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• What are the most

common names in your

country? Do they have
English equivalents?
• Do you like your name?
Do you think it suits


In this module you will leorn ...

• to greet people and say goodbye in formal and
informal situations
'. i
• to introduce yourself and others
• to spell names
• to understand information on business cards
• to exchange basic personal information
(name. age, nationality, occupation,
telephone number, address, email,
marital status, date of birth)
• to say where you're from
• to express possession
• to talk about members of your famil y
• to complete a form
Rl!oding ◄ >) h
Listen and read. Whlch phrases are formal , Informal or bol ?

r \

B: Helio! How's it going? A: Excuse me. what's your nam e?

A: Not bad. B: Mark Addiso n.
B: Good to see you. Are we in the sam e class? A: How do you spe ll your surname. Mr Add ison?

A: Yeah. 1think we are. See you later, the n. B: lt's A·D·D-1-S·O·N.

B: Bye. A: OK. Thank you.


Female: Miss / Mrs /

Ms + surname

Kelly = K · E · doubl e L · Y

C: Nlce to m eet you, too.

B: HI, Andy. And who is
B: How old are you?
A: Good morning. My name's Alison Thompson . C: l'm elght.
A: This is my son, Steven.
B: Pleased to meet you. Ms Thom pson. B: Really? You look over
B: Nice to m eet you,
A: Please. calf me Afison. Steven. ten! ~

2 !~!~?n~!! ~e~ t- ~ ~tlce where the sentences are stressed.
rm f ine, thank you. See you later. How·s it going?
pJeased to meet you. Have a nice day. How are you ?

3 ~a~k~ nOg~!!~of three as in the example. Use the phrases given.

, Helio.
Helio How are you? Not bad. Bye.
Hi How·s it going? So-so. Goodbye. How are you?
Hey What's new? Not much. See you. Fine, thanks. And you?
Good morning How·s everything? l'm OK, thanks. See you later. Notbad.
See you tomorrow. This is Maria, by the way.
Good afternoon How are you doing? Greatl Good to see you !
Nice to meet yo u, Maria.
Good evening l'm fine, thank you. Take care.
P/eased to m eet yo u. too.
l'm very wel l. And you? Have a nice day.
OK, see you /a ter.
Yeah, have a nice day.
My name·s ... Nice to meet you.
Bye! '
This is ... Pleased to meet you .
Pleasure to meet you.

Grommor The verb to be ➔ p . 133

4 R. Read the examples. What do you notice about the formation of the negative
and question form of the verb to be?

A: Are you a student? A: Is Fred a new student?

B: No. l'm not. l 'm a teacher. B: Yes. he is.

A: Are you American? A: Who are they?

B: Yes. we are. We're from New York. B: They're my friends.
A: Are they in the same class?
A: Is Maria in your class?
B: No. they aren' t.
B: No, she isn't. She's in ciass A3.

B. Complete the dialogues.

1. A: Excuse me. _ _ _ _ _ Donald? 3. A: Who's that?
B: No, _ __ _ _ Ronald. B: That's Paula. _ _ _ _ _ new here.
A: Oh, sorry. your surname Kent? A: _ __ _ _ you and Paula fr iend s?
B: Yes. _ __ _ _ B: Well. yes, but _ _ __ _ best fri ends.

2. A: Look! There's Jane and Carol. 4. A: Helio. My name's Tina.

B: _ __ __ in your English class? B: Hi. _ _ _ _ _ lssie. Nice to meet you.
A: Yes. _ _ _ __ A: lssie? Is that from Isabel?
B: Who _ _ _ _ _ that? B: No. _ _ _ _ _ . lt's actually lsabella.
A: That's Mr Kingston. _ __ _ _ a teacher.

◄ ,)
5 listening
Listen to two dialogues
and answer the questions.

1. How old is Gary?

b. 22
& ~ !k~~!~!~xchange personal
informatlon and complete the table.
, Whars your name?
To ny Ph illip s.
How do you spe/1 your surn ame?
P-H-J-L-L-l·P·S '
2. How does Mary spell her 1
a. Malloney
b. Maioney
Uocobulorv ◄ •>) 1 Then listen an
d check your answers.
R. Match the occupat1ons wlth the p ctures.
Whlch of these people might have a business ca rd
hairdresser O
vet O accountant O secretarY D electrician O
waiter/waitress D photographer O architect 0
shop/sales assistant O doctor □ reporter O

a secretary
B. Whlch of the occupatlons take
an architect
a and whlch an?

