Social: Scenario: Water - Existing - General

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Why is this indicator relevant?

Social Target users must express a real need or demand for the services
provided by a technology if management challenges are going to be
overcome in the future. Cultural taboos can cause users to reject a
technology. If users feel a technology is inferior, they may reject it. If
1 – Demand for the technology
users are unwilling to invest in a technology or pay for its operation
and maintenance, prospects for sustainability will be undermined.

User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Do the majority of users express a strong demand for the improved service Strongly expressed demand is vital to get good prospects for
GQ 1.1
level provided by this technology? What alternatives would there be? sustainability.

Will this technology genuinely satisfy the demands and expectations of the The likelihood of a technology being sustainable will only be good if it
GQ 1.2
majority of target users? Are there many people/groups not benefiting? genuinely meets the needs and expectations of target users.

Do all users in the target region accept this technology with respect to
Cultural and social acceptance is essential for sustainable uptake. If a
GQ 1.3 taboos, cultural, social and religious habits and traditions? What would be
technology is viewed as inferior for any reason, it may not be accepted.
possible barriers or conflict areas?

Which groups within the population cannot use /are excluded from using
GQ 1.4 this technology, for example disabled persons, the elderly or the very Inclusive, equitable service levels should be a high priority.

Do potential users express their willingness to invest in the CapEx of this The full capital cost of this technology and its introduction needs to
GQ 1.5 technology and its introduction? Have they contributed to the CapEx of any be worked out BEFORE putting this question to users, so that an
other water service before? If not, why would they be willing this time? informed discussion can take place!

Are users willing to carry out regular upkeep activities and to pay for O&M
The full O&M cost of this technology, as well as the cost of major
(OpEx) on a regular basis? Are they willing to pay for major rehabilitation
GQ 1.6 rehabilitation, needs to be worked out BEFORE putting this question
(CapManEx) if the water service breaks down? Have they contributed to
to users so that an informed discussion can take place!
OpEx or CapManEx before? If not, why will they be willing this time?

Scoring Is there a strong demand from target users for the services provided
Question by this water technology AND a willingness to pay for CapEx, OpEx Score for indicator 1
SQ 1 and CapManEx?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 1
Why is this indicator relevant?
Social Without strong promotion, technologies, providers and supply
chains will often not be known to users and buyers. Good promotion
is essential for scalability. Ongoing market research must be carried
2 – The need for promotion of the technology and out by producers and providers if technologies are going to continue
market research to meet users’ needs. Poor user feedback mechanisms can mean
that design problems are not acted upon, affecting sustainability.

Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Do all target users really know that this technology exists and understand People generally only consider investing in a technology if they know it
GQ 2.1
what service level it can provide? exists and understand what service level it can provide.

Are subsidies available for this technology (e.g. from government, donors), Subsidies can stimulate demand for a technology and help to raise
GQ 2.2
and are users, producers and providers aware of this? (see indicator 6) awareness of the services it provides.

How do producers/providers capture and understand the demand for this Market research and follow up are essential if producers and providers are
GQ 2.3 technology and any user problems with it? How do they update this going to continue to meet user needs and demands. Design flaws must be
information? acted upon.

Who will promote this technology at local level? How do potential new Good promotion is essential for scalability. It requires dedicated skills and
GQ 2.4
users find out about this technology? funding.

According to the producers, which media are most appropriate for

Promotion has to be directed at the target audience using the most
GQ 2.5 promotion of this water technology? (e.g. TV, radio, drama, demonstration
suitable media.
site, other)

How do the producers/providers consider the needs for the technology to

be accessible to the poor and excluded groups in product development? Technologies need to be accessible to poor and marginalized groups if
GQ 2.6
Do they target all groups in the user population with promotion? If not, they are to meet user needs.
which groups are excluded and why?

Scoring Do the producers have resources and effective mechanisms in

Question place to do targeted market research, promotion, product Score for indicator 2
SQ 2 development and follow up as needed?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 2
Why is this indicator relevant?
Social There may be very weak demand from users for the water service
level provided by this technology without substantial change to their
perceptions, attitudes and behaviours. This requires strong
3 – The need for behaviour change and social community mobilisation, social marketing and integration/alignment
marketing with existing traditions and incentives, for example linking improved
water supplies to productive livelihood water use.

