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Lauren Crawley

An Introduction to PowerPoint 2007


During slideshow, select a box to jump to a subject:

1 Getting started - inserting slides, slide designs and backgrounds

2 Inserting shapes, graphics, Smart Art, tables, sounds and movies

3 Using custom animations

4 Hiding and revealing objects in a slide

5 Setting up a PowerPoint show using transitions

6 Handy tips and tricks when creating presentations

7 Advanced PowerPoint
Getting started

Take a minute to explore the tabs above and look at the options available
under each one.

Pressing this will take you back to the contents

page at any time during the slideshow.

Creating a presentation
When you launch PowerPoint your screen will look like this.
All of the tools you need are on the ribbon (highlighted) and
many are self-explanatory.

Slide sorter: here you can navigate between your

slides and also move or delete slides

To type text simply

click the box. You can
edit text just as you
would in word using
the “home” tab.

You may also want to start with a blank slide

and add your own text boxes and images.
Insert a new slide by selecting “new slide” and
choosing “blank slide”.
Inserting a new slide
A slide is a single page of your presentation.
They are the canvas on to which you will insert text, images and objects.

1. Home
2. New slide

3. Select the slide layout you

would like.
If you select “blank slide” you
can insert your own text
boxes or images.
If you choose a
content slide
you will be able
to type bullet
points into the
text box.

Inserting a text box
A text box is an editable space into which you can type.
This is best used on a blank slide since other layouts provide areas to type.

1. Insert
2. Text box

3. Draw a text box on anywhere on your slide; you can move it afterwards.

5. Resize your text box by clicking once

and dragging the sides or corners 1
Adding a design or theme
Once you have inserted your slide you can add a ready-made design to your

• By hovering your mouse over the designs you can view a preview of the
design before applying it to your presentation.

• Here you can also edit the page setup and slide orientation as well as
change the slide background (which I will demonstrate next).

Changing the slide background
A shortcut can be used here: right-click on the slide away from any
textboxes and click format background (fig. 1).


Here are your

background fill

Click “close” to apply to

current slide or “apply to
all” if you want every slide
the same.
Inserting a shape
Shapes are useful because you can type in them and
use them to hide and reveal objects objects.

1. Insert 2. Shapes
3. Select your
shape and draw
anywhere; you can
move, edit and
resize it afterwards

To edit your shape double click it.
Here are your options:

Tip: Change which object is on top using “bring to front”/”send to

back” since the last object you added is automatically in front.
Put text into your shape by right-clicking and selecting edit text.
You can also group objects together so that they behave as one object. 2
Inserting other objects
There are lots of different objects that you can insert
into your presentation. There are pre-loaded objects or you
can insert an object from a file.
Double-clicking an object once you have inserted it will give
you all the options you need to edit your object.

Title Title
Data Data
Five Two

Data Data

Four Three
Inserting sounds and movies
PowerPoint comes with some pre-prepared sounds and movies or
you can insert some from a CD or from the network.

Select this to insert a sound from the


Inserting an object from the Internet
Google Images is a very useful place to search for images
to insert into your presentation

You can right click the image and copy then paste it
into your presentation (Ctrl+V).

Or you can Print screen (Prt Sc), paste (Ctrl+V) onto a

2. slide and crop. This is helpful if you can’t copy an
image for some reason.

Crop tool
This removes any unwanted parts from your image.
Double click on your image to make the crop option

Custom Animation
The sky is the limit when you start using animations!
As well as jazzing up your presentation and drawing
attention to specific points, animation can be used to
do more sophisticated things, some are demonstrated
in the advanced PowerPoint section.

Animating bullet points
This is useful for presenting information bullet-by-bullet

• You can make your

• Bullet points
• Appear one
• by one

1. Animations 2. Highlight bulleted text and

select “by first level paragraphs”.

Animating a text box or other object
You can make any object appear, disappear or move in any way you wish.

First draw your text box or image This interface will appear:
then select custom animation.

Select Add Effect to see animation

options or select More Effects to
find the full list of animations
Once you have added your animation, you can
edit how your object appears, the order of your
animations and whether the animation starts on
click, with previous [animation] or after.

This brings up more advanced

animation options –
experiment with these!

