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Lesson 5: Gerunds: As Object

- I feel tired all the time, doctor. What can I do?

- Eat well and exercise. You'll feel better.
- Oh no! I hate exercising!

Next weekend is a holiday. We want to stay at the beach; the only problem will
be getting a hotel reservation.

Jack's hobby is repairing old TVs and radios.

My idea of a great lunch is eating at Hamburger Heaven. They have the best

The most difficult part of the project will be planning it. After that, things should
go smoothly.

The thing I like best is playing basketball

The nicest thing about our vacation was not having to be anywhere at a certain

Mr. Proudy's business is buying and selling art. He has a gallery on Fifth

To me, the most important thing is winning the race, not just running in it!

 Why did you get such a low score on your test? 

My mistake was thinking I knew everything.

The thing I hate about the dentist is never knowing when it is going to hurt.


The best part of the evening was finding out who won first prize.

Please come and get your son. One thing I don't allow in my house is fighting

The course Laura is taking is called "Learning About The Law ."

David's idea of an interesting vacation is traveling around the country by train

One thing my family wants to try is camping

Lesson 6: Gerunds: After Prepositions

- I'm thinking about quitting school and getting a job.

- You can't get a good job without finishing school.

- But I need the money.

Jane and Martha saved a lot of money during their trip by not eating breakfast
or lunch in restaurants.

It's a beautiful day. Why don't we walk to the stadium instead of taking the

Mrs. Thompson was late for her meeting. She apologized to everyone for
arriving late.

Jerry realized that school was important after finding out that he couldn't get a
good job without an education.

- It's a great day for playing tennis!

- You're right. Let's go!

By not spending much all year, Albert was able to save enough to buy a

Sheila never buys a CD before listening to it.

The Morgan’s are staying home for the holidays this year instead of going to
visit relatives.

After meeting you, I knew that there was no one else for me.

Sammy wasn't very athletic. He became a great soccer player by practicing

every day


We have to sing "Happy Birthday" to Claudia before cutting the cake.

After reading the book, "The Old Man and the Sea," I want to read more books
by Hemingway.

Jerry is thinking about taking a computer course next year.

- Where's Kathy?
- She left the party without saying good-bye to anyone.

- Jim and Janice are thinking about not going to the beach with us.
- Why don't they want to go?
- I don't know.

Lesson 7: Education
I'm studying history at college.

She's taking a course in dressmaking.

I'm studying for my examination in mathematics tomorrow.

I failed the exam so I have to take it again.

After my son finishes high school, he will go to college.

He speaks Spanish but is learning English.

I passed the exam with an 80%.

School students learn many subjects like history, science and art.

We had a test in Spanish today and I think I did well.

The training for the job is six months.



Hello, Mr. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric. I'm
calling about your plans for the new factory. I'm interested in discussing the
matter with you. Can we make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at
my office? Do you mind if I invite my bank manager, too? It's impossible for me
to make any decision about the project unless I have his approval. Please call
me this afternoon. I'll be in meetings all morning. I'll talk to you later.


From: Arlene Ericson To: Yvonne Billingsly Subject: Waiting for your answer
Dear Yvonne,
I'm in London on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-
shirt factory near the city. I have some offers, and I'm going to see two places this
afternoon. Please think about our discussion. I must have an answer as soon
as possible.
I disagree with your opinion that you can't manage the business. I think you'll be gr
eat for the job.

Arlene wants to set up a T-shirt factory

Lesson 3
- Could you give this to Mr. Block? It's very important. 
- I'm sorry. Mr. Block's at the New York office today.
- Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon? 
- No. He's going to be in New York all week.
- Then could you fax it to him? 
- Sure. I'll send it right away. 

Lesson 4: Modals: Must

- All our workers must wear safety glasses. And workers must not smoke
in work areas.

Several people saw the thief. The police must have some idea of who he is

You must have the wrong number

You mustn't miss the Matisse exhibit at the art museum. It's fantastic!

There are no trains to some villages in Mexico. You must get there by bus or

Why isn't Tommy home from school? He's late.

- He probably stopped to see a friend. You mustn't worry

Carlos Enrique Maguiña

DNI 48283578

Banco Falabella • Soles

Nº de cuenta 8020900263392

CCI 05420980010026339223

Lesson 5: Modals: Had To

- Why are you so tired?

- I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and
found out that we didn't have to hand it in.

- Why were Ed and Jerry late?

- They had to push Ed’s car to the gas station because they couldn't start it.

