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Review of Supporting Literature 1

Review of Supporting Literature

Amanda Waller

National University
Review of Supporting Literature 2


The following paper will review the two articles. The purpose of the article reviews is to provide

evidence for showcased artifacts and how they relate to the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs).

The first article review will look at the article “Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on

Students’ Achievement and Attitudes: Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions”. This article

provides evidence for the use of artifact 1. The second article review will look at the article “Does self-

generating a graphic organizer while reading improve students’ learning?” This article provides evidence

for the use of artifact 2.

Review of Supporting Literature 3

Review of Supporting Literature

In order to make subject matter more comprehensible teachers must find a way to teach the

subject matter in a way that allows students to understand the content they are being taught. Students

have different learning styles which can require teachers to alter instructional strategies in order to

meet the individual learning style of their students. Domain A of the Teaching Performance

Expectations (TPEs) is all about making subject matter more comprehensible to students. The article

“Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on Students’ Achievement and Attitudes: Perceptions

of Educators in Diverse Institutions” discusses the impact of learning styles on teaching practices and

how it affects learning outcomes.

Students have different learning styles and often need to be taught in different ways in order to

comprehend the information they are being taught. By incorporating tactile and movement

components in a lesson will allow for the lesson content to reach more students creating more

opportunity for a better understanding. Research shows that “children learn significantly more, and

more easily, when they are actively participating instead of listening” (Dunn et al., 2009). By

incorporating opportunities for students to become more involved in the learning will allow them to

create a deeper comprehension of what is being taught.

“To teach effectively, instructors must know how to teach individuals on the basis of their

identified brain processing, environmental requirements, sociological inclinations, perceptual strengths,

and interests or talents” (Dunn et al. 2009). These are all aspects that play a role in student learning. In

order to understand how a student learns the teach must first understand the student. This will allow

the teacher to create lessons and use teaching strategies that will students a greater opportunity of

understanding what is being taught. Artifact 1 is a lesson plan that was chosen to be showcased
Review of Supporting Literature 4

because it takes into consideration the learning styles of the students. The lesson plan incorporates

movement into the subject matter being learned in order to make it more comprehensible.

Making subject matter more comprehensible to students requires teachers to look at how

students process information. If we know how students learn we can create lessons that present

subject matter in ways that makes it easier for students to learn. The article “Does self-generating a

graphic organizer while reading improve students’ learning?” discusses the importance of using graphic

organizers while students read. Graphic organizers help students organize the information they have

read visually. When students are given a visual, they are often able to analyze the information in away

that leads to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Graphic organizers “allow learners to focus

on the main information in the text and the way it is organized” (Colliot et al., 2018). When students are

able to organize information from a story and add it to a graphic organizer, they are creating a deeper

understanding of the material they are reading. Artifact 2 is a sample of a graphic organizer that a

student completed. It was selected to showcase a student understanding of key details from a short

story. The student was able to complete the graphic organizer and orally explain the detail from the

story. The graphic organizer along with oral feedback about key details from the story showed that the

student understood the subject matter being taught.

The review of both articles showed that it is important to create lessons with multiple

opportunities for students to learn the subject matter being taught. The more opportunities students

have to learn a subject matter will help create a deeper understanding of that subject. Artifacts 1 the

lesson plan and artifact 2 the graphic organizer will help to facilitate a deeper understanding of the

subject matter.
Review of Supporting Literature 5


Colliot, T., & Jamet, É. (2018). Does self-generating a graphic organizer while reading improve students’

learning? Computers and Education, 126, 13–22.

Dunn, R., Honigsfeld, A., Doolan, L., Bostrom, L., Russo, K., Schiering, M., Suh, B., & Tenedero, H. (2009).

Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on Students’ Achievement and Attitudes:

Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational

Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 82(3), 135–140.

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