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Table of Contents

System Requirements for Sage 50 Accounting ......................................................................3

Performance Optimisation .................................................................................................4
The Database Management System .................................................................................5
Preparations before installing your product ............................................................................5
How to install your Sage 50 Accounting Software ............................................................6
When running a multi-user version ..............................................................................6
Installing your Sage 50 Accounting program ....................................................................7
Installing your Sage Freedom Service ............................................................................15
Working with MS SQL Server ...............................................................................................17
Before registering your product .............................................................................................18
How to Register your Software? ...........................................................................................22
Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................23
Do you need assistance? ......................................................................................................29
Sage Product and Services Information ...............................................................................29
Training ............................................................................................................................29
Copyright .........................................................................................................................29

Date: April 2016

Document Version: 7.20.02

Thank you for choosing Sage 50 Accounting as your accounting
software, support and service partner.
This installation guide aims to assist you with a smooth and effortless installation of your
accounting software. Follow the easy step-by-step instructions to successfully install and
implement our software into your business environment.

System Requirements for Sage 50 Accounting

The table below shows the minimum hardware and software requirements.

Max - 10 users
Dual Core 2.0 Dual Core 2.0 Dual Core 2.3
GHz/i3 GHz/i3 GHz/i5
Dual Core 2.3 Dual Core 2.3 Dual Core 2.7
GHz/i5 GHz/i5 GHz/i5
Please note: 32 bit (x86) and 64 bit (x64) processors are supported.
Operating System
Microsoft® Microsoft®
Windows Server
Windows 7/8 Windows 7/8
2008 R2 Standard
Minimum Professional Professional
Edition Service
Edition Service Edition Service
Pack 2 or later
Pack 1 or later Pack 1 or later
Microsoft® Microsoft®
Windows Server
Windows 8/10 Windows 8/10
2012 Standard
Recommended Professional Professional
Edition Service
Edition Service Edition Service
Pack 2 or later
Pack 1 or later Pack 1 or later
Minimum 2GB 2GB or more 4GB or more
Recommended 4GB or more 6GB or more 8GB or more
Minimum 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024 x 768
Please note: In some cases a 100% DPI setting is suggested for laptop screens.
Microsoft® SQL Server 2008 R2 – Service Pack 1 or later
Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 / Microsoft® SQL Server 2014
Please Note that versions of SQL Server 2008, 2005 and lower are no longer
supported by Sage 50 Accounting. For more information on SQL Server and product
lifecycles, visit the Microsoft website.
Minimum Microsoft® Excel 2007 or later (for Sage Intelligence module)
Minimum .Net 4.50 Framework (included in installation DVD)

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 / Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
P75000 / iPad 2 or later / Nokia Lumia 520 or later.
For Samsung users we accommodate 7”, 8” and 10” screen
For iPad users we accommodate 7” and 10” screen resolutions.
For Windows Device users we accommodate 4” and 6” screen
Android Kit Kat, IOS 8.1 or later / Windows Phone 8.
Web Service Internet Information Services (IIS) 6 or later
Connectivity Cellular (3G/4G or higher) or WiFi
We strongly recommend you speak to your Sage 50 Accounting Business Partner
regarding the system requirements recommended for your specific environment.
• DVD-ROM, 256 Colour VGA or SVGA Video Graphics.
• The on-line help requires Internet Explorer 6 or higher, or a compatible browser.
• To use touch capabilities in Windows 8/10, you need a tablet or a monitor that
supports multi-touch.
• Up-to-date network drivers, service packs and updates for your network and
operating systems.
• Windows 7/8 personal computer/notebook users need to ensure that the
recommended RAM memory requirements and Video Graphics adapter are met.
• The above serves as a guideline. Hardware requirements may differ depending
on the operating system and the version of SQL Server. For Microsoft® SQL
Server 2012 / 2014, please note that there are additional software requirements
to adhere to. Please refer to the SQL Server specifications documentation,
available on the web, for more information.
• Sage Intelligence Reporting and Microsoft® Office: We do not support
Microsoft® Office Home and Student (2010 and 2013) or Microsoft® Office 365
Online. Microsoft® Office Home and Student is not licensed for business or
commercial use.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The system requirements are subject to change. Please visit for the most recent system requirements.