- Why did Mr. Martin's class have to take the test yesterday?

- Sarah didn't have to work while she was going to school, but she got a part-
time job because she wanted the extra money.

- Politicians in the 1940s never had to worry about how they looked on

- Oh, William! What a surprise! You didn't have to buy me a birthday present.

- Tom broke his leg; he was lucky that he didn't have to have an operation.

- Kathy couldn't go to the party because she had to stay home with her little
brother and sister.

- Did you have to get a visa before you went to Japan?

- Yes, I couldn't go without one.

- How long did you have to go to school to become a doctor?

- I was in medical school for five years.


The elevator in the dentist's building was broken, so Melissa had to walk up to
the seventh floor.

Is Ralph's girlfriend still angry at him?

No, she finally believed his story. He didn't have to apologize, but he did

When Jesse and Sarah Kennedy bought their house, they had to get
homeowner's insurance

Why did Mr. Brent want to see you?

I had to explain to him why I closed the shop half an hour early

Lesson 6: Modals: Must Not/Don't Have To

- Don't worry. These bottles are not dangerous. You don't have to wear
gloves over here.

- And over there?

- Ooh.. that's different. You mustn't touch anything without gloves over

- Why aren't you ready for work yet?

- It's my day off. I don't have to work today!

Jane's little brother, Tommy, can cross the street by himself. He doesn't have
to be with anyone, but he mustn't cross without looking.

- Amy mustn't get to school late, or she will get into trouble.
- Yes, but she doesn't have to arrive an hour early, either.

- Are you saving any money from your salary?

- I'm saving a little, but I don't have to save every penny I earn.
- That's true, but you shouldn't spend it all.

- You mustn’t eat this now. It's for dessert.

- Can't I have a taste?
- NO!

Should we buy tickets for the football game ahead of time?

We don't have to. They sell them at the game

We mustn't miss the bus, but we don't have to run. It'll wait for us

We don't have to pay for our new TV until they deliver it. The salesperson said
we mustn't give cash to the delivery person. We should pay by check


I know how to drive, but I don't have a license.

You mustn’t drive without a license. You could get in trouble!

You mustn't get too tired. We don´t have to move everything today. We can do
the rest later

We'd better hurry. We mustn't get to the train station late. We couldn't leave
for a few minutes. It's still early

I mustn't stay late today, right?

You don't have to forget about the paper you promised to finish

Lesson 1: Flight to Mumbai

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is delayed. We

apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

Daniel: You’re going to India, too?

Rebecca: Yes, my company has a factory in Mumbai.

Daniel: So, you fly there a lot?

Rebecca: Yes, I do.

Daniel: This is my first trip abroad.

Rebecca: Oh, you'll love Mumbai. It's a wonderful city. There's so much to
do and see there.

Daniel: Yeah, I'm really excited about going.

Rebecca: I hope we board the plane soon.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is now ready to

board. Please have your passport and boarding pass ready for the agent at the
gate. Thank you for flying Indian Skies Airlines.

Rebecca: Wait! You forgot your passport!

Daniel: Thanks.

Daniel and Rebecca are waiting for a flight. They are going to Mumbai. They
hear an announcement that the plane will be delayed. Daniel is a tourist and
Rebecca is a businesswoman. Daniel is going abroad to travel. Rebecca is going
to work. They finally get ready to board the plane. Daniel forgets his passport.

Words / Definitions

Passport: official document that states what country you're from

Abroad: in or to a foreign country
Apologize: say you're sorry
Inconvenience: trouble
Delayed: leaving later than it's supposed to leave
Board: get onto a plane

What is the problem?

Rebecca forgot her passport.
They cannot hear the announcements.
Daniel doesn't want to go to Mumbai.
The flight is not on time.
To: José Castillo

From: Daniel Mendoza

My trip to India was wonderful, I met many beautiful places, the Taj Majal,
Hawa Majal, "Delhi's strong red" and many more places. But what I liked the
most was its people.

It is one of the trips that I enjoyed the most, I recommend it.



Lesson 2: Village Tours

Village Tours

Do you dislike taking boring vacations? Does having a good time mean
sightseeing in interesting towns and villages?

Then you should come see us today! It's not smart to delay. Village Tours has
daily non-stop flights to twenty-seven foreign capitals. We sell one-way and
round-trip tickets. If you decide to cancel, we'll return all your money.

Village Tours: We'll send you where the fun is!

Why do people go to Village Tours?

