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5, MAY 2012

Power Electronics Enabling Efficient Energy Usage:

Energy Savings Potential and Technological
Jelena Popović-Gerber, Member, IEEE, Jesus Angel Oliver, Member, IEEE, Nicolás Cordero, Thomas Harder,
José A. Cobos, Member, IEEE, Michael Hayes, Seán Cian O’Mathuna, Senior Member, IEEE, and Erich Prem

Abstract—Power electronics is a key technology for the efficient Act included more than $80 billion in the generation of re-
conversion, control, and conditioning of electric energy from the newable energy sources, expanding manufacturing capacity for
source to the load. In this paper, the potential of power electron- clean energy technology, advancing vehicle and fuel technolo-
ics for energy savings in four major application fields, buildings
and lighting, power supplies, smart electricity grid, and industrial gies, and building a bigger, better, smarter electric grid [2]. The
drives, is investigated. It is shown that by wider adoption of power U.S. Government committed to reducing greenhouse gas emis-
electronics in these areas, the current European Union electricity sions by 28% by 2020, increase energy efficiency, and reduce
consumption could be reduced by 25%. The technology challenges fleet petroleum consumption. In 2007, Japan announced an ini-
for exploiting this potential for all the four areas are identified in tiative against global warming called “Cool Earth 50,” including
the paper.
the proposal for a long-term objective to reduce global green-
Index Terms—Buildings, electric vehicles (EVs), energy conver- house gas emissions by half by 2050 compared to the current
sion, energy savings, lighting, power electronics, power supplies, level resulting in a programme called “Cool Earth-Innovative
smart grids, variable speed drives (VSD).
Energy Technology Program” targeting the development of in-
novative technologies in the field of energy with a prospect to
I. INTRODUCTION the year 2050 [3].
Combating the energy and climate problem requires a com-
HE ever-increasing demand for energy, the shortage of
T fossil fuels, and the need for carbon footprint reduction
have resulted in a global awareness of the importance of energy
plex, interdisciplinary approach involving technological solu-
tions such as sustainable energy sources and more efficient
energy use, as well as political measures and general public
savings and energy efficiency. This topic is taking high priority commitment [4]–[8]. This is not always well recognized—for
in today’s society, leading to many governmental policies and example, two of the three initial targets of the EU goal for 2020,
measures, industrial programmes, and research, both in Europe namely, 20% renewable energy penetration and 20% CO2 reduc-
and worldwide. In its Action Plan for Energy Efficiency [1], the tion are made mandatory while the third, 20% energy savings, is
European Commission presented an energy policy, which seeks only a guideline and there are indicators that this target will not
to enable the European Union (EU) to reduce greenhouse gases be met by quite a large margin. Therefore, it is still necessary to
by at least 20%, to reduce energy consumption by 20%, and stress the importance of energy efficiency for solving the energy
increase to 20% the share of renewable energies in energy con- and climate problem.
sumption by 2020. The American Recovery and Reinvestment The demand for electricity is continuously growing and will
continue to do so at a much faster rate than other energy sources
over the coming decades, twice as fast as the overall energy con-
Manuscript received April 19, 2011; revised July 14, 2011; accepted
September 20, 2011. Date of current version February 27, 2012. This work was sumption growth rate [9], [10]. Today, 20% of the final energy
supported by the European Commission as project “Electronics Enabling Effi- consumption in the EU is electric energy (which translates into
cient Energy Usage (E4U)” nr. 224161 in the Information and Communication up to 40% of total primary energy) [11], and this is predicted
Technologies Programme (FP7). Recommended for publication by Associate
Editor L. M. Tolbert. to grow significantly in the next few decades. Power electron-
J. Popović-Gerber is with Delft University of Technology, 2628 Delft, The ics is the technology associated with the efficient conversion,
Netherlands (e-mail: control, and conditioning of electric energy from the source to
J. A. Oliver and J. A. Cobos are with the Centro de Electrónica In-
dustrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28006 Madrid, Spain (e-mail: the load [12]–[15]. Many market segments such as domestic; and office appliances, heating, ventilation, and air condition-
N. Cordero, M. Hayes, and S. C. O’Mathuna are with the Tyndall National ing, lighting, computers and communication, factory automa-
Institute, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland (e-mail: nicolas.;; tion and drives, traction, automotive, and renewable energy can
T. Harder is with the European Centre for Power Electronics, 90443 potentially benefit from the application of power electronics
Nuremberg, Germany (e-mail: technology.
E. Prem is with eutema Technology Management, 1070 Vienna,
Austria, and also with the University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Austria (e-mail: The power electronics community is constantly working on increasing the efficiency of power electronic converters through
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online the use of faster switching devices, better topologies, advanced
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2011.2171195 control, etc. However, a power electronic converter is a part of

