Collins' Family Statement

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Collins’ Family Release Statements

Aug. 6, 2020

On Thursday, Rebecca O’Donnell plead guilty to the murder of former State Senator Linda Collins.
The family of Linda Collins’ released multiple statements in response. Statement from family as

Statement from Daughter of Linda Collins:

“Today Rebecca O’Donnell pleaded guilty to killing my mother, to abuse of my mother’s body and
no contest of solicitation to commit capital murder. Today our family has found swift justice by way
of a plea deal.

We know that there will be some who are not satisfied with the outcome today. We realize that no
matter what punishment Rebecca O’Donnell receives, it will never be enough. It will never bring my
grandpas daughter back, or our mother back, or our children’s grandmother back. No amount of
punishment will ever fill that void that Rebecca O’Donnell made in our lives the day she killed our
mother. Today we find some shred of peace that Rebecca O’Donnell will be put away in prison for a
very long time, unable to hurt anyone else.

If Mom was here today, I have no doubt that she would quote the Bible and tell us that we can find
peace in God. We know one day Rebecca O’Donnell will have to answer for her sins before the
judgment seat of Christ. In Romans Chapter 12 Verse 19 it says, “Dearly beloved, avenge not
yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith
the Lord.” While our efforts of seeking justice on Earth may fall short in our eyes, it is guaranteed by
God that justice will be fully served swiftly and justly when we are called to answer for our sins
before Him.

Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers for our family during this case. We want to again
thank the Arkansas State Police and the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department for their hard work.
Without your efforts, this case would not have been solved so quickly but also for keeping our
families safety and privacy a priority as well.”

Statement from Son of Linda Collins:

“I am Butch Smith, Linda’s oldest child. Some of you may remember me from managing the hotels
or out with mom at political events over the years. I would like to say that what happened to my
Collins’ Family Release Statements
Aug. 6, 2020
Page 2

mother was an awful deed, carried out of hate, jealousy, and greed. I believe that Rebecca
O’Donnell was stealing money from my mother and when my mother confronted her about it, she
snapped and stabbed my mother to death in a fit of rage and perceived self-perseverance (to try to
prevent herself from going to jail). As some news agencies have reported, I did find my mother’s
body on June 4th at her home. She was lying face down, wrapped in one of my old comforters and
shoved underneath a tarp in her driveway. I will never not be able to see that picture burned into
my brain. The smell of the dead body laying outside wrapped up and under a tarp for approximately
a week in a hot Arkansas summer was nausea inducing in and of itself. The swarm of flies that flew
out and surrounded me. The sight of her white blonde hair moving because of the number of
maggots crawling on her. The last memory of her that I have was of me making that 911 call and
trying not to vomit all over at the sight and smell of my mother’s body.

My thought on the conclusion of this case is that none of the punishments allowed per Arkansas
state law will come close to what I feel is right and equal punishment for her. The plea deal was not
what my first choice would have been but at least we do have a guaranteed amount of time that
she will be imprisoned for and we will have the ability as the victim’s family to argue against her
release at her parole hearings.

I would personally like to thank the Lead Investigator, Creston Hutton, of the Arkansas State Police,
the Randolph County Sheriff, Kevin Bell and everyone else that worked their butts off to make sure
that no stone was unturned, that no piece of evidence was overlooked, and that the safety,
security, and privacy of my family were first and foremost during the entire investigation. Thank you
all for the well wishes, the happy thoughts, the amazing stories that you all have shared. Thank

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