To buy tickets for vacations

To find a job in another country
To study about interesting places
To go on a bus tour of the village

Bill and Jean planned a trip through Village Tours. Now they have to cancel it.
What will happen?

They will lose some of their money.

They will get all their money back.
They will get a one-way ticket instead.

Which of these people can Village Tours help? Select two answers.

The Gonzalez family likes to take vacations at the beach and spend the whole
time near the water.

Olaf and Kirsten want to see as many countries as possible.

The Barnetts love visiting new places in beautiful countries.

Marvin is afraid of flying.
Lying on the beach

Visiting towns and villages

Lying by the swimming pool

Sitting in a cafe all day

Visiting foreign capitals

Going sightseeing

Lesson 3: Vacation at Last

- Vacation at last. I'm going to the beach every day.

- Me, too. But...
- But what? What's the matter?
- First I'm going to go shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yeah. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.

What are the speakers discussing?

The best places to go shopping

What to bring to the beach

The beautiful weather

What to do on their vacation

What is the second speaker's problem?

She forgot to bring a book.

She lost her sunglasses.

She doesn't have a swimsuit.

She dropped her camera in the water.

Where will the speakers probably go next?

The airport

The mall

The beach

The hotel
Lesson 4: Modals: Should

-Where's your brother? Didn't you wait for him? You should always wait for him
after school.

-Don't worry Mom. He was right behind me. He should be here any minute.

- Doctor, I'm always so tired.

- You should get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

- How was the exhibition at the museum?

- It was wonderful. You shouldn't miss it!

I think the government should make the factories stop polluting the air and

The lawyer told his client that he should tell the truth.

I recommend the new Italian restaurant. You should try it. The food is

You shouldn’t be out here in the street alone. We'll find her.

It's already May. If you want a summer job, you shouldn't wait any longer to

I wrote down the directions for Elizabeth. She shouldn't have any trouble
finding the park

Let's call a travel agency. They should be able to tell us if we need a visa for

What time will the plane get to Shannon?

It's a three-hour trip, so it should arrive at about 2:30 in the afternoon


When will my computer be ready?

It's an easy repair. It shouldn't take very long. Is tomorrow Ok?

It's after 9:00 a.m., and the supermarket is not open. It should be open at this
time of day

I really shouldn't eat anything. I'm going out for dinner soon.

Try taking two of these. They should help your headache

I want to use chicken instead of beef in the recipe. Is that all right?
It shouldn't matter. It will just taste a little different.

Lesson 5: Infinitives: After Verbs

Do you like jazz, too?

Well, I like to listen to jazz sometimes, but I LOVE to play rock 'n' roll.

The teacher expected everyone to do well on the test because it was so easy.

The airline offered to pay for our hotel room because they had to cancel our

This doesn't look very safe. I'd prefer to go back to camp!

Esto no parece muy seguro. ¡Prefiero volver al campamento!

Katerina plans to study French and German in school. She wants to be an

international secretary.
Katerina planea estudiar francés y alemán en la escuela. Ella quiere ser una
secretaria internacional.

Lawrence had a nice time on his trip to Rome, but he says he doesn't want to
go back there again.
Lawrence se lo pasó bien en su viaje a Roma, pero dice que no quiere volver
allí otra vez.

Ruth is learning to swim. She wants to be able to swim by summer.

Ruth está aprendiendo a nadar. Quiere poder nadar en verano.

All foreign passengers need to go straight to Immigration after getting of the

Todos los pasajeros extranjeros deben ir directamente a Inmigración después de
tomar el avión.
When are you going to buy your new car?
I decided not to buy a car after all. I don't have enough money.
¿Cuándo vas a comprar tu auto nuevo?
Decidí no comprar un coche después de todo. No tengo suficiente dinero.

It was difficult to decide which play to go to. The one we finally chose to see
was "The Cherry Tree".
Fue difícil decidir a qué juego ir. El que finalmente elegimos ver fue "El Cerezo"

Rita hoped to meet famous actors when she was in Hollywood, but she didn't
see even one.
Rita esperaba conocer a actores famosos cuando estaba en Hollywood, pero no
vio ni uno solo.

I think I want to become a doctor.
Well, prepare to spend many years studying. You need to think about it
carefully before you decide.
Creo que quiero ser médico.
Pues prepárate para pasar muchos años estudiando. Necesitas pensarlo
cuidadosamente antes de decidirte.

Guess What? I just got a job as a salesman.