Regulator, investor, facilitator

Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

How do communities and service providers currently address water supply This question sets the scene for follow up questions on the need for
GQ 3.1
issues in the target area? What are common behaviors, and practices? behaviour change and social marketing.

Are changes to the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of target users

If this is the case, then the need for substantial behaviour change must be
GQ 3.2 required to stimulate demand for affordable and cost efffective water
met with skills and resources to achieve it.
services using this technology?

Are changes to the perceptions and attitudes of regulators, investors and

Wrong perceptions / attitudes of the regulator, investor, facilitator regarding
GQ 3.3 facilitators neccessary to stimulate demand for affordable and cost
this technology or target groups can inhibit its scalability and sustainability.
effective water services using this technology?

Do providers and facilitators have the necessary skills and resources to

If providers and facilitators do not have the necessary skills and resources
GQ 3.4 bring about changes to users’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviours
to bring about changes, a technology may be rejected.
required for sustainable uptake of this water technology?

Are users in the target area involved in choosing technologies, introduction Technology choice is often top-down with insufficient involvement of those
GQ 3.5 processes and cost models? Who decides what technologies should be who are affected by the choice of that technology. If this is the case, the
deployed? Politicians, technocrats, local government, NGOs or users? need for essential behaviour changes might get neglected.

Is the introduction of this technology possible without any effort of

Scoring behavioural chages? Do providers and facilitators have the
Question necessary skills and resources to bring about changes to Score for indicator 3
SQ 3 perceptions, attitudes and behaviours for this technology to be
sustainable and scalable?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 3
Why is this indicator relevant?
Economic If users cannot afford to buy this water technology, scalability will
not be possible without subsidy. If users cannot afford to pay for the
operation and maintenance costs (including the cost of major
4 – Affordability rehabilitation), sustainable service levels will be highly unlikely
without permanent external financial assistance.

User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Can users afford to pay for the full capital cost required for this water
The full capital cost of this technology needs to be worked out
GQ 4.1 technology (CapEx)? What contribution do users make to CapEx in cash
BEFORE putting this question to users!
and in kind as a percentage of the overall CapEx?

Can users afford to pay for the full cost of operation and maintenance The full operational cost of this technology needs to be worked out
GQ 4.2 (OpEx) required for this water technology? What percentage of total BEFORE putting this question to users so that an informed
annual OpEx are they currently paying for? discussion can take place!

Can users afford to pay the costs for major repairs (CapManEx) required
GQ 4.3 CapManEx (see comments above).
for this water technology?

What do people pay now for 20 l of water? Is this sufficient to cover OpEx,
This gives an indication of whether current tariffs really reflect the true cost
GQ 4.4 CapManEx and full capital for system renewal when the technology
of services.
reaches the end of its life?

What is the estimated average cash income per family per month among Users may be unwilling to disclose this information. Try to guess by asking
GQ 4.5
the target group in this region? about other expenses, such as school fees and healthcare.

Are poor households who cannot pay for the hardware excluded from
Gives an indication of whether affordability is a barrier to access for poor
GQ 4.6 applying this water technology? Are there shared improved water sources
that they are allowed to use?

Does the water technology offer potential economic benefits for the user, Income generated through use of the technology could help to pay for its
GQ 4.7
for example allowing productive use of water? CapEx, and its OpEx and CapManEx.

Scoring Is the amount of money that users presently pay sufficient to cover CapEx, Score for indicator 4 - Scoring rule: If users can only afford the
Question OpEx and CapManEx of this technology/service level? If not, would this technology with external subsidies, the score needs to be yellow. If these
SQ 4 water technology still be affordable? subsidies do not exist, it needs to be red.

