Escaleras - Jiujitsu

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Energy Efficient Building Design College Of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago

ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook

DPsbt = DPsbb + [ By / { 1 + ( Asb/Abo)2 } ]
X = [ (DPsbt)3/2 - (DPsbb)3/2 ] / [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
G = 1740 *[ (DPsbt) 3/2 - (DPsbb) 3/2 ] / [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
Table-1: Door Leakage Area
Height (ft) 6.889764 Rendija puerta mm 4 User
Width (ft) 3.28084 Leak-Area (ft2) Input
Area (ft2) 22.60421 Avge 1/8" 0.27 Calculated
Perim (ft) 20.34121 3/4" Undercut 0.36 by Program

Table-2: Elevator Doors

Leak Area (ft2)
Minim 0.55 STAIRWELL
Table-3: Leakage Areas: Walls, Floors
A = Leakage Area As = Surface Area
Construction A/As
Exterior Walls Tight 0.00007
Avg 0.00017 Doors in Series: Leakage Areas = A1 , A2, A3, --
Loose 0.00042
Stairwell Walls Tight 0.00002 A1
Avg 0.00011
Loose 0.00035 Effective Leakage Area (Ae) Doors in Series
Elevator Shaft Walls Tight 0.00018 Ae = [ 1/A12 + 1/A22 + 1/A32 + ----- + 1/An2
Avg 0.00084
Loose 0.00180 ASHRAE Pressure
Floors Avg 0.00005 Recommendation

Building Length (ft) Use square root of floor area if

Building Width (ft) building is not rectangular
Stairwell Plan View Length (ft)
Stairwell Plan View Width (ft)
Temperature of Outdoor Air in Winter (deg F)
To Temperature of Outdoor Air (deg Rankine)
Temperature of Stairwell Air (deg F)
Ts Temperature of Stairwell Air (deg Rankine)
DPsbb MIN Press Difference Stair & Bldg at Bottom of Stair (in)
B B = 7.64 * ( 1/To - 1/Ts )
N Number of Floors
Nod(externas) Number of opened doors
Nod(internas) Number of opened doors
Ncd Number of closet doors
Floor to Floor Height (ft)
y Distance between Stairwell Bottom and Top (ft)
Asdb Leakage Area between Stairwell Door & Bldg Space per Floor (ft2)
Wall Surface Area between Stairwell & Bldg Space per floor (ft2)
Stairwell Wall Tightness Leakage Area (ft2)
Aswb Flow Area between Stairwell Wall & Bldg per Floor (ft2)
Exter Wall Surface Area between Bldg and Outside per Floor (ft2)
Building Exterior Wall Tightness Leakage Area (ft2)
Abo Flow Area between Building & Outside per Floor (ft2)
Asb Total Flow Leakage Area Stairwell & surrounding Space (ft2)
Instructor: Varkie C. Thomas, Ph.D., P.E. Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP Arch-551 (Fall) Arch-552 (Spring)
Energy Efficient Building Design College Of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago

DPsbt MAX Press Difference Stair & Bldg at Top of Stair (in)
DPsb AVG Press Difference between Stair & Bldg Space (in)
X -n [ (DPsbt)3/2 - (DPsbb)3/2 ]
X -d [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
G 1740 *[ (DPsbt) 3/2 - (DPsbb) 3/2 ] / [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
Asboe Flow area between stairwell and building per floor (ft2)
Q exit(CAUDAL DE LA PUERTA DE SALIDA) Supply Air (cfm)

277 CFM for stair pressurization (closed doors) / Note is only for closed doors
500 CFM for stair pressurization (opened doors) / Note is only for opened doors
14451 CFM fos stair pressurization (exit door) / Note is only at the exit door
15228 CFM for stair pressurization


Instructor: Varkie C. Thomas, Ph.D., P.E. Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP Arch-551 (Fall) Arch-552 (Spring)
Energy Efficient Building Design College Of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago

B = 7.64 * ( 1/To - 1/Ts )

Q = 1740 * N * Asb * X
Q = G * N * Asboe

Doors in Parallel: Leakage Areas = A1 , A2, --- An

Effective Leakage Area (Ae)
Ae = A1 + A2 + #VALUE!