2 Reoding
A. What sort of lnformatlon do you expect to see on a business card? Tick.

name email age address occupation nationality website company name phone number

B. Read the business cards below and complete the sentences with the correct lnformatlon.
1. _ _ __ _ _ isa _ __ __ _
THE DAILY NEWS ,--._ _ _ _ ..,_____ for a newspaper.

hálr & beauty salon

2. _ _ __ __ is a hairdresser.
3. is an accountant.
4. Lionel Jones' mobile phone number is

John Richards
ph otog rapher
~ ::.=06 4129
Cambrida.tire PE 28
5. Lisa Jacobs' email address is

C. Look at the business cards a gain

and talk about the people.

phonc: 0 186 732 3342 ' John Richards is a photographer.

cma il: j m His phone number is... , Bit Da11's ears phone number
0334 = O - double 3 - tour
Prentiss and Blair Accountíng Lisa Jacobs
sales assistant emall =
Lionel Jones D128-404-9655 Tina Roberts 4 'at' intermail 'dot' com address
home: 0 124 644 0667
mobile: 0751 554 6674 147 Elm Street = number +
name of Street/Road/Avenue
Leeds = town/city
emai1: l.jone~@pandbaccountin Yorkshire = county
= postcode
3 Writing & Speoking .
Create y~u r own business card includlng all the appropriate lnformatlon. Th en work In groups and exchange
, What do you do? , What's your mobi/e , What's your email , What's your address?
l'm a reporter ... , phone number?
/t's ... ,
lt ·s... ,
... '
These/Those, Plurals, Possesslve adjectlves, Possesslve case ➔ p . 133
4 [irDfflfflDr
A. Complete the table.

This is _ _ _ _ __ These are my watches. man - men child - children
woman - women person · peo pl e
_ _ _ _ _ _ a new bag. Those are new bags.

B. Match. What are the words in bold followed by? C. Match the phrases with the pictures.
rm Keith. Their school is in Benson Road.
the teacher's pen
He's a doctor. Our address is 345 Rosebud Avenue.
She's a reporter. My email is
the teacher's pens
We're brothers. His mobile phone number is 0726 505 6617.
They·re students. Her father .is a reporter. too. the teachers' pens

D. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Are these / those your keys over there? 3. A: Thafs your parent's / parents' car. right?
B: No. they aren't. These / Those are my keys here. B: No, their / your car is red . That's black .
A: Oh, maybe they·re Pauls' / Paul's then. A: So. is it you / your car?

2.A: Are these men's / mens' sunglasses?

B: No. it isn't. lfs my brothers' / brother's.
B: No. they aren·t. But these / those over there are. A: Wow ! His / He's car is nice.

A: Thanks.

1. What does Steve·s dad do? 2 . What is Mr Peters· emai l 3. What is/are new? 4. What is the do·ctor's
a. He's an electrician. address? a. Kelly·s sunglasses. mobile phone number?

b. He's an architect. b. Kelly ·s watch. a. 0754 388 1267 b. 0764 588 9244

6 ~~~~~}s~~ho
owns the items below.
, / think tha t's Pattí's wallet. ,

fo~\ c..-of ~1th\\et\
~ Sb14545

~. ~- -
Uocobulorv & listening ◄>) ,
he tamllY tree an
I d complete the sentences
A. Listen to the words In the box. Then look at t
uslng some of the words In the box.
husband . wife
. father . mother
paren ts .