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 4
Why is this indicator relevant?
If producers do not raise sufficient revenues to cover the cost of
Economic market introduction, promotion, technology development, supply
chain development and after sales support, their technologies may
fail to be scalable or sustainable. In some cases, subsidies will be
5 – Profitability needed and may be provided by third parties, e.g. NGOs or
governments, to enable the producer to create sufficient turnover
and revenues.
Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Estimate the total annual fixed costs, the total annual variable costs, add
the two together, and divide by the number of units that the seller
GQ 5.1 How much does it cost to produce a single unit of this technology? anticipates will be sold in one year. Add unit production cost, profit and
transport. This information should be obtained from the
producer/provider BEFORE using the TAF.

What price is a single unit of this technology sold for on local markets? If you compare production cost (GQ5-1) with price on the market (GQ5-2),
GQ 5.2
This should include delivery and installation. is there any margin remaining? How much is the margin per unit?

Is there good, profitable market potential for this technology in this region Does the producer expect substantial, profitable sales in the region or
GQ 5.3
or even in the country? beyond?

Is the technology fully developed (ready to use), or is substantial funding

GQ 5.4 Gives some information on the stage of development the technology.
still needed for further development to get this technology ready to sell?

Are there other ‘comparable’ technologies that perform the same function
GQ 5.5 Answer gives an indication of the level of competition on the market.
available on the local market and what is their sale price?

What support is available for promotion and development of this Gives an idea of what other actors will support in promotion and product
GQ 5.6
technology from other actors, for example through bank loans or grants? development (triangulate answer with GQ for indicator 18).

Scoring Can the producer/provider generate sufficient revenues from sales

Question to cover costs of product development, promotion, supply chain Score for indicator 5
SQ 5 development and after-sales support?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 5
Economic Why is this indicator relevant?
Supportive financial mechanisms such as subsidies very much
assist uptake by the poor communities but do not guarantee
sustainability or scalability as they may not be in place for long
6 – Supportive financial mechanisms periods or at scale.

Regulator, investor, facilitator

Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Are subsidies available for CapEx, OpEx or CapManEx of this technology

Government subsidy is indicative of government commitment to support
GQ 6.1 when it is used at community level? Does government provide any subsidy
the technology or service provided by the technology.
for community-based water technology/services?

Are subsidies available for CapEx, OpEx or CapManEx if this technology is

Government subsidy is indicative of government commitment to support
GQ 6.2 used at household level only? Does government provide any subsidy for
the technology or service provided by the technology.
CapEx or OpEx or CapManEx for households ?

Are there rules and preconditions applied for subsidizing this particular
GQ 6.3 If subsidies are given, clear rules will be needed.
water technology? If so, please give details.

Are viable financial mechanisms in place in this region which allow Affordable financial mechanisms might be the only way to allow poorer
GQ 6.4 potential buyers to purchase this technology, e.g. revolving funds, saving households to purchase some of the technologies, e.g. using SACCO
cooperatives, microfinance? schemes or revolving funds.

Are subsidies or supportive funding available or expected to
Question Score for indicator 6
SQ 6 be available in the short term?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 6
Environmental Why is this indicator relevant?
The use of the technology could have negative impacts on the local
environment or for the user, for example, over-abstraction of
7 – Potential negative impacts on the environment groundwater, pollution created by unsafe disposal of brines from
or user water treatment units or noise.

User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Does this technology present risks to the user if it is not correctly operated Possible risks could include, for instance, consumption of contaminated
GQ 7.1 or maintained? Are users aware of these potential risks? Do they know water if filters are not backwashed properly or injury from components of
how to manage them? the technology. Any technology may have its specific risks.

GQ 7.2 Does this technology present any risks to the environment? Possible risks could include localized over-abstraction, pollution or noise.

Indicates if users are aware of any operating restrictions. One example

GQ 7.3 Are the users aware of any restrictions on the use of this techology?
could be limits on pumping or complete bans on using the technology.

Is there a mechanism to inform users of risks and restrictions associated If users are not aware of risks or restrictions, the potential for negative
GQ 7.4
with use of this technology? impacts will be higher.

Scoring Score for indicator 7

Is there a risk that negative impacts could result from the use of this
SQ 7 Scoring rule: if there is no risk, use score “green”.

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 7
Environmental Why is this indicator relevant?
Local production of the technology or spares might lead to income
generation but might need specific inputs which are difficult to
8 – Potential for local production of product and provide on a constant basis.

Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Technologies dependent on imports from foreign producers risk

Are this water technology or any of its major components currently being
GQ 8.1 enforcement of high import taxes, poor quality control and unreliable
produced in the country or even locally?
supply lines. Local production saves on transport and carbon emissions.

Does the process used to produce this water technology potentially harm Potential negative impacts could include disposal of harmful chemicals
GQ 8.2
the environment in any way? used in production or clearance of large areas of vegetation.

Is production of this technology or spares possible locally in terms of Indicates if there is potential to create income or employment through local
GQ 8.3
skills/capacities and availability of workshops? production with the added benefit of lower fuel consumption/pollution.

Scoring Is a local production of this technology possible at national or local

Question level? Is there a likely chance that production of this technology at Score for indicator 8
SQ 8 national level would impact negatively on the environment?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 8
Why is this indicator relevant?
If a technology is scaled up to use in multiple districts, there could
Environmental be impacts on the environment and natural resources at a regional
level. Such impacts might include widespread groundwater
depletion or widespread pollution. If the performance of the
9 – Potential for negative impacts of scaling up technology is vulnerable to environmental factors (e.g. rainfall or
surface water contamination), this will be another risk if the
technology is used at scale.
Regulator, investor, facilitator
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

If this technology is used at scale, could there be wider environmental Localized use of the technology may not have significant environmental
GQ 9.1
impacts than those identified in indicator 7? impacts, but if it is used at scale, cumulative impacts may occur.

Does this technology offer benefits over other technologies through lower
Substantial reductions in fuel consumption or natural resources may bring
GQ 9.2 fuel consumption or lower use of raw materials whilst providing the same
environmental benefits.
levels of service?

Does the technology have the capacity to perform under varied climatic Service levels may be seriously affected for days or even weeks if the
GQ 9.3 conditions, for example, heavy cloud cover, high temperatures, low or high technology does not have the capacity to perform under variable
relative humidities, drought, floods, or earthquakes? conditions.

Are agencies or organizations at district or national level actively

A lack of monitoring by responsible agencies may mean that
GQ 9.4 monitoring environmental impacts that may result from the use of this
environmental problems go unchecked.
technology, such as pollution or groundwater depletion?

Are these monitoring agencies/organizations sufficiently resourced with Institutions with sufficient skills, staff, equipment and funding must be in
GQ 9.5 staff, equipment, funding and skills to effectively monitor any impacts and place to monitor environmental impacts and enforce corrective measures if
enforce corrective measures? environmental risks are going to be adequately managed.

Scoring If this technology is scaled up, could there be negative impacts on Score for indicator 9
Question the environment, and are any agencies actively monitoring possible
SQ 9 impacts with a remit to enforce corrective action? Scoring rule: if there is no risk, use score “green”.

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 10
Why is this indicator relevant?
If services are to deliver optimal benefits and be sustainable, the
Legal, institutional, organisational roles and responsibilities of users, local governments, NGOs,
external support agencies, private service providers and national
government must be clear. Responsibilities for financing,
10 – Legal structures for management of management and external support must be clearly set out and
technology and accountability understood. Institutions must be in place to fulfil roles. Legislation
should enable roles and responsibilities to be acted out.
User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Is it clear who is responsible for payment of CapEx to install this water

Users, local governments, NGOs, external support agencies, private
GQ 10.1 technology, OpEx to keep it running and CapManEx should it suffer a
service providers and national government may all have roles to play.
major breakdown? Who is responsible for carrying out O&M?

Is the level of O&M carried out on the present water system/service Effective preventative maintenance can help prevent expensive breakages
GQ 10.2 sufficient to keep this technology running in the long term? Is preventative from taking place, reducing management costs. Triangulation with
maintenance presently carried out? indicator 4.

Whom should the water user group contact if there is a water service Clear contacts should be known to operators or users in the event of
GQ 10.3
breakdown? breakdown or major maintenance.

If the O&M structure for this current water service is not working, what How could O&M be better organized? For example, what external support
GQ 10.4
institutional and financial arrangements are required to get it to work? do communities need to keep services running?

