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Honoring Life

Considering the Ethics of Modern Birth

Control Methods

Lexi Zuo
Copyright © 2018 Brynne-Alexandrea Zuo

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1986208192
ISBN-13: 978-1986208192


I first learned that there were ethical

challenges surrounding physical intimacy and
reproduction within marriage 8 years ago. Up
until that point I was blissfully unaware of the
complexities that would soon force their way into
my life. My senior year of college, I took a class
called “Catholic Sexual Ethics.” I was shocked at
the detailed way the Catholic Church sought to
define right and wrong within the confines of the
marital covenant. 1 The dogmatism I found
rocked my young college self, but I also counted
their clear stances somewhat of a blessing. To say
that the class sent me into a tailspin of research
would be an understatement. I quickly became
gripped with wanting to know what various
Protestant denominations had historically
prescribed and proscribed concerning the same
issues. Thus marked my entry into of the vast and
confusing world of Christian bioethics.
As I voraciously read book after book and
article after article, I began to see a pattern. While
most Protestant denominations had historically
taken very strong stances on the use of birth
control, very few lay Christians I met were aware
of this. 2 I also realized that the official statements

1 If you’d like to learn more about the sexual and

reproductive ethics taught by the Catholic Church, Pope

John Paul II’s Humanae Vitae is a must read.

2 Contraceptive efforts and practices were

historically condemned as sinful throughout all of
Christendom until the 1930 Lambeth Conference, when the

were often confusing and difficult to find. Even
now many modern pastors or church leaders will
simply say, “Do not use abortion causing methods
of birth control,” but very few married couples
have any knowledge of what that really means.
That challenge, paired with the fact that many
modern gynecologists and obstetricians define the
start of life differently than most Christian
bioethicists and even secular embryologists, has
led to an incredible amount of ignorance and
confusion on the matter. 3 Often times there is no
underhandedness on either side, but the difference
in vocabulary provides much occasion for talking
past one another and only increases confusion.
Four years after first learning of this
challenge, I became a wife and the ethical issues
became personal on an entirely new level. I have
faced deep fear over pregnancy and childbirth
while living in a third world country. I have felt
anxiety about spacing pregnancies as an
overwhelmed and exhausted new mom of a

Anglican Church approved a resolution publically
supporting non-abortive methods of contraceptives only
when absolutely necessary. 193 Bishops voted for the
resolution and 67 were still against it.

3 In 1965, the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists changed their definition of pregnancy

from beginning at the moment of fertilization to beginning
only after implantation. They had no authority to do so, as it
is Embryologists who medically decide when new life
begins. Many modern secular embryology textbooks still
maintain that new life begins at the moment of conception,
not implantation.

premature newborn. I have experienced the
temptation of convenience that cheap, potentially
abortifacient methods offer.4 I have felt the heart-
breaking sorrow of losing a precious baby in my
womb. I have celebrated the immense delight of
an unplanned baby being entrusted to my
husband and me. I have also grieved the surprise
reality of preventing pregnancy for a time and
then not being able to get pregnant again for an
extended season. I am not an ethics professor or
an obstetrician. I am a normal Christian wife and
mother who just happens to love the study of
bioethics. I deeply empathize with the mingling of
excitement and anxiety many couples feel around
conceiving children, but I also know the immense
value of being able to make informed decisions
truly in line with your convictions.
My prayer is that this reference booklet
will offer you clear facts about the mechanisms
and risks of the different birth control methods
available today, so that you and your spouse can
make unified decisions that honor the lives of
both wife and any conceived children. May you
bring glory to God within your marital covenant!

Your Sister in Christ,

Lexi Zuo

4 An abortifacient method is one that causes the

death of the baby after conception.

Foundational Beliefs

First let me say, before even discussing

any methods of birth control, it is essential to
prayerfully and thoughtfully consider before the
Lord the decision to prevent pregnancy at all.
Worldly wisdom says that pregnancy prevention is
an absolute given and that children are burdens
unless they are well planned for and accepted in
moderation. Even within the church, this worldly
understanding can sometimes be pushed on
newlyweds; this “wisdom” might insist that you
have a certain amount of money in the bank, be
married a certain number of years, or reach a
certain place in your education or career before
ever considering “trying for a baby.” Based on
those arbitrary standards most Christians around
the world today and those throughout history
should never have had children.5 Scripture gives
no such requirements for having babies within
Children are gifts from God. 6 It is the
Lord who gives and sustains all life. He alone
knits together a new baby in its mother’s womb.7
Getting pregnant is a blessing and a woman’s
body being able to sustain a pregnancy to full term
is a complete miracle. It is not a curse. Every baby

5 As previously noted, before the 1930 Lambeth

Conference, there are no known Christian statements in

support of contraceptive efforts or methods.