brother • sister
/kids· son . daughter
ndparen s:
t . grandfather . grand mother

grandch1ldren. g
. randdaughter · g randson

uncle - aunt
nepheW . niece
1 1

1. Diana Is Uam·s - - - - --

1t ~ J I.I- 2. Liam Is Brlan and Helen's

~ y M 3. Nora Is Mlke's - - - - --
4. Uam Is Fay's _ _ _ _ _

s. Brlan Is Paul's _ _ __ __
6 . James is Peter's _ __ __ _

.l Liam
Fay Paul James
7. Fay Is Tlm and Diana's _ __ _ __

B. Listen and flnd the person who's talking.

2 ~~o~~!t~! j ;~ures. What can you tell about these

people? Listen, read and check your answers. , 1 W\ Alfr-e d o al'\ d 1 ¡,ve
· al'\ d. 90 t o scnoo
'· /
,'Y\ Lol'\dOI'\ . M!:J Wlo t her- is lr-ish al'\d VV\!:j
father-'s froWI ltal!:J, fvl!:J Wlother- is al'\ Ol'\l!:J
chi/d but Wl!:J father- has got six br-other-s and
sister-s. The!:J ar-e ali VV\ar-r-ied with chi/dr-en.
l'WI Bianca ,
So, 1 have got /ots of cousins il'\ RoVV\e. 01'\e
l'WI SÍl'\9/e and l'WI
of Wl!:J cousins lives with us because
froWI Br-azil. 1 live ÍI'\
he is at Ul'\ÍVer-sit!:J her-e
Par-is al'\d I work in a
ÍI'\ Lol'\dol'\.
W1useuW1 there . M!:J parents
ar-e back hoWle but Wl!:J l'WI Al'\tonio al'\d l'WI :Z.-;:8..
. -.-,
br-other- a/so /ives il'\ Par-is . l'WI froWI Castel/ol'\, Spail'\, .__,_
He's His wife's but I live ÍI'\ Mexico Cit!:J with
AMerican. The!:J have 9ot Wl!:J brother, Pedr-o. l'WI a ul'\iver-sit!:J
a tel'\·- !:Jear- - o/d studev,.t al'\d Pedr-o wor-ks at
son. He speaks a bal'\k. He speaks thr-ee
Portuguese, frel'\Ch la l'\guages but I OI'\(!:}
al'\d a litt/e bit of spe ak El'\g lish al'\d
Ev,.g/ish. IW1agiM
t hat!
Sp av,.is.....
hdll ..,~ ,~;..- 4

B. Read agaln and wrlte T for True or F for False.

1. Bianca lives and works in France.

2. Bianca·s nephew speaks three languages.
3. Antonio and Pedro are Spanish. □
t •. 4. Pedro is at university. □
5. Alfredo's parents are from different countries. □
6. Alfredo's mother has famlly in ltaly. □
7. Alfredo lives with one of his couslns in Rome . □ My son is thr
1have got ee vears old.
a three- vear-old
5 on.
R. Try to solve the following riddles.

Argentina 5pan ish ") -
Aus1 r a li o {"lexie,an
3r itish
oro.z il
Cenado Polish '( '.~
Chino Hungorion
Col ombi a Am e r ic an
tgy p t
Hung ary
·I n d i o
Fren c h
Po rt uguese
Chines e
I re l o n d Russ i on
!ta lv Argentinion Argentine
1-\e xie,o Peruv ion

?en, Aust ro lian

i olond íu r kish
J,o r · ugal Bra.z.i \ion
Ru5S i o Canadion
_5pa in lrish
t he ú K Egy ptian (.,
the ú5A Colombian . ~
.fur ke y Indion I ,.

, l \ .,.,.
• !he UK = th e United Klngdom a l Great Bri tain
an d Nort:hem lre!and

• t:11€ USA = the United States of America

(the u s_ the States)
ot.h ers I ha
B. Talk in pairs. ne, but tha
, 't'lhere are you from? in + city/country
/'m from _ but/and f live in __
I live in Manchester.
Andyou? ,

Grammar Present Simple (afflrmatfve)

4 ➔ p . 133
ll Read the examples. How do we form the third B. Draw your family tree.
person singular? Present yourself and members

1work at a bank. of your famlly to your partner.

Answer any questions he/she
:_·_···.''·.··. r,_.~_-.t r:-
. ·.: ··.~.. -······
J.·¡ T / . ·'
;~;;~~:::,m:~~;g ( , . >,.}'" ,{-·\j
Peter works in an office. 1 have (goU ·
We go to work. He has (got)
My sist er goes to school.
f live in... with... ,···,:;· · :--:- •,..