0885-8993/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on June 30,2020 at 19:15:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the system and the real energy efficiency benefits are on the double the construction costs, and account for 40% of the total
system level. In many cases, the power converter is significantly lifecycle costs [18].
more efficient than the rest of the system (motor driven applica- Lighting consumes around 20% of all electricity generated
tions, photovoltaic (PV) systems, etc.). The power electronics in the U.S. and the EU, and even higher in some developing
community is generally aware of the large energy savings po- countries, since lighting is one of the largest uses of electric
tential but the quantitative assessment thereof is less known and power [19]. HVAC accounts for 60% of the energy consumption
published. Furthermore, in many cases, high-level managers are of tertiary buildings (one third of which is electric and the rest
not fully aware of the potential of power electronics, especially mostly fossil fuels). Lifts are responsible for about 10% of the
on the system level. The goal of this paper is to present an electricity consumption.
overview of the energy savings potential of power electronics 2) Energy Savings Technologies (Lighting): Incandescent
on the system level by introducing power electronics in systems lights that still dominate the residential use are very energy inef-
and to identify technological challenges to exploit this potential. ficient. In 2008, the European Commission adopted a regulation
The focus is on several key application areas, where the energy on nondirectional household lamps, which would replace inef-
savings potential is the largest. This paper mainly deals with ficient incandescent bulbs by more efficient alternatives [such
electric energy savings; however, in some cases, the savings in as improved incandescent bulbs with halogen technology and
other energy sources, such as gas or oil, are mentioned. compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)] between 2009 and 2012.
In Section II, the application areas with the largest power- Fluorescent lamps consume 25% to 35% of the energy used
electronics-enabled energy savings potential will be introduced. by incandescent lamps to provide the same amount of illumi-
For each area, the field energy consumption will be presented, nation (efficacy of 30 to 110 lm/W) and last about 10 times
the main energy savings technologies reviewed, and the energy longer (7000 to 24000 h). New, more efficient, fluorescent lamps
savings potential by introducing these technologies estimated. (T5) using electronic ballasts/starters can now provide luminary
In Section III, the main challenges and technology gaps related efficiencies (including ballasts) above 75 lm/W [20], although
to exploiting this potential for each area will be identified. they are not retrofitable with traditional T8/T12 light fixtures.
Since most of the work presented in this paper was carried out Improvements in phosphor technology have resulted in fluores-
as a part of the European project “Electronics Enabling Efficient cent lamps with light quality comparable to incandescent lamps.
Energy Usage (E4U)” [16], some of the data relate to Europe CFLs consist of fluorescent lamp tubes with a ballast integrated
only; however, an effort was taken to include information from into the lamp in contrast to large tubes for which the ballast is a
other parts of the world wherever possible. During the course separate item as for large tubes, which makes them a standalone
of the project, close to one hundred power electronics experts retrofit solution to incandescent lamps.
both from industry and academia have provided their input, High-intensity discharge (HID) and low-pressure sodium
contributing to the content of this paper. lamps are suitable for lighting purposes, where high levels of
light over large areas are required. More recently, HID lamps
have been used in small retail and residential environments. The
II. ENERGY EFFICIENCY POTENTIAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS most common types of HID lamps are mercury vapor, metal
IN KEY APPLICATION FIELDS halide, and high-pressure sodium, all of which are much more
efficient than incandescent lamps. Compared with fluorescent
Given their share of electricity consumption and large energy
and incandescent lamps, HID lamps have higher luminous ef-
savings potential, the following four power electronics applica-
ficacy since a greater proportion of their radiation is in visible
tion fields were chosen as the main focus areas.
light as opposed to heat.
1) Buildings & lighting.
High-brightness LED has been regarded as the next gener-
2) Power supplies [with focus on applications in information
ation of “green” light source for its potential qualities of high
and communication technologies (ICTs)].
efficiency, environmental friendliness, long lifetime, etc. With
3) Smart electricity grids (including vehicle to grid).
the significant improvement in the manufacturing process of
4) Industrial drives.
high-brightness LEDs, they can be applied in a wide range of
applications, and may even be considered for common use in
A. Buildings and Lighting daily lighting application. The projections are that the solid-
1) Field Background and Energy Consumption: Buildings state lighting (SSL) will certainly displace all traditional light-
(commercial, industrial, and residential) account for 40% of the ing technologies in the near future with 2012 being the year
overall EU energy consumption. In EU-27, tertiary/office build- when SSL will surpass traditional fluorescent and HID lighting
ings consume 130 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) per year in terms of equivalent cost of light [21].
or 11% of the total energy consumption, and the residential Power electronics is an enabling technology for these new
buildings consume around 285 Mtoe or around 25% of the total energy-efficient lighting technologies. Gas discharge lamps such
energy consumption [11]. Households and the commercial sec- as fluorescent and HID lamps cannot be operated directly from
tor are responsible for 38% and 36% of the U.S. total electricity the mains because they have negative incremental impedance,
consumption [17]. In tertiary buildings in developed countries, and therefore, must be operated in series with current-controlled
60% of the total energy consumed is electric. In these, the cost ballast. To improve the efficiency of gas discharge lamps, the
of electric energy (lighting, electric heating, ventilating, and air- traditional magnetic ballasts can be replaced by high-efficiency
conditioning (HVAC), lifts, etc.) during the life of the building electronic ballasts. The use of HF electronic ballasts results in

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on June 30,2020 at 19:15:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

significant ballast volume and weight reduction, and improves (no wiring or expert installers). Furthermore, they are suitable
the performance of the discharge lamp. The HF operation also for both new buildings and the retrofitting of existing buildings.
makes the lamp start easily and reliably, and eliminates audible 3) Energy Savings Potential (Lighting): Replacing tradi-
noise and flickering effect. In addition, due to the advances in tional fluorescent sources (e.g., T8) by high-efficiency ones us-
power electronics, power regulation can be easily incorporated ing electronic ballasts (>90% efficiency) (e.g., T5) reduces the
into the ballast, making intelligence and energy management energy consumption by 61% [26]. Furthermore, using intelligent
feasible. For fluorescent lamps, HF operation at above 20 kHz is dimming based on data for occupancy and daylight (collected
the most attractive approach because the HF operation of fluores- by wireless sensors), together with the use of dimmable efficient
cent lamps provides higher discharge efficiency. For HID lamp sources, gives an overall reduction of 78% on current usage; this
operation, LF square-wave method is the most used method. is 16.4% of the total electric energy consumption.
The square-wave frequency is preferably chosen higher than The replacement of incandescent lamps with compact fluo-
the line frequency, and low enough to prevent those harmonic rescent or metal halide accent lighting can save up to 80% of
power components that excite acoustical resonances. A com- retail, domestic and public lighting electricity consumption.
mon compromise is 70–400 Hz. If the total power handled by Furthermore, it is estimated that the adoption of SSL for 50%
the converter is higher than 25 W, then the LF harmonic content applications by 2015 would result in cumulative energy savings
of the line current must comply with specific regulations, which in the residential sector of between 125 and 340 TWh just in the
ask for using an active power factor corrector. U.S., or between 8% and 20% annual savings of the residential
LED lamps also need a driver that regulates the current flow- lighting consumption in 2007 [17].
ing through the LED array during operation and protects it from Lifts: Replacing hydraulic lifts with electric traction lifts with
voltage fluctuations. Small high-efficiency drivers (>90%) are speed control and feedback and low-consumption standby mode
essential for LED bulbs suitable for incandescent lamp replace- (which can represent up to 80% of the annual energy consump-
ment [22]. tion of a lift) can achieve savings of over 50%. The motors of the
HVAC: The application of variable speed drives (VSDs) in lifts can be further improved with speed control and feedback.
central plant HVAC systems provides the most energy-efficient These energy efficiency measures reduce energy consumption
means of controlling the flow of air and water. In all the pump by between 50% and 75% [27], [28]. Therefore, a reduction of
and fan applications of an HVAC system (condenser water at least 5% of the total is possible.
pumps, cooling tower fans, primary chilled water pumps, fan HVAC: Replacing motors and pumps in the HVAC electric
coil units, etc.), some form of flow control is used. In some systems by higher efficiency ones, including external contin-
applications, this may be a throttling valve or damper to set uous control (VSDs) and using intelligent control for HVAC
the flow rates to system design point during commissioning and and the environmental data gathered by wireless sensors, the
balancing of the system. However, most existing HVAC systems energy efficiency of a complete system can be improved by
are designed for worst-case conditions. They are designed to be 30%–40%. For electric ventilation and air conditioning, which
able to provide the necessary cooling load for the hottest, most consume 45% of electricity, this means a total reduction of at
humid days of the year. For the majority of time, they have ex- least 13.5%. Furthermore, implementing intelligent control will
cess capacity. By using means of active intelligent flow control also help to reduce the energy consumption of the nonelectric
such as VSDs, the power consumed by the pumps and fans can heating system (gas, oil, etc.). Therefore, intelligent control will
be controlled, thus, matching the capacity of the system to the contribute to a further reduction of at least 30% of the energy
actual requirements of the building, considerably lowering en- used for nonelectric heating.
ergy consumption and reducing operating costs for the building.
There are other methods of achieving active flow control [23]
(for fans: outlet dampers, inlet guide vanes, variable pitch fans,
eddy current couplings; for pumps: bypass valves and throttling B. Power Supplies
valves) but these are considerably less energy efficient than 1) Field Background and Energy Consumption: Power sup-
VSDs. plies are usually referred as the front-end ac–dc rectifiers present
Intelligent control (including sensors): Further improvement in most electronic equipment or power distribution systems.
in efficiency can be achieved using continuous intelligent con- Nevertheless, power supplies in this section cover not only the
trol. Building environment and energy monitoring systems sig- rectifier stage, but also other power electronic converters: source
nificantly reduce energy consumption [24], [25]. Self-powered converters, load converters, and power distribution converters
wireless sensors can be placed throughout the building. The that control the electric energy flow.
data gathered by the sensors (occupancy/presence, lighting lev- 1) Source converters: draw electric energy from the source
els, temperature, air quality, etc.) are processed together with in order to meet standards, improve the autonomy, the ef-
known data (seasonal temperature variations, user behavior, ficiency, battery life, etc. Typical examples are: MPPT
etc.) to provide continuous intelligent control of the lighting in solar panels [29]–[31], battery power management
appliances (dimming) and of the HVAC systems (both electric [32]–[34], etc.
and nonelectric). Self-powered sensors (using either long-life 2) Power distribution converters: allow optimizing the power
batteries or energy harvesting) provide data for the intelligent distribution system in terms of energy efficiency and
control, and are easy and cheap to install, maintain and replace power density [35], [36].

