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AGOV 50 States Unit

City Mini-poster Bonus Project

This bonus project is optional and will be worth a quiz (minor) grade.
As long as there is effort put into it you will not receive less than an 85.
>>> This assignment is due by Monday, August 31st <<<

Choose one of the nine cities listed on your unit guide and create a mini-poster on an 8 ½ x
11 sheet of paper. It can be computer-generated or done by hand. My intent is for you to
produce an informative product that other students can learn something from in under a
At the very least the mini-poster should include the name of the city rather prominently
along with any of the following information (but don’t include so much information that it
seems “stuffed”)

Origin of the city’s name

When the city was established, settled, and/or incorporated

The city’s nickname (if it has one)

The city’s flag

A map of the city




Notable events in this city’s history

Notable people from this city

Well-known businesses headquartered in this city

Quirky and/or interesting facts about this city

(your grade will improve if they are things I didn’t already know)

Any other information or graphic you think enhances your mini-poster.

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