6 Psalm 127:3

7 Psalm 139:13-18

conceived has an eternal soul that will live forever!
What an incredible privilege it is to be able to bear
and raise children for God’s glory! It is a perfectly
acceptable option, to not seek to prevent or space
pregnancies within your marriage. Do not make
these decisions based solely on fear or societal
pressures. Make them prayerfully before the Lord.
That being said, sin has affected every
facet of our lives. Not everything is the way we
desire in our broken bodies or in this fallen world.
There are a multitude of reasons why a married
couple may selflessly and prayerfully deem it wise
to prevent pregnancy. In doing so though, the
couple must maintain hearts at rest in God’s
perfect sovereignty if He so choses to bless them
with new life at an unexpected time. God alone is
God. We are not. He knows far better than we do
what is most needed and beneficial in our lives.
Most Christian denominations hold to the
belief that new life begins at the point of
conception 8 (when sperm and egg meet 9 ). This
happens a full two to three weeks before the
majority of women would even know that they are
pregnant. 10 With that in mind, it is vitally

8 http://naapc.org/why-life-begins-at-conception/

9 In 1875, scientist Oscar Hertwig discovered that

conception occurs when a single spermatozoa penetrates an

egg. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/wilhelm-august-oscar-



important for Christians to go about preventing
pregnancy in a way that protects the sanctity of
life for both the wife and any potentially
conceived babies (even before the couple might
be aware of their child’s existence).
Methods of birth control that explicitly
intend to harm an already conceived baby and
prevent its full growth to maturity in the womb
are classified in Christian ethics as abortifacients.
The vast majority of conservative protestant
denominations that have given any sort of official
statements on birth control have explicitly
condemned their use. Christians should be clear
that the use of these methods would be
considered sinful, especially by those couples that
have been educated about their harmful
mechanisms intended to end new life. The desire
to prevent or space pregnancies should never be
so strong within a Christian couple that they sin
by knowingly seeking to kill an already conceived

Ethical Methods that Honor Life

-Withdrawal Method
-Rhythm Methods (Calendar or Standard Days
-Fertility Awareness Methods (Sympto-Thermal
and Natural Family Planning)
-Lactational Amennorhea
-Male and Female Condoms
-Cervical Caps
-Male Sterilization
-Female Sterilization

The Withdrawal Method is a barrier method in

which the husband withdrawals his penis just
before ejaculation to prevent the sperm in his
semen from meeting with an egg in his wife’s
body. This method poses no health risks to the
wife and is an ethical option.

Rhythm Methods (like the Calendar or Standard

Days Method) are barrier birth control methods
that seek to avoid intercourse on the 8-10 days
each month when the wife might be fertile. Some
couples mark actual calendar days to track where
the wife is at in her cycle throughout each month,
but there are now many modern apps (like
Cyclebeads) that make these methods simpler to

use. These methods pose no health risks to the
wife and are ethical options.

Fertility Awareness Methods (like Sympto-thermal

or Natural Family Planning) are barrier birth control
methods that seek to avoid intercourse during the
wife’s most fertile time each month. The window
of fertility can be narrowed down more than
Rhythm methods via tracking basal body
temperature, cervical mucus, cervical height,
cervical softness, and mood. Modern apps and
charting can make using these methods easy to
learn. An excellent resource for learning more
about the many physical signs of fertility is Taking
Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. These
methods pose no health risks to the wife and in
fact the extra knowledge is often medically
advantageous. These methods are ethical options.

Lactational Amennorhea11 is a natural hormonal

response that takes place within the bodies of full
time nursing mothers. The hormones needed to
continually nurse their new baby can also prevent
ovulation during this early season of motherhood.
This does not work for all women, but for many it
can be a highly effective barrier method to
naturally space pregnancies. It poses no health
risks to the wife and is an ethical option.

11 http://www.waba.org.my/resources/lam/

Male and Female Condoms are latex barriers
that prevent egg and sperm from meeting after
intercourse. Most people are very familiar with
this method. One of their advantages is the wide
availability and ease of use. They pose no health
risk to the wife and are an ethical option.