This means that you will see a

preview of your animation as
you add it.
If you have a complicated set of animations it’s
worth previewing the slide to check them.
ma sœur
mon frère

mes tantes

mon père ma mère

mes grands-parents 3
Revealing hidden text using animation
Insert an object over the text you want to reveal, select the object.
Animations  custom animation  add effect  exit  select an animation.

my mum ma mère
my dad mon père
my sister ma sœur
my brother mon frère
my grandma ma grand-mère
my grandad mon grand-père

Quick Tip: You can select an object and press Ctrl+D to copy
and paste it. If you have already animated it it will copy the
animation too (you may have to change it to exit “on click” if you
don’t want them all to disappear at once! 4
Slide transitions are the visual movements as one slide changes to another.
Transition options are found under the animations tab.

Selecting this
gives you all of
your transition
options. Below

Each of the choices in the listing of transitions can be seen as a Live Preview.
In Normal View (the view used to edit a slide) rolling your mouse cursor over
any of the transitions will give you a live preview of how the transition looks. 5
Transitions continued…
You have three decisions to make regarding transition style; associating a
sound with the transition, transition speed, and whether to apply the
transition to a single slide or to all of the slides in your show.

This button gives you
your sound options.
Speed The default speed of a
transition is fast.

The transition will apply to the current slide

Apply to all slides or just one
only unless you select 

You can also set the length of time that each slide will be
displayed on the screen before advancing to the next slide.
Handy tricks and tips
Some keyboard shortcuts to help you on your way!

During a presentation
 Spacebar or Click the mouse moves to the next slide or next animation
 Press B to blacken the screen during a presentation or W to whiten it
 Ctrl + P gives you a pen to draw on a slide (Esc will return to your cursor).
 Press the desired slide number + enter on the keyboard to jump to that

During Normal View

 F5 Starts the presentation from the beginning
 Prt Sc copies an image of whatever is on the current screen to the clipboard
 Ctrl + Z undoes the last action you did
 Ctrl + C copies highlighted text or an object
 Ctrl + V pastes the last item added to the clipboard
 Ctrl + D copies and pastes in one action
Using Presenter View
You can display the full screen slide show on your projector whilst you have
Normal View on your computer screen.

1 2

Slide Show tab > Set up Slide Show > Show Presenter View

Printing slides
You have a number of options when printing slides.
A good option is the one below since it leaves room
to make notes and prints 3 slides to a page.

Print what  handouts 

Slides per page  3.
Advanced PowerPoint
The following slides will help you to get the most out of
PowerPoint in the classroom by using some of the more
complicated features.

Advanced PowerPoint techniques

Select a box to jump to a subject:

i Hyperlinks I – jump to a page on the internet

ii Hyperlinks II – jump to another page in the presentation/file on computer

iii Using action buttons to add Hyperlinks

iv Using custom animations to insert a basic timer

v Using custom animations to add a tickertape

vi Using the developer tab to embed a Youtube video into your presentation

vii Using the developer tab to enable typing during a presentation

Inserting a Hyperlink
Hyperlinks enable you to jump to a page on the Internet, to
another page in your presentation or to another file on your
computer or network. Hyperlinks can be text or images.

1 Hyperlink to a page on the Internet

BBC Bitesize

1. Copy (highlight text  Ctrl C) the internet page from the

address bar
2. Paste (Ctrl + V) it anywhere on your slide
3. You may need to press space bar after the final / to
activate it. Hyperlink will turn blue when activated.
4. You can edit the text afterwards

Quick Tip: You can turn any object or text box into a
hyperlink by right-clicking it and selecting Hyperlink. 7
Inserting a Hyperlink using action buttons
This is one way of several to add a link to another page
in your presentation or to another file on the computer/network.

2 Hyperlink to another page in your presentation/file on your computer.

1. Under insert>shape you will find a
number of “action buttons” (fig. 1)
2. When you draw your shape you will be
presented automatically with fig. 2.

3. Choose (from a large list of options) what

you would like your shape to be hyperlinked
I find it useful to link to my listening activities
in which case I would link to other file and
2. find the listening activity on the G drive. 7
3 Hyperlink to another page in your presentation/file. Method 2.

1. Insert your shape or select the text box you want to

become a hyperlink.
2. Right-click > Hyperlink

3. You will be presented with a number of options:

Choose the slide you want to view

when the hyperlink is clicked.
I have hyperlinked to answers
which I placed at the end of the

Creating basic timers using animation
You will need a shape that is circular or rectangular. I will
look at a circular shape first of all.

