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The mottos that are displayed in banners are very critical as they reflect the shared

values. The slogans also communicate the schools’ core values and the mission of the
school organization. The artifacts also make it possible to comprehend the mission of
the school.

Traversing across the school compound gives a person some positive feeling of what
the school stands for. The symbols reflect the manner in which the kids and the
members of the staff share close and positive relationships. It also reflects the
relationships among the kids.

The traditions and the rituals of the school can also be drawn from the artifacts. They
involve ceremonies of the positive aspects of the school, hence bringing the members
of the community and the school together. This reinforces the school’s values and
norms, as well as the school mission. Furthermore, no community can sustain itself
without ceremonies (Katz & Kahn, 1978).

Discuss the impact that culture has on individuals within the


The impact of culture is strongly felt among the members of the school. For example,
the staff and the teachers meeting reflects strong professional collaboration. The
members of the school work together, to solve professional matters including
organizational, instructional, and curricular among many other issues.

In addition, the collegial relationships can be seen from the way the students, teachers
and other staff members work together, feel valued and involved and support each
other. Finally, efficacy or self determination is impacted on the members of this school
because they all feel as part of the school community as they want it, and work tirelessly
to improve their professional skills (Bargh, 1990).




Discuss the level and type of diversity within the organizational culture
The school culture is made up of diversity of students, teachers and non teaching staff.
The diversity of students includes both male and female students from different cultural
backgrounds and age, and students with various ages, just to mention but a few. The
diversity of teaching and non teaching staff is made up of males and females, different
culture and race, and varied teaching and working experience among others.

Evaluate how this organization’s culture would facilitate or hinder

planned change efforts

The members of the school are encouraged to participate and get involved in problem-
solving and decision-making processes hence promoting effective decisions and
solutions. As such, the involvement increases the pledge towards plans. This enhances
spontaneous work as the members possess common planning time and space. As
such, planned change is highly enhanced (Cotton et al., 1988).

Bargh, J. (1990). Auto-motives: Preconscious determinants of social interaction,
handbook of motivation and cognition. Foundations of Social Behavior, 2, 93- 130.

Cotton, J. L., Vollrath, D. A., Froggatt, K. L., Lengnick-Hall, M. L. & Jennings, K.R.
(1988). Employee participation: Diverse forms and different outcomes. Academy of
Management Review, 13, 8–22.

Katz, D. & Kahn, R.L. (1978). The social psychology of organizations. New York: Wiley.

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