Spermicides are gel-like substances inserted pre-

intercourse near the wife’s cervix or onto other
barrier methods like a diaphragm or condom.
They work by killing, injuring, or slowing sperm
so that they are less effective in reaching and
fertilizing an egg. They pose no health risks to the
wife and are an ethical option.

Sponges12 are inserted near the wife’s cervix pre-

intercourse and act as a barrier that absorbs semen
so that it cannot travel up to the fallopian tubes to
later fertilize an egg. They pose no health risks to
the wife and are an ethical option.

Diaphragms13 are dome shaped silicone cups that

are inserted into the vagina several hours before
intercourse. They fit over the cervix and act as a
barrier to prevent sperm from traveling through
the cervix. Diaphragms are available by
prescription only as the wife must be properly



examined and fitted by her OB/GYN for this
method. They pose no health risks to the wife and
are an ethical option.

Cervical Caps14 are silicone cups shaped like a

sailor’s hat, which fit over the cervix. They can be
inserted up to 6 hours before intercourse and are
typically used with spermicide. They are available
by prescription only as the wife’s OB/GYN must
examine and fit her for this method. They pose no
health risk to the wife and are an ethical option.

Male Sterilization15 (aka Vasectomy) is a surgical

procedure where the vas deferens in each of the
husband’s testicles are cut, clamped, or blocked.
This makes it so sperm can no longer be found
within the husband’s semen. This is considered a
permanent method of birth control that forever
alters the natural reproductive function of the
husband’s body. It carries the major health risks
of surgery and should not be decided upon lightly
or too early in life. In regards though to protecting
the sanctity of a conceived child’s life, this is an
ethical option.



Female Sterilization16 (aka Tubal Ligation) is a
surgical procedure where the fallopian tubes of a
woman are cut, tied, or blocked so that an egg and
sperm could not meet to conceive a baby. This is
considered a permanent procedure that forever
alters the natural reproductive function of the
wife’s body. It carries the major health risks of
surgery and should not be decided upon lightly or
too early in life. In regards to protecting the
sanctity of a conceived child’s life, this method is
an ethical option.

16 http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/tubal-

Methods that May or May Not Honor

-Implanon (progestin implant)

-Depo-Provera (progestin injection)
-Combination Hormone Oral Contraceptive Pills
(includes also the patch and vaginal ring)

Implanon17 or the progestin18 implant is a method

where a small thin rod is surgically inserted under
the skin of the upper arm of the wife. This rod
then continually releases high amounts of
progestin into her blood stream for 3-5 years. This
method works through three mechanisms:
preventing ovulation so that an egg will not be
released that month, thickening cervical mucus to
decrease sperm mobility, and thinning the lining
of the uterus so any fertilized egg could not
implant and continue growing. The first two
mechanisms are perfectly fine, but the third
mechanism is ethically problematic. The extremely
high dose of progestin from the implant does
make it incredibly effective at preventing
ovulation 19 thereby almost always acting as a

17 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning the

progestin implant are taken directly from Implanon.

18 Synthetic progesterone



barrier method, but there is a small chance that
some women could still ovulate with this method.
If the woman ovulates, the thinned lining of the
uterus would then prevent an egg from implanting
and being nourished so it could continue growing.
Not allowing a fertilized egg to safely implant
would cause an early abortion. Though this
method is incredibly effective at preventing
ovulation, even the small risk of killing a human
life by preventing implantation is something to
seriously weigh before the Lord. The potential
health risks to the wife with this method are
ectopic pregnancy20, serious blood clots, ovarian
cysts, and breast cancer. There is also the chance
the rod may break after insertion or cause nerve
damage and need immediate surgical removal21.

Depo-Provera22 is an injection of progestin that

works for 10-12 weeks to also prevent ovulation,
thicken cervical mucus and thin the uterine lining.

20 An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg

implants outside of the uterus. It is always deadly to the

baby and can be potentially deadly for the mother. Surgical
intervention is nearly always needed.



All facts about the mechanism of action and


potential health risks to the women concerning Depo-

Provera are taken directly from Mayo Clinic.

Depo-Provera is considered very effective at
preventing ovulation, but again some women do
still ovulate with this method and it would then
work to prevent an already fertilized egg from
implanting. Even this small risk for killing a
human life by preventing implantation is
something that needs to be heavily weighed
before the Lord. One other controversy with this
method is that it can cause such great hormonal
disturbance that even after discontinuing its use;
some women remain infertile for up to 2 years.
The health risks to the wife using this method are
serious loss of bone mineral density (leading to
early osteoporosis), complete loss of menstrual
cycle, and extreme hormonal swings.