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3) Load converters: can significantly improve the efficiency out considering the power stage, there are other approaches that
of the overall system supplying the load with the appro- aim to achieve higher overall energy reduction, considering the
priate voltage or current. A typical example would be efficiency of the converter as a function of the load and output
applying dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) to a micropro- voltage [41]. According to this paper, the efficiency over other
cessor [37]. DVS solution can be improved up to 24.8% (depending on the
Although it is possible to obtain improvements in terms of type of application).
energy efficiency by improving the efficiency of the power A similar concept can be applied to other digital loads, not
supplies, higher improvements are possible by designing each only microprocessors. In the case of digital audio amplifiers,
power supply according to its role in the power distribution in which the digital data streams to be played are known, it is
architecture, for example, codesigning the microprocessor and possible to use this information to dynamically adapt the supply
its supply converter so that the supply voltage is adjusted as a voltage of the amplifier and improve the global efficiency [42].
function of the work load. Additionally, for integrated dc–dc converters, it is possible
Since power supplies are present in all electronic equipment, to apply more sophisticated techniques like segmented power
an analysis of their global impact would be quite difficult to stage and/or switching into pulse frequency mode of output volt-
assess. As a consequence, the evaluation of their impact has age regulation in order to maximize the instantaneous converter
been focused on three main areas: microprocessors, data centers efficiency on the fly. The use of a segmented power stage allows
and telecom, and standby losses reduction. the effective power transistor size to be changed on the fly, and
Electric energy demanded by data centers and servers in Eu- the tradeoff between the gate drive and conduction losses can
rope was 56 TWh in 2007 and is forecasted to have an increment be continuously optimized over the full range of operation.
to 104 TWh in 2020 [38] or about 3% of the total predicted elec- Power Management: Multicore technology of microproces-
tricity consumption. In a typical data center, less than half of sor can improve the performance through parallelism. The in-
this power is delivered to the compute load, which includes mi- tegration of multiple cores on a chip makes the system suitable
croprocessors, memory, and disk drives. The rest of the power for innovative ways of efficiently supplying the energy for each
is lost in power conversion, distribution, and cooling. core, improving the global efficiency of the system [43]. By
Estimates indicate that the telecom industry consumed 1% of applying DVS to each core as a function of its work load and
the global electricity consumption and 164 TWh in 2007 in the introducing the concept of voltage islands on a chip can yield
EU [39], and more than 90% of this is consumed by network significant improvements on the power consumptions. Never-
operators [40]. theless, it requires a great amount of research in topics like
It has been stated in the preparatory study for the Directive integrated power systems on chip, new integrated magnetic ma-
2005/32/EC that standby functionalities and off-mode losses oc- terial, HF semiconductors, and intelligent power management.
cur for the majority of electric and electronic household and of- Light load efficiency: Higher efficiency at light load is not
fice equipment products sold in the European Community, while only required in portable applications, where its impact on the
the annual electricity consumption related to standby function- autonomy is critical, but also in higher power applications like
alities and off-mode losses in the Community was estimated to data servers in which power management techniques that turn
have been 47 TWh in 2005. Without the introduction of specific on and off different blade servers as a function of the work load
measures, the consumption is predicted to increase to 49 TWh also require improved light load efficiency to reduce the wasted
in 2020 (an amount comparable to the total electricity consump- energy.
tion of Greece or Portugal). An important proportion of these In these systems, the power drawn from the voltage regulator
losses is related to power supplies. (VR) varies as a function of the working conditions or appli-
2) Energy Savings Technologies: In this section, the power- cation request. The variation can range from full load to very
electronics-enabled technologies for improving energy effi- light load [44]. Moreover, as DSPs and the platform become
ciency and energy savings in the field of power supplies for more power managed (by software or hardware), the percentage
IT applications are reviewed. amount of time during which a specific VR or power delivery
a) Data centers and servers: Although it is possible to operates at lighter loads becomes larger. In order to improve the
obtain some improvement in the energy efficiency of data cen- efficiency at light load several load adaptive techniques have
ters by increasing the efficiency of the power supplies, the best been proposed along the last years, which can be divided in two
results can be obtained by a proper design of the whole facil- groups:
ity, by adopting new distribution architectures, and establishing 1) Adaptive control: Most of them reduce the switching fre-
power management as a function of the work load. quency with load, therefore, switching losses are reduced.
Communication with the load: DVS is a clear example of 2) Autoadjustable dead times: The use of digital control can
how the interaction of intelligent power electronics and micro- provide a solution for adaptive dead-time optimization, in
processor can significantly improve the efficiency per watt in a which according to the operating conditions, the control
digital system. Since the power consumed by a microprocessor adjust the dead time to improve the efficiency. In this
is proportional to its frequency of operation and the square of direction, there are some works like the one presented
its supply voltage, it is possible to modify the supply voltage in [45] in which the authors report a 5% improvement in
and frequency according to the work load to optimize the per- efficiency (from 87.3% to 92.4%). In [46], the application
formance per watt. While most of the applied DVS techniques of similar dead-time optimization improves the losses by
focused on improving the efficiency of the microprocessor, with- a factor from 9% to 14%.

