Employee Survey Questionnaire

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Employee Survey

Section – 1
Employee Engagement Survey

Needs to be rated on a scale of 1-5 (1 – Strongly disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Neither agree nor
disagree, 4 – Agree, 5 – Strongly agree)

1. Self-Efficacy/Enablement
1. I can list concrete steps I need to take in order to move up in my organization within the
next year.
2. I can see myself growing and developing my career in this company
3. There is adequate company support for my skill development
4. This organization really inspires the very best in me when it comes to job performance. 
5. I am excited about the majority of my work projects/customers.
6. I have all the tools I need to consistently do my job well/ Most of the systems and processes
here support us getting our work done effectively
7. I have access to the things I need to do my job well
8. I have access to the learning and development I need to do my job well

2. Fit and Belonging

9. I find that my values and the organization’s values are similar
10. I feel like I belong in Aperture
11. I plan to still be at this company in two years.
12. The organization’s mission consistently inspires me to do my best work.
13. My work style matches the work style of the company
14. I see a clear tie between the company’s mission, and my individual job.

3. Team Culture, Team Learning, and Work Relationships

15. I learn a lot from my co-workers
16. We regularly take time to figure out ways to improve our team’s work processes
17. My team has clear and prioritized objectives.
18. My Manager or someone at work seems to care about me
19. My co-workers have the skills and expertise to do their jobs well
20. My department is consistently given all the information we need to execute our objectives.

4. Engagement
21. I am proud to work for Aperture.
22. I would refer a friend or a family member to this company.
23. I feel exhausted in the morning at the thought of another day at work
24. I believe that generally, my workload is reasonable for my role.
25. I feel recognized for my hard work and successes at work.
26. I would recommend Aperture as a great place to work
27. Aperture motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere

5. Compensation
21. I am compensated fairly relative to my local market.
22. I am satisfied with my overall compensation.

6. Management
23. My manager demonstrates an interest in my well-being.
24. My manager sets clear expectations for my performance.
25. I feel comfortable giving feedback to my manager.
26. My manager has the technical expertise required to effectively manage me.
27. I feel comfortable asking for help if I do not have the skills required to meet my goals.

5. Leadership
28. The leaders at Aperture keep people informed about what is happening
29. My manager is a great role model for employees
30. The leaders at Aperture have communicated a vision that motivates me

6. Development
31. My manager (or someone in management) has shown a genuine interest in my career
32. I believe there are good career opportunities for me at this company
33. This is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development
34. This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

7. Alignment
35. I know what I need to do to be successful in my role
36. I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work
37. Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities

8. Psychological Safety
38. When I approach my manager with a problem, I trust that they will listen.
39. I know who to talk to if I am having a problem that is not in my manager’s domain.  
40. I feel that there is at least one person at work who supports and encourages my
41. Members of this team are able to bring up problems and tough issues.
42. I am comfortable sharing my opinion at an all-hands meeting.

Free text questions

43. Are there some things we are doing great here?
44. Are there some things we are not doing so great here?
45. Is there something else you think we should have asked you in this survey?
46. How would you describe working at your company in three words?
47. If I could change one thing about our company culture, it would be?

Section - 2

Organizational Survey

1. We have a Clear Vision in writing that has been properly communicated and shared by everyone.
2. Our Core Values are clear, and we are hiring, reviewing, rewarding, and firing around them.
3. Our Core Business is clear, and our systems and processes reflect that.
4. Our 10-Year Target is clear and has been communicated to everyone.
5. Our Target Market is clear, and our sales and marketing efforts are focused on it.
6. Our Differentiators are clear, and all of our sales and marketing efforts communicate them.
7. We have a Proven Process for doing business with our customers. It has been named, visually
illustrated and everyone is adhering to it.
8. All of the people in our organization are the right people, sharing our core values and fitting our
9. Our Leadership Team is open and honest and demonstrates a high level of trust.
10. Everyone has Goals and is focused on them.
11. Everyone is engaged in regular weekly meetings.
12. All meetings are on the same day and at the same time each week, have the same printed
agenda, start on time, and end on time.
13. All teams clearly identify, discuss, and solve key issues for the greater good and the long term.
14. Our systems and processes are documented, understood, and followed by all.
15. Everyone in the organization is accountable to hit at least one number that defines their success.
16. We have a budget and are monitoring it regularly (e.g., monthly or quarterly).

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