Performance Optimisation
A key factor that affects the performance of your system is the hardware on which the
database management system resides. The optimal scenario is as follows:
• Dedicate a computer to operate the MS SQL Server software. If you run other
programs on the computer, every person on the network who uses the software will
experience slower performance.
• Have as much RAM on that computer as possible. The more RAM you have the less
disk access the database software needs to do. Memory access is faster than disk
• Have a high-speed, high-performance disk drive on the computer.
• Ensure that the network itself is in good working order. If a particular workstation is
under performing, you should ensure that the workstation’s network card or cable
connections are problem free.

The Database Management System
The system uses MS SQL Server as its database management system. The database is
where all the information you enter into the system is stored.

There are two options available to you as far as the database is concerned:
You can purchase MS SQL Server. Alternatively you may already have SQL Server
Standard in your organisation, in which case you can use it with your Sage 50 Accounting
software, or you can use a scaled down, lower performance version of MS SQL Server.
With the installation of Sage 50 Accounting you are able to install MS SQL Server Express
on your computer as part of the installation process. Once again, this product may already
exist on your network.

The decision as to which of these products to use is beyond the scope of this guide.
However, here are a few key points:
• If you are running a relatively small network, and you do not have dedicated network
support individuals, you will usually use MS SQL Server Express.
• Depending on the volume of transactions, the size of the database will grow and keep
getting bigger. SQL Express has a database size limitation which needs to be
• The database files are compatible, so you can always upgrade without loss of data to
MS SQL Server Standard in the future, if database performance becomes a problem.

You only install the database software on one computer. This is the computer on which
you store the data. This is preferably the server. If you are working in a multi-user
environment and use more than one workstation to work on your Sage 50 Accounting
product, you will install the Sage 50 Accounting program on each Workstation, but not the
database software.

Preparations before installing your product

Here are some guidelines that you can use to prepare for your installation. These are
network and operating system dependant:
• Confirm that your network hardware and software are up to date and running
• Network problems may influence the performance of the system and could damage
• Confirm that your network is using the TCP/IP protocol.
• If you install on a server it is better if there are no users logged on at installation time.
• Close all open programs and if possible, reboot the computer.

STRONGLY RECOMMEND: Consult your network provider or company system

administrator if you need assistance. Before you install you must know which of the
database options you are going to use.

How to install your Sage 50 Accounting Software
The Installation wizard process consists out of four options namely:
• Application Server
By selecting this option, the following components are installed: Freedom Service,
Mobile service and System Agent.
• Database Server
By selecting this option, the following component is installed: Microsoft SQL Server
• Administrator
By selecting this option, the following components are installed: Sage 50 Accounting
with database scripts to create new databases.
• Workstation
By selecting this option, the following component is installed: Sage 50 Accounting.

TIP: You have to install the Database Server and Administrator option on at least one
computer in order to operate the program correctly. In order to utilise the Sage 50
Accounting Dashboards, ensure that you install the Freedom Service from the
Application Server options.

There are a number of options listed below, each one based on the selection you will need
to make depending on your circumstances:
• When installing on a single user system, whether that computer is on a network or
not, you will select the Database Server option (installs MS SQL Server) and then
install the Administrator option.
• If MS SQL Server is already installed, the installation program will detect this and will
not allow you to install, unless the version being installed is a later version.

When running a multi-user version

If MS SQL Server is not already deployed on the network:
• Select on which computer or server you will run the database software.
• Install the program on that computer using the Database Server option.
• MS SQL Server software will now install.
• After completion of the MS SQL Server software installation, select the Administrator
option in order to install the Sage Evolution Program Files.
• You will also have the option to install additional Application services i.e. Database
Synchronisation Monitor and Freedom Service by selecting the Application Server
• Select the workstation(s) from which you will run the Sage 50 Accounting software,
and install using the Workstation option. MS SQL Server will not install on the
selected workstations.
• If the administrator and the database server are the same computer, then you will
install both MS SQL Server and the Sage 50 Accounting using the Database Server
and Administrator options on this computer.
• If MS SQL Server is already deployed on the network:
• Select the server from which you will run the administrator function for the software,
and install using the Administrator option for the server, but do not install MS SQL
• Then on each workstation install Sage 50 Accounting and select the Workstation
option on all machines from which you will run the program.