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Adaptive power stage structure: The combination of mul-

tiphase converters and digital controllers can be especially
appealing. The digital circuits’ capacity of integration allows
controlling a big number of phases, while the custom hardware
concurrency allows accurately controlling all the pulsewidth
modulation (PWM) outputs at the same time. A digital controller
in multiphase converters can be used to increase the efficiency at
different loads [46]–[48] changing the number of active phases
during operation. Other techniques, like in [49], use a small en-
ergy storage and power conditioning for light load and turn on
and off the main converter operating in the maximum efficiency
System level power management: As mentioned previously,
data servers are seldom working at full load. Adjusting the
number of active elements or blades as a function of the working Fig. 1. Power losses in a typical radio base station.
load, and switching them on and off, can yield to a significant
saving of energy and cooling.
These techniques require the establishment of communication in the efficiency of the power amplifier transmitter, which has a
and control with the power converters that supply the different multiplicative effect on the overall efficiency.
loads (microprocessors, storage, memories, etc.), and this is the The efficiency of the power transmitter is barely 6%. The use
point where digital control, in the line of power management, of envelope elimination and restoration (EER) techniques can
can play a capital role. significantly improve the efficiency of the transmitter since it
Moreover, pushing up the switching frequency of the con- can be based on a high-efficiency nonlinear RF amplifier, with
verters and integrating them with the load can yield additional a highly efficient envelope power supply to implement a highly
benefits apart from high efficiency like better transient response efficient linear RF amplifier. The use of conventional switched
and enhanced startup that will improve the performance of the power converters for the envelope amplifier requires switching
whole system. frequencies around five times the bandwidth of the envelope
DC Power distribution: Power distribution in datacenters is at signal, penalizing the efficiency of the converter. Innovative so-
400/480 Vac and 48 Vdc in telecommunication buildings. The lutions like the use of multilevel converters and a linear regulator
use of high-voltage dc power distributed architectures has been allow for the use of a switching frequency equal to the bandwidth
a hot topic of research during the past years [49]–[53] due to the of the envelope signal [56]. Compared to an ideal linear ampli-
potential improvement of the efficiency, lower component cost, fier, the efficiency can be increased from 29% to 43.7%, which
and easy integration in distributed renewable generation [54]. means that the total energy required is reduced by 35%. There
Conventional ac-distributed architectures suffer from low ef- are some other power management techniques, like in [57], that
ficiency due to many conversion steps. The efficiency of these not only adapt the voltage applied to the RF amplifier, but also
ac architectures with typical components is around 50% [55], the impedance; in this case, the current drawn from the bat-
assuming that all the converters are operating at full load, where tery is reduced from 500 to 300 mA for a transmitted power of
the efficiency is maximum. Using high-voltage dc distribution 25 dBm.
at 400 V and high-efficiency converters, the overall efficiency GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) devices are
can be increased up to 70%. now being used to demonstrate amplifier efficiencies far in ex-
b) Telecom: A typical radio base station (RBS) with an cess of what can be shown in other technologies. For RF devices,
output power of 120 W has a power consumption of more than recent developments in the GaN HEMT have made it possible
10 kW. This translates into a system efficiency of 1.2%. Fig. 1 to realize highly efficient switch-mode amplifiers at microwave
illustrates the losses in the various subsystems [40]. frequencies. GaN HEMTs allow the use of highly efficient class
1) More than 4 kW is consumed by the power amplifier and E circuit topologies demonstrating high powers >60 W at 2 GHz
an additional 2.2 kW by baseband signal processing, re- with 75% power added efficiency. In broadband WiMax appli-
sulting in only 6% combined efficiency. cations, GaN HEMTs offer very wide bandwidths while meet-
2) The power supply runs at only 85% efficiency due to the ing IEEE802.16e standard with >25% drain efficiency. GaN
low efficiency of the rectifiers. transistors show potential for use in switch-mode applications
3) The climate equipment is responsible for additional losses but are still a long way from being a reliable and cost-effective
of more than 2.5 kW. component for commercial applications.
Most of the techniques presented for data centers can be c) Standby consumption: In standby mode or low-activity
applied to improve the efficiency of the RBS, both for improv- mode, the current is usually orders of magnitude below the
ing the overall efficiency of the facility: dc power distribution, maximum current. Most of the power supplies are designed for
system level power management; or improving the efficiency good efficiency/performance at full load, but not at light load. In
of the IT equipment: communication with the load, increasing standby or in low-activity modes of operation, the power losses
light load efficiency, local power management. But analyzing in the power supplies are dominated by the switching losses
this particular application, there is a large room for improvement instead of the conduction losses, as a consequence, it is desirable

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on June 30,2020 at 19:15:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

