in the photograph.

26. How has the straight back of the grandmother changed in stanza 2?

27. How old was the persona in the picture?


28. How does the persona look upon inter-racial relationships? Give a reason to support your answer
        Inter-racial relationship: ______________________________

29. Which word in the poem denotes the same meaning as the word 'unimaginable'?

30. the contrast between the 1st stanza and the 2nd stanza.

31. Give one moral value one can learn from the poem.

32. stanza 1, which words mean 'open embroidery on white linen'?


33. Describe the grandmother's skirt and shoes.


34. Why do you think the grandmother forgot to boil the soup?

35. Where do you think the persona was when the grandmother passed away?

36. What do the 'sharp blue eyes' tell us about the grandmother's race?

37. According to the persona, where has the grandmother gone?


38. you think the grandmother can be described as brave?


39.What has happened to the grandmother's height and how does she look then?

40. In stanza 3, which word means 'creased'?


41. When do you think the grandmother can be described as 'tall there ? 853

42. Which line tells us that the persona and her grandmother are of different race?
43. What do you think was the age gap between the persona and her grandmother in the photo?

44. In stanza 2, which word means 'to have a bent back'?


45. How old was the persona when the photograph was taken?

46. What happened to the soup and where do you think it was?

47.  'she went to the awful place grandmothers go...'

      Do you think the persona understand about death? Provide a reason for answer,

48. In stanza 3, what does the smile tells us about the face?

49. What is the main theme of the poem?


50. Which phrase tells us the grandmother's race is different from that of the persona?     

51. How do you think the persona feels when she looks at the photograph? Provide a reason for  your answer.

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