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BIO 242 (Cudaback)

Summer 2009 SSCC

Quiz I

1. Proprioceptors include all of the following EXCEPT

a. Golgi tendon organs
b. muscle spindles
c. joint kinesthetic receptors
d. tactile discs

2. Dorsal root ganglia contain

a. axon terminals of somatic and autonomic motor neurons
b. axon terminals of sensory afferents
c. cell bodies of somatic motor neurons only
d. cell bodies of sensory afferents

3. The peripheral nervous system includes all of the following subdivisions

a. spinal cord
b. somatic efferents
c. sensory afferents
d. parasympathetic

4. Which of the following cranial nerves serves regions beyond the head and
a. optic
b. vagus
c. trochlear
d. vestibulocochlear

5. The autonomic nervous system can stimulate all of the following EXCEPT
a. cardiac muscle
b. skeletal muscle
c. smooth muscle
d. glandular tissue

6. Which of the following neurotransmitters is most likely to be released onto

effector organs upon sympathetic activation?
a. acetylcholine
b. epinephrine
c. norepinephrine
d. dopamine
7. Taste receptors are called
a. hair cells
b. olfactory receptors
c. gustatory receptors
d. taste buds

8. Lens accommodation is controlled by the

a. ciliary muscle
b. superior rectus muscle
c. superior oblique muscle
d. dilator pupillae muscle

9. The photoreceptors of the eye can be found in which of the following

a. cornea
b. retina
c. sclera
d. choroid

10. The highest concentration of cones is found in the

a. optic disc
b. fovea centralis
c. iris
d. sclera

11. The clear jelly-like material located just posterior to the lens is called the
a. choroid
b. aqueous humor
c. vitreous humor
d. uvea

12. Of the neurons in the retina, which axons form the optic nerve?
a. bipolar neurons
b. ganglion cells
c. amacrine cells
d. horizontal cells

13. Your sense of balance or equilibrium is associated with what other special
a. sight
b. smell
c. hearing
d. taste
14. Olfaction is the special sense associated with
a. sight
b. smell
c. hearing
d. taste

15. As visible light passes through the lens it bends in a process called
a. dispersion
b. reflection
c. refraction
d. accommodation

16. The photoreceptors of your visual system are called

a. bipolar cells
b. rods and cones
c. ganglion cells
d. hair cells

17. All of the following classes of molecules can act as hormones EXCEPT
a. nucleotides
b. lipids
c. peptides
d. steroids

18. Pituitary hormones are released in response to direct communication with

what brain structure?
a. cerebral cortex
b. cerebellum
c. brain stem
d. hypothalamus

19. All of the following are examples of endocrine organs EXCEPT

a. liver
b. adrenals
c. pituitary
d. thyroid

20. Stimulation of hormone release by changing blood levels of certain

molecules is called
a. hormonal stimulus
b. humoral stimulus
c. neural stimulus
d. synergistic stimulus
21. The hormone insulin is produced by beta cells in which organ?
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. pituitary
d. adrenals

22. Testosterone is to the male as what hormone is to the female?

a. luteinizing hormone
b. follicle stimulating hormone
c. estrogen
d. progesterone

23. All of the following hormones are produced by the pituitary gland EXCEPT
a. luteinizing hormone
b. growth hormone
c. thyrotropin-releasing hormone
d. oxytocin

24. The hypophyseal portal system consists of capillaries that directly connect
a. hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
b. hypothalamus and posterior pituitary
c. anterior and posterior pituitary
d. pituitary and thyroid

25. Target cell specificity in the endocrine system is ensured by

a. autocrine signaling
b. paracrine signaling
c. expression of the corresponding receptor
d. production of the specific hormone

26. Release of hormone in response to an increase in plasma calcium

concentrations describes which of the following control mechanisms?
a. humoral stimulus
b. hormonal stimulus
c. neural stimulus
d. none of the above

27. All of the following are examples of peptide hormones EXCEPT

a. growth hormone
b. cortisol
c. oxytocin
d. insulin
28. The adrenal glands produce and release all of the following hormones
a. testosterone
b. adrenaline
c. aldosterone
d. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

29. The process of “iodide trapping” by the thyroid requires

a. active transport of iodide into the follicle cell
b. passive diffusion of iodide into the follicle cell
c. iodide passage with water by bulk flow
d. no expenditure of energy

30. The parathyroid gland responds to falling plasma calcium concentrations

a. releasing thyroid hormone
b. releasing parathyroid hormone
c. releasing calcitonin
d. inhibiting the release of parathyroid hormone

31. Insulin is produced by the

a. parafollicular cells of the thyroid
b. alpha cells of the pancreas
c. beta cells of the pancreas
d. liver

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