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ln airnditioning systems utiliz ing refrigeration machines that operate on the absorption principle. the heavy
compressor load iseliminated but the auxiliary equipment load isstill present. Thistype of system will usually
reduce the electrical load toabout 40%--50% of that required for a full electric drive system. or to about 0.7-
1.0 kVNton.

Table 7 gives the approximate air-conditioning load that might occur in the average commercial building. Loads
include compressors and all aux.iliary equipment involved in the cooling and ventilating system.

Actual airnditioning loads are dependent on the internal heat load. which can vary considerably with building
design and usage. Un_il air conditioners are often used i n older commereial buildings or in buildings where the
tenant is fully responsible for the airnditioning load (commonly used in apartment houses). These may be
window- or Ooor-mou nted units and these should be treated as fixed-applianee loads. A uxlllary Equipment

The electrical load for boiler room and mechanical auxiliary equipment does not nonnally constitute alarge portion
of the building load. Usually. it will not exceed 5% of the total load (not including air conditioning); but it may be
as high as 10% in schools. ln small commercial bu ildings. the auxiliary equipment load will consist of small
units, many of which may be served by fractional horsepower motors.

While larger buildings will have some fractional horsepower equipment, someof the fans and pumps required may
be relatively large. I 0-20 hp being the most common and 30-75 hp or more being quitepossible.
Theeleetrical engineer should consult mechanical designers on the possible useof large motors orelectrical
heating loads that might affect the preliminary load estimate.

The major pieces of equipment frequently encountered are

I) Induced draft or forced draft fans

2) Ventilation or exhaust fans
3) Pumps for boiler feed.condensaiereturn.sumps. sewage ejectors.and water circulation
4) Fire and house serviee tank pumps
S) Air compressors and serviee equipment
6) Electrical heating and auxiliary beating elements

Table 7-Total Connected Electrical Load for Air Conditioning Only

Type orBuilding (VAlll2)

Bank 7
Department store 3 10 5
Ho<cl 6
Office building 6
Tclcph<>nccquipmcnt building 7 to 8
Small store (shoe. dress. etc.) 4 to 12
Restaurant (not including 8

7) Control devices and circuits

8) Electronic aircleaners

C-Opyrlght 0 1991IEEE AllRights Roservod 35

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