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THE TRUE GOD "Yer we can hn Gasdonly a be revels msl to ws nthe Sexipares and ser camot brow the Serpe ul we are lng ob changed by them. rowlege of Cod ocr oly when we ao bow our deepsea ned {nd hen we se respi to Gas rau provion for ou eed hough the work of Christ atthe ppeaton of hat work to ws by Gs Spt Hoven estblnhed th be, we neverthlne cme bck to the question ‘of Gol Ninel and we nl “Bt wh Gl? Who ir thie One who revels Finel in Seite inthe porson of Jess Christ and through the Holy Spi?” We mayan that rv knowledge f God must change as. We tnuy be wing tobe changed But where do we begin? selcExitent Since the Bites ny, we could anower these questions by tring a pot in the bibl reveaton. We ould begin wth Revation 2:21 a well i with Genes 14. Bat thor rn beter tring pant than Go reve Inkon of hima fo Mover tthe burning bus. Mewes, the great lade of Ira adiongbeenawaecf the tue Gd for ea ben bor it oly fey Sil when Co sid that he ul! snd Nin 29 Egy and through him eve the pole of lack Manes resp," I come tothe people teres sy to then, The God of your fathers has tent met you and Shey ask. Whot hiss” what sal sey to tert” We ae tl hat {Gothen aneesed Moses by syle. TAM WHO LA =» Say thst he ple fared tt ha set ef you" x 33-10 TASt WHO Ait" "The name ad withthe ancient name for Ga, Jehovah Butt more than name, It deseiptive name pointing all that Godin moa pti, hows hin tobe the One he emily selene nfcent nd tera “These are sbetrct concept, ofcourse. But they are inportant, for these tbe mre than any ober set Gd apr ror hs reaton a evel fim a bring what hein Rime, Cai pric nal eats But there are some atributes that we, his etre, hare For natane, Gd erfect inhi love ety his race we ale lve Hee al wie bt we ao Fosses 2 mensore a widom Hee all powerful and we eerie a Hed over eset like thin regard to Ga selenite se-suliency aed ‘erty however He alone posses hove characteristic Hee and ‘thins we donot Heir ently lun, we ar ot Hes lta Sl-estence means hat Gol has org and consequently ase hie to no one Matthew Henry soy, “The greatest and bet fn i he ‘word st ny, By the race of Coda! am: ul God say asl fat mote han any erestre, ma or angel ca yl om ha Ta? 50 {Gol his no rg: hi exten doe ot dpe om anybody, Salpexstnce na hard concept fro grape with frit means that CGodasheirin hinel itso Everything tht we se emel ea taste or touch has origin, We can ary think in any oterenegory Anything swe observe mt have 4 couse adesuat fo explain it, We sek or such ase. Cause ad eect even the bas for the bel in Gd pore by those who evertheles, do not rly kro him Such dale a God not bean they hve ha a personalexperince of hia because hey have dcovered Got in Srpte, but only because they ifr his existence “Everything comes fom something: conquer, there mit be rea something that tnd behind everything” Cause and eect point to God, fbut-andths ithe sue —they pat to Gad wh ie eyond understanding Indeed to ane thos beyond wen every way. They inte that God cnt Iw known and ealuted a other thing ci, ‘AW. Torer ha noted tht thio eton why pllosopy ad cence ave noe ay ben renal toward the ea of Co. Ther ilies ae dested 10 the tsk of accounting for things ae we know them and 6 ‘Berefor npstient with anything that cfu to give an ncn of ol Philosophers and wns wil dev that heel uch they dot kro, ‘Wg ay ty WB Dee YP Ren Buti another thing to at that here something they can never know folly and whch in fat they don® even have tdi or doy ting To cover Ga, scene ay attempt to bring Gol down tothe {Eel efning him at natural nw, “eolton” or some suck prnile But fl Gol clades them. Thor e moe to Gol than any such coneps ci Perhaps on, this iswhy even ile-ierng pop wen taped sole time thinking tout God person and character, Tozer Wits eof ur have let our ert ga in wonder atthe ah the elestent SS bck of which no cena cn hn Such thoughts re o> pl forus We peer othak wher wil do more goed about howto bul ‘ester mouse, for nstanes, or how to make two Hades of gras roe Where one pe before, And forth wre are now paying toeny peice Inthe snsanation four ego and he decay of aut Inner lives Got slfnistenc mene that eter or ana and we ‘hot ke tha. We want Cod to give an acount of mse to defend his “hos: Athough be smeines explain thing ow eds not Rave hcten he dows not Cod does ot hive f expan imal to sndy Slt Soticient “he second ait f Gl communist tin the nme “1AM HHO‘ AB Ibo suchen. Asin it pole to have at last» sens ofthe meaning this abstract terms Sele nalfiency meane God as no needs and therefore depend on 0 one Tiere eran counter 80a widespread and popu ds: God cooperates with human beings each thereby suppyng something lacking inthe ther [tis moped for example, that God lk glory and therefore creates men fn women to supply He tly care of thes a reward: Or again inained tht Gad seeds love and therefore rates men and women to love im Some al abou