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CSCC11 – Discrete Structures 1

Quiz 3

General Instructions: Use MS-Word document (size A4) to answer this quiz. Type your name and
section at the top of the document. If you have problems using your gadgets in answering the quiz
(such as typing formulas), you may write your solutions in paper, capture your solution as image, and
insert the image in MS-Word as your solution to a problem. Save your quiz in pdf format with file
name: Lastname_Quiz2. Upload your file in Elearn on or before due date. (note: Upload 1 pdf file
only. Follow instructions)

1. (5 pts) Translate the following statement into English: ∀x (C(x) V ∃y (C(y) Λ F(x,y).
C(x): x has a computer
F(x,y): x and y are friends
Domain of x and y: all students

2. (5 pts) Translate the following statement into logical expression: “If a person is a student and is
computer science major, then this person takes a course in mathematics.” (

3. Transform the following formula into its CNF or DNF equivalence. Show your detailed solution.
a) (5 pts) Convert F: (Q1 ∨ Q2’’) ∧ (R1’ → R2) into DNF
b) (5 pts) Convert F: (A ↔ (B → C)) into CNF
c) (5 pts) Convert F: (P∧Q)’ → [P ∨ (Q’↔R’)] into DNF

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