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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII
Division of Cebu Province
Oslob National High School


School: OSLOB NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Date:__August 24 – 28, 2020

Grade/Section: 12 Subject Area/s: ENTREPRENEURSHIP
I.MELC: Recognize the importance of marketing mix in the development of marketing strategy
II. Objective/s:
Knowledge: Identify customers in terms of target market, customer requirements and market size.
Skills: Distinguish the customers’ profile according to demographic and psychographic classification.
Values/Attitude: Show appreciation on the significance of the importance of marketing mix.
III. Subject Matter: Marketing Mix (7P’s) n relation to the business opportunity vis –a-vis:
1. Place

IV. References:
Reference book (Entrepreneurship in Philippine Setting) Lesson 3, Chapter 5, pages 184-187

V. Procedure:

A. Readings (Day 2)

The term place in the marketing mix simply refers to the place where the target consumers are. The entrepreneur must
establish his/her business or product in the most strategic place or location. The term strategic place, however, is relative.
What may be considered strategic for a convenience store may not be considered strategic for a bookstore. Most
entrepreneurs equate strategic place with a location or site where there are plenty of people during a particular time. This
can be misleading since the presence of many people does not exactly assure the presence of target consumers.

The basic entrepreneurial concept relative to place in the marketing mix is very simple and straightforward, that is, if you
intend to engage in selling school supplies, it would be appropriate to place the business near schools, colleges, or
universities where the target consumers are.
In sharp contrast a school supplies business in a seaport will be a failure although a lot of people pass by that place
every day, simply because they are not the target consumers. Thus a substantial number of non-target customers do not
actually provide any benefit to the school supplies business.
The nature of the business and the type of the product significantly determine the most appropriate place for the
business. There are businesses and types of products that require sufficient parking space for consumers. A spot in the
corner of a street does not apply to all business and products.

Placement or distribution is a very important part of the product mix definition. You have to position and distribute the
product in a place that is accessible to potential buyers.
In the marketing mix, the term “place” refers to the distribution of the product. Where does the customer buy the product? “Place”
might be a traditional brick-and-mortar store, or it could be online. Examples include:

 Distribution through an online retailer such as

 Use of a direct sales force that sells directly to buyers
 Sales through the company’s Web site, such as the shoe purchases at
 Sales by a distributor or partner, such as the purchase of a Samsung phone from Best Buy or from a Verizon store

In today’s world, the concept of “place” in the marketing mix rarely refers to a specific physical address. It takes into account the
broad range of distribution channels that make it easy for the target customer to buy.


Exercise 1: Try to help the entrepreneur who is planning to have his school supplies business
What new distribution options are there for customers to experience his product?
Exercise 2:
Directions: Write your answer on the box provided.
1. List at least five (5) opportunities (needs/wants) that can be found in your locality.
2. From the opportunities that you have provided, think of a PLAce that will satisfy customer’s needs and wants
3. You are given 1 sample of OPPORTUNITY and 1 PLACE as your guide.

Opportunity PLACE

1. Photocopier 1.1 Near business offices


Direction: Make a survey questionnaire that generates the information on where the customers are in terms of
target market, customer needs and market size.

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Needs to Improve

Question content The questions are The questions are The student hardly The student do not
related to the topics mostly related to the ever ask questions know what topic
he/she has learned topics he/she has related to the topics he/she should ask
about throughout learned throughout he/she has learned about.
the discussion. the discussion. throughout the
Grammar structure All questions are well Almost all questions The student The student needs
structured and the are well structured sometimes applies help to use the
student applies the and he/she often the grammar grammar structures
grammar forms applies the grammar structures that correctly. He/she
he/she has been forms. he/she has learned, doesn’t know what
presented in the but not in a correct structures have been
correct way way. learnt.
Question types Use of a great variety There is a limited Poor variety of No variety of
of both open and variety of open and questions questions type.
closed questions. closed questions.

Prepared by:

__HAZEL D. GUMAPON Verified by:

School Head

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