1. Draw your circle

2. Custom animation>add effect>exit>wheel
3. Now you need to edit the animation by
clicking effect options (fig.1)
4. Change the animation to 1 spoke (fig .2)
5. Next change the timing for however long
you want the timer to last (fig. 3)

See the next slide for my example. 7

30 seconds!
I filled the circle with the
image of a bomb I saved to
my computer from Google

Creating basic timers using animation
Instructions for a rectangular timer
1. Draw a rectangle and type a duration e.g
30 seconds. Format it so it has “no fill” but
a solid outline.
2. Draw another rectangle and fill it with a
colour of your choice.
3. Select the rectangle and animate add
4. Make it wipe from left (fig.1)
5. Now edit the animation by clicking effect
options (fig.1)
6. Select the timing tab and type 30 seconds
(or duration of your choice) (fig.2)
7. Place the animated rectangle over the “no
fill” rectangle, make them the same shape
and send it to the back so that you can
see the text. 7
Click to start the timer!

30 seconds!

Adding a ticker
This is useful if you want to leave some information up for
pupils to remind them of something.

1. Insert a text box and place it to the left of

your slide (off the slide)
2. Animate as follows: Add
effect>entrance>crawl in
3. Change direction to from right
4. Pull down the arrow for more options
5. Select timing
6. Manually change to 20 seconds and repeat
Until End of Slide

Accessing the Developer tab
The two remaining items require the Developer tab, the
following instructs you how to show it on the ribbon.

1.Click the Microsoft Office Button

1.Click PowerPoint Options

2.Click Popular, and then select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon
check box.
3.You will now see the Developer tab in the ribbon.

Embedding a Youtube video
This will guide you to be able to embed a Youtube video directly
on to a PowerPoint show. Firstly, you need the Developer tab on
the ribbon

1. Firstly, Open the Developer tab and click on More Controls

2. You will now see a long list of controls that you can add to your
PowerPoint presentation. Scroll through the list and select Shockwave flash

3. Click OK to continue  use your cursor to draw a rectangular image

somewhere on the slide. This rectangular object will eventually hold the
YouTube video, so try to draw it accordingly but you can resize it later.
4. Right-click and select properties.
Embedding a Youtube video continued
Once you click properties you will see the box on the right 
5. Now you must add the URL of the YouTube video to the Movie
field. You will have to make a couple of changes here to ensure
that your video plays correctly. In my example, the original URL of
this video on YouTube is:

6. Before adding this URL to the Movie field, delete the “watch?”
text and replace the “=” that follows the “v” with a “/” character.
The resulting URL would look like this:

7. You may also choose to make other changes in the Properties

window, depending on how you want your video to play. In this
example, I’ve changed the Loop field to False since I only want
the video to play through one time. In addition, I also changed the
Playing field to False because I’d rather manually start the video
than have it automatically begin to play when the slide is shown.

8. Click on the “x” in the upper right-hand corner of the window to 7

close it. All of your changes will be saved.
Embedding a Youtube video example

Enabling text typing during a presentation
This requires the Developer tab, it is useful if you want
pupils to label something on a slide.

1. Make a slide on which you want pupils to add

information. My example shows a plant cell to label.
2. Colour the background of the slide so that you can see
the text boxes easily.
3. Open the Developer tab and select textbox (active X

4. The mouse cursor turns into a crosshair, which is a

drawing tool. Click and drag diagonally to draw a text
box large enough to type into.

Enabling text typing during a presentation ctd…

5. The default font selection will

probably be too small to see easily if
you project the computer to a
screen. Many properties of a text
box can be changed. To do so, right-
click the text box and select

6. From the list of properties

available select Font. Change the
font as you would normally.

7. Copy and paste your text boxes

just like you would with any object.

See an example on the next slide.

Label a plant cell

Word bank
chloroplast > vacuole > cytoplasm > cell wall> mitochondrion > nucleus >
cytoplasmic membrane >
Adding a scroll bar
If you think that you may need more space in which to
type than is available in the text box then you can add a
scroll bar.

Use the same process as for a regular text box object, but add the
following step:

In the Properties list, find the Scrolling section and click on

ScrollBars. Select option 2. When your text no longer fits in the text
box object, it will automatically create a scroll bar on the right side.
(If your text does fit in the text box object, no scroll bar will appear.)
Make sure you have selected MultiLine: True.

This feature is also useful if you have a lot of text to describe a

picture on a slide. Rather than creating multiple slides with the
same picture, you can use a scrollable text box to contain your long
text. 7

1. 120
2. 345
3. 657
4. 827
5. 4764
6. 7251

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