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EXAM E Full name: Telephone number: Material: NONE PEC submitted: yesOno English accents of your choice: Welsh © Scottish © irish ©) Australian South African O) West Indies 0. A. Multiple choice: Tick the correct answer (2/10 points, 0.4 each): 1. Group the following factors that influence on people’s pronunciation according to their nature (personal or situational). Each factor is given a number: occupation (= 1), topic spoken (= 2), purpose for using language (= 3) and attitude towards language (= 4). Tick the correct answer: a) personal (2), situational (1,3,4) J ~—_b) personal (1,4), situational (2,3) 0 c) personal (1,2), situational (3,4) 0d) personal (3), situational (1,2,4) 0 2. Indicate which is not one of the conditions that must be satisfied in order for T-glottalling to ‘occur in RP (according to Garcia Lecumberri): “/t/ must be... a) ‘“/t/ must be followed by a consonant other than /h/ ~—b) “/t/ must be preceded by a sonorant 0 c) “/t/ must be in the coda of the syllable 0 d) “/t/ must be followed by a sonorant O 3. Tick the correct answer to complete the following statement “In RP there are a a) only four triphthongs © b) only two centring diphthongs CO c) ten front vowels O d) six plosives 0 4. When the RP vowel /a:/ is followed by the phoneme /r/ it corresponds to__in GA. a) fer! b) Jar oar! dforiO 5. Which word is not written according to the spelling used in North American English: a) center b) defense 0 c) connection = d) cafe. B. Question(s) with short answers: Your selected accents (2/10 points) 6. Describe the phonological and phonetic features of two front vowels in your selected accents: One within the British Isles (Welsh English, Scottish English or Southern Irish English) and one beyond the British Isles (Australian English, South African English or West Indian English). Indicate phonotactic/lexical differences, if any. C. Transcription (with PEC 4/10 points; without PEC 6/10) 7. Provide the phonemic transcription of the following dialogue based on Gimson's A Practical Course of English Pronunciation) in RP, GA and your two selected accents. Do not forget to show likely weak forms, assimilations, elisions, syllabic consonants and linking ‘r’. Asterisks show stressed syllables. Remember to divide the text into intonation units first. - *Here, | *am, *Mary! | *told you | *wouldn't be “late. - “Well “done! | was afraid “something *might “happen to *keep you at the ‘office. *Still, you'd *better “get a *move “on, “even *so. - “I *say! * You ‘are “looking “great! Have “I ‘seen “that “dress be*fore? - Of *course you *have. I've “had it for *years. “Aren't you “going to “change? *That’s a *very ‘shiny *old *suit you've *got “on. | “suppose | *ought to with *you “looking so “smart. *Pity! | “feel “comfortable in “this. 1. RP (with 1.5/10, without PEC 2/10): TRANSCRIPTION OF THE WHOLE TEXT 2. GA (with 1.5/10, without PEC 2/10): TRANSCRIPTION OF THE WHOLE TEXT 3. Other two accents (each: with PEC 0.5/10, without PEC 4/10): 3.1 Choose one: Welsh O, Scoitish 01, Southern Irish 1. TRANSCRIPTION OF THE FIRST PART: from the beginning of the text to the word [... that dress] before 3.2 Choose one: Australian 01, South African 0, West Indies 0 TRANSCRIPTION OF THE SECOND PART: from the word Of [course you have...] fo the end of the text

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