Will you have to travel often?
I think so. I expect to travel at least two weeks a month
¿Adivina qué? Acabo de conseguir un trabajo como vendedor.
¿Tendrás que viajar a menudo?
Creo que sí. Espero viajar al menos dos semanas al mes.

I'm applying for a summer job as a typist.

Where did you learn to type?
In school
Estoy solicitando un trabajo de verano como mecanógrafo.
¿Dónde aprendiste a escribir?
En el colegio

Is there a bilingual dictionary in the classroom?

Yes. We use it when we need to look up words.
¿Hay un diccionario bilingüe en el aula?
Sí. Lo usamos cuando necesitamos buscar palabras.

Joel offered to give me a ride to the game, but I prefer not to go with him.
Joel se ofreció a llevarme al juego, pero prefiero no ir con él.

Lesson 6: Gerunds: After Verbs

When are you going to finish talking?

In a minute. Do you mind waiting?
No, I don't mind. I enjoy listening to you.

I mind helping helping you fix your motorcycle, Jim.

I don't have anything else to do.

Sally and Rita are going shopping after they finish to do their homework

Lesson 7: Travel

We canceled our vacation because I was sick.

You have a connecting flight to New York.
There is a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to New York.
When we are on vacation we always rent a car so we can drive to different
The travel agent reserved a hotel room.
We have round-trip tickets to Hawaii.
I love sightseeing vacations and I take lots of pictures.
We're going on a tour of the old city.
Best Tours is a great travel agency if you want to go to Europe.
The agency made our travel arrangements.




a hotel room


travel arrangements


a vacation


a car

UNIT 4: eating food

Lesson 1: Food

Hello, listeners! This is Gore May with another restaurant review!

I made a reservation at Prima Vera Restaurant as soon as I heard about it. I

was expecting Prima Vera to be a very special place, and I was looking forward
to eating there. I came on time for my 1 p.m. reservation, but I had to wait
forty-five minutes! The manager didn't even apologize. While I was waiting, I
looked at Prima Vera's menu. What prices! Strawberries and cream cost $15!
Finally, my table was ready, but it was dirty. The rolls weren't fresh, and the
grilled fish was cold. "Perhaps the desserts are better," I thought. I ordered a
slice of chocolate nut cake. While I was eating it, I broke a tooth! I found a
small stone in the cake! I complained to the waiter, and phoned my insurance

Listeners, don't go to Prima Vera Restaurant! Eat at home. I promise you that
you'll enjoy it a lot more!

Hola, oyentes! ¡Este es Gore May con otra crítica de restaurante!

Hice una reserva en el restaurante Prima Vera tan pronto como me enteré.
Esperaba que Prima Vera fuera un lugar muy especial, y estaba deseando
comer allí. Llegué a tiempo para mi 1 p.m. Reserva, pero tuve que esperar
cuarenta y cinco minutos! El gerente ni siquiera se disculpó. Mientras esperaba,
miré el menú de Prima Vera. ¡Qué precios! Las fresas y la crema cuestan $ 15!
Finalmente, mi mesa estaba lista, pero estaba sucia. Los rollos no estaban
frescos, y el pescado a la parrilla estaba frío. "Quizás los postres son mejores",
pensé. Pedí una rebanada de pastel de chocolate y nueces. Mientras lo comía,
me rompí un diente! ¡Encontré una pequeña piedra en el pastel! Me quejé al
camarero y llamé a mi compañía de seguros.

Oyentes, ¡no vayan al restaurante Prima Vera! Comer en casa. ¡Te prometo que
lo disfrutarás mucho más!

Which of these sentences is not true?

"Gore May" ate strawberries and cream.

"Gore May" was given rolls that were old

"Gore May" had fish that was cold.

What is a restaurant review?

"Gore May" was expecting Prima Vera to be a especial place.This means

-He thought it was going to be nothing special

-He knew it was going to be bad.

-He thought it was going to be very good.

-He thought it was going to be Ok.


Gore May found a small stone in the nut cake

Lesson 2: Pearl's Party Service

Pearl's Party Service:

For The Best Party Around

Are you expecting guests for an important dinner party? Are you worried that
you won't be able to plan the party successfully? We at Pearl's Party Service
will prepare the perfect party for you.

Here is a sample menu.

We usually start with salad and freshly baked rolls. Then, we give you a choice
of grilled fish or chicken. And make sure you have room left for dessert. Our
desserts are delicious! Your guests will love our fresh strawberries with whipped
cream and homemade chocolate nut cake.

We think of everything: our waiters will even tell a few jokes!