Combination Hormone Oral Contraceptive

Pills23 (includes also the patch24 and vaginal ring25)
are the most controversial methods of birth

23 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning combined

hormone birth control pills are taken directly from Ortho-
Tri-Cyclen Lo. https://www.thepill.com

24 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning combined

hormone birth control patch are taken directly from the
American Pregnancy Association.

25 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning combined
hormone birth control ring are taken directly from Nuva
Ring. https://www.nuvaring.com

control. They use different chemical combinations
of low dose estrogen and progestin to work in
three ways: to prevent ovulation, to thicken
cervical mucus, and to thin the lining of the
uterus. The first two mechanisms are fine, but the
third mechanism is what is seen as unethical. The
controversy here lies with the facts that while
most do not, some women do still consistently
ovulate26 each month with these methods. If that
were to happen, some Christian doctors and
bioethicists believe that since the lining of the
uterus had been chemically diminished over the
month, this would lead to the conceived baby’s
abortion. Other Christian doctors and bioethicists
believe that if the dosage levels of hormones in
her pill were so ineffective that they caused first
two mechanisms to fail, so would the third, and
the woman’s endometrial lining would not have
been compromised after all that month. Studies
on women receiving In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
treatments have shown conclusively that a thick
endometrial lining in the uterus is essential for the
continuance of a healthy pregnancy. 27

26 The likelihood of still ovulating with this method

is much higher than with the previously discussed, Implanon

or Depo-Provera. Some Christian doctors have suggested
that another barrier method should be used during the first
several months to decrease the likelihood of fertilization
from breakthrough ovulation while the woman’s hormones
are first adjusting to the pill. Others advocate “tri-cycling”
on the pill to further decrease likelihood of ovulation.



Furthermore, we also know that an unhealthy
initial endometrial lining can lead to miscarriage
even later in the pregnancy.28 The reality is that
we do not fully understand how these methods
work when affecting the endometrial lining and
right now there is no way to tell for sure. With
that in mind, the potential risk for killing of
human life is a very serious matter to consider
before the Lord. Aside from risks to the baby,
there are also very serious and potentially life-
threatening risks for the wife with these methods.
Combined hormonal birth control pills (and their
related patches29 and rings) increase a wife’s risk
for depression, stroke, heart attack, major blood
clots, high blood pressure, cervical cancer, breast
cancer, and liver cancer. Evidence does also show
though that they may decrease a wife’s risk for
ovarian and endometrial cancer.



Note: The birth control patch contains 60%


more estrogen than the combination hormone birth control

pill. Health care providers and the FDA warns patients that
this method is even more likely than the pill to cause major
blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes in women who use it.

Unethical Methods that Do Not Honor

-Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptive Pills

-Hormonal and Copper IUDS
-Endometrial Ablation
-Plan B

Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptive Pills 30

(AKA “the mini-pill”) work to prevent ovulation,
thicken cervical mucus, and thin the uterine lining.
With this method, the first mechanism is
questionable, the second mechanism is fine, and
the third mechanism is unethical. Unlike
combination hormone contraceptive pills, 50% of
women taking the mini-pill will continue to
consistently ovulate 31 each month and therefore
the thinning of their uterine lining is what will
primarily prevent a conceived baby from
implanting and continuing to grow to maturity.
Based on its incredible ineffectiveness at reliably
preventing ovulation, this method would have a
very high likelihood of killing a conceived baby
and is therefore considered unethical for use by

30 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning progestin-

only pills are taken directly from Mayo Clinic.



Christians. The mini-pill increases the wife’s risk
for depression, ectopic pregnancy, certain brain
tumors, breast cancer, and serious blood clots.
The “mini-pill” is most often pushed on new and
nursing mothers, so they should be especially
vigilant about not using this method.

Hormonal 32 and Copper IUDS 33 are actually

scientifically unknown in how they function. Most
doctors and scientists theorize that they cause a
volatile environment that kills sperm and creates
an inflammatory response within the uterus that
makes a fertilized egg unable to implant and grow
to maturity. The first theoretical mechanism of
killing sperm is not problematic, but the second
mechanism of not allowing implantation is what
makes it unethical. Once a life is conceived, it
must be protected and given the opportunity to
grow safely in its mother’s womb. IUDs explicitly
aim to destroy life by creating a completely
inhospitable uterine environment for any
potentially conceived baby. IUDs also pose
serious health risks to the wife. Upon placement,
there is a risk for perforation of the uterus,

32 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning hormonal

IUDs are taken directly from www.mirena-us.com.