Installing your Sage 50 Accounting program
Step 1
Place the installation DVD into the DVD-ROM drive. The Autorun should start
automatically, but in the event it does not, use your Windows Explorer to select the DVD-
ROM drive and double-click on SETUP.EXE. The Setup Wizard will start:

TIP: To view the current Sage 50 Accounting version number on the DVD, open
SetupVer.ini using Notepad.

Select the Country as East / West Africa and the

Installation type as Standard.

• Enter your User Name and Organisation name in the respective fields.
• Select East or West Africa as the country.
• Select Standard as the installation type.
• This will be the default information for your registration.
• Click on the Next button to continue.

NOTE: The program is specific to the country and installation type that you have
selected. The program will load specific features applicable to the country and
installation type selected. It is important to make the correct selection at this point of
the installation process.

NOTE: Please select the relevant installation option. You have the option between a
New Sage 50 Accounting Installation or Upgrade an existing Sage 50 Accounting
Installation. If you are using Sage Intelligence Reporting be sure to select the Yes
option when prompted. There were changes made to the system structure which will
affect any customised Sage Intelligence containers. The advisory brief will explain this
in detail.

Step 2
The following screen displays:

Click on the Next

button to continue.

Once the screen displays, click on the Next button to start the installation process.

Step 3
Read the license agreement and select the “I Agree…” option if you wish to proceed with
the installation. Click on the Next button to continue.

Step 4
The Destination Folder screen displays. You can change the folder in which you prefer to
install Sage 50 Accounting.

TIP: We recommend keeping the default settings.

• If you are making use of a multi-user system, you are able to set Sage 50 Accounting
to check for newer versions once the user accesses Sage 50 Accounting.
• If you want each user to automatically install the updates, tick the “Always check this
location…” option.
• This works as follows:
• Copy the entire installation DVD into a folder that is accessible to all the users of
Sage 50 Accounting.
• Specify this folder in the Destination Screen by ticking the “Always check this
location…” option and entering the name of the folder in the specified field.
• When you receive updates for your Sage 50 Accounting program, close all open
versions on each workstation.
• In this folder that you have set up for the installation, delete the contents you copied
previously and copy the new version files into this location.
• The next time users open Sage 50 Accounting over the network, an automatic
installation of the new version will take place.

Click the Next button to continue.

TIP: Remember to check this option and enter the correct path every time you install on
a workstation.

Step 5
Choose the installation type namely; Application Server, Database Server, Administrator or

Select your
or Workstation.

If the system detects that you have SQL installed on your computer, the Setup screen
displays as follows.

The following screen displays. This screen requires that you enter the MS SQL Server
configuration options.

Click on the Next button.

TIP: It is recommended to tick the Mixed Mode Authentication option. Enter your
password in the Password field. Confirm the password in the Confirm field.

The system will automatically detect that you need to install the prerequisites of MS SQL

The prerequisites are:

• Windows Installer 4.5
• Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5
• Windows PowerShell 1.0 or higher

All these applications can be found on the Sage Evolution installation disc:

Folder Filename

Dotnetfx35.exe, dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe,

PowerShell Windows PowerShell 1.0

Click on the Next button to continue.

TIP: Please be patient while the MS SQL Server prerequisites install. This might take a
few minutes.

TIP: It is recommended not to disable network connections, unless it is a specific

requirement in your Sage 50 Accounting environment.

Step 6
A message displays informing you that MS SQL Server and the prerequisites have been
installed. The system requires that the computer must be restarted. Click on the Yes

Step 7
After your computer restarts, a screen displays notifying you that the system needs to
install Sage 50 Accounting. Click on the Next button.

Step 8
Select the required Installation Type by selecting from the provided options.

If MS SQL has been installed, select the Administrator option. If this is a workstation
installation, select the Workstation option. Click on the Next button.

Step 9
If you selected the Administrator option, the Selected Components screen will display.

• If you selected the Workstation option, a similar screen will display. Select the
applicable add on module components to be installed.
• Click on the Next button to continue.

Step 10
The following screen will allow you to set up Program Shortcuts. You are able to choose
the type of shortcuts, if any. Usually shortcuts are created in the Start Menu and on the

Step 11
The system notifies you that the Sage 50 Accounting program has enough information to
install the components that you have selected.

Click on the Install button.

NOTE: Please be patient while Sage 50 Accounting installs. This might take a few

Step 12
A message displays, notifying you that Sage 50 Accounting was installed successfully and
that a restart is required to complete the process. Click on the Yes button to restart the

NOTE: You need to install MS SQL Server on one computer only, and only if it is not
installed. You need to install the Database Server option on at least one computer.