to use other modulation schemes different than PWM to increase

the efficiency in this ultra light load conditions to reduce the
switching activity. One possibility is the use of pulse frequency
modulation (PFM) in which the ON time is set constant, and
the duty cycle is controlled decreasing the switching frequency
instead of the ON time. Digital controllers implementing both
PWM and PFM modes are proposed in [57]–[59]. Very low
quiescent current are achieved in both cases for PFM operation:
4 μA in [57] and 3 μA in [59].
Another option is to keep a PWM control but skipping some
pulses when the duty cycle goes below a limit [60]. The final
result is very similar to that obtained using PFM. Apart from
pulse skipping, the compensator law is also adapted depending
on the load. Fig. 2. Power generation 2008 and forecast 2030 [63].
3) Energy Savings Potential:
a) Data centers and servers: The use of advanced power
electronics techniques, like new dc distribution networks, can
lead to a 10% reduction of the required energy. The integration
of ICT technologies and power electronics, improving energy
management, can save an additional 20%, and the implemen-
tation of best practices can lead to a total 50% reduction [61],
which translates into 1% savings of the total electricity con-
b) Telecom industry: Almost 30% reduction of electric
energy consumption can be achieved in RBSs by employing
efficient power electronics technologies such as efficient power
amplifiers and techniques for low consumption in standby mode.
If we take an annual electric energy consumption of a 3G RBS
of 20 MWh, and estimate the number of RBS in Europe to be Fig. 3. Primary energy: future energy mix [64].
20 000 per operator and ∼30 large operators and predict the
growth of 3X until 2010, this gives the total savings of 10 TWh
or ∼0.4% of the total electricity consumption. tion toward a future smart grid integrating distributed power
c) Standby consumption: It has been estimated that the generation, fluctuating renewables and a bidirectional power
total annual energy savings potential for standby consumption flow [65]–[67]. One definition of smart grid is “an electric-
in the EU is 35 TWh [62]. Technologies for achieving 10-mW ity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all
standby power per appliance compared to the typical several users connected to it—generators, consumers, and those that do
watts are already available. both—in order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic, and
secure electricity supplies [68].” Much more than adding ICT
and smart metering to the existing grids, the concept involves
C. Smart Electricity Grids: Including Vehicle to Grid the future evolution of the entire power network, which includes
1) Field Background and Energy Consumption: The trend of the following.
increasing electrification of society will continue in the future as 1) Both transmission and distribution: Smart grids focus on
the generation and consumption of electric power is generally the integration of renewable generation [69], [70], relia-
more efficient, cleaner, and safer than the direct consumption of bility, and efficiency [71], [72] of the grid.
primary energy. We will see a growing electricity energy demand 2) The demand response [73], [74] and the potential of new
in the next decades with an increase of >70% until 2030. In the technologies such as large-scale integration of electric ve-
next 20 years, fossil fuels will continue to be the backbone of hicles (EVs) [75]–[77].
power generation, while renewable energy sources will steadily 3) Both automation control and communication technologies
be gaining in importance, as shown in Fig. 2 [63]. Between [78]–[81] and controllable power devices [7], [69], [82] in
2030 and 2040, when the finiteness of oil and gas resources has the whole value chain from production to consumption.
dramatically increased the price of these fossil fuels, we can Ever increasing fuel prices, and the global energy and climate
expect a substitution by a mix of renewable energy sources (see situation have triggered worldwide investment in electric and
Fig. 3, [64]). hybrid vehicles and increasing penetration of these vehicles
This increasing share of renewables, the demands for a high into the market. Recent advances in battery technologies, raising
quality and availability power supply, and the need to achieve public interest for greener, energy-efficient electric and plug-in
sustainable growth and minimize environmental impact among hybrid EVs (PHEVs), and policy incentives have resulted in
other factors are pushing an evolution of grid design from the plug-in hybrids and all-EVs being on the threshold of serious
traditional unidirectional grid with centralized power genera- market introduction. The U.S. government has committed to

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a goal of one million plug-in EVs in the next five years. In

Europe, the German government announced a national platform
on electric mobility to put a million plug-in cars on the roads
by 2020, France intends to have one hundred thousand EVs on
the road by 2012, and The Netherlands is aiming at have one
million electric cars on the roads by 2020 [83], [84].
2) Energy Savings Technologies: The key elements of smart
grids [65] are as follows.
1) Integration of renewables.
2) Efficiency and reliability. Fig. 4. Fuel consumption: conventional versus hybrid vehicles [98].
3) Demand response.
4) Integration of electric vehicles.
Power electronics is an enabling technology for all these ele- are a large load, which is ready for demand-side management.
ments responsible for increasing controllability in transmission They can use surplus electricity during night hours to charge
and distribution grids and adapting new generation and storage the battery. In the next step, the batteries in the EVs can be
to the grid [85]. Power electronics is essential for integrating used as distributed energy storage capacity to stabilize the grid,
variable-speed wind power generation units to achieve high ef- enabling a higher share of fluctuating renewable energies in the
ficiency and high performance in power systems [86]. Power grid. ICTs including power electronics is the key technology for
electronic converters are used to match the characteristics of e-mobility, to meet the challenges on the vehicle side as well as
wind turbines with the requirements of grid connections, in- on the grid side, providing a bidirectional flow of energy and
cluding frequency, voltage, control of active and reactive power, information between the electric car and the grid.
harmonics, etc. Furthermore, power electronic converters may 3) Energy Savings Potential: Fig. 4 shows the fuel consump-
control the turbine rotation speed to get the maximum possible tion of a midsize passenger vehicle for highway and city driv-
power by means of a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) ing, comparing conventional cars with an internal combustion
algorithm. Power electronics is also crucial in connecting large engine (diesel and petrol) with the corresponding hybrid vehi-
wind farms to the grids performing frequency and voltage con- cles [98]. In the city driving mission profile, a 50% reduction in
trol, regulation of active and reactive power, quick responses fuel consumption can be achieved. Dickerman and Harrison [75]
under power system transient, and dynamic situations. estimate that a hybrid EV with a 65 km range could eliminate
In the case of PV systems, power electronics is necessary for the need for more than 65% of petrol consumed by a traditional
converting the output dc voltage of the panels to the ac voltage petrol vehicle.
of the grid and for maximizing energy capture of the panels. Fig. 5 shows a benchmark of efficiencies for different sce-
Variety of PV systems configurations exist, from centralized narios of future drive train concepts: conventional ICE vehicle,
inverter, string inverter, to distributed configurations with dc/dc PHEV, battery EV, and fuel cell EV [99], [100]. The calcula-
converters or inverters on the panel level. By introducing power tion of efficiencies of EVs in this comparison starts from the
electronic converters with advanced control and MPPT at the electricity, and therefore, does not include the efficiencies of the
panel level, the energy output of the array (exposed to shade) different power plants for electricity generation. Compared to
can be significantly improved [87], [88] and as much as 50% of the fuel cell option, with an overall efficiency of about 20%,
the lost energy can be reclaimed. In fact, due to the way that PV the concept of e-vehicle using electric energy storage has three
string panels operate and the fact that the string current has to times better efficiency (65%). Comparing the physical efficien-
be the same for all panels in the string, as little as 10% shade on cies of combustion engines and electric drives is a delicate issue
an array (e.g., if 50% of one PV panel in a string of five panels because the result strongly depends on the energy mix used
is shaded) can result in as much as 50% lost energy [89], [90]. for electricity generation. The internal combustion engine has
Looking at reliability and efficiency, power electronics is an efficiency of <35% (under ideal conditions, in city driving
crucial here too. Efficient long-distance HVdc transmission <20%), while an electric drive has an efficiency of >90%. When
and power quality solutions such as static var compensator comparing fuel consumption or CO2 emissions, one also has to
(SVC) and STATCOMs are all power electronics technolo- consider the energy source for electricity generation, whether
gies [91]–[94]. VSDs in hydro stations improve efficiency by it is coal, gas, oil, nuclear power, or renewable energies from
controlling the turbine speed. Use of power electronics, com- wind, solar, or water energy.
munication, and automation is the key to innovative solutions It is clear that, in comparison with the other three application
for operating modern power systems with improved reliability areas, the main energy savings here is not in electric energy,
and power quality. but in the reduction of oil consumption. As a matter of fact, a
Power electronics is an enabling technology for the devel- widespread use of PHEV and battery EVs will increase the total
opment of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles and their inte- electricity consumption.
gration to the grid [95]–[97]. It is a crucial part of the (fast)
battery-charging system and drive train. The move to a more
electric mobility will challenge the electric grids. An infrastruc- D. Industrial Drives
ture is needed to charge the EVs from the grid, which has to 1) Field Background and Energy Consumption: Electric
supply the energy for this additional load. The EVs and PHEVs motors and drive systems are widely present, their applications

