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This agreement is made on this the 26 th August Monday 2019


SUSHIL KUMAR PODDER, son of Late Sarada Mohan Podder , aged about 74 years , by profession retired
banker , by faith HINDU, residing at :- 49 Sarat Bose Road, Hakimpara, Siliguri 734 001, West Bengal of


PRATAP RAY son of Rampada Ray, aged about 36 years, by profession Business, by faith HINDU, Residing
at :- Roypur, Panchita, North 24 Parganas, PIN 743 235 of the LICENSEE.
WHEREAS the LICENSOR is the owner of one flat measuring more or less 400 square feet , at the Ground
floor situated at 57, Swamiji Sarani, Hakimpara, Police Station : Siliguri, Siliguri 734 001, West Bengal.

AND WHEREAS the LICENSEE has requested to the LICENSOR to allow the LICENCEE to occupy and use
temporarily measuring more or less 400 square feet , at 57, Swamiji Sarani, Hakimpara, Police Station :
Siliguri, Siliguri 734 001, West Bengal on leave and license basis for commercial purpose.
AND WHEREAS the LICENSOR has agreed to allow on the basis of leave and license to the LICENSEE to
occupy and use temporarily to the said floor.

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH and the parties hereby agree as follows:
The LICENSOR intended to hand over the key of the said property after getting the LICENSE Fee and
advance money from the LICENSEE.
The details are as under:

License Fee (Per Month) Rs. 8500/-

Including Maintenance Charges

Advance (Security Deposit) Rs.16000/-

Date of Starting and Ending Rs. 01/09/2019 to 31/07/2020

Electricity Charges Extra, according to the Bill raised by WBSEDCL as

per the consumption shown in sub meter.

Measuring and Premises Measuring more or less 400 square feet at 57,
Swamiji Sarani, Hakimpara, Police Station : Siliguri,
Siliguri 734 001, West Bengal.

1. That the LICENSEE will use the said flat only for Commercial purpose for a period of 11 (Eleven)

2. That the LICENSEE will pay the monthly License fee to the LICENSOR within 7 days according to
English Calendar month.

3. That the LICENSEE will not sub let without the prior permission of the LISENSOR

4. That the LICENSEE will not make any construction inside or outside the flat in meantime.

5. That the LICENSEE will not store heavy quantity of LPG, Diesel or Petrol and / or any type of
combustible article inside the flat.

6. That the LICENSEE shall follow rule and regulations of society in general and will not quarrel to
the First Party/ Flat Owners and/or any neighbours in the mean time.

7. That the LICENSEE shall be responsible for all petty repairs of the flat,

8. That the parties will serve a notice for vacating the flat before 30 days positively.

9. That the Flat owner will refund the advance money without interest to the LICENSEE at the time
of vacating the will full peaceful possession and the flat being in OK condition and also surrender papers
as per rule. And further agreed by the LICENSEE that the lock in period will be six months from the date
of this agreement. If the LICENSEE wants to vacate the said flat before six months , then advance money
or security deposit will be forfeited by the LICENSOR.
10. That the LICENSEE if not being able to pay the License fee in the time to time to the FIRST Party /
Flat Owner / LICENSOR then the First Party/Flat owner LICENSOR will serve a short notice for clearing
the dues / License fee to the Second party / LICENSEE, but if the second part / Licenses is not being able
to clear the dues within the sort period, then First part /Flat owner / LICENSOR will be bound to vacate
the said flat and refund the advance money after deduction dues.

11. That the second part /LICENSEE will always allow the licensor or his/her authorized agent to
inspect the premises in day time.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day, month and year
first above – written.

Singed, seal and delivered

In the presence of:

Signature of LICENSOR
Signature of LICENSEE

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