What is the likelihood that the O&M regime required to keep this new
Are there any legal or institutional barriers to getting the necessary support
GQ 10.5 technology system/service working will be possible within the current
for O&M from outside the community?
regulatory and legal framework?

Can the required O&M structure for this technology realistically be

GQ 10.6 managed by the water user group only? If not, does it need to be operated It is useful to understand levels of dependency for O&M and financing.
partly or fully by external support? Are institutions in place to provide this?

Based on the current O&M structure is the technology properly managed,

Scoring are good practices of good governance and accountability applied? Is the
Question O&M structure required to adequately run this water technology feasible Score for indicator 10
SQ 10 and sustainable within the current legal framework and with the available
financial capacities of households or financing institutions?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 10
Legal, institutional, organisational Why is this indicator relevant?
Registration of producers/providers and effective monitoring of their
activities by regulatory authorities enhances quality assurance. It
11 – Legal regulation and requirements for may also help to raise awareness of standard prices for
registration of producers technologies and services.

Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

In some countries, producers or providers of technologies and services

Is it possible for the producer or provider of this technology (or of spare
GQ 11.1 need to be registered with government agencies. Is this the case in your
parts) to operate legally without being registered or certified?

Are there clear and specific government rules/laws for registration of

GQ 11.2 Licences may be required to produce or supply technologies.
producers or providers of this technology?

Are there clear guidelines for producers and providers on how to get Clear, well publicized procedures for registration help to ensure that
GQ 11.3
registered? producers/providers are aware of what they need to do to operate legally.

Which institution has a specific mandate to regulate the quality of this

technology and the service it supplies? Does this institution really regulate Do producers/providers know who is responsible for regulating the quality
GQ 11.4
the quality of this technology? Who can be held accountable if production of their technologies and services?
or installation quality is poor?

How do producers/providers ensure that their technologies and spares

GQ 11.5 What quality controls do producers/providers have in place themselves?
comply with production standards?

Is there a process for government validation of this technology, and is it Are there vested interests known around validation and procurement of
GQ 11.6
transparent? technology?

Scoring Is regulation of producers/providers and the quality of

Question technologies/spares they deliver transparent, enforced and Score for indicator 11
SQ 11 effective?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 11
Legal, institutional, organisational Why is this indicator relevant?
Technologies introduced should be aligned with national standards
if they are to get support from government institutions. Support from
12 – Alignment with national strategies and government institutions is important to achieve scalability and
validation procedures sustainability.

Regulator, investor, facilitator

Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Do national standards exist for this type of water technology? If so, does If the technology is not in line with any national policies or standards, a
GQ 12.1 this technology comply with these standards? Does this technology conflict strong case will have to be made for it to get approval from the
with any law/guideline? government or the Bureau of Standards.

What is the national process for getting this technology validated and Ask regulator/investor/facilitator to describe this process. This is usually a
GQ 12.2
approved? national issue.

Can the design of this technology be altered to suit local conditions, or is it This is an important issue which is often neglected: is the technology
GQ 12.3
rigid due to patents? patented or public domain?

Which institution has a specific mandate to regulate the quality of this

technology and the service it supplies? Does this institution really regulate This question has purposefully been asked twice to allow triangulation with
GQ 12.4
the quality of this technology? Who can be held accountable if quality is the answer provided by the producer/provider under indicator 11.

Are there rules or guidelines to decide and to define which O&M structure
GQ 12.5 Which are the rules that define O&M structures?
is most appropriate for this water technology in this context?

Does this control agency have sufficient capacity and resources to follow Are there any examples of this agency exercising its authority in relation to
GQ 12.6
up quality control and to enforce regulation? similar technologies?

Is this technology aligned with national standards and strategies,

and is it in compliance with national quality standards? Are there
Question Score for indicator 12
SQ 12 sufficient capacities in place at national and local level to exercise
quality control of this technology?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 13
Skills and knowledge Why is this indicator relevant?
Technologies might need specific skills for management, operation
and maintenance. For some users, specific training is needed to
13 – Skill set of user or operator to manage ensure proper use. Follow-up training of users should be available if
technology including O&M skills are to be retained and updated.