the resto tf Go were lonely nd therefore rea ‘lta keep hi company On apc eel we ate the mv thing it ‘hose who tain that women and sens asesay #9 carey out Gl’ frock of salvation a nities or ae defenders of the ath, forgeting that Jens hiel dcaed that Cod able om these stones orale up chien {e Abcam” 3), God docs nat need erskien Arthur W. Pk, who writes on this heme ln The Ate f Gal ay, Wo Tre fh i i ark are Row, 008 Go was under no contain obligato, acest crete, Tat ‘echo 0 dcowas prt ssoverigy ston hs part cose y noting Cute deterined by rng beth own ve good peur fore workth all ings ae he coun of soe wl Ege That el este wt vngly fr he mans pry Cedi ao tainer even om or worship. He wat nn nnd oft exer ny his race whch aes om i eee, or belarus rough ‘hwo atout tht What mart moved no pedo oe the pra ofthe ley of ha grace? ewan a Ephesnn 19s ue “scoring othe god plestre hile The fore of he bs) it impose to bre the Aoughry une obligation oe cetry oe pins ating fos? “Tour aes these pit “Were al human bins sey oto bing ti he un wll kine yy nde ry gs forts one Dothing othe lose bene fn high, So nee every ncn on ‘rsh bore ah old not et God many wy He Se ‘inhi wot ear any thes To beleve hm ss nn to Neperfcton odo hn utes sting wy Nor does Gol ned hn Th th poly bare ooo accept than net ny ater or we man Cal ars ney bt amet pai ander fire busing abst to see nom heen find to help ‘Raging he mol andsvng the werksre What ree Teese Got har ntl work of managsnent wus He sad he ried p inden "Be ul nd mally nd il the earth and bea oe dhmintn oer he fh he eon ovr her he a sod over eve Inn thing tt moves pote stan) od ass gee hee sho blr n him» cmminion tg to a the word and rece Sevpl to he whale cestion” (i 1688, True but no pee Code raring of hs crea hs a nesary seen in hn God hac ‘entodo things than He din ned todo them ded hes ese them in any ane of» mon other wye. Tha he chose oo tgs thus therefore sly dependent on he fe nd soversn eee Hs vlan doesnot sew ny erent vlc a “To ty tha Gad slated bs meng tat Gad does ot ned “ests Chai, we ave opin te for Gad before hos ho Jha Ra Te At Ga ed Rp, MB Bok Howe ‘ner Tan iy woul dihoncr he mame and malig is character We sight to do 0 But enw shoul fall we must not think hat Gls prived thes Cad see ot ned tobe defended fret es and wil mins sepals sf thesnfl and arogat attacks of individual. A God who nee to be defended i no God Rather, the God ofthe Be the wlexatent One whois the tur defender of hr people When we realize that God ithe only try elffisent On, we begin to understand why the Behar to mich to ay bout the need for faith Is God slone and why uel in God i such sin. Toner es “Among al created beings, atone dar stn ule. God alone rst in ie ‘other bergs mst rust in im, Unbelt e stualy pervered ith, for it putes trast not nthe ving God Bot in yng en we ref fo teat God what weare actualy yng that ether we o some other Frson crthinge more tarbrorthy. That ns snd apsint the chris of Co Si fly. Nothing hi alluicnt On the other hand if we bg ‘beating Godby being hi we Rave sod foundation fo ae Goi acent and his Wot i entre ca be tasted echase Godt suficent, we ny bein bytes In Ut sueency and so work effectively for him God does noted But the jy of coming to know him ii leaning that he neverthcew stoops to work in sad ‘rough those who ar a beleving and beet chen 2 th quay inheretin the name of God given to Moses 1AM WHO is everlsngnen,perpetty ote. The quality filo put iene word, but ir simpy that God ha alway been and lays be end {hat he sever the sume in seer ig. We Bd th tire of Gd crerywhere inthe Bble- Abram caled Jehovah "the Evelatiog Co (Gen 2135) Moses wrote, ‘Lox, thou hat been oar det pl al ‘enerations lore the mountains were bought forth, rave ho het formed the earth andthe worl, om velrting to eerlaing thot a Gof Ps 901-2) The book of Revelation decries Coda the “Alpha nd the Omega, the boing ad he end” (Rev 1; 215 22:13). The restares ‘before the throne ry, Holy. hly. ly the Led Go Almighty, eho we nde and isto come” Rev. 48 “The fact tht God i ternal has tr mor consequences fru. The fst lethat rar helo emia a herve hil tb The word sully Fi Tama ey Bi 8 set dese this ually imetaity, which means unchagestiones. very good endowment and every pret pl fom above, coming des fom the Father of igs wih eo there ho varon osha dog tochange an L17) Gar unchangeable in is tributes So we nnd ot fea, for example, that the God who once loved usin Chet wl somehow cys he ed od tase toloe usin the future Gd alway love omer poe. Sein we ust nt think that perhaps be wil ange hs ate rand ate that he wil bepn to cls as “perme” omen that sles ‘rohitd, Sin wil always be sin becaun ideined se any Pasaroos fo lick of conformity tthe law of God whe ie unchangraie God ll slays be hly, wise gracious, just and everything ele thet herve a setae, Nothing that we do wl ever change the tera Cd God is aio unchangeable in hi counsel o wil He en what he hae