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SOLID STATE REVERBERATION AMPLIFIER SR-202VW/ OPERATI ING INSTRUCTIONS 1 <7 @PIONEER ——|_vosTuRE | WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR > —j}— ‘Thank you very much for your purchsse of the solidstate REVER. BERATION AMPLIFIER S8-202M, ‘You can enjoy reproducing any sourd or recording with your favorite REVERBERATION EFFECT through the use of the SR-202W simply connected to your amplifier or receiver) and tape recorde (3). FEATURES NATURAL REVERBERATION Employing fully transistorized circuitry and 3 high-performance ro werberation unit, Model $R:202W can add natral reverberation to ‘AM or FM radio broadoass, Tecan a0 be used for resrd ple, and with one or two tape recorders oF tape dak. CONTI. USLY ADJUSTABLE REVER. “TION TIME Roverterst. Me can Se agjurted as desired, An eary-toviow in icator is prode. ‘TWO TAPE RECORDERS SIMULTANEOUSLY CONTROLLABLE Two tape recorders con be controlled at tho same time by switch operation for simultaneous recording, recording with reverberation, playback, ete EASY-TO-USE AND NEAT IN APPEARANCE Medel SR-2020 ie designed to provide eosy operation for anyone LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR AND FUSE ‘The $R202 is available in two models: one model operates oly on 120V, and the other does on one of the five line voltages, 110V, 120V, 130V, 220V and 240V. If your SR-202 is the latter model, set the unit to the proper line voltage by following the procedure described below. SWITCHING LINE VOLTAGE SETTING AND FUSE To remove the fuse, turn the fuse cap located on the line voltage selector switch in the direction indicated by the Then remove the fuse plug from the unit. Put the fuse plug back so that the proper line voltage marking can be seen through the cut on the edge of the plug. Whenever the position of the selector switch is changed, check the rating fof the fuse. A O.2A fuse is to be used for either 220V or 240V operation and a 0.3A rating for 110V, 120V or 130V operation. IF the rating of the fuse is correct, replace cap. FUSE REPLACEMENT Te to 0 uring m9 ne When the fuse blows, remove the fuse cap and replace the fuse with a new one. INSTALLATION Install the unit in a location free from high temperature (avoid heating units in particular), high humidity, severe vibrations and instability. Tilted surface ‘© Place the unit near the amplifier and tape recorden(s) and connect with high-quality shielded cables. Keep these cables as short as possible, CONNECTION # Model SR-202W is designed to be connected to a stereo amplifier (receiver) or monophonic amplifier with tape recording and tape playback (or tape monitor) terminals for adding a reverberation effect to recorded oF live pro grams, The unit cannot be used with an amplifier (receiver) which does not have such terminals. ‘¢ When using a tape recorder (or tape deck), be sure that it has a playback (line output) or monitor terminal AMPLIFIER OR RECEIVER CONNECTION 1. Connect the tape recording terminals of the amplifier or receiver to the REVERBERATION AMPLIFIER INPUT terminals, Connect the tape playback (or tape monitor) terminals of the ‘amplifier or receiver to the REVERBERATION AMPLIFIER OUTPUT. terminals. TAPE RECORDER (TAPE DECK) CONNECTION. 1. Connect the line input (recording) terminals of the tape recorder to the TAPE-A RECORDING terminals 2.Connect the line output (monitor) terminals of the tape recorder to the TAPE-A PLAYBACK terminals NOTE: As muntoned above, Model SR-202W can ao te used with lupe recorcers (or tape ans). When sing en ada tape ‘ecard, comet it to the TAPED RECORDING an! TAPES ht. Whan using anaphoric audio emuipmant ther upper CONNECTION DIAGRA poecmowvacne STEREO TURNTE STEREO AMPLIFIER OR RECEIVER 0,000- O 0 eee TAPE. RECORDING ouTPuT 8 LINE INPUT. TAP (TAPE RECORDER 0 EEE 2 SPEAKER SYSTEMS APE PLAYBACK OR APE MONITOR INPUT BE UNSWITCHED) (SWITCHED) 20 ov ov 02a 20 20¥ | 4 __¥ LINE OUTPUT LINE OR TAPE — INPUT MONITOR TAPE—B E-A R_TAPE DECK) LINE OUTPUT OR TAPE MONITOR FUSE (APE RECORDER OR TAPE DECK) FRONT PANEL FACILITIES REVERBERA ‘This indicator TIME CONTR It permits vis by the contre POWER SWITCH. TAPE MODE Rotate this switch clockwise to tum on the power. ‘This switch recorders (A REVERBERATION TIME CONTROL] feeding signal Reverberation time is adjusted with this knob. When