User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Are users, caretakers and local mechanics familiar with this type of water
How confident are those tasked with managing this technology that they
GQ 13.1 technology, and do they know how to operate and maintain it? Do they
will be able to do it?
know how to check if maintenance or repairs are needed?

Is intensive upfront training of users, caretakers and local mechanics or

GQ 13.2 This will require resources on the part of the provider or facilitator.
service providers needed for proper O&M of this water technology?

Do users, caretakers or mechanics have the technical capacities to carry

If minor repairs are needed, can they be carried out by users, buyers,
GQ 13.3 out O&M of this water technology? What about their managerial capacities
caretakers or local mechanics?
to manage it? Do they have the right tools?

Who is responsible for organizing and providing the necessary training on

GQ 13.4 O&M and management? Are sufficient capacity and resources in place to Follow-up training is important as people move on and skills are lost.
carry out follow-up training?

If there has been an initial training of users, has there been a follow-up,
GQ 13.5 e.g. after 6 months? When will the next follow-up training take place, and The need for follow-up training is often neglected.
who will provide it?

Scoring Based on the current level of skills and capacity within the target
Question user group, will the users, caretakers or local mechanics be able to Score for indicator 13
SQ 13 manage the technology and to provide O&M on a regular basis?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 13
Skills and knowledge Why is this indicator relevant?
Producers and providers need specific technical and business skills
to ensure that they will continue to provide pre- and after-sales
14 – Level of technical and business skills services at competitive yet profitable rates.

Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Does the producer/provider of this technology have sufficient business, Specific skills are needed for technology introduction; triangulate answer
GQ 14.1 technical and promotion skills to operate competitively and profitably in the with answer to indicators 2 and 5.

Does the producer/provider need external support to define and develop

GQ 14.2 Who can provide support to bridge the skills gap?
these competences?

Is there a local training provider who can provide business, technical and
GQ 14.3 Is support available locally?
promotion skills at local level?

Does the producer/provider have adequate skills available for after-sales After-sales services may be needed for this technology next to the supply
GQ 14.4
service for this water technology? chain of spares, etc.

Does the producer/provider of this technology have sufficient

technical and business skills to introduce this technology using a
Question Score for indicator 14
SQ 14 cost model that ensures competitive, affordable rates but also

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 14
Why is this indicator relevant?
Skills and knowledge The sector must possess sufficient capacities to introduce new
technologies, for example, the capacity to coordinate actors, to
document and share experiences, and the capacity to carry out
15 – Sector capacity for validation, introduction of quality regulation, monitoring and evaluation, to carry out applied
technologies and follow up research and to provide back-up technical support.

Regulator, investor, facilitator

Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Do the national and local/district water sector actors have sufficient

Does government or civil society possess adequate coordination
GQ 15.1 capacity to coordinate the activities of different actors who could be
involved in the process of technology introduction?

Do sufficient institutional capacities and financial resources exist at

Focus is put here on capacities and resources at national level for
GQ 15.2 national level to provide technical advice and follow-up for the introduction
technical advice and to do follow-up technology introduction.
of this technology?

Do sufficient institutional capacities and financial resources exist at district

Specific focus is put here on capacities and resources at district level for
GQ 15.3 level to provide technical advice and follow-up for the introduction of this
technical advice and to do follow-up technology introduction.
technology? (can also be a local NGO)

Do sufficient institutional capacities and financial resources exist at

Focus is put here on capacity at national level for planning and managing
GQ 15.4 national and local level which allow management, coordination, M&E and
an introduction process.
documentation of the introduction process for this technology?

How and where can potential buyers access non-biased information about If a technology is to be scalable, it is important that potential buyers can
GQ 15.5
existing and new technologies of this type? access detailed information about it.

Are current capacities and financial resources sufficient at national

and district level to provide adequate technical advice and support
Question Score for indicator 15
SQ 15 for the introduction of this technology, including coordination,
management, M&E, market research and follow-up?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 15
Why is this indicator relevant?
Technological Products have to fulfil the expectations of users. If expectations are
not met in relation to performance, design life, quality and ease of
O&M a technology may be rejected, or users may not be willing to
16 – Reliability of technology and user satisfaction pay for it. If this technology enhances social status, this may also
improve the willingness of users to pay for it.