:,~º:, :n~:::ty ;n_ -4,;2;}~

L Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of
the verbs in brackets. 0

t. Sandra _ _ _ _ __ Clive) in Brooklyn in New York

Oty but she (work) in Manhattan. lworkin/aL. "-~ -- -. . . ,

2. John and his cousin are teachers. They _ _ _ _ __

~,: ;;n:;e/married. ~ _,_:_::_._::·;~:- :·· ~~•lii:.- .
(work) in the same school.
My ... 's name is .... · P ·-:-
3. My best friend _ _ _ ___ (speak) Spanish and a little He/She works... ,
bit of English. 1 (speak) English and a little
bit of Spanish. t Present yourself and memb ers
of your family to the clas.s.
4. Harry _ _ ____ (havel two cousins. They ,.íj-.
_ _ __ __ (live) in London. They _ _ _ __ D. Create a rlddl e f o r you r p art ner to ··-... _-...
(go) to scho ol there. solve.
Uocobulory ◄ )) I sln9 words. Then 11st en
lt Complete th e days. ordlnals and months wlth the m s
and ch ed< vour .lnswers .

oatH: 16th January, 1 01.J 16101/1 01.J

1 Thlnk about the aca demic yea r In your country and dlscuss: Years: 1999 We sa ) 'nine teen 11 /n et y mnc
w hen th e aca dem1c vear start s and ends 101.J We s.➔ )' ·rwo rn ou sand (andi
wha t Klnd o f br eak s ther e ar e (spring. summer. autumn. winter. etc.) fourr een · or ·rwen t y l ou r teen ·
,1 nd whPn In • seasons / m onth s / year s
how m anv terms th ere are on • da tes / days o f the w ec k
, In (name o f country), the academic yea r starts ... ,

2 Speoking Game
Go .uour,d t he ct.-n . .-sk questlon s and complete the sentences for
t11• o.ame wlth n:ames. Add up vour sc ore and see who the wlnner lsl
, When's your blr thday?
My blrth day Is•..
Ho w do you spc/1 your m1me

~-~t~ ~ •
:~E.\osstñote,.searcf:il 11

'5. btnhoa , •s ,n Sep temb e r
'5. b "Nla, ,s n the same mon th as my b1rthdoy

J 1111 '5. o-.rt.-..aJ, 1s en the '><1me date .J '5. my b1 rthday

2 ___ s o-. e• ·.,,e,.,•, 1 e.J~s otd ll,

• 'S ·"e ;a - e age as I drn

.. " ' ·s•

• • 'S'
• .afl"~

I\J-e s·.-i
s:.a •·s 4 •►
. '5. ,. •~
:"le ette,
iie te,te, l

__ . ________ i s--•~~ !'" Js " ·:-. tl'1e 1~re, "

3 ~,!~.~~~!?o! v~ ! tion between a young man and a ,ecepUonl,t at sp,lngfleld language lnsmute.
Circle the correct words.
1. Lucas is a new / an old st udent.
3. Lucas is Peruvlan / Argentlnlan.
2. Lucas gives t wo emall / postal addresses.
4. The date today is 19th June / 19th July.

4 Writing Complete a form

A. Read the note a nd add capltals to the sentences 1·7.
Capital letters
Use capital letters : 1. mr jones is married t o a woman from brazil. Don'tbe
afrald to ask
· at the beginning of a sentence 2. hi! how·s it going, greg? for help when
· with f irst names and sur names completlng a torm.:
· with Mr / M rs/ M iss/ Ms and Dr 3. i'm spanish bu t i live in ca nada.
A serlous mlstake··
· wit h s t reets/ roads/ avenues . etc. 4 . ms anderson speaks two languages. french and chinese. could caus,e ·',.¡./·
· with cit ies/ countr ies/ national it ies
5. jack's a university student in barcelona. problems. \t:~7¡_
· with languages • Can you please • ·
· with months and days of the 6. what's the date today? is it the second or third of may? help me wlth thls?
week • What does thls !:.,
7. our english teacher lives in park aven ue. mean? ,-~;;.~ .
· with the personal pronoun r

