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Table 11- •
Typical Power Requirement (kW) for Flre PumpsIn Commerc alBulldlngs (Light Hazard)

Number orStories
Area/F1oor 5 10 25 5
(ft') 0
sooo 4 6S IS 2
0 O S
10000 6 1 20 4
01 0 021 0s
25000 IS
50000 1 20 40 8s
2 0 0 0
•S.11$Cd on 7.tro pre$$Ure at floor .

2.2.6 Transportation Systems

Transportation equipment for commercial buildings includes elevators. escalators.. conveyors, dumbwaiters,
and pneumatic.conveying systems. There is no simple rule-of-thumb method for determining the number and
type of elevators or escalators required in a particular si1,eor type (occupancy) of commercial building.
Manufacturers of the equipment or spec.iali1.ed consultants are the best source of load information . For
acklitional infonnation on these loads, see Chapter 12.Wilen determining this toial load. typical demand factors
might be 0.85 for two elevators, 0.75 for four elevators. and a somewhat lower value for additional elevators.

2.2.7 Data Processing

The power requirements of data processing equipmen t will vary over a wide range. For smaller installations,
consisting of appliance-type loads, single-phase power at 120 V may be adequate. For larger installations. including
computer and peripheral (or support. or auxiliary) equipmen it may be necessary to supply 208Y/120 V or
480Y/277 V power.

Data processing installations may also be categorfaed as requiring continuity of high-quality power supply with the
ftexibility to facilitate changing the loads or location of the equipment, or both. Continuity is of prime
importance to avoid loss of infontlation stored in memory units. Power supply dis(ortions, such as voltage
dips, spikes, and harmonics. areconsidered noise to (hecomputer since the input voltage or signal is modified
in an undesired manner. These installations will also require speciali1.ed lighting (see ANSlllES RPI
-1982, Practice for Office Lighting [21and
!ES RP24-l 989, IES Recommended Practice for Lighting Offices Containing Computer Visual Display Terminals
(VDTs) [7]) and air conditioning, and pl'OOObly a raised ftoor to accommodate air-handling plus power, signal, and
communications conductors.

Some installations may include a computer central processing unit (CPU), which may utili1,e high -frequency
power distribution. These special requirements include the use of 60/415 Hz. motor generator sets or static
inverters. The electrical engineer must be aware of the reduced ampacity of conductors and increased voltage
drop at the higher frequency. Refer to Chapter 4 for details.

It shou ld be stressed that, if there is any possibility that electronic computers will be installed ,the manufacturer of such
equipment must be consulted well in advance to detennine specific electrical

requirements. A few illustrative excerpts taken from onecomputer manufacturer's

specifications follow:

I) ) Airwoonditioned space should be provided for the general machine room, and magnetic tape storage
and engineering areas.
2) Raceways should be 6-10 inches deepand I0-12 inches wide and should be provided with removablecovers.
3) It is recommended that a minimum average illumination of 50 fc be maintained 30 inches above the
floor in the general machine room and engineering areas; specific local areas should be illuminated at
70-85 fc.
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