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STEM 7 Syllabus 

Class Description
Welcome to STEM 7! This year, students in 7th grade STEM will explore more in-depth on how
to apply the engineering design process to projects in class. Working in various group and
individual projects, students to explore new topics centered around Life Science themes in
engineering including Biomimicry, and Animal Enrichment. Finally, students will have the
opportunity to work with the local Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo for a final design project.

Learning Goals/Standards
➔ Review the steps of the engineering design process.
➔ Describe and use a design brief, decision matrix, and prototype.
➔ Understand what biomimicry is and it’s importance.
➔ Research and create a unique enrichment toy for a real-world client.
➔ Know how to communicate and work well with teammates in group projects.
➔ Effectively and creatively present final projects.

The majority of grades for this class will come from project rubrics. These rubrics will follow a
4-1 scale listed below on each standard assessed within the project.

4 = Exemplary (Exceeding Expectations)

3 = Mastery (Meeting All Expectations)
2 = Almost Meets Expectations
1 = Missing Expectations

Class Resources
Daily Whiteboard & Class Website: ​
Google Classroom:​ Main source for assignments & project guidelines/notes.

What To Bring To Class Everyday:

1. Charged iPad
2. Pencil or Pen
3. Notebook or Looseleaf
4. Binder or Folder
5. (Optional) Headphones

Contact Information
Email: ​

BEARS Language in the Classroom 

Treat everyone with proper regard, regardless of whether he or she is in the classroom at the
time. Help create and maintain a community where everyone feels welcome and safe. Do what
is right, regardless of what everyone else might be doing.

Arrive at class on time and with all materials. Work to achieve your best. Do your own work. Do
not cheat. Do not plagiarize. Avoid inventing excuses to cover up mistakes. Accept the
consequences and learn from them.

Active Learning.
Complete assignments before they are due. Ask questions when you have them. Stay aware of
the deadline. Take part in discussions. Take notes. Keep your head up. Use class time wisely.
Listen. Watch. Participate.

Treat everyone with proper regard, regardless of whether he/she is in the classroom at the
time. Use respectful language, in writing as well as discussions. Show respect to your
environment and the property of those around you. Ask before borrowing.

Conduct yourself as a mature, well-mannered young adult. Think before speaking, and make
sure all contributes to class are meaningful. Take of your classmates. Help those who need it
but might not ask. Contribute to a clean and organized classroom.

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