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NOMBRE: ___________________ E-MAIL:____________________________ FONO: __________


1. Complete the text using comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives (in brackets)
(old) I’m __older____ than my brother, but my dad is _the oldest__ person in my family.
(big) China is _________ than India, but ___________ country in the world is Russia.
(good) I think Messi is _________ than Ronaldo, but ___________ player was Maradona.
(easy) What’s ___________ language to learn? Well, English is __________ than Chinese.
(popular) Tennis is ______________ than rugby, but football is __________________ sport.

2. Select “-ing” form or infinitive with “to” of the verbs (in brackets) to complete the sentences.
(do/relax) _Doing_ yoga is a good way _to relax_.
(work/earn) I need __________ __________ money.
(use/kill) __________ your smarphone __________ a mosquito isn’t a very good idea.
(learn/speak) __________ __________ English is fun, sometimes.

3. Use the verbs (in brackets) in present perfect and past simple to complete the text
(live) How long __have__ you _lived_ in Liverpool? I ________ ________ here for three years.
(go) ________ you ever ________ to Paris? No, I ________, but I would like to go there.
(eat) He ________ never ________ frog’s legs, but last year he ________ snails in a French restaurant.
(see) _________ you ________ the film Casablanca? Yes, in fact, I ________ it last week.
(meet) _________ you ________ my boss? Yes, I ________ him this morning.
(do) _________ you ________ the dishes yesterday? No, sorry. I’ll do them now.

SCORE 4 ( / 30)

4. Combine "How" or "What" with patient/tall/colour/time/size to complete the questions

a) __How__ __tall__ is your girlfriend ? - She’s about six foot.
b) _______ ________ was your first car ? - It was yellow with black stripes.
c) _______ ________ are you going to call me? - Around eight o’ clock tonight.
d) _______ ________ is that shirt ? - It’s an XXL
e) _______ ________ are you ? - Not very. I don’t like waiting.

5. Complete the conversation with the correct form of look/look at/look like/look as if
- Hey, __look at__ David, he __________ very tired today. He __________ he didn’t get enough sleep last night.
- Yes, you’re right, he __________ a ghost. But you can’t talk, you always __________ you’re half asleep.

J o s é V . L a s t a r r i a 9 3 , 2 º p i s o S a n t i a g o . T e l é f o n o : ( 5 6 2 ) 2 6 3 8 5 4 1 4 . E - m a i l : i n f o @
6. Complete the conversation with some/a little/a lot of/a few/enough/much/many
Do you want _______ sugar in your tea ? - Yes, four spoonfuls please.
Really? Four spoonfuls? - Yeah, sorry, I know it’s __________ calories
Well, it’s just that there’s only _________ left. - You mean there isn’t __________ for me?
No, sorry. But have a biscuit. - OK, thanks, I’ll have __________, if you don’t mind.
OK, take three or four, then. - Just pass me the packet, I’ll leave you __________.

7. Complete the sentences with the past simple and the past simple continuous of the verbs (in brackets).
(talk/interrupt) I __was talking___ to Sarah when Sandra __interrupted___ us.
(see/wear) The first time he __________ her she _________________ red shoes.
(not answer/drive) He _______________ the phone because he ______________ when I called.

8. Complete the text with he/him/his/they/them/their/it/its.

My stupid brother told my parents __he__ was going to buy the car. They weren’t happy and ______ told
______ ______ was a bad idea. ______’s a red sports car and is quite expensive. ______ friends think ______’s
a good idea, of course, because ______’ll be able to give ______ a lift to the beach and to parties in town.

9. Complete the text with will/won’t/will be able to/won’t be able to.

Bad news. We _______________ go on holiday this year, we don’t have enough money, and we ____________
have to work more hours if we want to go on holiday next year. We ____________ need to be careful with our
money, but I think we _______________ pay the rent. We ____________ die, but it ____________ be hard!

SCORE 5 ( / 32)

10. Complete the text with for/since/yet/already and the present perfect of the verbs (in brackets)
(work) I __’ve worked__ twelve hours a day seven days a week __since__ 1989.
(not have) I ________ _______ a girlfriend ______ six years.
(like) I_____ _______ Mandy ______ a long time.
(ask) I_____ ________ ______ her to go out with me.
(not decide) But I don’t know if she will. She _______ ________ _______.

11. Remove the subject (in brackets) and rewrite the sentence in passive voice.
(They) make everything in China these days. Everything is made in China these days___________
(People) call Chicago "The Windy City" _________________________________________________
(I) ate all the cakes. _________________________________________________
(We) speak English here. _________________________________________________
(Someone) told the police about the crash. _________________________________________________

12. Complete the phrases with the verbs (in brackets) to make real (1st), or unreal (2nd), conditionals.
(not be/like) If tigers _weren’t_ so dangerous, I _would like_ to have one as a pet.
(meet/go) You ____________ my new girlfriend if you _________ to the party next week.
(give/go) If I ________ you five dollars, ______ you ______ to the shops and buy me an ice cream?
(have/buy) If I ________ 10 billion dollars I_______________ an island.
(not try/not learn) If you ____________ harder, you ________________ anything.

J o s é V . L a s t a r r i a 9 3 , 2 º p i s o S a n t i a g o . T e l é f o n o : ( 5 6 2 ) 2 6 3 8 5 4 1 4 . E - m a i l : i n f o @
13. Complete the sentences with interesting /interested/bored/boring/exciting/excited
Martha isn’t very _interested_ in going to the museum with her parents. She thinks it will be ___________.
Her parents, however, are very ___________ about it. They think museums are ____________. She wants to do
something more ____________, like going to a heavy metal concert.

14. Complete the text with could/couldn’t/had to/didn’t have to

When I was at school I ____could____ spend time with my friends after school most days, but the rule was that I
_______________ get home before it got dark, so I _______________ stay out too late. I remember that there
were "casual Fridays" when we ________________ wear the school uniform and we _______________ wear
jeans and trainers instead.

16. Report the speech using the verbs say/tell/ask, remember to change the tense, subjects and objects.
Dave --> Mary : "Are you okay ?" Dave ___asked____ Mary if _____she was okay__________.
Mary --> Dave:"All men are liars" She ____________ him ______________________________.
Dave --> Mary:"Does that include me?" He _______________________________________________.
Mary --> Dave: "Yes, it does" __________________________________________________.
Dave --> Mary : "That’s not fair!" __________________________________________________.

SCORE 6 ( / 24)

17. Write about something you used to do, but you don’t do now. Give details and reasons.


SCORE 4 20+ 25+ 25+ 28 +
SCORE 5 - 24+ 24+ 30 +
SCORE 6 - - 18+ 20 +

J o s é V . L a s t a r r i a 9 3 , 2 º p i s o S a n t i a g o . T e l é f o n o : ( 5 6 2 ) 2 6 3 8 5 4 1 4 . E - m a i l : i n f o @

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