Air Sampling Instruments For Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants. 7th Edition. S. V

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J. Aerosol Sci., Vol. 21, No. 7 pp. 989-990, 1990.

Pergamon Press plc. Printed in Great Britain.


Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants. 7th Edition. S. V.

HERING (Technical Editor). American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
Cincinnati, Ohio (1989). 612 pp. ISBN 0-936712-82-1. Price $80.00 (U.S.A.), $88.00
(Canada) and $100.00 (elsewhere).

This book is the seventh in a series of editions going back as far as 1960. Like its
predecessors, it is a practical guide to the sampling of airborne contaminants, not only
aerosols but also gases and vapours, in both workplaces and in the ambient atmosphere.
The book is divided into five parts, subdivided into chapters, each contributed by an expert
in the field in question.
The first part of the book deals with the practical basics of sampling, covering aspects
such as methods of sampling and analysis, strategies for sampling in the occupational and
ambient atmospheric environments, problems of precision, accuracy and validity, measure-
ment of aerosol size distributions, calibration of samplers, sampling from gas streams in
ducts, and sampling in test chambers. In this section, there is little discussion of the physics
of the sampling process, this being covered elsewhere in other texts. The second part of
the book describes sampling in relation to specific health effects, covering the rationale for
particle size-selective sampling and practical means of carrying it out, as well as the
sampling of biologically active and radioactive aerosols. The third part reviews the
apparatus and components required for sampling systems, including air movers, stack
sampling systems, and sequential tape samplers. The fourth part reviews the various means
of sample collection, including filters, impactors, gravitational elutriators, electrostatic and
thermal precipiators, diffusion batteries and denuders, and gas and vapour collectors. The
fifth, and final, part reviews direct-reading sampling instruments, an important and
growing area.
Sampling of aerosols, of course, features predominantly in the book and, here, the list
of contributors reads like a 'Who's Who' of American aerosol science. It is therefore not
surprising to find that the quality of the information contained in the book can be judged
well from its pedigree. The book itself is very well-produced with excellent figures and
detailed lists of references for each chapter. Particularly useful is the comprehensive and
up-to-date information about a wide range of instrumentation which is available commer-
cially. Overall, the book follows the high standards set by its predecessors, and is an
essential item for the shelf of anyone working in the field of air sampling, aerosols or
otherwise. The price is such that this is a reasonable goal for most individuals. Finally,
the American bias in the book should not deter readers in other countries since, in this
day and age, there is considerable--and growing--international harmony about the 'why
and how' of air sampling.


Particulates and Continuum: Multiphase Fluid Dynamics by S. L. Soo. Hemisphere

Publishing Corporation, New York (1989). 400 pp. ISBN 0-89116-918-0. Price £35.00.

This book is the third in the series by Professor Soo dealing with flow systems which
involve particles, droplets and bubbles, following his 1967 text 'Fluid Dynamics of
Multiphase Systems' and its revised version 'Multiphase Fluid Dynamics' in 1983. Its

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