So, if you're planning a party, call Pearl's Party Service today for a party we
promise that you'll never forget!


Tonight is the big night. You are giving a very important dinner party. You are
expecting your guests to arrive at 8:00. You wanted the perfect party, so you
called Pearl's Party Service to prepare everything. You even asked Pearl's
waiters to tell jokes

Karl's party service The best party you can have. We send you a sample menu: To
start, we always do it with the great variety of salads that we have and some appetizers
of the house. Then, we offer you the option of choosing between the best barbecue
with various meats and a delicious chicken barbecue, and finally, we have the best
desserts. Desserts: Chocolate cake, three milk cake, apple pie, etc.

Lesson 4: Past Progressive: Progressive vs. Simple

The accident happened at eight o'clock this morning, while many people were
driving to work. The red sports car was turning left when the other car hit it.
Luckily, no one was hurt.

The store was closing when Tina got there

Was your mom home yesterday afternoon?

Yes. While I was doing homework, she made dinner.

Did you get any mail yesterday?

Yes, I did, but it got here very late.
When did it come?
When I arrived at the house, the mailman was just leaving

Did you meet Sally and Carlos when they were living in this neighborhood?

Jerry was entering the parking lot, when the officer showed him the "Closed"

Robert saw a friend from his old school while he was walking down the street

How late did you stay at the party?

Until almost one o'clock.
We were having such a good time, we didn't want to leave.

William let me use his bike last Saturday because my brother was using mine

Did anyone meet you at the airport?

Yes, my aunt and uncle were waiting for me when the plane landed

Stephen was driving fast when the accident happened.

Did you hear me?

I'm sorry. I was thinking about something else. What did you say?

Is the secretary typing the letters?

I don't know. She wasn't typing anything when I went into the office a few
minutes ago.

What happened to your hand?

I burned it while I was putting something into the oven.

Lesson 5: Adverbs: Comparisons

- I drive better than she does.

- But I drive more slowly.
- I'll drive. I drive the most carefully.

Sara works harder than anyone else in the restaurant, but she doesn't earn
much money.

I hope this time you do better than you did on the last test.
Espero que esta vez lo hagas mejor que en la última prueba.

Paula lives a lot farther from me than Marcy does, but I see Paula more often.
Paula vive mucho más lejos de mí que Marcy, pero la veo más a menudo.

Of all student in the class, Jim did his work the most carefully.
De todos los estudiantes en la clase, Jim hizo su trabajo con mucho cuidado.

I'm not a good swimmer, but I don't swim as badly as Jane does.
No soy buena nadadora, pero no nado tan mal como lo hace Jane.

The repairman promised to repair my bike more quickly than the last time.
El reparador prometió reparar mi bicicleta más rápido que la última vez.

I'll never play as well as she wants me to!.

¡Nunca jugaré tan bien como ella quiere!


The white sweater was too small, and the red one was too big.
This one fits me the best.

Kathy and Robert like many different foods, but they eat chicken as frequent as
anything else.
David wants to take a trip to Spain; he doesn't have a lot of money so he wants
to travel as cheap as he can.

Lesson 6: Talking About Food

I got food on my shirt and now it's dirty.

I have freshly baked rolls for breakfast.

I took the meat out of the freezer an hour ago so it's still frozen.

We had grilled steaks at the restaurant.

Here is some homemade jam with fruit from our tree.

I prepared some vegetables for the soup.

The food is ready, come and eat!

These chips are very salty.

This cake is very sweet because it has a lot of sugar.

Would you like whipped cream with your pie?

Sandra made a delicious meal last night. First we had soup with freshly baked
rolls. Then we had grilled fish with vegetables and salad. After the main course
we all wanted something sweet. Sandra prepared strawberries with whipped
cream. Everything was very tasty, except the vegetables, they were very salty.


Lesson 1: Airport Arrivals

Alan: John
John: Alan! Were you waiting long?
Alan: No, just a few minutes. How was your flight?
John: Too long. From Sydney to London was twenty-three hours. We had one
stopover in Bangkok for about an hour.
Alan: Where's your luggage?
John: This is it.
Alan: That's it? No luggage. Where are your clothes?
John: The airline lost my suitcase and all of my clothes with it.
Alan: Oh no! Well we'd better get you some clothes today. We have a very
important meeting tomorrow morning.
John: I know. Where can I get a new suit?
Alan: I think I know of a couple of shops nearby. Don't you want to get some
breakfast first?
John: No, thanks. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the plane. Twice, I
Alan: Oh!
John: Alan, let's just see about the suit.
Lesson 2: Rita's Trip Abroad

Rita's Trip Abroad

"Ladies and gentlemen, our flight is arriving shortly in Washington, D.C." Rita
was looking out the window. Around her people were talking excitedly. Rita was
nervous. It was not only her first time abroad, but it was also her first time
outside her small village in Mexico. She was visiting her aunt and uncle for the
summer. She couldn't wait to go sightseeing. But she was a little worried about
her English. She knew some English from school, and she hoped it was good

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the capital of the United States."

