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Miss. Madelin Moreno.

Eduardo José Gómez Martínez.

English V.

The Administration in the World.


Account Number: 201710030206.


The present work is developed based on the theme of administration in the world so
that we can learn a little more about this topic of global importance and the factors or
other issues that it encompasses in this way. A small summary of the research is
presented of this subject as interesting as it is the world administration.

The Administration in the World

Administration is a science that aims to study organizations, better known as:
institutions, companies, corporations or any other organization of people or elements
that provide or offer a good or service. The main characteristic of the administration
is; the creation of tools and techniques that serve to make the best use of
operational resources (human, financial, material, technological, knowledge, among
others). The Global Administration or in the world, is composed of a process by
which the communication and growing interdependence that occurs between the
different countries of the world, where markets, societies and cultures are unified,
through a series of social, economic transformations and policies that give each one
a global character. It is necessary to speak of the Global Administration of an
organization or company, and what I am referring to is the planning of multinational
companies and their subsidiaries, who are already experienced in developing
corporate and national strategic plans. Despite this, most of them have not yet
developed global strategic plans that integrate the strategies of the same business in
different countries, not to mention integrating strategies between multiple global
businesses. Ideally, it is said that there should be a global strategic planning process
in which the top management of key countries and regions takes part. This process
will possibly take place with the corporate and national strategic planning cycles
mentioned above. Now, having global strategies and programs implies having global
budgets that on our part we may not know how they carry them out. Adding national
budgets to a global total is the first step in global resource allocation. On the other
hand, companies must analyze different perspectives, such as being able to transfer
resources from one country to another in order to help or subsidize countries that
need them. Mentioning another important point is to determine the costs of these
activities in a globally neutral way. Finally, they should also consider making global
budgets that are available only for global programs. It is worth mentioning that there
are many factors that are also an important part and that significantly influence
administration in the world and among them are: first of all, Globalization, Economic
Interdependence, which I can understand, refers to the mutual commercialization of
goods and services. That is to say, those countries that carry out exchanges of their
products and that therefore depend on the economies or rather products of the other
and likewise we include another factor which are the cultural differences which
include: values, customs, beliefs and others.

Administration and Globalization are the processes that have most influenced man's
daily life, since they affect all countries and therefore the population in all spheres
(administrative, economic, political, social, etc.). In itself, the administration in the
world in conjunction with globalization as a main influential factor in it has brought
about the effect of economic opening, the internationalization of some laws, and
international intervention in politics and gives rise to the so-called planetary society.
The administration in the world, has reached a number of drawbacks, but at the
same time integrates contributions such as the expansion of knowledge and
commercial integration between organizations, which are one of the most important
aspects at the international level.


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