User, buyer
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Do the users appreciate the expected/envisaged level of service to be

GQ 16.1 Asks for how far this water technology would fulfil the user expectations.
provided by this water technology?

Can the user rely on adequate performance of this technology in each Asks about level of robustness to perform even if conditions have
GQ 16.2
season of the year? changed.

Can this technology be used by all target users, in particular women and
GQ 16.3 Highlights how inclusive the product design is.
children, but also elderly or disabled people?

If this technology breaks down, can the users, the water user groups or its
Focuses on level of reparability of this water technology through users;
GQ 16.4 caretaker repair the technology themselves based on the training received
allows triangulation with indicator 13.
or only with external support such as mechanics?

Is there any component of this technology that may not work properly in
GQ 16.5 the local context? Which part should be improved? How should it be Asks for specific areas for improvements of technical design.
improved in detail?

Scoring Considering all user groups, what is the current/expected level of

Question user satisfaction with regard to the current/envisaged performance Score for indicator 16
SQ 16 of this water technology?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 16
Technological Why is this indicator relevant?
Viable supply chains are required for a technology to be scalable
and be used on a sustained basis. Supply chains can also enhance
17 – Viable supply chains for technology, spares the feedback from users to suppliers.
and services

Producer, provider
Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

How are this technology and spares physically delivered to users/buyers?

GQ 17.1 Details of who is responsible for construction are also useful.
Is anyone else involved in delivery other than the producer/provider?

Is the envisaged supply chain viable in the current context, for example in
GQ 17.2 scattered settlements in remote areas? Is the envisaged supply chain Does a supply chain seem viable and sustainable currently?
viable in the current legal, environment and market conditions?

Are retailers and supply chains already in place for other technologies,
GQ 17.3 What options exist for the distribution of spares?
which could become the supply chain for this technology too?

What is the design life of this technology if used according to the

GQ 17.4 instructions? Which part or parts need replacement within a year of Users should be aware of when components need to be replaced.

Have target users been involved in the development of this water Usually, the early involvement of target users helps to improve a
GQ 17.5
technology? technology significantly.

Is there any mechanism to capture user feedback, to document ideas for Capturing feedback is essential, but often, no mechanism is in place to do
GQ 17.6 it.
further product development and to plan targeted follow-up?

Scoring Do viable supply chains exist or can they be developed for this
Question technology and spares in this target region, and is there any Score for indicator 17
SQ 17 mechanisim for follow-up with users after technology introduction?

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 17
Technological Why is this indicator relevant?
The development and introduction of technologies requires a lot of
financial resources over a long period when there are hardly any
18 – Support mechanisms for upscaling revenues. Many initiatives don’t manage to cross this “Valley of
technology Death”.

Regulator, investor, facilitator

Scenario: Water – Existing – General

GQ Guiding Question Explanation

Are artisans, entrepreneurs or contractors at local or national level with

Supportive conditions leading to a vibrant local private sector will help to
GQ 18.1 capacities and financial resources interested in supporting the
support introduction.
development, introduction and scaling up of this technology?

Are there government-led programmes or financial mechanisms in place Introduction of a technology can be boosted if it is integrated in
GQ 18.2 which support the producer in the development and introduction of this government programmes, e.g. a specific water project or an innovation
water technology, e.g. a fund for WASH or water technology innovation? programme. Government can exempt specific products from taxes.

Are there third parties, e.g. development partners, knowledge networks or Development partners are important actors to support innovation and
GQ 18.3 INGOs with sufficient long-term funding who can take up and support the research in WASH Technology introduction. The question is more of a
development, piloting and introduction of this technology? general nature than specific for this water technology.

What is the level of supportive structures for this water technology,

in particular for funding further innovation and development to
Question Score for indicator 18
SQ 18 bridge the ‘Valley of Death’ and to pass the tipping point (see TAF

WASHTech, TAF Water – General; Version: November 2013; last update: 11.11.2013 Page 18

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