Rita checked to make sure she had everything: her passport, the immigration
form, and her round-trip ticket. She followed the people out of the plane. She
waited with the other foreigners while the immigration officials asked each
person many questions. Rita was nervous, but the immigration officer patiently
repeated each question slowly and clearly.

Rita found her suitcase, and started walking toward the exit. Many people were
waiting outside. She was looking around, when she suddenly heard someone
shout her name.

"Rita! Rita!" It was her aunt and uncle!

"We're so happy you're here!"

Rita smiled. She knew that she was going to have a good time that summer in

Lesson 4: Adverbs: Form

Lesson 5: Future: Will vs. Going To

Is this going to hurt a lot?

Oh, no. Don't worry, Tommy. It'll only hurt a little.

Lesson 6: Future: Simple Present

- Two tickets to Washington, please.

- The next plane leaves at 6:00. Is that OK?
- That's fine.

What time does the movie end tonight?

Unit 6: Emotions

Lesson 1: Drama

Narrator Here we are with another episode of "Hospital Adventures." You'll

: remember that last time, Chad was in an accident. He was walking
home from work. He wasn't looking where he was going, and he fell
down and hit his head. Now, he's in the hospital and doesn't
remember who he is.
Friend: Oh, Morgan, I came as soon as I heard! How is he?
Morgan: He's still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature. He has a
Friend: Look! He's getting up! 
Chad: What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?
Morgan: Chad, it's me, Morgan, your wife. Don't you remember?
Friend: Here comes the doctor.
Morgan: Doctor, I'm so worried. What are we going to do?
Doctor: You must relax. It is important to stay calm. It seems that we'll have
Morgan: Oh, no!
Friend: Oh, no!
Chad: Oh, no!
Narrator Will Chad get well? Will he get back his memory? Does he have
: health insurance? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of "Hospital

Lesson 2: Malcolm's Special Day

Malcolm's Special Day

Malcolm was lying in bed at 7 a.m. on a sunny morning. He was excited because it
was his birthday. His wife was still asleep. Malcolm woke her up.
"Debbie, do you know what day it is?"
"May 15th."
"And ... "
"And you have a 9 a.m. appointment with the dentist today. You have to get up!"
Malcolm was upset. "Debbie forgot my birthday," he thought while he was
brushinghis teeth.
"Bye, Debbie," said Malcolm. He was trying to seem
calm and relaxed. "Maybe we'llgo to a restaurant for lunch."
"Why? What's special about today?" she asked.
"Oh, nothing."
Malcolm wasn't nervous at the dentist's office. The pain didn't even
bother him. Hewas thinking about his birthday, and was
feeling lonely. "Even my mother forgot to phone!" he thought.
When Malcolm came home, he slowly opened the
door. "Surprise!" All his friends andrelatives were smiling and laughing.
"Happy birthday, Malcolm," said Debbie. "Do you forgive me?"

Lesson 4: Past Progressive: Statements

No, I wasn't expecting your call. I was taking a shower!

Lesson 5: Past Progressive: Questions and Answers

- What were you doing at seven o'clock last night?

- I was having dinner at McDougal's.

Unit 7: Making Excuses

Lesson 1: Family

Lesson 2: The Party

The Party

After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired. He
wasn't thinking about anything special.

"Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a

couple of pounds of strawberries," Jason thought.

While Jason was driving to the store, his phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.

"Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me
prepare the food and decorate the house. You know that we're having a party

"Oh, no!" Jason said. "I had so much work today that I forgot about the party."

"I know it's always a good idea to remind you to come home early, even when
you promise," said Jenny. "However, this time I expected you to remember."

At first, Jason didn't understand what Jenny was talking about, but then he
remembered: Jenny was having a party for him that night. It was his fiftieth

Lesson 4: Infinitives: After Adjectives

-Hi, Ted. How was the movie?-It was good, but there was a big guy sitting in front of me and it
was hard to see.

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