the A knob is turned clockwise, reverberation time will be length- B ened, OFF AB REVERBERATION MODE SELECTOR BA This selector is used for adding a reverberation effect to speaker and recorded sound. ON The reverberation effect is added to the speaker sound. OFF No reverberation effect. RECORD The reverberation effect is added to the recorded signal RR LESSEE SS 4 TION TIME INDICATOR is interlocked with the REVERBERATION L. ial observation of the reverberation time set knob SELECTOR ss provided for ing one of the two tape fof B} connected to Model SR-202W. or for S from one 10 the other For using tape recorder A. For using tape recorder B. For using neither tape recorder To feed the signal from tape recorder A to tape revorder B, To feed the signal from tape recorder B to tape recorder A. OPERATION # Model SR-202W can be used for various purposes by 9 Combined operation of the TAPE MODE sclector and REVERBERATION MODE selector. Select the setting desired ‘Set the amplifier or recviver connected to Model $#-202W for tape playback oF tape monitor operation. NOTE: cONFIAM THAT ALL CONNECTIONS ARE CORRECT: pn TO ADD A REVERBERATION EFFECT TO ‘THE SPEAKER SOUND Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector (ON or REC ORD, Set the TAPE MODE selector to OFF. TURNTABLE ayecicicr | (oxo, oF leis] “Sree . : Tae ose Tape LTAPE m8 rec ‘Yl OR MON.) nut p __Gloureur sr-202" > TION EFFECT ia BIA tar A mevenenaton TO RECORD WITHOUT REVERBERATION EFFECT, ADDING REVERBERATION TO THE SPEAKER SOUND ONLY NOTE: be we to hesp the tps record sanacte, oe peaks * WHEN RECORDING ON THE TAPE RECORDER CONNECTED TO TAPEA TERMINALS 1.Set the REVERBERATION MODE lector to ON, 2. Set the TAPE MODE selector to A. “+ WHEN RECORDING ON THE TAPE RECORDER CONNECTED To TAPES TERMINALS 1, Set the REVERBERATION MODE lector to ON, Sct the TAPE MODE selector to B. + WHEN AECORDING FROM ONE TAPE RECORDER TO THE OTHER I Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to ON 2. Set the TAPE MODE selector to A-B or B-A, NOTE: yon the selastor sien ie #2 8, the spa 10 Be reonde s ft ow tape recor 210 tape reader 6: hen #1205, the sina * WHEN BEING DUBUED FROM ONE TAPE RECORDER TO THE THER, 1, Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to ON. 2, Set the TAPE MODE selector to A-B or B-A. NOTE: 1, For tecoutng nth tae rcorderssanata 1ap08 tine 2. Camraty for recoring wit ap ocr dr connected 6 te Serie TAPE MODE selestor 1 8A whl roreducing 6 ‘orcad igs nth tape anode conrectes to oes Mae PIONEER cal mh t [| etd [60°82 FE ee d & TO ADD A REVERBERATION EFFECT TO BOTH RE- CORDED AND SPEAKER SOUND NOTE: Bs sue wo hep the ape recorders comectd, or te kere vt 5 + WHEN RECORDING ON TAPE RECORDER A asrusien i 1. Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to RECORD. eciver 2, Set the TAPE MODE selector to A. ° ° eres WHEN RECORDING ON TAPE RECORDER 8 St the REVERBERATION MODE selector to RECORD, Set the TAPE MODE selector to B. hee oe + WHEN RECORDING ON TAPE RECORDERS 4 AND 8 1. Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to RECORD. of 2. Set the TAPE MODE selector to A-B or B-A, Pm esa NOTE: it the stecror inthe A fasion, he sana o be rind it ot IMPORTANT: 29 A rovrbeation elect cannot be ad! 19 the Sun played back mith i Fis TAPER IB). Note therefore thet TAPES (A) cam not rand she sigs! sith roarsrstin fet veh TAPE I) played back sreanen TO AVOID ADDING A REVERBERATION EFFECT TO EITHER RECORDED OR SPEAKER SOUND NOTE: te sat 0 keep te toe recroee) connected oF the speakers wil + WHEN RECORDING ON TAPE RECORDER A Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to OFF. l 2Set the TAPE MODE selector to A. WHEN RECORDING ON TAPE RECORDER B Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to OFF. Set the TAPE MODE selector to B. WHEN RECORDING FROM ONE TAPE RECORDER TO THE OTHER Set the REVERBERATION MODE selector to the OFF position, Sot the TAPE MODE selector to the AB or B-A position. NOTE WHEN NEITHER RECORDING NOR REVERSERATION EFFECT IS DESIRED Reset the tape playback or tape monitor switeh of the amplifier or receiver for ordinary operation, then turn the POWER switch of Model SR-202W to OFF. PIONEER I 990-0 E sreacen 4, wre ro me Tarwte Seek 4 PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION Lutnagan-naven@. 2CB0) Arsuvorp, Begin

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