B. Complete the form below.

First narne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Middle narne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Surnarne _ __ _ __ _ _ __
Gender Male D Fernal e D
Date of birth _ _ __ __ __ __
ad mm YYYY

Nationality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Country of birth (if diffe rent) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Preferred posta l add ress

fla t number number & srrcer

c,ry;:own counry

postcode coumry
email address _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __
Preferred te lephone Home D Mobile □
Home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mobile _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _
Passport / ldentity card number _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _

Language Proficiency (Tick which apply)

speak read write 1st language spoken at home

□ □ □ o o
□ □ □ o o
□ □ □ o o
i, _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ , certify that the information given on t his form is , to the best of
my k nowledge, co rrect and complete.
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Date ~

5 ~!.~!~~~!m ab?ve wlth you, lnfo,matlon and p,esent you.,elf to vou, partne, o, to the class.
lt's up to you which mformatlon to glve and which to leave out.
with the Present Simple Of
F. Complete the sentences
the verbs In the bo><.
go have
· ve start work
speak 1
to Moorbrook University.
Uocobulorv 1. Ken and 1 - - - ages· ltalian, Russian and
A. Complete the sentences. 2. Linda three langu .
Your aunt's daughter is your _ _ _ __ English. for a
her and he - - - -
2. A person from Brazil is _ _ _ __ 3. Tony is a photograp
3. The ninth month of the year is _ _ _ __ newspaper.
. small town in ireland .
4. Your sister's son is your _ _ _ __ 4 My cousin _ _ _ in ª
· houses in Los Angeles and
5 . A person from China is _ _ _ __ s. My grandparents -
6. June is the _ _ _ _ _ month of the year. Dallas.
6. The term - - - in September.
7. A person from Russia is _ _ _ __
8. The day after Monday is _ _ __ _
Communicotion b
B. Circle the correct words.
Ci. Complete the dialogues. Choose ª or ·

1. What is your ernail number / address? 1. A: How are you doing?

2. Julie is a hairdresser / waltress ata beauty salon. B: _ _ __
3. Mr and Mrs Jones have got three children , a son and a. l'm very well.
two nieces / daughters. b. l'm a salesperson.
4 . 1have got an appolntment / appllcation with Dr
2. A: What's the date today?
B: _ _ __
5. Her date/ state of birth is 7/5/1997.
a. The seventh of May.
6. Donald is single/ married. His wife's name is Anne.
b. lt's Friday.
Grammor 3. A: See you later!
l Complete the dialogues. 8: _ __ _
1. A: That _ _ _ rny best friend. Jane. a. Thanks.
B: _ _ _ a reporter. too? b. Take care.
A: No. _ _ _ _ _ _ a photographer.
4. A: Where are you frorn?
2. A: _ _ _ ltalian?
B: _ _ __
B: No. . 1 _ _ _ Portuguese.
3. A: Who are they? _ _ _ your friends? a. 12 Raymond Avenue, London .
B:Yes. _ __ b. Peru.

S. A: Who are you?

D. Choose a, b or c.
B: _ _ __
1. We live in Rome but __ flat is very small.
a. l'm a new student here.
a. we b. their c. our
b. Fine. And you?
2. The father is an accountant.
a. children b. children·s c. childrens'
3. Look at _ _ sunglasses over there. They·re really nice. Self-assessment
a. that b. these c. those Read the following and tick th .
For the polnts e appropnate box=
vou are unsure O f f
4 . There·s my English teacher. _ _ name is Ms Brown. relevant sections I th • re er back to t h
n e module.
a. His b. Her c. She
S. My _ _ wallet is brown. lt isn·t black.
a. brother b. brother 's c. brothers·
► greet people and say goodbye
6. __ keys here are rny sister's.
• introduce mvself and others
a. These b. Those c. Th is
• spell names
E.. Rewrite the sentences in the plural. • exchange b as1c
· personal . f
1. Th is is my watch . age, nationality oc . in ormation (name,
• cupat1on tel h
address. email, marita
► say where 1· f
· ep one number.
I status, date of birth) o
2. That's John s umbrella .
m rorn
• express possession o
• talk about memb o
3. That man is a reporter.
► complete a forrn
ers ot my tamil
Y o
16 o

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