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Fig. 5. Vehicle efficiency comparison.

ranging from the low power area in home appliances over

medium power in industrial and automotive up to the large greater than 90% of the total lifecycle costs. In the case of pump-
megawatt power in the field of generation. In the EU, motor- driven systems, the lifecycle cost breakdown is: energy 80%,
driven systems are among the largest consumers of industrial purchase 8%, and maintenance 12% [27]. It is estimated that it
electric energy, accounting for around 65% of the total EU in- is feasible to have VSDs installed in 40%–50% of all motor-
dustrial electricity consumption [101]. Given the fact that indus- driven systems. The total savings potential is then estimated to
try consumes around 41% of total electricity, this translates into be 30%–40% or even up to 70%, depending on the application,
27% of the total electricity consumption. The main applications operation, and load cycle. Combining all these figures, the total
of industrial drives are pumps, fans, and compressors. Motor- electric energy savings potential of VSDs is about 5%–6% of
driven systems consume 38% of the tertiary sector electricity current consumption.
consumption in the EU, which translates into more than 10%
of the total electricity consumption [102]. In the U.S., motor E. Total Energy Savings Potential
systems in the residential sector use 13.1% of total U.S. elec-
tricity consumption, in the commercial sector 11.3%, and in the Table I shows the summary of the estimated energy savings
industrial sector around 25%, which adds up to around 50% of potential that can be achieved by introducing power electronics
the total electricity consumption [103]. into systems in the shown areas. If the savings in the three fields
2) Energy Savings Technologies: The majority of motors are are added up (the last column in the table), it can be seen that
still run at fixed speed regardless of the load. A throttling valve the total energy savings potential in these application fields only
on a pump, for example, is used to regulate pump output. An is enormous: 25% of the current EU electricity consumption.
analogy would be operating a car with the accelerator pedal It should be noted that the table does not include energy
pushed to the floor and regulating the vehicle speed by applying savings potential in the field of e-mobility. The reason for this
the brake. Nowadays, a lot of unintelligent fixed-speed drives is twofold: firstly, the energy savings presented in the table are
can be substituted economically by electric VSDs due to high electrical energy savings, while in the case of (hybrid) EVs, the
automation and flexibility in production, maintenance-free, self- energy savings is primarily in the reduction of oil consumption.
adjusting operation, and reduced energy costs during operation. Furthermore, a widespread use of (hybrid) EVs would increase
The energy saving potential of installing VSDs in motor systems the electricity consumption.
comes from the ability to control the motor speed to match the
output with the system needs. The main part of a VSD is a power III. CHALLENGES AND TECHNOLOGY GAPS
electronic inverter that supplies variable frequency voltage to the
A. Buildings and Lighting
motor, thus, changing its speed. This is particularly beneficial in
fluid and motion applications such as pumps and fans, where the There are already available technological solutions that can
flow or speed varies over time. For these variable torque loads, provide significant savings in energy consumption in buildings
the affinity laws [104] state that the shaft power is proportional and lighting. However, there are major barriers to the introduc-
to the flow rate to the power of three. Hence, if a rotodynamic tion and retrofitting of these energy-efficient fixtures and appli-
pump is slowed by 10%, the energy demand will be only around ances. Although some solutions are already available, further
70% of the energy at full speed, and for the speed reduction of R&D is required to close technology gaps and further improve
50%, the energy demand will go down to 12% of the energy energy savings.
demand at full load [105]. The main challenges that must be addressed to surmount the
3) Energy Savings Potential: Variable-speed electric drives barriers to market penetration are as follows.
account for 15%–20% of all motor drives in Europe (12% in 1) Reduce cost of energy-efficient light sources (especially
Germany, 5% worldwide) within the industry field. Due to the CFL and SSL). Lower cost will improve market penetra-
additional cost of VSDs and the type of process, it is not always tion, in particular, for domestic applications.
feasible to implement them in all motor-driven systems. The 2) Produce SSL sources [LED/organic LED (OLED)] suit-
feasibility measure is cost effectiveness, translated into the total able for direct replacement of existing ones (incandescent
lifecycle cost. As regards the total lifecycle of motor-driven lamps, fluorescent tubes, CFL bulbs, etc.) without the need
systems, energy costs during the operation of the drive are often of external cooling.

