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Jacket Offshore Structure Classic Schedule Layout 04-Aug-20 12:37

2019 2020
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
14-Aug-20, ACENX1 Jacket

14-Aug-20, ACENX1.ACENX
29-Jun-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.Start Start
Present the proposal
Present the Thesis presentation with Dean
Present ENGR599A with Jury
Get comments on ENGR599A Final Report
Present the Paper
04-Feb-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.2 Monthly report 1
Get meato ocean data
Modeling the Jacket Structure
Modeling the top structure
Define section for jacket members
Define section for top structure members
Grouping the members
Define Dead load using sacs
Define Live Load using Sacs
Define Enviromental Load using Sacs
Apply combination for OP1
Apply combination for OP2
Apply combination for ST1
Apply combination for ST2
Run Sacs Software For OP1 & OP2 C
Run Sacs software for ST1 & ST2 C
Check the Unity Check for all combinations
Get the Maximum Unity check for members in OP1 C
Get the Maximum Unity check for members in OP2 C
Get the Maximum Unity check for members in ST1 C
Get the Maximum Unity check for members in ST2 C
Analyis the Maximum Combination with Maximun Direction OP2 C
Redesign Jacket Structure OP2 C until the Unity Check be bellow 1
Redesign Top Structure OP2 C until the Unity Check be bellow 1
Recheck the OP1 C after redesign from OP2 C
Recheck the ST1 C after redesign from OP2 C
Recheck the ST2 C after redesign from OP2 C
Submitted the monthly report 1 on January 31st 2020
30-Oct-19, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.2.1 Preparing for proposal
Took Research Methodology

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Jacket Offshore Structure Classic Schedule Layout 04-Aug-20 12:37
2019 2020
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Dr. Abdallah Accary was assigned as the supervisor of this project.
Wrote and prepared proposal with world report and power point presentation
Learned and Trained on SACS software
Dr. Marie-Nour Kaydouh, Eng. Jihane Aouf were assigned as examiners of this project
Make presentation
27-Feb-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.3 Monthly report 2
Drew the Jacket structure using Auto Cad
Drew the Top structure using Auto Cad
Drew the equipment in Main Deck Auto Cad
Drew the equipment in Cellar Deck Deck Auto Cad
Drew the bell 212 in HELI Deck Auto Cad
Submitted the monthly report 2 on February 28th 2020
08-Apr-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.4 Monthly report 3
Modeling the Structure in Sap2000
Define the Structure elements in Sap2000
Collected data needed for the dynamic and earthquake design.
Defined the dynamic, and earthquake data
Met with Jurry and dean, in which we discussed the work progress, and the modifications require
Submitted the monthly report 3 on 28th of March 2020.
Wrote new results in the report, and to submitted it within three months
13-May-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.5 Monthly report 4
Checked the maximum base shear with 8 directions, and then took the maximum.
I checked the maximum overturning moment with 8 directions, then took the maximum
Created appendix at the end of the report where AutoCAD & SACS models are pr
Started the reduction of my scientific paper: abstract redaction and outlines.
Showed progress and wrote down notes and recommendations.
Met with the members of my jury on the 22nd of April 2020.
Submitted the monthly report 4 on 24th of April 2020.
03-Jun-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.6 Monthly report 5
Took different members with the maximum load applied on them (Leg
Checked the stresses (Shear, Moment) manual calculation.
Submitted the monthly report 5 on May 22nd 2020.
22-Jun-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1.r Monthly report 6
Analyzed the spectrum earthquake design using SACS V
Analyzed the pile foundation.
Submitted the monthly report 6 on June 19nd 2020.
07-Aug-20, ACENX1.ACENX1.1
Emailed Dr. Walid Kamali, and wait t
Sent the final book to Dr. Abdallah A

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Actual Work Critical Remaining Work © Oracle Corporation
Jacket Offshore Structure Classic Schedule Layout 04-Aug-20 12:37
2019 2020
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Finish the abstract of the publicat
Finish the presentation, the pape
Present the ENGR599B
14-Aug-20, ACENX1.ACENX
Present the th final presentation
Send the final report and pres
Write the paper and sent it to

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Actual Work Critical Remaining Work © Oracle Corporation

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