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 Is one of the oldest jobs in the world.

 Civil engineering deals with constructing,

designing, and maintaining a physical

environment. This includes structures such

as airports, roads, bridges, dams, sewerage,

railways, and many more. As you can see, a

civil engineer has an impact on the things

we use every day and our surroundings.

 Many civil engineers continue their

education with a Master's degree while

working to become a PE (Professional

Engineer), which can result in more career

options and improvements in salary. To be a

civil engineer, you'll likely need a degree.

and Interests
Civil engineers typically have an interest


the Building, thinking and organizing intere
st areas, according to the Holland

Code framework.

The Building interest area indicates a

focus on working with tools and machines,

and making or fixing practical things.

The Thinking interest area indicates a

focus on researching, investigating, and

increasing the understanding of natural laws.

The Organizing interest area indicates a

focus on working with information and

processes to keep things arranged in orderly


If you are not sure whether you have a

Building or Thinking or Organizing interest

which might fit with a career as a civil

engineer, you can take a career test to

measure your interests.

Civil engineers should also possess the

following specific qualities:

Decision-making skills. Civil engineers

often balance multiple and frequently

conflicting objectives, such as determining the

feasibility of plans with regard to financial

costs and safety concerns. Urban and regional

planners often look to civil engineers for

advice on these issues.

Leadership skills. Civil engineers take

ultimate responsibility for the projects or

research that they perform. Therefore, they

must be able to lead surveyors, construction

managers, civil engineering technicians, and

others to implement their project plan.

Math skills. Civil engineers use the

principals of calculus, trigonometry, and other

advanced topics in mathematics for analysis,

design, and troubleshooting in their work.

Organizational skills. Only licensed civil

engineers can sign the design documents for

infrastructure projects. This makes it

imperative that civil engineers be able to

monitor and evaluate the work at the job site

as a project progresses to assure compliance

with design documents.

Problem-solving skills. Civil engineers

work at the highest level of planning, design,

construction, and operation of multi-faceted

projects or research with many variables that

require the ability to evaluate and resolve

complex problems.

Writing skills. Civil engineers must be

able to communicate with other professionals,

such as architects, landscape architects, and

urban and regional planners. This means that

civil engineers must be able to write reports

clearly so that people without an engineering

background can follow.


Photo by Asim Alnamat on Pexels

Out of the five types of civil engineering

projects, geotechnical engineering is concerned with

understanding how a project interacts with the

ground out of the five types of civil engineering



People in the geotechnical engineering field deal

with structures such as tunnels, bridges, roads,

railways and more.

Geotechnical engineers deal with a different type of

ground for every project. Whether it’s made out of soil

or rock, it is the job of the geotechnical engineer to

figure out how it will interact with the project. This

excites most geotechnical engineers because no two

grounds are the same.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Analyzing and designing the construction of

bridges, towers, buildings, dams and more is the job

of a structural engineer. These structures need to built

in a way that makes them safe, sustainable,

economical, and somewhat pleasing to the eye.

Just like construction and management engineering,

structural engineering uses math and physics to do

the job. Using math and physics, engineers can see if

all parts of the project have enough strength to take

loads, determine the structures service life, and see if

the structure is stable. Of 5 types of civil engineering

projects, structural engineering plays the biggest part

in designing and selecting materials for a project.

To no surprise, transport engineering is the

planning, designing, and operation of large transport

systems. Whether public or private, everybody needs

to have access to some form of transportation to get

around in the world we live in. We have many ways of

transportation today such as air, water, road, and



A transport engineer’s job is to make sure these

forms of transportation meet certain standards.

Standards like sustainability and safety need to be

met. With the technology we have now, transport

engineers are trying to reduce emissions and energy

use with the goal of becoming environmentally

friendly. Of the five types of civil engineering projects,

transport engineering is about always looking for a

way to improve our transportation systems.

Photo by Anugrah Lohiya on Pexels
Water engineering is about understanding why

natural water systems such as rivers and coasts

behave the way they do. Water engineering also

involves designing ways to store or direct water.

Understanding how water works can create a way for

us to conserve water.
Right now, water engineering is focused on dealing

with floods, groundwater, and the nature of coastal

Photo by Alex Bracken on Pexels

Construction and management engineering is

about creating things like bridges, buildings, roads,

and railways. The purpose of engineering construction

is to build these structures in the most efficient, safe,

sustainable, and environmentally friendly way

Following the construction phase is an asset

management phase. In this phase, you outline the

maintenance, operation, and refurbishment over the

lifespan of the project. These things need to be

managed so that the owner of the project can make

sure that there is value in return for money spent on

the project.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

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