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GAS ENGINEERING D3-Sub-committe 9

Liquid Recovery

Nombre: Olfer Eduardo Orduz Rodriguez

Cod: 2155046

1. ¿What's the liquified petroleum gas composition?

Propane and Butane
2. Describe the reasons for liquid recovery in a gas stream.
• Specifications for gas transport
• Economic benefits from sales of Natural gas Líquids
• Dew point control
3. Complete the following diagram with the mechanisms and processes of liquid recovery.

4. Describe one way to optimizing the liquid recovery in a reservoir

Maintain reservoir pressure above the dew point by injecting gas to prevent condensation before
the fluids leave the well.

5. ¿What country is the largest producer of LPG?

EE.UU is the largest producer with 78.000 Tons/year of GLP
6. ¿What are the three sub-processes in the absorption process?
• Recovery
• Rejection
• Separation

7. What´s the efficienty of mechanical refrigeration in lthe iquid recovery for C3, C4 and


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