Installing your Sage Freedom Service
With the latest Sage 50 Accounting version release, a new service called the Freedom
Service has been introduced. The Freedom Service is a tool which enables central search
capabilities within Sage 50 Accounting as well as interactive dashboards.

To install and set up the Freedom Service, select the Application Server option from the
Sage 50 Accounting Setup screen.

Select the Freedom Service option.

A restart is required after successful installation.

From within Sage 50 Accounting, go to the Administration menu and select the System
Configuration option to access the System Wizard. The Freedom Service configurations
are located on the Services tab.

Enter the
for the

Changes made to the Freedom Service configuration requires you to log out of Sage 50

• You need to install the Freedom Service on the same computer where the Sage
50 Accounting database resides.
• The service requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 framework.
• In order for the Freedom Service to connect, a specific port needs to be added to
the Windows Firewall Setup.
• The port will ensure HTTP connectivity to the Freedom Service. It is therefore
essential to enable an inbound rule on Port 5000 on the Windows Firewall.
• The Freedom Service is dependent on SQL connectivity.

Working with MS SQL Server
After successfully installing MS SQL Server, a few checks need to be done to ensure
correct SQL functionality.
1. Go to Start | All Programs | MS SQL Server | Configuration Tools | SQL Server
Configuration Manager.
2. From within the SQL Server Configuration Manager you will be able to:
• Start, Stop, Pause or Restart the MS SQL Server engine.
• The Sage 50 Accounting program is dependent on the MS SQL Server engine
to be running at all times.

3. Expand the MS SQL Server Configuration tree view:

• Select Client Protocols for SQL_2008 R2/2012/2014.
• Enable both Named Pipes and TCP/IP on the right hand side of the screen.
• You will be prompted to restart the MS SQL Server engine.
• Restart the engine.
• Please ensure that under the SQL Native Client Configuration, the Client
Protocols for TCP/IP and Named Pipes is also enabled.
• Select MS SQL Server and select Enabled.

Before registering your product
Before you register your Sage 50 Accounting software you need to create a Common
Database to which all your other databases will be attached. The Common Database
contains your registration information.

Step 1
On the Login screen click on the New button.

Select New
to create a

Step 2
• On the screen displayed below select the name of the server that you are using from
the dropdown menu, or by typing it in the space provided.
• Make use of the correct authentication method.
• Enter a name for your new Company Database and click Next.

Enter or
select the
server name

Enter the
name of the
Database /

Step 3
• On the subsequent screen you are able to create a Common Database.
• Make sure Create a Common Database on the same server is selected and click on
• The system will display that a Common Database does not exist and ask if you want
to create it, select Yes.

Step 4
• Click on the Finish button and the process to create the Common Database will begin
as displayed on the following screen.

Step 5
• Once the Common Database has been created you will be asked to enter a Company
• This is your registered Company Name.
• The Pin Number required for registration is generated by using this registered
Company Name.
• You only need to enter your registration details on the server and not on each
• If you choose to use a different Common Database than that of the one of the server,
you will have to register each workstation.
• Click on the Next button to continue.

Step 6
• The following screen will allow you to either use your product in demonstration mode
or allow you to enter your registration code.
• Keep this screen open if you wish to register your Sage 50 Accounting software
straight away.
• The next few screens guides you on how to register your product.



There are three license types:

• Select the Licenced license type if you have purchased Sage 50 Accounting and
want to register your package.
• Select the Demo license type if you want to preview the product.
• The Educational license type is strictly for training purposes. This license type is
limited to 5000 transaction lines or 365 days. Any documents or reports generated
using this license type will indicate that it was generated by the Educational license
type. This license type does apply to a Sage 50 Accounting package.

NOTE: When you upgrade to a new release of Sage 50 Accounting, you are required to
re-register your software within a 5 day grace period.

How to Register your Software?
You can choose to register your software during or after installation. Until you register,
your software will remain in demonstration mode, which will allow you to process for a
maximum of 30 days. You will not lose any work you may have done once you register.

