Core Modules

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Allows the user to ban any specific IP address if they are suspicious of any malicious activities or any copyright
infringement issues.

Implementation steps:

Steps to create BAN

1.To ban an IP address:

1. Navigate to /admin/config/people/ip-blocking
2. Enter an IP address (for example,
3. Click add.

2.To remove a ban from an IP address:

1. Navigate to the ban page (see above).
2. Beside an IP address, click delete.

NO dependencies.

Configuration settings for this permission are by default provided to the administrator but he can can configure
this module in the permissions section to allow anonymous users and authenticated users to ban IP addresses


The module is like a guide line for users who are new to Drupal. The tour provides useful information about all the
features and elements of Drupal. It also guide the users and explains the key contents of the web site.
For all the guest visitors to the site Drupal developers can also tour API to manually create their own tours to
guide users through the site.

There are dependencies for a tour to be available. There should be a tour button visible in the toolbar and to see
a Tour users must have the permissions “Access tour”.
The module also requires Java script to be enable in the browser.

Implementation steps:

Steps to create own tour:

 adding a YAML document to your module's config/optional folder

 naming the file according to the pattern:
 write the yml file according to the structure:
 id - The ID of the tour
 module - The name of your module
 langcode - The language of the tour. We have configuration schemas now so config entities will
eventually be translatable.
 label - A name for the tour - these aren't used in core but will be leveraged by the Tour UI
module which is under active development
 routes- An array of routes for which the tour is active. Specify these as an array with
route_name and optional route_params (also an array). Route names are found in each
module's routing.yml file.
 tips - An array of tip plugin configuration to comprise the tour:
 tip id
 id: tip id
 plugin: text
 label: 'Your title'
 body: 'The main text of the tour bubble'
 weight: (integer) the order in which the bubbles will appear
 location: (top/bottom/left/right) position of the bubble relative to the target
 attributes: either data-class or data-id specifying the id or class where the bubble
should appear

Configuration settings:

Administrators can configures this modules to allow anonymous and authenticated users to access the tour.
Without this permission, the tour button will not be available in the toolbar.



The coffee module helps you to navigate through the druopal admin faster. Just type alt+d to start coffee and
type ahead for the page you want to visit. It basically provides a search box to
navigate within your site.


Implementation steps:

Toggle Coffee using the keyboard shortcut alt + D

(alt + shift + D in Opera, alt + ctrl + D in Windows Internet Explorer). You can also use use the alternative alt + k.
Type the first few characters of the task that you want to perform. Coffee will try to find the right result in as less
characters as possible. For example, if you want to go the the Appearance admin page, type ap and just hit
If your query returns multiple results, you can use the arrow up/down keys to choose the result you were looking
This will work for all admin pages. In addition to that, there is the :add command to quickly add content of a
specific content type.

Configuration settings:
Select the menus that should be used by Coffee to search
Main navigation
User account menu

Maximum Numbers of items to show in the search results .



The module allows a “follow us” functionality to link our profiles on various purposes networking sites like
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

No dependencies


Install as usual as installing a blog, just select what vision of the page you wish to display this information.


The module has no special configuration. All settings are available in the block settings:
 admin/ Structure/ Block
 The supported social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google Plus.


Adds as the google analytics web statistics breaking system to your websites.

The module allows you to add the following statistics features to your site:
 Single/multi/cross domain tracking
 Selectively track/exclude certain users, roles and pages
 Monitor what type of links are tracked (downloads, outgoing and mailto)
 Monitor what files are downloaded from your pages.
 Customer dimensions and matrix support with tokens
 Custom code snippets
 Site Search support
 AdSense support
 Demographics and Interests support (formerly known as DoubleClick remarketing support)
 Anonymize visitors IP address
 DoNotTrack support (non-cached content only)
 Drupal messages tracking
 Modal dialog tracking (colobox)
 Access denied (403) and Page not found (404) tracking
 Cache the Google Analytics code on your local server for improved page loading times
 Enhanced Link Attribution support
 User ID tracking across devices
 Changing URL fragments can be tracked as pageviews
 Debug mode with analytics_debug.js

The user needs to have drupal version of 8.0-3.0 and he needs to have google analytic accounts.


Just Install the module as usual and the module section and then in the setting page enter google analytic
account number.

Configuration setting

The user can configure the module to do “page specific tracking”. Users can also configure the block visibility
settings of this module in drupal core

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