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6A « July 6, 2020 « THE JOURNAL RECORD « journalrecord.

what will you keep? Foundation seeks Wall of Fame nominations
The Foundation for Oklahoma responders or health care providers The store closes July 10 at 7:59
My wife, Lauren, started taking City Public Schools has put out the during the COVID-19 pandemic. a.m. Items can be purchased at
Spanish lessons shortly after the call for Wall of Fame nominations. They are currently seeking heartsforhearing2020.itemorder.
pandemic hit. She carves out 20 min- The foundation will induct the honorees and sponsors for this com/sale.
utes per day with the app Duolingo, 36th Wall of Fame class this fall, but year. Sponsorship dollars help the Hearts for Hearing is a nonprofit
brushing up on a language she’s long the celebration foundation continue its focused organization at 11500 N. Portland
wanted to perfect. As of this writ- won’t look the work and serve both short- and Ave.
ing, she’s at 97 consecutive days and same as in the long-term needs within the district.
counting. past. Instead, Contact for ‘John Lewis: Good Trouble’ at
It wasn’t that she suddenly has people making more information. Circle Cinema
more time. In fact, with an 8-year-old a difference in The 2020 class will join 88 other Circle Cinema in Tulsa is offering
at home, she has less. The Spanish les- the commu- alumni who have been inducted John Lewis: Good Trouble viewing
sons are more of a coping mechanism. nity during these since the Wall of Fame was created in-person or you can rent a virtual
It provides a feeling of accomplish- challenging times in 1985. The 2020 inductees will be screening at
ment, progress and structure during a JOAN will be honored honored in person in 2021. In-theater screenings will
time when it’s badly needed. GILMORE through tradi- include a pre-taped interview with
It’s been a healthy exercise for Lau- tional and digital Keep hearts snappy Oprah Winfrey and John
ren. She plans to media, starting Some folks keep secret that they Lewis.
continue it, even in September. are hard of hearing. I have a friend Using interviews and rare archi-
when the world That’s why support is needed. that does. There’s a way to keep val footage, the film chronicles Lew-
returns to its axis. In past years, the foundation friends laughing if you only try. Pop is’ 60-plus years of social activism
Last week I looked across the country and world up wearing T-shirts with humorous and legislative action on civil rights,
posed a question for Wall of Fame honorees. This sayings or characters. voting rights, gun control, health
to my co-workers: year, they are looking right here in The Hearts for Hearing clinic care reform and immigration. Using
What good habits Oklahoma City to recognize OKCPS has partnered with Chris’ Uni- present-day interviews with Lewis,
have you devel- alumni, specifically those who have versity Spirit to create sport caps, now 79 years old, director Dawn
oped over the last provided outstanding leadership to short-sleeve T-shirts, long-sleeve Porter explores his childhood ex-
RUSS few months, that our community by bringing unity sweatshirts and zipper jackets, all periences, his inspiring family and
FLORENCE you’d like to keep? through activism or advocacy, as humorous or serious and in many a meeting with Dr. Martin Luther
“In mid-March, well as those who served as first colors. King Jr. in 1957.
I started recording
a daily gratitude,” said one colleague.
“Basically, I write down one thing I’m
grateful for that day. When it seems
everything’s going to hell, it’s nice to
focus on one thing I’m thankful for.”
It has run the gamut, she said –
chocolate chip cookies, low expecta-
tions, ballcaps, jokes about dinosaurs
and “less insanity today.” “It doesn’t
have to be huge,” she said, “but some-
COVID-19 and the people side of business continuity
thing I would miss in my life if it were The present pandemic has forced are a vital component of a continuity such expenses.
gone.” businesses to confront the reality of plan. The first step is to establish Unfortunately, economic down-
One colleague said she wants continuing business operations in eligibility for remote work. While turns can push companies to enact
to spend less time on-the-go, and the midst of an economic and public typically an employee should be able cost-cutting measures that directly
“continue prioritizing family time.” health crisis. Human resources pro- to perform all essential functions of affect employees. When reducing
Another finds himself reveling in fessionals and business owners find the job to be eligible for telework, payroll costs becomes necessary, a
the slower pace. “I don’t feel like I’m themselves in an employment land- in a state of disruption you may company must first decide if this
rushing to get my son to school, then scape that changes almost daily. As choose to deem an employee who need can be accomplished with
rushing to a breakfast meeting, always businesses dig through the weeds to can perform some or many of her job temporary furloughs or if permanent
rushing, rushing, rushing.” understand and comply with chang- duties eligible for telework. In any terminations are required.
When normalcy resumes, his nor- ing rules and regulations, it is vital event, eligibility should be based on A furlough is a mandatory but
mal will be different. “I’d like to work to stay focused standards applied consistently to all temporary leave of absence where
from home a couple of days a week,” on the important similarly situated employees. the employee is expected to return
he said. big-picture tasks Managing and engaging a remote to work at a date in the future. A
It’s an interesting juxtaposition. that come with workforce presents challenges. The furlough may be limited (certain
Amidst the loss – of human contact, doing business in plan should define the duration of the hours or days each week) or extended
of business, of lives – many people this COVID-19 telework phase and give employees (weeks or months). Whether an
have gained something: New habits. environment. clear expectations as to work sched- employee’s benefits continue while
Better relationships. Healthier COVID-19 ules and levels of responsiveness. on furlough is determined by the
perspectives. has thrust the Additionally, successful telework pro- terms of the employer’s benefits plan.
It doesn’t necessarily happen on its MICHAEL W. difficult work of grams require consideration of how Furloughed employees are eligible
own. You have to be intentional. You business continu- to measure and monitor productivity, for unemployment assistance, and
have to seek it out.
BOWLING ity planning to so that supervisors can hold employ- a detailed furlough letter will assist
I’ve spent the last few months the forefront ees accountable. A good continuity employees in obtaining these
working from our guest room. Early for many business owners. Busi- plan will include establishing specific benefits.
on, I recall hearing my son singing ness continuity planning envisions days, times and methods for em- A reduction in force is the termi-
quietly to himself while playing in his maintaining services in the event ployees and supervisors to interact. nation of employees with an overall
room, alone in his own world. “If we of a significant disruption. A good Consistent and intentional follow-up reduction in employee head count.
do this right,” I thought, “someday plan covers all aspects of a company’s with employees, both scheduled and While employees may be invited to
we’ll look back on this time and find operations, including facilities, tech- unscheduled, is important. reapply in future, there is no right
goodness.” nology, business records, inventory, Employers should also consider of return or commitment to rehire.
The efficiency of Zoom meetings, utilities, third-party services and, the employees’ access to the tools and Reduction-in-force employees are
eating and reading on the back deck, critically, people. technologies necessary to maintain eligible for unemployment assistance
and the memory of Luke singing. There is not enough space here expected productivity levels. To the and benefits continuation through
That’s what I’m going to keep. to provide enough detail to build a extent an employee must purchase COBRA.
What about you? comprehensive continuity plan, so I’ll hardware, software or internet
focus on a few high-level aspects that service in order to meet required Michael W. Bowling is a Crowe &
Russ Florence is a partner at the con- affect the workforce directly. telecommuting demands, you may be Dunlevy attorney and member of the
sulting firm of Schnake Turnbo Frank. Protocols for managing telework required to reimburse employees for Labor & Employment Practice Group.

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