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3) Reduce energy consumption of HVAC systems are still a functionality to be programmed as a function of the oper-
large energy consumer, even when energy-efficient sys- ation conditions.
tems with continuous control are employed.
4) Reduce cost of installation and maintenance of building
energy management systems, both for “greenfield” and C. Smart Electricity Grids: Including Vehicle to Grid
“brownfield” deployment. The transition from the traditional unidirectional grid with
To accomplish these challenges, several technologies are centralized power generation toward a future smart grid
required. integrating distributed power generation, fluctuating renewables
1) Low-cost high-efficiency (>150 lm/W) solid-state light and a bidirectional power flow, is not abrupt but an evolution-
sources (LED, OLED, plasma, sodium, etc.). ary process. Compared to other power electronics applications,
2) High-efficiency (>95%) LED/OLED drivers. e.g., in power supplies, automotive, or industrial systems, the
3) Low-cost, self-powered sensors suitable for retrofitting. timeline for changes is quite long, in the range of decades. The
4) Low-loss (<2%) electric actuators. reason for this slow movement lies in the energy-related in-
frastructure of power generation, transmission, and distribution
with its gigantic infrastructure costs and lead times for planning,
B. Power Supplies
legal approval, and construction of this infrastructure.
Probably, the main challenge for power supplies for improv- Furthermore, changes are not necessarily market or technol-
ing the energy efficiency usage of a given technology is to think ogy driven, but strongly influenced by politics and general trends
of the power supply as a controlled source that can be adapted in society. Some examples underlining this statement are the
to the supply requirements of the device as a function of its discussions on using or abandoning nuclear energy or the sub-
operation mode (e.g., DVS for microprocessor or EER for RF sidization of wind and solar power via the electricity tariff.
amplifiers). The main change is not to try to push the efficiency Therefore, engineers have to develop and provide the tech-
of the power supply itself, but to look at the global efficiency nical solutions necessary to enable the evolution of grid design
of the system. This change in the power supply requirements toward future smart grids, but the implementation process itself
will pose new challenges for their design, especially in those is strongly influenced by social and political factors.
applications in which the supply voltage has to be adaptively The main technological challenges in the field of smart grids
changed at very high speed. that are relevant to power electronics are as follows.
Although the challenges and associated technology gaps are 1) Increasing share of fluctuating renewables: both on the
dependent on the application, there are some common issues transmission and distribution level. The intermittent nature
that provide important benefits for most of the applications. of wind and solar generation and the lack of correlation
1) Power supplies on chip: The integration of the power sup- with the variability of the load pose operational challenges
ply on the same chip as the load opens new doors for the for the transmission grid and require additional measures
application of local power management (controlling the to maintain reliability and operational requirements.
digital parts that are supplied according to the workload) 2) Distributed power generation (microgrids): including is-
or different internal supply buses. sues such as load sharing, power factor control, and power
2) Reduction of standby losses: This requires the research quality management.
on devices and circuits and technologies with low leakage 3) Demand response, balancing load to supply: coordinated
currents. control of a large number of loads and security issues.
3) Reliability: To increase the reliability and utilization of 4) Integration of EVs: plug-in vehicles will represent a sig-
distributed power systems, research has to be focused on nificant new load on the existing distribution networks.
fault-tolerant architectures and autoreconfigurable power On the other hand, they will offer capabilities for shaping
distribution. Additionally, modeling and simulation tools the distribution system load.
are necessary to help in the selection and optimization of 5) Efficiency and reliability of the grid and power quality:
these architectures. increasing grid capacity and stability, managing the in-
4) Modularity: To improve the scalability and reduce the fluence of renewable energy sources, demand response,
development cost, high configurable power modules with storage devices, and EVs on grid reliability.
current sharing capabilities are needed. The technology and capability gaps that need to be closed to
5) Standardization: The generation of standard interfaces, meet these challenges are as follows.
packages, and communication protocols shared by man- 1) Low-loss, long-distance HVdc power transmission,
ufacturers will help in the reduction of costs and in the meshed HVdc overlay grids.
deployment of new architectures. 2) MVdc grids with high power dc/dc converters.
6) High power density: To improve space utilization, the 3) Control of micro- and supergrids (island mode and normal
research on HF topologies and devices, improved cooling grid mode).
systems, will allow the reduction of the size of the power 4) Remote monitoring and control of solar and wind farms.
supplies. 5) Bidirectional flow of power and information.
7) Power management: To optimize the energy efficiency at 6) Power and ICT interface between the grid and the
system level, it is necessary to establish communication appliances.
protocols for the converters and provide them with the 7) EV charging load management.

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8) Intelligent bidirectional power interface between EV and 6) Sophisticated control platforms and integration of self-
grid. powered sensors with wireless communication: by en-
9) High-power semiconductors enabling high voltage (10 abling complex control tasks, automated startup, and
kV), high currents, and high temperature based on Si de- extended parameter identification procedures; control,
vices or wide bandgap devices (SiC, GaN). lifetime monitoring, and prediction of critical components,
10) Packaging challenges associated with high-power (ther- enabling plant monitoring and process energy consump-
mal expansion, insulation clearances etc), thermal man- tion via wireless communication would increase reliabil-
agement. ity, availability, and robustness of VSDs.
11) Solid-state transformers: advanced (soft switching) 7) New converter topologies or configurations: In MV drives,
topologies for high efficiency power solid-state transform- minimization or avoidance of gears, transformers, and fil-
ers for distribution purposes. ters, as well as increase of voltage and power of PWM
12) Next generation of multilevel power conversion to inter- converters are among the main challenges for system effi-
face with conventional ac power systems. ciency and power density.
13) New design environments and real-time digital simulators 8) Redundancy concepts (electric machines, converter, con-
for power electronics control. trol) and analysis of reliability and robustness includ-
14) Smart integrated module as a building block for new dis- ing design for reliability are critical for the reliability
tribution system architecture. challenge.


D. Industrial Drives In this paper, the energy savings potential of wider adoption
of power electronics in four key application areas is assessed. A
The critical challenges for increasing the market penetration review of energy-saving power electronics technologies is pre-
of VSDs in motor-driven systems are cost (both equipment costs sented and the main technological gaps in realizing the savings
and running costs) and legislation. The main challenges from potential are identified.
the user side are cost (economic factor), reliability (critical in However, even when energy-efficient power-electronics-
existing and emerging applications), and power density (impor- based technologies exist, it does not automatically mean that
tant for successful integration of VSDs in systems). Efficiency is they will be implemented due to the complex interaction among
also important, but since VSDs are already very efficient (97%– the four drivers toward a future of sustainable energy: technol-
98%), more attention has to be paid to the rest of the system ogy, economy, policy, and public acceptance. The other three
(motor, end load). drivers are necessary for successful market penetration and thus
The main technology gaps to be closed to meet the challenges exploitation of the significant energy efficiency potential. The
are as follows. legal and regulatory framework is crucial to the adoption and
1) New semiconductor materials with broad applications exploitation of energy-efficient technologies. The importance
(SiC, GaN): Due to their properties, these devices al- of energy efficiency is well recognized within the framework of
low for lower losses and thus higher efficiency. Possibly a sustainable energy future in energy policies worldwide. Ta-
even more important, these devices can operate at much ble II in the Appendix gives an overview of selected Research
higher operating temperature, which translates into better and Technological Development (RTD) and non-RTD policies
semiconductor utilization and less semiconductor mate- and standards that are relevant to power electronics technology
rial, which brings the cost down. If one takes into account development and market penetration worldwide.
that, for example, ∼50% of the cost in MV drives is power The cost is a dominant issue for both purchase and installa-
semiconductors, the benefits are clear. tion, especially in the case of retrofitting. In spite of the short
2) New packaging and interconnection technologies (high- economic payback time of some applications, economic barriers
temperature properties, etc.): This issue goes together are still present. These include payback time being considered
with the high-temperature semiconductors. Furthermore, too long, lack of awareness, reluctance to change working pro-
interconnection technologies that allow for double-sided cess, split budgets, etc. Further reduction of power electronics
cooling lend themselves to better thermal management cost through standardization, integration, and automated man-
and higher power densities. ufacturing is needed. Furthermore, new business models, often
3) High-temperature technologies such as high-temperature on the system level (i.e., buildings, factories), are needed.
passives (power capacitors for high temperatures Public acceptance is a powerful means of advancing technol-
>150 ◦ C), high-temperature insulation materials, etc.: ogy takeup and development. In order for the general public to
again goes together with higher operating temperature of accept a technology and business model that radically changes
the system enabled by high-temperature semiconductors. their understanding and acceptance of a basic service, significant
4) Cooling technology: Thermal management is a crucial part education must take place. Environmental awareness is already
of the system since it influences the cost, power density, present, but the potential contribution of power electronics to a
and reliability. High-performance cooling technologies al- sustainable energy solution is not known to the general public.
low for small volumes and high power densities but are For example, PV systems are well known for their green energy
expensive. epithet. Few know that the energy payback of power electronics
5) 3-D integration: including passive components, necessary systems through energy savings is a couple of months, while the
for achieving high-power densities. PV systems energy payback is 1–1.5 years.
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European Commission, national officials, etc. M. Kezunovic, T. J. Overbye, P. K. Sen, and D. J. Tylavsky, “Key technical
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Jelena Popović-Gerber (M’03) received the Dipl. Thomas Harder received the diploma degree in
Ing. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engi- physics from the University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
neering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, He has more than 15 years of experience in pack-
in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree from the Delft Uni- aging and interconnection technologies for microsys-
versity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in tems and multichip modules. He was a Researcher
2005. in the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology
From 2005 to 2011, she was with the Euro- (ISIT), Itzehoe, Germany. Since 2003, he has been the
pean Center for Power Electronics (ECPE), firstly General Manager of European Center for Power Elec-
as a Technology Transfer Coordinator for one of tronics, an industry-driven research network, Nurem-
the ECPE demonstrator programs “Industrial Drives– berg, Germany.
System Integration,” and then working on various
strategic activities related to power-electronics-enabled energy efficiency in-
cluding the setting up of the European Technology and Innovation Platform
“Electronics for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (EEESy).” Since 2008,
she has been an Assistant Professor in Power Electronics at the Delft Univer-
sity of Technology. Her research interests include packaging and integration in
power electronics, and energy efficiency enabled by power electronics.