33 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the woman concerning copper

IUDs are taking directly from www.paraguard.com.

infection, or permanent damage to the cervix.34 If
a woman does become pregnant with an IUD in
place, there is a much greater chance of the
pregnancy being ectopic.35 If a fertilized egg is able
to implant properly within the uterine lining
alongside an IUD, the IUD must usually be
removed for the safety of the wife. The removal
of an IUD during pregnancy is acknowledged to
lead to potential miscarriage or birth defects in the
baby. Both Hormonal and Copper IUDs are
unethical for use as birth control.

Endometrial Ablation 36 is surgical procedure

done to scrape out the lining of a woman’s uterus
so deeply that the lining would never grow back
thick enough to allow a fertilized egg to implant.
Usually this surgical procedure is done to reduce
extremely heavy menstrual bleeding, but some
physicians do tout its benefits as easy birth
control. This is a permanent procedure that does
not in any way prevent sperm or egg from joining.
It would only prevent a fertilized egg from being
able to implant and safely grow to maturity within

34 If the cervix is damaged or weakened this can

greatly increase likelihood of future miscarriages in both

early and late pregnancy.

35 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-

36 All facts about the mechanism of action and

potential health risks to the women concerning endometrial

ablation are taken directly from Mayo Clinic.

the uterus. This method is entirely unethical to be
used as birth control as a woman could be both
conceiving and killing a new life every month. The
risks with this method to the wife are ectopic
pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, uterine
perforation, damage to the cervix, and burns to
the bowels. If a doctor deems this procedure
medically necessary for the health of the wife,
sterilization is typically recommended at the same
time. Endometrial ablation is unethical for sole
use as birth control.

Plan B (AKA the Morning After Pill) is an over-

the-counter pill a woman can take as an
“emergency contraceptive” if her first method of
birth control fails during intercourse. Contrary to
what most Christians believe, this can be a very
difficult drug to understand.37 Whether or not its
use is unethical technically depends on where the
woman is in her cycle.38 If she were a few days
away from ovulating, Plan B would work to delay
ovulation long enough for the sperm already
within her to die before fertilizing her egg.39 If she

37 Facts about mechanism and any potential health

risks to the woman, taken directly from Plan B.




39 Plan B is an incredibly politically charged drug.

The manufacturer is very careful to not reveal too much

about the methodology and also avoid loaded terminology
that would make some fearful of using it.

had ovulated already or was close to ovulating,
Plan B would work to cause her body to not
produce enough progesterone to continue any
pregnancy that might occur. This mechanism
would end the pregnancy in a different way than
preventing implantation (like other hormonal
birth control methods), but it would still starve a
developing new life of vital nutrients and cause its
death. Research shows that Plan B is not very
effective at delaying ovulation, as 70% of the
women who take it will still ovulate shortly after.40
This shows that the primary way this drug would
work would be to inhibit the hormones needed
for the pregnancy to continue. Since for most
women it is impossible to know for sure where
exactly they are in their cycle without prior
extensive blood work over a period of time, Plan
B should be thought of as generally unethical for
use by Christians. 41 Based on the current research,
potential side effects and health risks to the wife
seem to be minimal.



41 Christian physician and ethicist, Dr. Megan Best,

has stated that in extreme health situations that absolutely

necessitated a married woman not get pregnant, if she got
blood work done by her physician to definitively confirm
that she was several days away from ovulating, this method
might be morally permissible in that situation.
her book, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

Ella (AKA the Week After Pill) is a newer
prescription pill that can be taken up to five days
after another method of birth control fails. It is
very closely related in make up to the chemical
abortion pill called RU-486. This method claims
to work by delaying ovulation, but due to the
incredibly wide window of acceptable usage, it is
clear that the secondary mechanism of blocking
the progesterone needed to continue a pregnancy
is typically the main mechanism at work. It does
prevent implantation and may actually cause later
abortions of babies, although no human studies
have been allowed on known pregnant women.42
In laboratory tests Ella causes abortions in all
pregnant rats and 50% of pregnant rabbits. 43
Based on current research, the potential side
effects and health risks to the wife seem to be
minimal. This method is completely morally
unethical for use by Christians.44

Ella is another highly political drug. The

manufacturer is careful to not share too much about its

mechanism and to avoid loaded terminology that would
make some fearful of its use.

