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Attend the LSU College of Agriculture Career Fair.
Explore  Describe 
What companies are attending that you are  I am interested in talking to Dillard's, Victoria's Secret, and
interested in talking to?  Express.

What information have you researched  I researched what positions they offered to new graduates with

about these companies?  and without experience beforehand. I also looked at current
employee's Handshake pages to see what qualifications they
had, and see if we shared skills or previous experiences. I also
researched each of these company's values and missions to
see if they matched with mine.

Question 1:  What is the typical work week like as an employee? Will I be

expected to travel? What about working overtime?

"While there are opportunities to travel, it is not expected. As

with anything, you will have your say in what you are willing or
not willing to do. There are certain expectations for what should
be completed each week. There is not an outrageous workload
but whatever is not completed in usual working hours, will have
to be completed through overtime."
Question 2:   How does Victoria's Secret support its employees as they look to
grow and level up their responsibilities in the company?

"Victoria's Secret has really nailed motivating their employees to do

their best work. Not only does the job come with tangible perks but it
also allows for employees to work their way up. If you're interested in
a certain position, or believe yourself ready for certain
responsibilities, they are more than willing to hear you out and
consider what you are saying. That is one thing I have loved about
working here and I think others can appreciate it to. By speaking up
at this company, you are letting your voice be heard, and they do an
amazing job at listening and accommodating you."
Question 3:  What have you enjoyed while working at Dillard's?

"I loved getting the chance to give my input and participate in

meetings and negotiations with vendors. I was surprised at how
much my input and ideas were valued by management. I also loved
the work culture and environment at the office. Everybody is super
friendly and inclusive, and the employees really strive to help you
learn as much as possible. I spent the summer shadowing one of
the buyers, and getting to live the day-to-day life of an actual
employee was one of my favorite parts. I was treated more like a
coworker and not an outsider, which was very valuable to me."

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