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Preliminary Examination
1 Semester, SY 2019-2020
SOC SCI-1 Understanding the Self
Total (23)

NAME: _________________________________ YR. & SEC.: _____________ SCORE: ________

SUBJECT FACULTY: Mr. Allan Kervin C. Manongdo

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. (25 points)
1. It is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially in an
academic discipline?
A. Philosophy B. Psychology C. Sociology D. Anthropology
2. It is something that a person perennially molds, shapes and develops?
A. Ability B. Attitude C. Self D. Skill
3. Who are the people who seriously questioned myths and moved away from it to understand reality
and respond to perennial questions of curiosity, including the question of the self?
A. Americans B. Greeks C. English D. French
4. The Pre-Socratics were concerned with answering questions such as what is the world really
made up of, why is the world the way it is, and what explains the changes that happen around us?
Which of the following Philosophers is not concerned of the latter questions?
A. Thales B. Pythagoras C. Socrates D. Parmenides
5. A Greek philosopher who is more concerned with the problem of the self and the first philosopher
who ever engaged in a systematic questioning about the self?
A. Aristotle B. Heraclitus C. Plato D. Socrates
6. Who thought that the worst that can happen to anyone is to live but to die inside?
A. Aristotle B. Heraclitus C. Plato D. Socrates
7. Who wrote the book “The Republic” where he emphasized that justice in the human person can
only be attained if the three parts of the soul are working harmoniously with one another?
A. Augustine B. Aquinas C. Descartes D. Plato
8. According to Socrates, man is purely made up of body and soul which means that every individual
have __________?
A. a perfect/permanent body and perfect/permanent soul
B. an imperfect/permanent body and perfect/permanent soul
C. a perfect/impermanent body and imperfect/permanent soul
D. an imperfect/impermanent body and perfect/permanent soul
9. According to Plato, there are three components of the soul. What are those three components of
the soul that should work harmoniously to attain justice?
A. rational, spirited, and appetitive soul
B. irrational, spirited, and decisive soul
C. rational, spiritless, and appetitive soul
D. rational, spiritual, and dualistic soul
10. What component of the soul was forged by reason and intellect to govern the affairs of the human
A. appetitive soul B. rational soul C. spirited soul D. irrational soul
11. Which component of soul is in charge of emotions that should be kept at bay?
A. appetitive soul B. rational soul C. spirited soul D. irrational soul
12. What component of the soul is in charge of the desires like eating, drinking, sleeping and having
A. appetitive soul B. rational soul C. spirited soul D. irrational soul
13. Who viewed that part of man dwells in the world and is imperfect and continuously yearns to be
with the Divine and the other is capable of reaching immortality?
A. Augustine B. Aquinas C. Plato D. Socrates
14. Who adapted the ideas of Aristotle and said that man is composed of two parts: matter and form?
A. Augustine B. Aquinas C. Plato D. Socrates
15. What Greek word refers to the common stuff that makes up everything in the universe?
A. hyle B. morphe C. arche D. telos
16. A Greek word that refers to the essence of a substance of thing and it is what makes it what it is?
A. hyle B. morphe C. arche D. telos
17. According to Thomas Aquinas, the body of the human is similar to animals/objects, but what
makes a human is his ________?
A. attitude B. behavior C. dignity D. essence
18. Who is the Father of Modern Philosophy?
A. Socrates B. Plato C. Aristotle D. Rene Descartes
19. According to Descartes, the self is a combination of two distinct entities. What are those entities?
A. cogito and extenza B. body and soul
C. hyle and morphe D. imperfect and perfect
20. A Scottish philosopher who has a unique way of looking at man. He believes that one can know
only what comes from the self is nothing like what his predecessors thought of it. Who is he?
A. Rene Descartes B. David Hume C. Gilbert Ryle D. Immanuel Kant
21. Who thought that, there is a mind that organizes the impressions that men get from external
world. Time and space are ideas that one cannot find in the world, but is built in our minds.
A. David Hume B. Immanuel Kant C. Gilbert Ryle D. Merleau-Ponty
22. Who denied the concept of an internal, non-physical self and thought that “what truly matters is
the behavior that a person manifests in his day-to-day life.”
A. David Hume B. Immanuel Kant C. Gilbert Ryle D. Merleau-Ponty
23. A phenomenologist who says the mind-body bifurcation is an invalid problem.
A. David Hume B. Immanuel Kant C. Gilbert Ryle D. Merleau-Ponty
24. It is defined as a separate, self-contained, independent, consistent, unitary and private entity.
A. body B. soul C. mind D. self
25. According to Marcel Mauss, every self has two faces, what are those?
A. personne and moi B. hyle and morphe
C. body and soul D. cogito and extenza

II. Identification. Write the name of the philosopher who thought about the self. (15 points)

__________26. “The self is nothing but a bundle of impressions and ideas.”

__________27. “The self is not only personality but also the seat of knowledge.”
__________28. “Looking for the self is like entering your friend’s university and looking for the
__________29. “The living body, his thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all one.”
__________30. “I think, therefore I am”
__________31. “I am a thinking thing . . . A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills,
refuses, imagines, perceives.”
__________32. “The soul is what makes us humans.”
__________33. “There is so much that we should doubt and the only thing one can’t doubt is
existence of the self.”
__________34. Body – dies on earth; Soul – lives eternally in spiritual bliss with “God”
__________35. “Every person is dualistic”
__________36. “Justice can only be attained if the three components of the soul are working
harmoniously with one another.”
__________37. “One can only know what comes from the senses & experiences.”
__________38. “Time, space, etc. are ideas that one cannot find in the world, but is built in our
__________39. “We need active intelligence to synthesize all knowledge and experience.”
__________40. “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

III. Making Meanings. Write you interpretation of the statement below as precisely as you can. (20

1. “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

2. “Looking for the self is like entering your friend’s university and looking for the university.”
3. “The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to live but die inside’’
4. “The soul is what makes us humans.”

IV. Output. Write your own principle or philosophy in life and explain it. (10 points)

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