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Andrés Felipe Ruiz

Natalia Uribe
Julián Montealegre
Place: United States

J: My whole life has led to this moment. Dad, mom , my audition to New York Academy of
Dramatic Arts is this week. My entire future is riding on this audition.
A:You can’t be taking risks! And you didn’t tell me anything of going to do arts in New York.
That city is very dangerous. If you are alone on the streets, you will get stealed.
M:Why didn’t you tell us first! If you tell us before, we’ll let you go by our permission.
J: You can’t be serious! It’s my dream to become a star.By the way, if I’m in New York, i’ll
improve my english and know more culture.
A: The arts aren’t important. You can be an engineer or mathematician, and those careers
got high paid jobs. You will be successful if you enroll in a conventional career.
M: By the way, you can’t find a job with arts that can pay you a lot of money. If you are an
engineer, you’ll get more titles..
J:But arts are everything I have. You can’t tell me that follow my dreams is wrong. If I enter
in the Academy, I will demonstrate you in my performances that my life is better with arts in
A:That sounds silly! And by the way, how will you go to New York? We don’t have money.
that tuition fee is expensive!
M: If you work hard, you will pay your tuition and ticket to the most infested city.
J:But… Mom! I’ll need a gap year to get that amount of money. Please, help me. I want to
study in the most incredible Academy in the whole world! if i get a part time job, i’ll pay my
own education.
A: You can enroll in any college here. The fact is that you are being a big dreamer. If you
drop arts, I’ll pay you off the student loan on a local college
M:. And i don’t even imagine what would you there, you’re so curious and always trying new
and risky things. I hope you don’t get in trouble. If you spend all your money on fast food,
you won’t pay your college tuition.
J: Of course not. I’m just focused to be a great performer. I will be a big star if I do what I’m
good at. So, if you don’t let me be who I want to be, I’ll just go off.
A. if you go to New York, you’ll lost everything you have here!
J: I know I have talent in the arts. If I roll in the Academy, I’ll get more recognition. Because
I’m good at. If I do arts, I’ll be able to devote myself and many skills.
M&A: Okay. We already told you our parameters, so end of this argument.

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