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BioLit 160 – Homework 5 (5 points) Name: Braxton Cole Burchfield

Fall 2018

Read the Abstract, Introduction, Methods (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.10 only of the Methods), and
Results (3.1 – 3.3 only of the results) of Ali, I. et al. Biochemical responses and ultrastructural changes in
ethylene insensitive mutants of Arabidopsis thialiana subjected to bisphenol A exposure. 2017. 144:62-
71. Answer the following questions and turn in a typed, hard copy to your BioLit instructor at the
beginning of class.

1. How are plants affected by high doses of BPA? (0.5 pt)

BPA affects plants by hurting growth and development by oxidative stress.

2. Ethylene is a plant hormone that is produced in excess in plants under stress. How are the
mutants (ein2-1 and etr1-3) different from wild-type? (1 pt)

The mutant’s antioxidant levels were much higher than the WT resulting in less damage done by
oxidative stress.

3. What is the research question that the authors addressed in the study? (0.5 pt)

What role does BPA have in inducing oxidative stress in plants?

4. Identify one of the possible claims for each of the following figures. Also, describe how the
evidence in the figure supports the claim you identified. (3 pts)

Figure Claim Describe how the evidence supports your claim

There is a significant None of the letters above the bars are the same for
Figure difference in weight any of the 3 plants above 20 and 40 µM.
1B between 20 µM and 40
µM in all plants.

There is no difference The letters above the WT and ein2 -1 bars are both bc
Figure between WT and ein2-1 and the height of the bars are the same in the 10 µM
2A in the 10 µM BPA BPA concentration.

All three plant types The graph for all three plants are way taller after the
were way more effected 40 µM.
by the O2 after the 40
µM of PBA.
Figure 3

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