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Critical Essay

In this essay discussed about why management fail how can
management have reinvented and also discuss about management
innovation. In which using different methods and discuss
framework of management reinvented and process of innovation as
In which first of all discuss about management model ‘the work gets
done inside the organization through different activities such as
coordinating, developing objectives, decision making and motivating
employees’.In which restructure the framework of management
through traditional and alternative principles.
Now I discussed about the management innovation. ‘It is a process in
which involves the introduction new thinking or establishment of an
organization and in which also involves the activities in the form of
quality or state. The word creativity also take place which means
develop thinking in mind or ideas about new product and by using
techniques to convert these ideas into new product is called innovation.
Why management fail?
According to Julian brikinsaw four factors which effect the management
of any organization.
 Poor risk management
 No long term unifying vision
 Preserve incentive system
 Employees unhappy with top executives
Framework of management reinventing:
Our schools of thoughts say management cannot be reinvented
because management is fundamental about how individual work
together and the basic laws of social interaction have not change for
centuries. But at the same time another school of thoughts that
inventing entire new model of management because efficiently is not
enough at the same time creativity or innovation also required.
In management reinventing first of all understand the expected change
then analyze critically after this check what required in management
model. Now I discussed about framework of management model in
which two types of principles take place.
 Traditional principles
 Alternative principles
In 100 years a back historical organization used traditional principles in
coordination through bureaucracy decision making through hierarchy
motivating employees through extrinsic factors and defining objectives
through alignment. That time market competition is low peoples are
less knowledge about their work and manager support their employees
At the same time alternatives principles replace the traditional
principles such as emergency, collective wisdom, intrinsic, obliquity.
Today in world lot of changes take place in technology and
communication between employees is good about their work so
collective wisdom take place due to market competition every
organization use emergency during their coordination.

Innovation of management:
Now we discuss about that why management innovation matter and
management innovation action. In which end of management how will
tomorrow most successful company be organized and also discuss that
innovators of management do not bounded by what is instead they
dream of what could be the first imagine and invent the features of
management. So innovation alternative changes take place in which
unmatched power to create dramatic and enduring shifts in
competitive advantages. Further included about process of of
innovation that is programming objectives motivating and alignment
effort coordination controlling activities and applying knowledge about
new products innovation and also take place targets the management
such as strategic planning capital budgeting for project management. In
management innovation in action I discuss about creating a community
of purpose. If you can a company that does not think of itself as a
company but as a community of people working to make a difference in
the world where the mission matter as much as the bottom line.
Innovation processes can be pushed or pulled through development. A
pushed process is based on existing or newly invented technology that
the organization has access to and tries to find profitable application
for. A pulled process is based on finding areas where customers’ needs
are not met, and them find solution of these needs.
After understanding the management reinventing model organization
used their best skills to implement traditional principle or alternative
but according to Julian brikinshaw alternatives principles is best as
compared to traditional principles.
Innovation is key driver for performance and growth in business. Its
provide a strong competitive advantage and is one of the global
environment and it also increased visibility and interest among
academic communities worldwide.

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