Should you make use of Sage 50 Accounting and Add-on modules, and you want to
register your software, please e-mail or telephone your:
• Company Name,
• Contact Person,
• Telephone Number,
• Serial Number and
• Pin Number
to Sage 50 Accounting Registrations using the following contact information:

West Africa: East Africa:

Tel: +234 1 460 9900 Tel: +254 20 216 0000
Email: Email:

When contacting the registrations call centre, your consultant will ask for your Serial
Number and Pin Number. Your Pin Number is created when you enter your company
details when creating a new company.

Sage 50 Accounting Registrations will provide you with the following important information
once you complete your registration:
• Registered Company Name: This is your Company Name as registered with Sage.
• Authorisation / Registration Code: This code allows you to register your software
and is valid for one year.

We have provided some troubleshooting tips and tricks that might be useful during the
installation of Sage 50 Accounting.

To disable the firewall

• Right click on Network Neighbourhood and go to Properties.

• Go to the properties of your local area connection.
• Go to the Advanced Tab and to Windows Firewall Settings.
• Set the Firewall to Off.

MS SQL Server and Microsoft Windows 7/8

With Windows 8 on the market, the question arises if MS SQL Server will run on this
operating system. Any version of SQL earlier than MS SQL Server 2008 is not compatible
with Windows 8 and will not allow you to create or edit any MS SQL Server database.

Once you have installed MS SQL Server, you can download the service pack from the
following location:

By default, Windows 7/8 built-in security features blocks users from accessing databases in
MS SQL Server. This security feature can simply be switched off, but leaves your PC
vulnerable and unprotected. The steps below will take you through the steps of setting up
MS SQL Server to run on Windows 7/8 while maintaining the security structure of the
operating system.

To do this:

Turn off the following User Account settings in the Control Panel (This will switch off one of
the new security features in Windows 7/8. This allows you to make necessary changes to
MS SQL Server).
• Go to Control Panel | User Accounts.
• Select the Turn User Account Control on or off / Change User Account Control
settings option.

• Use the slider provided on the User Account Control Settings screen and set it to the
Never Notify position.

• Click on OK and Restart.

• After the restart, go to Start | All Programs | MS SQL Server | SQL Server
Management Studio.

• Connect to the (local) MS SQL Server using Windows Authentication.

• In SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the (local) server and go to
• Select the Security page. The following screen displays:

• Ensure SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode is selected and click on OK.
• In the Management Studio expand Security | Logins.
• Right click on SA and go to Properties.

• On this screen go to the Status page and ensure the Enabled option is selected.

• Click on OK and restart the computer.

• After restarting, enable User Access Control.
• Go to Control Panel | User Accounts.
• Select the Turn User Account Control on or off / Change User Account Control
settings option.

• Use the slider provided on the User Account Control Settings screen and set it to the
Always notify position.

• Doing this will ensure your computer is protected.

• Click on OK and restart the computer.

By following these steps, Windows 7/8’s security feature will still be active and protect your
computer, but you will now also be able to create and manage databases using MS SQL
authentication. The login name when using MS SQL authentication is SA and the
password would be the password you entered when MS SQL Server was installed.

Do you need assistance?
If you need assistance with your software installation and you make use of both Sage 50
Accounting and other Sage 50 Accounting Add-on Modules, contact Sage 50 Accounting
Support on:

West Africa: East Africa:

Tel: +234 1 460 9900 Tel: +254 20 216 0000
Email: Email:

Sage Product and Services Information

Get the full benefit from your Sage 50 Accounting software investment by utilising the
services of our Sage Pastel Training Department.

Attend a training course and add value to your business.

• Increase your productivity – learn to use all the features and functionality so you are
able to get the most out of your investment.
• Skills development – obtain an international certificate verifying that your employees
are competent users of Sage software.
• Greater functionality – streamline your business operations by utilising all the features
Sage 50 Accounting offers, leaving you time to focus on your core business.

Copyright © Sage South Africa (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised copying of
this document are acts of copyright infringement and make the doer liable for civil law
copyright infringement and may in certain circumstances make the doer liable to criminal

Sage South Africa (Pty) Ltd makes no warranty, representation or condition, either
expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to this software or
documentation, their performance, satisfactory quality, or fitness for a particular purpose.
This software and documentation are licensed ‘as is’, and you, the user are assuming the
entire risk as to their quality and performance.

In no event will Sage be liable for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or
economic loss, such as loss of profits, loss of use of profits, loss of business or business
interruption, loss of revenue, loss of goodwill or loss of anticipated savings arising out of the
use or inability to use the software or documentation.


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