Will Would Used To Activities Promoting Classroom Dynamics Group Form - 58478

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+infinitive to talk about past THE BOXES.

habits, repeated actions or Text 1
would wait - used to be - got -
I used to eat a lot of sweets when I gave - would curl - would purr -
was a child. used to have
I didn’t use to be addicted to
chocolate when I was her age. Susan ……………………………1 a cat,
What did you use to eat a lot when Mimi, some years ago. Mimi
you were six? …………………………2 for her at the

. gate when she…………………3 home

2 Use would+infinitive to describe from school every afternoon.
repeated actions and habits - in the Mimi …………………….. 4
around her legs until she
past. 5
…………………………………. her something to eat. Later, after the
girl had dinner, Mimi …………………. up on the sofa beside her
Some years ago, he’d call me every and go to sleep. Susan can still remember how soft her
other day from London. Sometimes, beautiful grey hair ………………………………….7 .
he’d send me a postcard or some Text 2
photos. Not any more…
‘d avoid – worried – didn’t use to have -
3 Attention to these expressions used to have – didn’t realise – had to –
be used to or ’d resort - didn’t feel – noticed –
get used to got used to – would eat - felt

Be used to is used to describe things

When Jean was a child, she ………………
you’re already familiar with.
………………………1 sugary cereals and
Get used to is used to talk about
toast with a lot of jam for
things you’re becoming familiar with or
breakfast. When she became an
are less strange or less difficult for
you. adult, she ..……………… 2 about being fit
and …………………………3 breakfast.
I’m used to working from 8 to 5.
I got used to getting up early She remembers that she ……………… 4 entering the kitchen to be
to avoid treaffic jams. able to skip the morning meal. She ………………………… 5 she was
developing a bad health habit. Her friends ………………. that she

didn’t have enough energy to do what she …………………. 7 do because

she skipped breakfast. She………………… 8 to sweets, cookies and
fried food in the afternoon. As a result, she ………………. . 9 well.
Her doctor told her to drink some fruit juice, so that she .…..
…………………………………10 eating at breakfast time. In a few weeks,
Jean ………………………11 a boiled egg, some whole wheat bread and
feel better and better during the day. Mentally, she …………….. 12
sharper and more alert all day.
Text 3

1. Use the Present Simple to talk about present got used to - didn’t use to – teach -
habits, repeated actions and states. made – stopped – is … talking -
‘s … telling – ‘ll leave - doesn’t know -
When I get home from work, I have a t won’t bring – gets - ‘ll end –
packet of cookies. do you think – asked - ‘ll say

2. Use the Present Continuous + always to talk

Last February I met this friend of mine
about annoying present habits or repeated
at the school where we both …………………..1
I ………………………………2 enjoy practising
sports before we met, but since then, I
Why are mums always telling us what we
………………..………..3 working out.
should eat?
We ran and jogged together. I was thankful to her
3. Use will+infinitive to describe typical behavior - because regular exercise …………………….4 me feel much
predictable actions (not states) - in the better, but some time ago, I noticed she had a
present. compulsive need to exercise and wanted me to be with
her all the time. I ……………………. 5 running with her and
When I get home from work, I’ll now I run and jog on a treadmill.
always have something sweet.
A few weeks ago, she …………….. 6 me
to teach her English. She comes to
Notice the difference when you describe my house twice a week and she isn’t
a future action. a bad student. The problem is that
more often than not she keeps
I’ll eat some lasagna for lunch today. texting her friends and ……………….
forever…………………..7 to one of them
4. Add a frequency adverb or a frequency on the phone during the classes.
expression when you talk about a present It really ................. 8on my nerves because I’ve got
habit or repeated action. my job and a family to take care of and she’s the kind
of person who ……………………………9 when to go home.
Most of them come before the main verb and Besides, when I ask her to open the windows, she
after the verb be. Some of them can come at …………………..10 it’s more comfortable with the air-
the beginning or at the end of a sentence. conditioning. And to make things worse, she……… always
………………….11 me how to act or what to eat. She
My sister rarely tidies up her room ………………..12her own pencils and pencil sharpeners to
I eat healthy food more often than not. class, so she …………………………..13 up taking mine home. By
Occasionally, I have fried food at lunch. the way, I also resent the fact that every time she
She’s seldom available when I need her help. comes, she ……………………14. many half-finished cups of
tea on my sink. Please, help me! How ………………………. 15 I
5. If you need to show criticism, stress the could get rid of her presence without hurting her
uncontracted form of will feelings?
He will do his homework watching TV
every evening.

A.M.A. - 2013

Susan …USED TO HAVE1 a cat, Mimi, some years ago. Mimi WOULD WAIT 2 for her at the
gate when she GOT3 home from school every afternoon. Mimi WOULD PURR 4 around her legs
until she GAVE 5 her something to eat. Later, after the girl had dinner, Mimi WOULD CURL 6

up on the sofa beside her and go to sleep. Susan can still remember how soft her beautiful grey
hair USED TO BE.7

When Jean was a child, she USED TO HAVE 1

sugary cereals and toast with a lot of jam for
breakfast. When she became an adult, she WORRIED 2
about being fit and DIDN’T USE TO HAVE 3


She remembers that she‘ D AVOID 4

entering the kitchen to be able to skip the morning meal. She
she was developing a bad health habit. Her friends NOTICED 6 that she didn’t
have enough energy to do what she HAD TO 7
do because she skipped breakfast. She’ D RESORT 8
sweets, cookies and fried food in the afternoon. As a result, she DIDN’T FEEL well. Her doctor told 9

her to drink some fruit juice, so that she GOT USED TO 10

eating at breakfast time. In a few weeks,
a boiled egg, some whole wheat bread and feel better and better during the day.
Mentally, she FELT 12
sharper and more alert all day.


Last February I met this friend of mine at the school where we both TEACH 1. I DIDN’T USE TO 2

enjoy practising sports before we met, but since then, I GOT USED TO 3 working out. We ran and
jogged together. I was thankful to her because regular exercise MADE .4 me feel much better, but
some time ago, I noticed she had a compulsive need to exercise and wanted me to be with her all the
time. I STOPPED5 running with her and now I run and jog on a treadmill.

A few weeks ago, she ASKED 6 me to teach her English. She comes to my house twice a week and she
isn’t a bad student. The problem is that more often than not, she keeps texting her friends and IS
forever TALKING.7 to one of them on the phone during the classes.

It really GETS 8on my nerves because I’ve got my job and a family to take care of and she’s the kind
of person who DOESN’T KNOW…9 when to go home. Besides, when I ask her to open the windows,
she ‘LL SAY10 it’s more comfortable with the air-conditioning. And to make things worse, she’ S
always TELLING 11
me how to act or what to eat. She WON’T BRING 12
her own pencils and pencil
sharpeners to class, so she’ LL END .13
up taking mine home. By the way, I also resent the fact that
every time she comes, she’ LL LEAVE 14.
many half-finished cups of tea on my sink. Please, help me!
I could get rid of her presence without hurting her feelings?

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