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Table 13-Types of Electrical Load Equipment

{I) Srwdcastlng cqulpment (radio, !

devision, microwave communications) (c) dupUcatlng machines
(2) Control and monitoring systems (I) large.scale
(centratized, local) copiers (li) $.ITlall•sc&le
(a) secunw copae.D
(b) lire alarm (d) dictating and tt·ar.seribing machines
(c) buildi.n.g rn.anagtmtnt8)'$tems (e) data processing center
(3) Fltt pumJ)O (i) mainframe equipment
(4) Health Catt facilities {U) printers and printing equlpment
(a) .sterilizers (W) storage and proces.illg
(b) x·ra.v machines equipment
(c) Laser equipment (i:v) dedicated air-conditioning
(d) operating rooms equipment
(e) exJ.mination otrlOOS ((} l)'Pewriters, dedk:ated w<>rd
((} mbcellaneous processon. and desktop computers
(6) Waste disposal equipment (ll) Public address systems (radio and wired
(a) incinemtors paging S>StemS)
(b) central compactors (12) Radio and television .-Ivers
(6) lntereommunicatlon systems ((8C$imile (13) RecreationaJ and ti.tne$$ equipment
S}'>t<m -FAX) (a) swimming pool hear.era and pumps
(7) Kitchen eQuJJ)ment (b) saunas
(a) cooltiog (c) exercise equipment
(b) dbposal (d) J)OOl laut1dry equipment
(c) refiigeratlon and freezing (l4) SOOp equipmtnt.
(d) ventilation (15) Shredding devices
(e) washing (16) Snow meltlng equipment
(f) microwave ovens (17) Spacetondidoning (ctntraJ or indMdual)
(g) garb3ge disposals (a) heating
(8) Laboratory equipment (b) cooling
(a) air compress<>I"$ and vatuu.m (c) vent!Utlng
pumps (d) air
(b) centrifuge<> {18) Television equipment, closed c:ircuit
(c) furn and refrigerators (19) Transporting equipment
(d) incubation and cold rooms (It.) dumbwaiters
(e) sterilizers (b) COO\.'e)1)r8
(f) misceUaneous (c) eltvators
(9) Lig)ltlng (d) escalators and moving walkways
(a) general (20) Vt"Sual aid equipment
(b) task (a) motion picture, slkle lU'ld ovtrhead
(c) exits and stairwells projtctors
(d) emergency (b) audiotapt and videotape
(e) exterior recorders/pl rs
(tO) omce equipment (21) Plumbii\gequ
(a) addressing machines pment (a) water
(b) copying cameras., micro roo pumps
equipment (b) sewage pumps
(c) water hea.ttn
(d) wat.e.r treatment $)'!>ms
(22) Otllers

2 5 Total Load Considerations

If all the connec1ed loads in the building arc ari1hmetically 1oialed (lhal is, all expressed in hp. kW.kVA. or A
al some specified voliage) 10 identify the 101al building load. lhe resul1an1 number will in mos1cases seem 10
require a larger power sys1emcapaci1y than will he realistically needed to adequa1ely servethe loads.The average
load on lhe power sys1em is usually less lhan 1he iota! c:onnee1ed load; 1his is 1enned 1he"demand load."
IImay vary depending on the time in1erval over which theload is averaged. Certain loads may a1 times he
turned off or opera1ed al reduced power levels. reducing lhe sys1em power rcquiremen1s (1ha1 is, to1al
load).This effec1 is 1enned '"diversi1y." and it may he expressed as a diversi1y factor.

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