Building Length (ft) Use square root of floo
Building Width (ft)

URIZATION Stairwell Plan View Length (ft)

Stairwell Plan View Width (ft)
Temperature of Outdoor Air in Winter (deg F)
To Temperature of Outdoor Air (deg Rankine)
An Temperature of Stairwell Air (deg F)
Ts Temperature of Stairwell Air (deg Rankine)
n Series: Leakage Areas = A1 , A2, A3, --- An DPsbb MIN Press Difference Stair & Bldg at Bottom o
B B = 7.64 * ( 1/To - 1/Ts )
An N Number of Floors
Floor to Floor Height (ft)
tive Leakage Area (Ae) Doors in Series y Distance between Stairwell Bottom and Top (
2 2 2 2 -0.5
[ 1/A1 + 1/A2 + 1/A3 + ----- + 1/An ] Asdb Leakage Area between Stairwell Door & Bldg
Wall Surface Area between Stairwell & Bldg S
Minimum Stairwell Pressure (in. H2O) = Dpmin 0.06 Stairwell Wall Tightness Leakage Area (ft2)
Maximum Stairwell Pressure (in. H2O) = 0.551 Aswb Flow Area between Stairwell Wall & Bldg per
Exter Wall Surface Area between Bldg and Ou
47.4081364829396 Lb Building Exterior Wall Tightness Leakage Area
35.2690288713911 Wb Abo Flow Area between Building & Outside per Flo
19.5209973753281 Ls Asb Total Flow Leakage Area Stairwell & surround
8.20209973753281 Ws DPsbt MAX Press Difference Stair & Bldg at Top of St
86 to DPsb AVG Press Difference between Stair & Bldg Sp
546 To = to + 460 X -n [ (DPsbt)3/2 - (DPsbb)3/2 ]
95 X -d [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
555 Ts = ts + 460 Q Supply Air (cfm)
0.1 PD-min
0.00023 B = 7.64 * ( 1/To - 1/Ts )
4 N
10.6627296587927 H
42.65 y=N*H
0.27 Dor-lkg See Table-1 or -2
591.207779637782 W-sb = 2 * ( Ls + Ws ) * H
0.00011 Str-lkg See Table-3 ###
0.065032855760156 F-sb = W-sb * Str-lkg
1763.12852625705 Wall-ext = 2 * ( Lb + Wb ) * H * N
0.00017 Bld-lkg See Table-3
0.29973 F-bo = W * Bld-lkg
0.33198 Tot-lkg = Dor-lkg + Str-lkg
Instructor: Varkie C. Thomas, Ph.D., P.E. Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP Arch-551 (Fall) Arch-552 (Spring)
Energy Efficient Building Design College Of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago

0.10435 Fan Static Pressure

0.10217 PD-avg = ( PD-min + PD-max ) / 2
0.00208 PD-max = PD-min +
0.00435 (B*y) / (1+(Tot-lkg/F-bo)^2 )
834.3 1740 *[ (DPsbt) 3/2 - (DPsbb) 3/2 ] / [ DPsbt - DPsbb ]
0.30 Ae = [ 1/A12 + 1/A22 + 1/A32 + ----- + 1/An2 ] -0.5
1,108 Q = 1740*N*Asb*X-n/X-d
500 Q = G*N*Asboe
14,451 Q = 2610*Ad*Dpmin^0.5

0.21 0.247058824 0.061038062 1.06103806228


Instructor: Varkie C. Thomas, Ph.D., P.E. Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP Arch-551 (Fall) Arch-552 (Spring)
Energy Efficient Building Design College Of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago

Use square root of floor area if 132

building is not rectangular 120

Outdoor Air in Winter (deg F) 10
Outdoor Air (deg Rankine) 546
Stairwell Air (deg F) 70
Stairwell Air (deg Rankine) 555
ence Stair & Bldg at Bottom of Stair (in) 0.05
n Stairwell Bottom and Top (ft) 43
ween Stairwell Door & Bldg Space per Floor (ft2) 0.27
a between Stairwell & Bldg Space per floor (ft2) 591.20777964
htness Leakage Area (ft2) 0.00011
en Stairwell Wall & Bldg per Floor (ft2) 0.0650328558
e Area between Bldg and Outside per Floor (ft2) 1763.1285263
Wall Tightness Leakage Area (ft2) 0.00017
en Building & Outside per Floor (ft2) 0.29973
ge Area Stairwell & surrounding Space (ft2) 0.33198
ence Stair & Bldg at Top of Stair (in) 0.10435
ence between Stair & Bldg Space (in) 0.10217

Instructor: Varkie C. Thomas, Ph.D., P.E. Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP Arch-551 (Fall) Arch-552 (Spring)

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