José A. Cobos (M’94) received the Masters and

Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Tech-
nical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in
1989 and 1994, respectively.
Since 2001, he has been a Professor at UPM. His
contributions are focused in the field of power supply
systems for telecom, aerospace, industrial, automo-
tive, and medical applications. In 2006, he founded
the research center Centro de Electrónica Industrial
(CEI-UPM), leading a strong industrial program in
Jesús Ángel Oliver (M’00) received the M.S. and power electronics, with technology transfer through
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Uni- more than 50 direct R&D contracts with companies in Europe, USA, Australia,
versidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in and China. The CEI-UPM was awarded among the top 5 European univer-
1996 and 2007, respectively. sities by the European Power Supply Manufacturers Association in 2007, and
In 1996, he was a Visiting Scholar at Center for awarded with the “UPM Technology transfer award” in 2006. He has advised 13
Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Tech. In 2000, Doctoral dissertations, and is the author or coauthor of more than 200 technical
he held a summer internship at GE R&D, Schenec- papers and holds 6 patents. His research interests include energy efficiency in
tady, NY. Since 2001, he has been an Assistant Pro- microprocessors and RF amplifiers, magnetic components, piezoelectric trans-
fessor of Electrical Engineering at the Universidad formers, transcutaneous energy transfer, and dynamic power management.
Politécnica de Madrid, where he became Associate Dr. Cobos received the UPM Research and Development Award for faculty
Professor in 2007. He has been actively involved in less than 35 years of age, and the Richard Bass Outstanding Young Power Elec-
more than 60 R&D projects for companies in Europe, U.S., and Australia. He tronics Award of the IEEE (2000). For many years, he has been cooperating
is the author or coauthor of more than over 100 technical papers and holds 3 with the IEEE and other professional associations, as a Reviewer, Session Chair,
patents. His research interests include modeling and control of power electron- Topic Chair, and Associate Editor of journals and conferences. He is currently
ics converters and systems, and high dynamic response power converters for RF the Associate Editor of the TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS and Asso-
applications and energy-efficient applications. ciate Editor of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) letters. From 2001
to 2006, he was an AdCom member of the IEEE as a Chair of the Technical
Committee on DC Power Supply Systems.

Michael Hayes received the B.E. degree in electri-

Nicolás Cordero received the M.Eng.Sc. (Micro-
cal engineering from University College Cork, Cork,
electronics) degree from the Technical University of
Ireland, in 1987, and the Master’s degree in planar
Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 1990.
magnetics from National Microelectronics Research
In 1990, he was a Research Engineer at the Centre (now Tyndall), Cork, in 1994.
Tyndall National Institute (formerly NMRC), Cork,
From 1987 to 2006, he was with Artesyn Tech-
Ireland. Since 2000, he has been engaged in research
nologies, an electronics company. In 2008, he joined
on thermal management of electronic/photonic de-
Tyndall as a Program Manager, where he is engaged
vices, components and systems, especially for power in coordinating activites across several projects on
electronic applications, and also worked on modeling
intelligent sensors for wireless networks applications
of photovoltaic components and systems. He is cur-
in building energy management. He is also engaged
rently Staff Researcher at Tyndall National Institute,
in research on energy harvesting techniques.
University College Cork.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on June 30,2020 at 19:15:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Seán Cian O’Mathuna (M’05–SM’11) received the Erich Prem received the graduate engineering and
B.E., M.Eng.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the National the Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Tech-
University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland, in 1981, 1984, nical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria, and the
and 1994, respectively. Diplomierter Wirtschaftstechniker (DWT) graduate
From 1982 to 1993, he was the Comanager of degree in managerial economics and the MBA de-
the Interconnection and Packaging Group, National gree in general management from Donau University,
Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), Univer- Krems, Austria.
sity College Cork, Cork, where he was a Senior Re- He is currently the CEO of eutema Technology
search Scientist. In 1993, he joined PEI Technolo- Management, Vienna, Austria. He is also a Lecturer
gies, NMRC, as the Technical/Commercial Direc- at the University of Vienna. He was a Researcher at
tor, where he was engaged in power packaging, pla- the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelli-
nar/integrated magnetics, and product qualification. In 1997, he rejoined NMRC gence, and a Guest Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He
as a Group Director where he was involved in microsystems. In 1999, he was has a scientific background in artificial intelligence and epistemology. For the
appointed as an Assistant Director for NMRC, where he was involved in micro- last 10 years, he has been involved in research management and policy with a
electronics integration with research themes in ambient electronics biomedical focus on information and communications technology (ICT) research strategy.
microsystems, and energy processing for integrated circuit technology. He is He is the author or coauthor of more than 45 scientific articles.
currently a Director of the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, which incorporates Dr. Prem is an experienced coordinator of many international projects in ICT
NMRC and other research groups from University College Cork and Cork In- research and technology management.
stitute of Technology.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on June 30,2020 at 19:15:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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