European Medicines Agency assessment of Ella



44 Facts about mechanism and risks to the woman

come directly from Ella. http://www.ellanow.com


While the ethics surrounding modern

birth control methods can be mind-boggling at
times, I sincerely pray that this small reference
booklet has provided some measure of clarity
amidst the confusion. All methods can be easily
divided into two distinct categories; those that
work before conception and those that seek to
have some effect after conception. The
ramifications of these various methods can truly
mean life or death for a precious newly conceived
baby. Again, since Christians generally believe that
new life begins at the moment of conception, it
follows that the safest ethical choice would be to
use natural or artificial barrier methods that
function only preconception whenever trying to
prevent pregnancy. Preconception barrier
methods also carry almost no health risk to the
wife and therefore honor the sanctity of her life as
My intent in writing this is to help
individual Christian couples. I in no way desire to
stir up conflict or create disunity within the
Church. All Christians (myself included) would do
well to remember that scripture is not explicit
about these particular named methods. Godly
men and women, who truly love the Lord and
desire to live for His glory, hold different
convictions on this matter. Each couple must
make their own decisions prayerfully before the
Lord, knowing we will all give an account for how
we have harmed or protected the lives entrusted

to us. Let us above all as church families seek
unity by being kind, patient, and tenderhearted
with one another as we do our best to make
decisions in our marriages that honor the Lord
and uphold the sanctity of all life. 45
If after reading this, you feel convicted
that you may have sinned in this area, take it to
the Lord in prayer. 46 Repent and seek to walk in
the newness of life that our Savior has purchased.
What a beauty it is to behold the mercy of the
Finally, my prayer for all Christian
married couples is that our lives would be joyfully
open to children as the Lord gives them. Let us
not think in the futility of the world, 47 that
children are burdens to be avoided at all costs.
Rather let us count children as the rewards God
says they are48 and consider how that truth helps
us be at rest in His perfect sovereignty, even as we
seek discernment on this matter of birth control

45 Ephesians 4:32

46 Hymn: What a Friend We Have in Jesus


47 Ephesians 4:17

48 Psalm 127:3

A Special Exhortation for Husbands

I want to take a moment here to exhort

husbands (or soon-to-be husbands) to prayerfully
consider how you are stewarding your wife’s
physical, emotional, and spiritual health in your
decision to seek or prevent pregnancy.
Are you pushing for more children just
because your denomination or local church
believes larger families to be more holy? Does
your precious wife seem to be bowing under the
pressure of the family size you already have? Does
your wife have a medical condition that would
make pregnancy or childbirth exceptionally
harmful to her health?
On the flip side, are you preventing
pregnancy just because others have told you that
all newlyweds should? Are you trying to avoid the
responsibility of becoming a father and parenting
alongside your wife? Are you spending money or
time frivolously, while saying you cannot afford
children? Furthermore, is your desire to prevent
pregnancy so strong, that you are willing to
subject your wife to the rare, but potentially
deadly risks of certain birth control methods? 49
Consider before the Lord how you can
love your wife well in these matters. In all seasons
of life, live with her in an understanding way. 50
Your wife is a precious gift entrusted to you by

49 Ephesians 5:28

50 1 Peter 3:7

God. Consider her needs above your own51 and
seek to shepherd her carefully.

51 Philippians 2:4

Further Reading and Education


The Christian Case Against Contraception: Making the

Case from Historical, Biblical, Systematic, and Practical
Theology & Ethics by Bryan C. Hodge

Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having Babies by

Candice Watters

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr. Megan Best

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions by Randy


Ethics for a Brave New World (Chapter 6) by John

Feinburg and Paul Feinburg

God, Marriage, and Family (Chapter 7) by Andreas



Tracing the History of Protestant Thought on


Deliberate Childlessness by Al Mohler

Village Church’s Statement about Contraceptives

and Reproductive Technology

John Piper on Birth Control


American Pregnancy Association on Birth Control


Short and Long Term Effects of Hormonal Birth


A Gospel-Centered Testimony About Birth


The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference 2014:
Sex Without Children by Dr. Megan Best

About the Author

Lexi Zuo is married to Old Testament

Bible scholar and teacher, Jeremiah Zuo. Their 5
years of marriage has been filled to the brim with
adventures on two different continents. They have
been blessed with 5 precious eternal souls: one
lost in pregnancy, one currently growing in-utero,
and 3 running around their Chicagoland home. In
her spare time, Lexi enjoys playing designer board
games and reading Gospel-centered books.


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