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Miss. Madelin Moreno.

Eduardo José Gómez Martínez.

English V.

The Social Media.


Account Number: 201710030206.

The present work is a summary of the social networks where I describe three of the
most popular social networks at present I made the decision to speak about them
since they are the ones that I personally use the most. In this way, in the work I
describe some of the most important points to know about them and some of their
most outstanding characteristics. And so understand the popularity and why of the
number of users who choose to use these social networks.

The Social Media

Facebook is a social network created by Mark Zuckerberg while studying at Harvard
University. Its objective was to design a space in which the students of said
university exchange fluid communication and share content easily through the
Internet. His project was so innovative that over time it was extended to be available
to any user on the network. Currently it has become one of the most popular social
networks and surely the social network that has more users due to its easy
accessibility and everything that this network offers so that Facebook has evolved
and suffers continuous updates from the same application. Adding new reactions to
give the photographs, allowing to upload stories that users do not want to upload
permanently and have the option to upload these stories in addition to it Facebook
allows you to have personal profiles and also create pages between them:
commercial, soccer, religious, among other. That is why the Facebook network is so
attractive and continues to be increasingly interesting.
Instagram is a social network and a mobile application at the same time. This allows
its users to upload images and videos with multiple photographic effects such as
filters, frames, retro colors, etc. to later share those images on the same platform or
on other social networks. This application or network is currently one of the fastest
growing in the world. The history of Instagram is truly shocking, since four years after
its launch it was already considered as the most important social photography
network in the world. The development of Instagram was in San Francisco at the
hands of its founder, Kevin Systrom, college colleague of Mark Zuckerberg. Kevin
created a custom photography tool for the iPhone 4 camera. The product was
released on the Apple Store October 6, 2010, named Instagram. In 2011, the famous
“hashtags” were added to help users find images of the same subject.
Snapchat is a social network that allows us to share images and videos publicly. It
was founded by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown in 2011, when they
were studying at Stanford University. Its functions are based on sending photos and
videos publicly and privately to users who are added. The feature that makes
Snapchat a well-positioned social network is that the files that are sent are deleted.
In addition, Snapchat has become a kind of social phenomenon that grabs the
attention of young people between 15 and 30 years old. It has been so successful
that Facebook wanted to buy it for $ 3 billion but failed. Through this social network,
people send more than 500 million photos daily (surpassing Facebook) and has
generated millions of users around the world since September 2011. Snapchat is an
ideal alternative for people who easily regret having uploaded photos to social
networks. However, in the latest updates, a chat service and sending images has
been included, in addition to one called "Stories", which have a life of 24 hours.
By learning more about the history of the creation of these networks, you can see
how they have evolved over the years and how their growth and development is so
accelerated, becoming the networks that are in the first places and understanding
the characteristics of these that make them more attractive every day for people who
like to interact through social networks and besides being remote communication
tools that allow connecting many families and friends who are in different countries.

Facebook Instagram


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